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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by JohnnyTazer

  1. Just now, LeoCora said:

    there is nothing for me to 'get over'.  just because its 'the internet' doesn't give people licence to be sub-human.  im simply making the point that however people try to excuse their behaviour 'because its the internet' it doesnt change the fact that some people get off on just pi55ing on peoples day.. and thats quite sad.. even on 'the internet'... I saw the comms that the organiser from boo sent out.  he/she seemed to be quite an angry person... maybe finding it hard to cope with some mental issues who knows... because of that i try to give people on 'the internet' some slack.. you don't know what personal problems people are suffering from that makes them that way... 


    Seems your issue is more with NQ, and how they made their game in a way that allows anyone to go shoot anyone at any time, in the pvp zone. Might wanna direct your criticisms there, not at the people "playing the game as intended".

  2. Now here me out guys, I got a great idea for a game.  Its a single shard universe where everything happens in one game world, and its all player driven.  Now it might be a bit too hard for builders to give them the materials needed to make epic structures, so we are gonna put a another single shard where you have access everything, and can test your builds before putting it to test in the other single shard.  And we know some people like pvp, so we are gonna put another single shard where people can freely make events and get a fun pvp match, and not worry about the griefers showing up.  Now we all know this game will take time, so we are also gonna add a single shard test server so we can test new content we put in the game.   The player driven possibilities are endless. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, iNFiDeL said:

    You already know what I called you guy, and I explained to you exactly what it was, shit talk nothing more nothing less. If you want a dm'd personal apology cause it offended you honestly, then so be it but I highly doubt that is the case so move along. 

    I mean shit talking is one thing.  But raging over a video game (where the party you yelled at truly did nothing wrong) and using certain slurs doesnt paint a good image for you.  But no one is perfect and we all make mistakes.  But if you make a meaningful apology here (for the slur, the shit talking was ok) then I will consider it all water near a bridge, and we can move on.

  4. 4 minutes ago, iNFiDeL said:

    Quit acting like I said anything with homophobic intent, you sound like Fox New and CNN rolled together in a fat blunt. No one gives a shit what your sexual preferences are now a days its 2021 grow tf up guy everyone can be whatever they want to be, why the hell would that bother me? 


    Now your just being a rat though guy and its way not cool, about as cool as shitting on a RP event cause your bored, "cough cough" BOO.


    No one here is crying, its over this shit already happened, they are calling BOO out for being trashy about it and ruining at least some peoples experience in the event, yes not everyone got shot some just didn't even get to participate. You don't spend your day planning to ruins someone else day unless you are a POS pretty simple concept, quite certain a psychologist or psychiatrist would agree their something going on if that's your goals. In game out of game doesn't matter. At least I admit my mental instabilities which is more than I can say for all these goons jerking off to salt in chat. The reason I went on my little rampage of shit talk was simple. I missed my chance at some pew pew, so now why now pew pew the jerk off's who ruined it, but in chat, not like I'm going to waste my time learning to pvp in a game I have no interest pvping in, I was only at the event because it was star wars. I'd rather stick to my building here and pew pew on a game that has some actual depth to pvp.  


    My real issue here is you got involved JohnnyTazer and are all butt hurt when you had absolutely nothing to do with any of it you wern't even there. I called you some names in a server that was literally made for shit talking, get tf over it. You were the one in chat joining in with the salt meme spams, the "cry about its" and the "snowflake/carebears" comments but now you want everyone to feel sorry for you because I called you a name that has zero merit, purpose or basis it was just shit talk. I don't know who tf you are so quit getting offended like I pissed in your cornflakes kid.

    Cant quite hack it in open world pvp games can you?  

  5. 2 minutes ago, ShippyLongstalking said:

    Because that wouldn't be fair use. It's not complicated -- promotion in this context would clearly be a for-profit enterprise rather than artistic expression protected by fair use. Not NQ's job to explain what can be easily Googled. 

    You know this is the guy you banned, but then came back immediately with his alt accounts...? like, he's not a positive force of discussion on this forum and you can't throw a rock on his comment history without finding things that violate TOUs. 

    If that were true, why did they make the guy change the name ingame from Stargate Command?  thats his artistic expression right?  

  6. 1 hour ago, NQ-Naunet said:

    Hey there. :)

    "Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but not the idea itself. A copyright is subject to limitations based on public interest considerations..."

