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Posts posted by Anaximander



       Nobody chooses to call themselves Twerkmotor. Then again, nobody would believe them Arkships were ever going to be needed. They called me crazy, them top-heads and generals, calling me insane for pointing out the obvious trap we were heading ourselves into. 

      Have you ever wandered why we would ever put ourselves in hybernation, if we have warp-drives? It diffuses the purpose doesn't it? Well, have you ever wandered, why your first instinctual thought when hearing about spaceship is "big guns" ? Why you think of alien worlds and the first twitching motion is the trigger-finger squeezing? That's right soldier, now it all comes back, doesn't it?

     They told us the war would bring safety to humanity. They told us the war would secure humanity's existence for ages to come. I guess those buzcut heads must function as echochambers, since there seemed to be no brain whatsoever left in those top-notch generals. The aliens knew our tactics, they had millenians to perfect war, they only had to amp the scale of one tactic in particular and we were done for. Scorched Earth they called it back in the day, the aliens called "Collapsing a Star". 
     Do you know what happens, when you warp into a system and the star collapses? You never come out of warp. The black hole's orbit flings you past it, as warp will allow you to exceed the escape velocity of the black hole, but at what cost? Say bye bye to your loved ones, you won't be seeing them EVER again.

     I told the top-notch grizzly pilots in fancy uniforms that the aliens collapsed the stars, it's not something that happens every other time and so often. They called me crazy. "Noone can collapse a star. It's beyond ANY technology that can exist" they said. I guess handling a rail-gun makes EVERYONE expert in nuclear fusion and weak nuclear interactions. When Alpha Centauri's binary stars collapsed at the same time, we knew we were done for. 4.5 years they gave us to pack everyone of importance into the Arkships. That's how long the gamma radiation would take to reach planet Earth and turn its own atmosphere into a microwave oven. They came to me, told me that I had foresight , they told me my knowledge wa valued. 

    I showed them my brother's death-mail, saying he was K.I.A. after the battle of Kaliban system. I showed them my wife's last letter, having it made into a portrait. For your information, she went "missing", along with an entire squadron of ships under her command. She never had time for children, she had to fight the good fight you see. I told them I will be waiting the end on my lawn, possibly with the barbeque going.

    They told me the aliens had lost control of their tech that disrupted the core of stars, something about quantum frequencies, how the galactic center was "infected" by the disruption of the aliens' weapon. Yeah, guess what happens when you disrupt a supermassive black hole. That's where the Arkships came in.

    It was tech meant for EXTREMELY long travels. Warp can make a travel to a system ten light years away to last only a day or two. But another galaxy altogether? That took time. Time that would be needed spent in cryosleep. They told me I could make a difference in humanity's new era, far away, to a galaxy safe from possible quantum frequency disruptions in the core of its stars. I said yes to that. That would be a good way to make my life worth its while.

    Guess what, the aliens had blown up their own territory's stars so much, they were out of materials to enact their own Project Ark. One last hurray in being assholes, amirite? Even as we boarded the arkships, those friggin' aliens kept fighting us. They got our starbird side in a kinetic barrage - tell you what, Arkships are enormous, cumbersome, up until they hit warp, then they fly as fast as any star-hopper jet could. One in every ten arkships was destroyed. I retrospect, I hope those were the last things I could recall.

    While being prepped for cryostasis, I took the liberty of conversing with the men and women in my pod-group. I asked them of what their field of expertise was, given my assumption that the arkships would have people of science to help rebuild humanity. As I asked the first man on my left, he replied "Heavy Weapons operator". The woman across me said, "Sniper" in a hick accent. Slowlly, every other person spoke up and soon, they all started exchanging their batallion numbers, where they had served, how man drops in power armor they had under their belts, confirmed kills, stories of gorious glory. Then it hit me. I wasn't there to rebuild humanity. I was there to build weapons for a new and senseless war when the time comes.

    I had ninety centuries of cryo sleep and lucid dreams to see the same nightmare. My brother, dying in an onslaught of aliens, then I saw others' brothes dying, others' wives dying. I saw the endless cycle of hate and misery, brought by a "new" humanity, rooted in a military gene pool.  That's how it started, getting mad.

