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Everything posted by Anaximander

  1. How come all EVE players are pretty much multiboxing anti-social people who want to play alone and be unstoppable? Every single time. "I want my small time, 1 man army multiboxing corporation to have the same strength as those 200 guys who work together. Why not add safe zones everywhere, like EVE? What? This game is not EVE 2.0. and I should stop asking for EVE mechanics in a game that is NOT EVE? I should L2P and learn to not play MMOs if I can't even stand other people? Oh dear, this guy telling me these thing, he is toxic. How dare he call me out on my bullshit?"
  2. The problem is they don't get it the polite way. You have to give them sarcasm to realise how dumb some of their requests are. What's the point of LUA scripts if people are going to force the Devs to making it a dumbed-down process of upgrading "tech trees" ? None. What's the point of adding physics? None. As I said, if it comes to that, make it a point and click adventure like EVE.
  3. @AttacKat And then, backstab them. I guess we differ in our understanding of strength. If you want to be strong as the PvPers and be immune to any repercussions, then you are just a hypocrite good sir. If you can't be as strong as them physically, you compromise ,bid your time.
  4. When it comes to A.I. I think it will be something more in the lines of programming moving parts in your ship or vehicle in general. Who knows, we'll have to wait and see.
  5. Well, we have a few EVE players in these forums that want to Pay-2-Win by multiboxing. You should try and do your own thing in the game imho, set up a space gas station in a jump point and be set for life
  6. @Valenka They can add stats, like Conductivity, so people can understand what material does what , even having it being color coded (since 67% of the human race consists of average dullards that consider "math and physics" useless ). This way, you can Git Gud at building. If you are illiterate and can't understand what Conductivity means, then I have some bad news on you with your life's priorities. If they were to add cookie-cutter tech trees, then why not add magic? I mean, if you add "Countdown to upgrade" skill trees like EVE has, then why not add Anime weapons as well? I mean, why not? And I mean, why not even add a WoW skill rotation for anything? In fact, make it better than WoW, only 2 buttons, I mean, you will need to eat your fat-greased burger with the other hand. I mean, in fact, you should get rid of the skills and make it a point and click adventure like EVE. I mean, why stop there? Make it a top-down isometric adventure, like Runescape. I mean, why even bother with graphics and open world sandbox gameplay and coding physics if you are to add "Countdown to Upgrade. Respect my skillz, I have played 5000 hours more than you. I like EVE and I want this game to be EVE 2, but CCP is not listening to me and they won't upgrade their 13 years old game engine". Fuck it, MAKE DUAL UNIVERSE A PEN AND PAPER ADVENTURE. Why bother with challenge and effort, when you can roll a dice for all your problems? /sarcasm_off
  7. Another multiboxer... ready to spew bullshit. Here's the thing. Don't play MMOs if you are anti-social. Multiboxing is an MMO's cancer. I hope Novaquark WON'T support multiboxing. And I mean, holy shit dude, if you can't socialise in an MMO, why the flak are you even joining an organisation/guild/alliance? Why even play MMOs i nthe first place? To harvest salt from your multiboxing pro mlg 10vs1 kills?
  8. If there's no fuel, it would be lame. Space Gas Stations is such an amazing idea
  9. In any case, I believe players should be left to make their turf safe. Either that, or join up with a bigger faction and become an outpost of sorts. Let's face it, no PvP player would prefer melting his ship in combat if they are offered a non-violent alternative. This is not WoW battleground. This game is aiming for social interaction. Be part of a faction and you have inside trading with them. They are a-holes? Backstab them like knave. Problem solved.
  10. @Warden2000 Smoothing tool.... I have a semi-boner right now.
  11. @TheNudeNerd Tha game is not even in Alpha yet mate We'll need to wait and see how ground combat will work, since this is NOT based on First Person Shooter combat. So stay tight and don't hold your breath, cause it may take a while.
