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Everything posted by Anaximander

  1. Yes, and it's why NQ has no offline automation or drone armies, or why their PvP system is more akin to soft-lock targeting than EVe's point and click frtom an overview menu. It's also why NQ has mining being done manually and not just being "F1 spam" like in EVE. You can't efficiently multibox in DU or even use bots, unless you consider using an infinite loop keyboard macro to spam the dig tool in one direction till the sun goes out, cause that's not botting, that's a mechanical keyboard's main selling point.
  2. @PolishFernix Having NQ store unneccessary files - like "newspapers" - is a waste of storage. Scripts beign saved on the server, makes sense, its' needed so the blueprint system to work. Newpapers? I look up news on my Note's debrief every morning, I don't buy newspapers. NQ has HTML UI customisation already showcased, you could just as well open up "DU-Drama.com" on your in-game "terminal" so to speak and read it there if you feel as much inclined. Or as Lethys said, NQ might just allow people to link their community page feed with a screen in-game, so, there, be a forum warrior IN-GAME. MAke an org, name it Fernix News, name your in-game toon Bill O'Rly and just spread all the propaganda you want. However "politics" is not something NQ should be bothered with. They can't claim "oh, the evil empire did this and that", that's bias, that's unprrofessional, it's not NQ's job to determine who's "evil". I can gank you for 100 times in a row, bomb your base and then claim "he deserved it, here are som, TOTALLY LEGIT discord convos between me and him" and paint oyu as a bad guy who had it coming". Politics, is not something simple and you clearly - so far - lack any and all journalistic ethics with the mindset "politics can be put into nifty 140 characters twitts. Fallout's radio stations are a singleplayer feature. And here's your problem, you think DU is a singleplayer game. It's not. If you are not in an org, you won't enjoy the game, it's that simple, it's not a singleplayer friendly experience. And the guys you are familiarised with in an org, will have a certain history behind them and against other people. See, culture, is not something you can put in context. Goonswarm in EVE Online see themseles as "good" so does anyone out there for that matter. Truth? Goonswarm is a bunch of ...well, goons. "Why did X-Org went after Y-Org" , according to you "Y-Org was bad, cause Y-Org is bad, you don't need the details". That's not how poltiics work. Nothing is ever simple. Also, you just disgust me, your mindset of "people don't got time to dig through dozens of sources to determine politics, so let's feed the what we ddeem important" is why a bankrupt used cars salesman is having the nuclear missile codes. You seem to ENJOY your ignorance, that's what disgusts me. Go do your newspaper thing on reddit, that's where people go when they don't want context and only want an echoechamber of "them bad, we good, zugg-zugg". Cheers.
  3. I like those guys who selected "politicians", you guys are in for a brutal wake up call.
  4. That's odd, it's not there. In fact, I don't recall it being anywhere, which is why I asked for a link earlier.
  5. Where did they specify that? O.o Cause that means you can't take a city - period. The moment you try to set up a TCU right next to an enemy, BOOM, nuked, end of story.
  6. Regardless, ships are classified after their cross-section area. You can name your sloop-of-war a cruiser, it won't make it have the same firepower as one. But you can make a cruiser that can output the same damage as a battleship to trick people into a fight they "should" win, until they realise "oh shit ,this is not a normal cruiser". Point is, if I can script my ships, I'll make sure to identify them by their crosssections and pull a name next to their markers "[X-Org] Battleship 1" for example,. or "[X-Org] Frigate 1", with a number designating them on a table-array in Lua. The rest of you can claim your 100 meters barge is a "Titan", you won't fool anyone
  7. @blazemonger There is really no "maybe". JC said the game is complicated and wil lbe complciated and that you need training to crtaft anything (EVE style training) to make anything. If you can't make it, you can buy it from someone who made it and put it up for sale. He said these things in Markeedragon's channel, I would not take Markeedreagon as a the EVE Carebear role-model. Elements are just 3D mesh objects. There is no "voxel element". Also, 3D mesh objects (Elements) have Schematics, constructs have Blueprints. @GunDeva Von Neumann spaceships are not a certainty. Also, 3D printers are NOT Factory Units. They are different things. 3D printers are meant to print 3D Mesh Elements and items, Factory Units are meant to replicate Bluperints put into them (and linked to materials, of coruse). For all we know, Factory Units could be a Static Core thing only. So, you have more chances going to a new planet o na regular ship and just bring on that ship the essentials, Rez Nodes, Power and / or some stored Elements to get your base going. Also, JC Baillie in one of the tutorial videos, has explained that Territory Claim Units won't be " a dime a dozen ", so do not build up hopes of claiminfg a piece of land and keeping it without some numbers behind you. Gotta be brutally honest here, lone wolves die out fast.