    Now, as I'm standing here, awoken, unfrozen, isolated in the bridge of the arkship, with every airlock open in the ship and every cryopod ejected down the planet, I only have to wonder how long will these grunts take to kill each other with sticks and stones. Surelly, it won't be long. I wasn't thinking straight, I must have dropped some engineers down the planet alongside the soldiers. Which gave me a better idea. Why build weapons for the army, when I can start selling weapons to everyone? Why not feed both sides of the war with the same weapons? Why not make myself less of a threat, give myself a silly-ass name. Yes, war never changes they say. Weapons though do. And it's due time for some upgrades. Perhaps... quantum-frequencies is the direction I should dwell into.

  2. Other people think of spaceships like the Millenium Falcon.

    Others get a semi-boner by thinking of shark-like battlecruisers out of the Lost Fleet series.

    Others think of the redonkulous ships out of Star Trek.

    And here I am, having a full-boner for a ship shaped like a jackhammer, pounding holes and leaving planets in my wake that look like a cheesewheel.

  3. Either energy or ballistic, could we be able to build weapons as we want them to be? Will there be a smaller version of voxels, smaller than 25cm for us to build weapons out of, or will they be pre-made meshes? I mean, I know it's asking for the house and the kitchen sink, but still, can't help but wonder.

  4. It has also been confirmed that there will be no super weapons. I also just found out that there will be no limit to how big you can go with designs and such. So building a Deathstar/Starkiller Base will be possible. Having it destroy star systems, not so much.


    Well, if ballistic weapons have kinetic energy dispersion properties, I have some bad news for... well, everyone. Broadsides from a deathstar's bajillion cannons. While blowing up systems won't be in the game, making the surface of a planet into cream cheese by hurling a meteor shower by a giant penis-shaped battleship in space, COULD be a possibility. I mean,a resource hog, SURE, but a possibility nonetheless.

  5. I want to be the kind of player that can repair anything. That would mean stacks upon stacks of spacedollars as people come in for repairs and possibly refuel. You hear that? CHA-CHING indeed.

  6. If using the Babylon 5 system which was just under discussion...


    The shipping lanes... in system... far enough from a gate and the star base which would inevitably be built to protect those going though it...  but not far enough to justify a jump from a large jump engine equipped ship would be the ideal place for Raiders to "gank" people as you say... especially if the ships going from planet or planets to the gate pass by places raider ships could hide in... blend into... fool sensors with so they can escape after a hit... like asteroid fields... Volcanic moons... or other sci-fi type hazardous areas.


    With ships being able to be crewed... a jump engine equipped ship could have 10s to maybe even a 100 crew ... players... on board just to run it... not to mention its escort vessels... and could represent the combined wealth and efforts of thousands of players to make.  All depending on how the devs implement and balance this system... if they choose to include this system at all.


    So 1 person isn't flying around with their big ship... it's the property of the organization and many players are involved in running it.  It's still a large target though.  A challenge to take down.  And there will be players who relish in the attempt.  Taking an inferior force and managing to take down a superior one is core to a lot of games...



    I'm not sure how much they actually need to do to prevent ganking... I think the goal is for players to enforce their own rules rather than have much in the way of "play nice" rules enforced by the system itself.


    Well, they need a system to guarantee an exit point in a wider conic area from the jump point, therefore giving an RNG value to your exit point, which could require loading screens. Or at least, make the warp/hyperjump/slipstream/whatever drives be guided and give the ship driver (YES IT'S SHIP DRIVER, NOT SHIP PILOT) the chance to choose where to reemerge in relativistic space.

  7. Oh. Well, that is a big turn off for me then. That's why I don't like to play EVE anymore. The constant fear of being ganked, even though you just want to run a smooth mining operation with friends.

    Chill bruh, them space white knights will protect you. Or at least, join a faction in the universe, it's not EVE. You can stay on a planet. Unless they add weapons of mass destruction, you are crispy cream safe.

  8. Thing is, Space Engineers sucks when it comes to that kind of thing. Also, most of the time you see Mechs in SE, they are not using any scripts (As is possible in SE). I'm pretty sure that if people use scripts to 'script' these mechs, they will work reasonably well. Compared to SE at least. If not for combat, use them for cargo loading :)


    Well, we all know how metagame flows. One day people build Mechs, the next day some maniac has built a spacegrid and plays the world's largest tower defefense game ever. Yey!


    P.S. : Space Engineers was a dissappointment. When ships move, the server blade whines and moans. from the agony.

  9. See, you say Stargates, I hear Gankpoints.

    You say fast travel, I hear "Oh look, a rich player, let's gank him".