  12. @AttacKat This game provides the chance for PvE and PvP to work together. PvP are the militia and the PvE the civilians (sort of). his is the selling point here. EVE's PVE is very... well, lame. Planetside 2 has no PVE. And Mech Warrior is an extra, not the core gameplay. Sure, the Metagame may tune to that, who knows, but for the moment, you got to think of planets and defenses there. Just because you took over a fleet, doesn't mean you took over a planet. Let's say enemy fleet has medical ships for dead players to respawn into. Sure, it's nice, but if the defenders blow up the Mobile Spawn Point, you practically CUT their respawn capabilitiy permanently. In Planetside 2, you always go for the attackers' Mobile Spawn, you blow that up, you cut their attack short. And planets being defended would FAVOR the defenders, since the defenders would spawn there on the ground. You STILL HAVE TO TAKE the ground as well. So you see, you have to think in a long scale. Your ship may go down in 5 mins, sure. But you OWN the planet below. You respawn, hop into a jet or a spare ship and go up there again. What the attackers gonna do? And this is the CORE GAMEPLAY. Economics, logistics. Planning an attack in EVE takes weeks and they don't have to account for troop transports. Think how much planning an invasion in Dual will take to plan out.
  13. @Scruggs I agree to that. Make a certain area safe for them scardycats and let the frontier to the cowboys. Dibs on the ship name "Cowbell".
  14. @AttacKat Planetside landing. Major upgrade from EVE, no? Mechas as well, no?
  15. For once, I agree with Sledgehammer. Making a game Survival-themed you ASK for people to gank you non-stop and for the devs would be silly to do so, since the game would be thinned out pretty swiftly from butthurt "survival players" being ganked because "PvP sucks". Let the game be focused towards construction, utilitiarian and artistic, and economics. Nobody needs survival, we'll have plenty a pirate factions the way I understand humans as it is when it comes to sandbox, we don't need gangs, attacking new players for spare change and a bar of wheat. Kthnxbai.
  16. I mean, if the ringworld has a mega-feckton of turrets, it would be awesome, sure. But you have to wage. A fleet of ships and possibly making the moneh. Or build a ringworld. Money or ringworld. Hmmm...
  17. Even if I don't support circle-jerking, ring-worlds or as some great fictional general put it "God's Personal Anti Son of a Bitch weapons", would depend on how "wide" fragmented servers could be. Plus, you would need an INSANE amount of minerals to build a ringworld. There's a difference between "plausible" and "possible" gents.
  18. Research should be experimental, not a bar with a timer. You either Git Gud at making cool shit or go mining. And I can see experience voxelomancers do insane things. Things that not many can replicate. And please, no EVE wait-five-mins-to-learn-shit logic. It's so 2003.
  19. Well, they could make it act like the post office then. Kept in store until you go get that package.
  20. @Wardion2000 I can feel you bruh. I mean, I can back a kickstarter for 50 bucks, sure. But Early Access is a whole different beast imho. It's just that I can wait for a game to have a proper alpha test, rather than Early Access and burning off from waiting on patches upon patches. I've gone through that with Landmark, Star Citizen and many other games. So, kickstarter yes, Early Access, maybe I can buy in, but I can't see myself playing until a stable patch and content comes out. Nobody likes server wipes after all.
  21. Well, maybe a "Bank building" sort of construct. Something that a player can make if they put too much effort to it and it can act as an investment for sorts. (Until the in-game banks start investing with imaginary capital and we have World War Dual to look forward to). I mean, the only way I see it going towards is a locked door and a lockpick mechanism, or having in game players act as patrol duty. Both have merits, but one has the "emergent gameplay" aspect. I for example, will build a frigging underground labyrinth leading to my safe, with laser turrets on every turn. If they are going to rob me, they will have to go through a raid dungeon first.
  22. If there's a mechanism for an apartment building that enables the owner to rent rooms, it would be some next level MMO interaction and shit. Especially if they need security detail in such a hotel >_>
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