  8. I think there should be this, and hopefully ,a group may emerge for community projects that can provide "experience" in a person's bio on "this person worked on X project", so alliances can hire with care.
  9. CCP doesn't own the concept of transhumanism or cyberpunk. Capsuleers in EVE are cyborgs that can upload their consciousness ( or more like a copy of it) to other bodies. Teleportation in the real world - yes, we have managed teleportation in the real world, just not how you'd expect it - works by tuurning a person into a series of code and then ejecting that code like you'd upload any software. The other side would then just rematerialise the person depending on their information o nthe moment of the teleport. This creates a problem... you don't travel anywhere, the other side just prints a copy of you. Information can be teleproted, but not matter itself. Two of you will exist afterwards. However, with a quantum probabilistic machine like an RN, the universe comes down to a cosmic roulette, you being the ball bouncing around and death is just a spin on the roulette. The moment you "die". you are pulled - out of anywhere - onto the RN you have registered as your home. The RN pulls you to it, materialising you on its quantum field, with the only real problem being nothing else other than your default body can travel with you, so, it's "teleport" but it's more like "the RN prioritises your bodily safety, than your material safety, so in order to pul lyou to it, it ignroes anythign you wear", that includes, your inventory and gear - and hey, in the process, due to the RN not being 1:1 accurate, it's probabilstic, some of your gear may break apart as atoms are snatched out of inside its armor to save you, and become junk in the process, so there, explanation why some of your gear is loot and some of it is just junk or trash items. Just don't mistake the words "probability", "possibility" and "chance". One is mathematically used, one is theoretically applicable and one is a word people who take stupid risks claim was "why it went wrong". RNs are probabilistic, they work on probabilities and probabilities, the more variables are involved, the more innaccurate they become, so hence why you don't respawn with items. Too many variables to keep track of. You becoming immortal is a quantum probability. Is it possible? Not in the way oyu'd expect ti t to be. Sure, we can throw you in a fridge forever, you'd be not walking around, enjoying your existence, but you'd not be dead either, hence you'd be "immortal" in such a state. See, science is like the old tales of "careful what you wish for". RNs are not immortality. They just trick the cosmic roulette on "where John will be on the moment of near death". Whenever John is about to die, POOF, he's in the RN. Why? Cause probabilities. How probable would it be for John to be on the RN on the moment of near death? Apparently absolutely probable as far as Resurrection Nodes are concerned, no matter how far John may be. Quantum Mechanics : it's like magic, only scietifically plausible and really confusing if you don't study math a lot.