    Star Wars-esque constructs and/or events fall within "fair use" (not sure what it's called in Canada/France, so forgive the US terminology).


    We appreciate the concern, however. It's always good to surface subjects like this to ensure we continue to be compliant. ?

    Can you tell me about the time you made someone ingame change their ship names from Stargate Command?  And why when someone put a screen shot of an ED ship on twitter it was taken down.  Why did you guys promote ship expo's in game, but did no promotion on this STAR WARS event?   Have you guys ever posted a screen shot of a star wars made ship on your official Twitter?  Can you send me a link. And if not, why havent you?  Would be a great way to promote the game since millions of people obviously love star wars, you can show them that its possible to make star wars ships and fly them just like in the movies!! A good way to boost subscriptions to your game.  

  7. 2 minutes ago, ShippyLongstalking said:

    so this is why many people think PvP is dumb. This is why the whole idea of making a "civilization" game with a bunch of "pvpers" is pointless.


    not because of "childish crying", not because of game mechanics, but because many PvPers act like children. The level of hypocrisy here is just mind-numbingly stupid. 


    elementary-school name calling and casual bigotry isn't PvP. Trash-talking isn't PvP. 


    Homophobic slurs should be banned offenses -- yeah I remember the 90s, too, when that sort of stuff was widely permitted..it was hell for many of us. Grow up.

    Also...like...why does Tazer even still have an account...? this is the same dude that got suspended so he just jumped onto an alt to keep posting and didn't bother to even hide it. 


    Hey NQ -- do I need to spam employee linkedIns to get some moderation? Or will you actually review/ban this trash...? I get that making a civilization game is hard, but at least figure out how to make a civilized forum. 

    Yes, its the SW people who are using the homophobic slurs.   If you wanna really go with the civilization building thing, every single civilization there has been in real life, is a result of pvp.  Did you even pay attention in history class?  

  8. 1 minute ago, joaocordeiro said:

    On this i agree with you. 

    NQ does not support any discord channel. 

    What ever happens there is not relevant to be said here.


    The only exception to this rule is quoting some discord text that explains in game actions. 

    Like "after seeing the explosion, our captain ordered every one to repair the ship"


    Anything else is out of scope. 

    It is relevant.  I'm not asking NQ to take any action as it was in a 3rd party app.  But that doesn't mean people shouldnt know what type of person he is. So they can distance themselves from him.  and not support bigotry like that.  

  9. Just now, LeoCora said:

    i think you are missing the point... everyone on the in fleet comms i heard had fun still even with the event being gate crashed.  but its the toxicity that followed that soured the event.  Loads of BOO joined the discord page for the sole purpose of abusing people.  It was nothing to do with BOO wanting to have fun.. the comms from BOO prove they just wanted to ruin peoples day... thats very different  from also wanting to have fun.  

    Maybe you arent in the meme discord server. Someone who was in the SW event, came in and started cursing at BOO. They even started repeatedly hurling homophobic slurs at BOO and even me, just because I said it was "cool BOO showed up to get content".   And more of the same in this form.  BTW if you wanna know it was that InFiDel guy.  Repeatedly was calling people homophobic slurs.  So you got a bigot amongst you guys in that SW event.  Maybe should think about excluding him for future stuff.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Devian said:

    What is so wrong with people just having plain old fun? And why are so so angry about it when you don't even play.....


    Nothing wrong with people having fun. What is wrong is when BOO shows up (in a game with open world, single shard server) to ALSO have fun, that people cry like little baby bitches, and shout out words like griefing, and toxic, when in fact BOO has every right to be there to shoot and have fun too.  And my stance is its even better for the game that BOO did show up.  Ask any of the ATOM guys, they said they had a blast shooting at BOO.  Unpredictability is FUN, letting the players choose is FUN, and BOO exercised their right to show up.  All good things.  If you don't care that BOO showed up to try and shit on the SW ships, then I am not talking to you, its the people crying about it saying they are ruining the game.

  11. 1 minute ago, Devian said:

    As the Event organizer I'd like to just clarify a few things, points *cross post from our discord and respond to a few of the comments here.


    The purpose of the public fleets is to create content, any and all content fully expecting someone to troll the event. Hence why Atom was hired. 


    This was the 3rd public fleet and DU Creators approached me and we decided this one could be Star Wars themed.