    Just saying, this function needs to be sorted out, which means Green Zones, which means safe ones. 

  10. Anything and everything I had to say about this topic has already been said so I'll just say this. (someone may have already said what I said, in case that is true, my bad)


    Due to this game being a single server for every single player to play on at the same damn time, I'd like you to picture how much keeping such a server afloat will cost :) Someone has already said this before me, but, with a single pay to play game, the devs get a massive influx of money as the game begins, then that fades just as quickly. I can understand why they chose a monthly fee, this would ensure a constant stream of funds to continue paying for the server AND motivate Devs to continue their great work.


    In the Devlog posted above I'm pretty sure they also mention that there is going to be an in-game item players can find, craft, or buy that gives you access to an extra month of play time. (for free) In other words, if you're successful at the game, you'll be able to purchase this item using in-game cash every month. Even if you're not successful, you have an entire month to save up.


    This gives insentive to play as a banker. Perhaps with quest-like loan bills, putting a spaceship of high value as mortgage. >_> The possibilities are endless, I mean, can you image the meta-commentary if the game's economy went into a recession because one asshat blew up mortgage loans? O.o

  11. To be honest, I was curious about this as well. I think it's pretty safe to say you'll be able to fight on the ground as well as in a ship in outer space. There's no military without a few personal handguns. 


    As for Exo suits, if you're talking about them really big ones you'd see in Avatar, (Blue Monkey Avatar,) then as yamamushi said. Joints, hinges, springs, etc. Personally, I prefer the idea of being able to equip a space rifle and an Exo-Skeleton with flight capacities to battle all them pirates. 


    Sadly, Unobtanium is my cocaine, so yeah, them blue cat-people are dead. Also, ALIENS Mech-suit more likely. I am kind of a melee maniac.

  12. What I'm thinking of when I look at this is some planets having a hostile atmosphere to them, like full of either C02 or methane. and on a clean planet, any WMD will have an area of contamination where if you don't have certain protection, you get damaged in some way when entering the contaminated area.

    Sir, I don't think you physics well. For a planet to sustain an atmosphere similar to ours, with the same atmospheric pressure as ours, it would deand of the planet to have similar proportions like ours. For a planet to be full of fart-gas (methane), that would demand of the planet to have a certain floral life, possibly, no tundra, meaning a dune world. Deploying a NUKE in a dune world, would be like throwing a turd in a 10 GIGAWATT spinning fan. That would create a shitstorm of such legendary proportions, that planet would be dubbed Turdclutter. And tell me this, who would ever go to a planet called Turdclutter? That's right,... me, building my secret base there, plotting my way to bring down the economy itself. So... yeah, please, ADD NUKES IN THE GAME (Possibly weather effects, procedural terrain and persistence, but please, start with the NUKES ^_^ ).

  13. Unigine's physics engine supports joints, motors and springs. 


    Assuming that the LUA interface allows us to control those things, I imagine it's just a matter of time before someone builds and scripts a mech unit on their own.

    Good to know, I see myself putting 4 years of freaking Computer Studies at the uni in good use. ^_^

  14. Personally I think if we get too close to a star that the gravity should pull us in slowly in a giant spiral around the star for 5-10 minutes. All the while melting/disintegrating the ships hull and damaging the contents inside (including people) to an untimely death.



    My opinion on stars and black holes. RESPECT THEM!



    So... can we harvest negative matter? And I don't mean DARK MATTER. or ANTI-MATTER people. So, negative matter, which we could hurl with a mass driver into the star and watch it as it turn into a neutron star, possibly uttering the line "I have become Death, PKer of PK itself" and then laugh manically as the nearby planets get to experience a slow death? (I know it's far-fetched >_>)

  15. Matey, this is not 2004, where people were ignorant of the subscription model. Many a companies have tried thusly and failed miserably.If the company provides something unique and has its own niche in the market, they never reside in fabricated statistics. F2P screams "Our game is shit, we just an endless Skinner's Box and you will pay for the fucking BUTTONS yourself". (Google Operant Conditioning Chamber, you'll see yourself playing mobile gmaes and how you were treated into paying for them).

    Pay-2-Play on the other hand, says "our game has value, go look up on youtube and feel the urge to get a spaceship and pvp, or harvet a mountain of materials and build your functional Death Star" which Jean-Christopher Baillie confirmed in the XPGamer's video on youtube that it can be built given time and resources, IN-GAME. 