    We had close to close to 300 participants not including BOO and CO on dozens of discords and comms and French, Germans and other global communities attended in numbers so I'm going to call it an outstanding success and it was great for the game. Yes the Star Destroyer was head shot! shrug a little sad we didn't get to shoot at the rebels and maybe 8 hours of prep work down the toilet but i enjoyed slapping cheap voxel and weapons on it. It's a sandbox mmo and it was expected.


    Heaps of pilots from all sides got to fly their ships and had a chance to pew pew from the guys flying their comedy DeathStars, Ties or beautiful Rebel ships up to the Hardcore PVP'rs that brawled well outside the event boundries for a good 40 minutes later.  I had hoped BOO was going to bring SW ships as they some of them had planned or the hell of it.


    In terms of what actually happened. We didn't need better guards and the only mistake made yesterday was mine. I assumed BOO wasn't coming based on discussions with Deravi and I assumed Blitz would bring some star wars ships to have fun. Deravi has a lose connection with BOO uses their beacon etc so I advised Mulligan that Atom pilots could take part in the event and we didn't need all of AC to guard the Star Wars ships. It was a casual miscalculation and opened the door to be trolled. We were unsure right up until end and we had some intel that BOO might come but I dismissed it. Had AC formed properly BOO probably wouldn't have the numbers to do much even with a few Havoc ships. Given the state of game and the armor on the SD wasn't made to deal with meta L cores it still would have died. I could have also just not taken the SD out but content is better than no content as I've stated for all public fleets. That's what actually happened.


    Demlock formed BOO for this because for the last major event they didn't get any numbers so he effectively rage pinged because BOO wants to stay 'relevant' in DU because they don't pvp and when they do they hide behind rivers of gold and it takes them weeks to recover and they can't actually stand up to the AC who had most of its pilots in the event or not online because we assumed they weren't coming. If all of Atom had its ships there with Hyperion, Shield, STC, and the rest of AC formed they probably wouldn't have even bothered trying to come get a cheap star destroyer kill. 


    So spin away but that's what actually happened. 


    @ Johnny calm your farm boy and stop being so toxic you don't even log in anymore bro. No need to swear and hurf blurf so much. Everyone loves star wars and your comments about it being bad were proven completely false I've had numerous groups thank me for organizing it and they had fun.


    @ BOO pilots stop trying to explain yourself or justify your actions with nonsense about its a pvp zone or the ships should have been meta or whatever other nonsense. The event was organised as a non meta pvp event fully knowing it could be trolled.  You came to the event to troll and crash the event that's legit. Own it. Just be chill and classy about it instead of being a bunch of toxic keyboard warriors attacking people for enjoying the game they want to play it. Swearing, calling the event 'Gay' or "Sh#ting on Role players. There just isn't any need for it. Be classy about it. You can still play big bad wolf without sounding like a redneck bigot.  


    Lastly the behavior of some people on here and on the event discord channels is probably the only thing that disappoints me. Save it for the meme server if you have to behave like that to feel good about yourself. 


    See you at the next public fleet.


    Devian, BlackBriar Mercenary Inc



    Future of this game doesn't involve star wars. 

  12. 1 minute ago, joaocordeiro said:

    If you cant stand ppl that cant stand ppl doing things they dont expect..... 

    Nope. This argumentation is worthless. 


    JohnnyTazer uses any excuse he can think of dodge the questions. Its his nature. 


    This "Star Wars" theme being IP infringement that later on was changed (also by johnny) to what does Star Wars has to do with DU is just some way to dodge his responsibility on his decision. 


    Just like several ppl admited they did it because they could. 


    Why do we need to continue this 10 year's old endless conversation with someone constantly changing his motive to do what he did?

    I didnt even attend the Event, im apart of ATOM who held SECURITY for it.  so what did I do?  

  13. 8 hours ago, GraXXoR said:

    Says a presumably grown adult male playing an imaginary spaceship computer game... ? ?

    Couldn’t make this shit up. 

    Simple minded response from a simple minded person.  I actually do like star wars, tho I prefer Star Trek TNG (season 2-5 were amazing to me and quintessial Star Trek, tho Im sure its different for everyone since there is so much Star trek content out there to choose from).  Im going to try to get down to your intelligence level so I can make you understand, though it wont be easy. 


    Why was the Star Wars event "stupid"?  Because of how the game currently is, and because how they went about hosting it, and how it doesn't help further the lore and game experience of DU.  Majority of star wars ships cant stand up to any battle, even from other "role playing pvp ships".  There are no "shields" or other mechanics, only voxels and elements. Those ships die in 1-2 shots.  Fights that go that fast are rarely fun.  You need a little time to actually maneuver, fire your weapons, do some dmg, stuff like that.  So that if you are on the losing end you can be like "well that was fun!!".  


    Second, you are hosting it in a game where the pvp zone is 100% open to anyone who has access to the server.  And you are posting public  coordinates for weeks ahead of time.  What did you fucking expect?  The people hosting this event dont dictacte who can and come be in an area of space, or pvp space in this instance.  That is unless you have the capabilities to shoot them down. Which they didn't.  So BOO showed up and shot at some ships.  Its their right to do so.  They are playing DUAL universe, and are paying memebers.  They are also representing the game, and wanting to be pirates in the game of dual universe, not pretending to be some other IP.  


    The actual health and sustainability of DU will not, and never will, hinge on a few fringe events held by LARPers wanting to fantasize about some other sc-fi franchise.  And there are many better games that are suited for roleplaying in that created universe.  DU in its current form just showed you its not a good candidate for that type of shit.   If DU is to ever compete with other sci-fi mmo's its better served creating its own lore, and real events surrounding the game (maybe someone trying to take over an outer planet, attempting to enforce  their rules and regulate trade on that planet ) and let the players react to it.  (Probably why EvE online has been around 20 years.  It creates its own lore and own stories.  It doesn't have to STEAL shit).


    Lasty, ask yourself this.  Is this star wars event, or anything similar using someone else's IP, really the FUTURE of DU?  Like, is that how JC and NQ will promote their game.  "Hey guys, its 2023 and here we are again for our monthly Star Wars pvp event, where it will teleport you to an area and let you choose which side to fight for, rebels or empire!!"   No.  And it wont "get new people into PVP"  at all.  Because those pvp ships dont work in the current meta (we all know pvp is broken and needs more love).  What will get new people into pvp is a very cool and dynamic enviroment to pew in., And reasons to pew pew.  Along with mechanics that make XS and S cores ACTUALLY viable in the meta (think EvE online how even the smallest frigates provide very real pvp roles that are vital to certain fleets).  THOSE MECHANICS are what will further the game, and make pvp fun, and videos show casing that will draw even more people in.  Especially when the cost of fielding a ship goes down significantly so that a loss or two doesn't hurt you.


    If DU actually succeeds as a game, and makes it to release, This stupid star wars event will be forgotten.  And its already proven by BOO showing up, and all the cry babies that poured salt over it,  that it generates way more interest and things to talk about.  And shows how open world PvP is the one true way, and that letting the players use ingame tools, and ships to shape the ingame world is vastly superior than any stolen IP event.  

  14. This is dual universe. Not star wars universe.  Stealing intellectual property should not be condoned by NQ.  They need to step up and ban any further events.  NQ doesn't own or have rights to star wars.  And I'm here to play dual universe not star wars. Hopefully NQ steps up and does the right thing.  

  15. The star wars "event" was stupid anyway. Has no place in DU. Like, is that what DU is gonna be? Hosting stolen IP events once every 2 months so you can circle jerk over a different franchise? I'd rather see DU progress, no regress. And any measures taken by NQ to sanction a stupid ass star wars event and regulate it is straight regression.  Move forwards not backwards. This game isnt star wars.  

  16. 4 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said:

    IP starwars event is closer to a ship expo than to a declaration of war. (does not matter how many "?" and "!" you put there)


    But there right now im simply calling BS on this:



    Your example of blockade had 29 ppl interested(9 on twiter, 20 on youtube) 


    While zenith's event gathered allot of volunteers to promote the game to its 295k subscritores, getting 17k view and 585 likes. 


    So, BS. 

    Its absolute BS that you and your tactics are in any way a a major player in promoting the game. 

    Its all BS excuses. 

    Im comparing pvp to pvp.   BOO is better for the overall game than Star Wars events.  Always will be.  This isn't star wars.  It will never be Star Wars.  


    And you keep talking about the EXPO, when I never talked about it. EVER. Nor did I ever say it was "bad for the game" or didnt promote DU.  So keep making shit up I guess, only thing your good at. 

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