    The thing is, good games are gonna be played, it's up to the devs to make this game enjoyable. If a game is enjoyable and not a choir of farming to play, people wil play it and pay for it. I know so, I paid for WoW for 7.5 years (until they added pandas in the game, fuck those cuddly mothertruckers >_< ).

  16. So, if the game can utilise voxels-  and by what I read on this page, sort of scriptable ships - is it safe to assume we could create exo-suits? Perhaps as a ground vehicle. I guess the real question would be, how in-depth the ground combat will be in the game and if the ground would be contestable as much as the sky above could be. 

    I mean, you can build cities, sure, but what point there is for building a city, or a citadel in case of an invading army of ferrets, if you don't add ground combat as well?

    I would like a clarification on this, as a possibly enterprising galactic weapons' dealer. 

  17. I agree with the lootable item, to prove your kill. Then the guy who issued the bounty may or may not pay you, and cool stufff could follow that. Maybe one day there will be a trusted corporaion that people will use to manage bounties.

    i would add a couple of things: when you scan a ship, you get a "signature code" associated with that entity, and you need that code to place the bounty. His means that if you don't see the bad guy (because you were exploringa planet or wathever) you cant place that bounty.

    A bounty hunter is able to use specific block, that can locate wanted ships by their signature code....higher skill (or better equipment), means longer range to find them. This could be used from outlaw to set traps for the bounty hunters too, cool right?


    Yeah, well, then that Bounty Hunter will bring a few friends along and then we will have a galactic war that blew out of proportions because some people can't keep their blasters in their pockets. I mean, I don't care. I plan on being a weapons merchant. But you know what they say...



    War, war never changes. Unless they add buildable mech-suits and ground, sorta third person shooting in the game. Then War definitiely got an upgrade.

  18. If such an endeavor takes place, I suggest we all gather in a teamspeak server, listen to Ramstein and keep packing them jackhammers to the ground and open the planet itself a ... new cavity so ti speak. :|

    And you know, Sonne is the best and most appropriate song for places where the sun never shines

  19. I can come up with legit reasons for monthly fee (or at least, a buy-to-play model)

    1) No  hackounts.

    See Planetside 2 and its glorious level 1 wall-walkers and fully unlocked account cheaters.

    2) No pay-to-win.

    You make a game free-to-play, you need to make money anyway. Would you like to lose PvP wars, because the other side can fight with the most powerful weapon of all, The Majestic Walletron, Carrier of Credit Cards? It's either subscription and no pay-to-win / pay-to-play-the-next-planet.

    This game aims for SERIOUSLY enormous proportions. Imagine all WoW servers ON THE SAME SERVER. You know, servers don't run on wishes. I tried ;'( I know. And servers need money, in other words, revenue, which needs to come from some other place than optional things like skins. Paying real cash, for spaceships, would be game-breaking, as the rich would simply roll out starships in PvP like no biggy. Now, I would like for the game to be pay-to-play, but no-sub. I don't like commitments - hat's how my goldfish died - but on the other hand, I don't want for people to log in loaded on cheats and just teleporting around the game. A paid-entry keeps away the cheaters, as these lesser form of humans, tend to be cheap as mothertruckers when it comes to paying for trolling. Perhaps having semi-rare minerals for sale on the market, you know, not REALLY rare, to the point of them being pay-to-obtain being pay-to-win, but rare enough for them to warrent their buying price. In any case, the devs will probably figure out how to monetise the game, AFTER they figured out the gameplay itself. We argueing over the chicken sink while the foundation is being set in here.

  20. Make the materials themselves to act as currency, tribal style.


    10 Goat = 1 Slub of Iron
    100 Goats = 100 Logs of Wood

    Approximating as thus, we can safely assume a SuperGalactic MegaStar Destroyer Class LoveBoat, will cost around 1.7 ^ 20. That's a billion on top of a trillion, Goats.

    Support Goats for the intergalatic trading currency.


  21. HAHA I like this!


    You need a new ship? Ok, 15k space bucks. Oh, its for PVP.... we have an additional fee for that.... yes, 1mil space bucks is a lot, but look at what it can do ;)

    Not perse. You see, you need to act like a hustler on your trading with PvPers. You give them the first fix for free, or at least, give SOMETHING for free. Don't forget, PvPers hate farming. So, you give them shit for free and they keep coming back, and since they don't understand economics, you rip them off as so. I don't know abbout you, but my space parrot's crackers are not cheap. 

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