  10. Ships get their names due to the line of operation range. Frigates and Destroyers / Hunter Killers, operate in a Line of Defense. Cruisers are Ships of the Line, and are meant to patrol between two different places, with a greater operational range. Battle-class ships, are not peacetime warships, they Line of Battle vessels, meant to openly engage targets. Frigates, if outfitted for sieging ports, are dubbed Destroyers, they are meant to subdue enemy entrenchments with superior firepower and assist on landing oeprations, or assist by taking shots at a ship with larger caliber weaponry. Frigates designed to be fast and very effective close range - where enemy ships' large caliber weapons do not work very well or at all - are dubbed Hunter Killers. U-Boats the Nazis used, were retrofitted Hunter Killers, they could emerge RIGHT NEXT to an enemy destroyer or frigate and just machinegun anyone on board to death. 40mm machineguns at 10 meters range, are DEVASTATING, I am talking puncturing ship armor through. Cruisers, when fitted with armor are refered to Heavy Cruisers, while those who are fitted for speed are referred to as Light Cruisers. All cruisers are designed with that convention in mind. Battleships and Battlecruisers, are the exact same hull, one just has far less armor, hence it's more speedy. As you can imagine, Battleships are the costliest thing in a navy, and usually, the one everyone with a lick of sense wants to find themselves in. Carriers are Line of Battle ships, it's just so happens their Line of Battle is as far as its Fighters can take off from. Dreadnaughts are just Battleships on crack, more guns + more armor = no dread. Corvette is just a frigate used for defense purposes only, like for the Coastguard. As for the crew-size requirement... that's not what dictates a ship's class. If that was the case Stealth Bombers would be called Air Porsche cause they are only demanding of two people, and Stealth Fighters would be called "Air Unicycle". It's the ship's cross-section that makes its class. It's also how stealth works for ships nowadays. Most of the newer "stealth" frigates, just work by confusing enemy RADAR to read their frigate sized cross-section as a sailboat cross-section. Enemy RADAR goes like "oh, nothing but a fisherman, nothign to see here". And NQ has showecased they do utilise things like cross-sections in their videos. I'm not saying I'd build a hunter killer, but I am just saying I love small crew ships that go very up, close and personal with an enemy.
  11. Good on you, I played EVE as a thief mostly - I stole from the Space Unicorn Heretics, and let's leave it at that, those who understand can understand. I personally get bored by bang bang and pew pew, sure, I understand the need for it, but I don't actually go after it. Problem is, SWG was not a single-shard game. It was sandbox at its finest (NGE was cancer, let's move on), but it was about an already existing universe, not building one up from scratch. In DU, people will eventually get to the point of being the Empire, shit, EVE Online had its version of the Empire in the form of the Goons and Imperium. And the people who fought against them was Pandemic Legion - amongst many many others which is not the point of discussion - and Pandemic Legion is not what you'd call "lawful neutral", they are the guys who troll people for sports, hotdrop Titans to blow up one silly little Orca mining barge and people who wil ltell you "good fight" after swarming you with 500 ships... on your hauler out of all things. Amongst PL's temporary allies, Darkness, led by the guy who betrayed the Coalition that was fighting the Imperium in an older war. Check up the story of World War Bee to see what went down, someone on Youtube has a video about it probably. Yes, go figure, video games are art and art should immitate real life. And in the real world, there's no "good and bad", there's a lot of culture behind two people and those cultures eventually come to a strife. What is the motivating factor in DU? As NQ stated "rebuilding civilisation" and "player culture". You CAN be the bartender on a bar in-game and just play the game as a social platform. I know people who do far less intrigueing jobs in EVE... like mentoring newbros in a division. Combat is just ONE part of the game, nobody said it IS the game.
  12. Right, and setbacks AKA loss of time and effort, are caused by griefers, gankers and general asshats. What prevents those setbacks? Grouping together You are just adding to my point. It's the same concept in a different context what you describe. "Grouping together makes things happen faster" aka "no setbacks from asshats ganking us".. There's a saying in EVE when a newbro asks "can I buy all the PLEX and buy a Titan?", and the answer is a variation of "yes, but Titan class ships, need Titan class logistics". You HAVE to rely on other people to fly a Titan in EVE, you won't see a Titan being alone in any circumstance. Same thing with DU. If your haulers got scouts and escort ships, they will deliver cargo back to your base a steady rate, if not, you'll be starved to death And that's the main reason to group up, strength in numbers. The hauler does the same amount of contribution to the survival of an organisation as much as the PvPer does when they keep logging in, going out and quite possibly having to face a respawn screen after they get killed to protect the hauler, time and time again.
  13. Well, that small group is the reason why EVE is such a community driven game. Those people I don't see as a problem in EVE, I see them as the motivators for people to build communities and keeping each other safe. If there's no "bad guys" then there's no incentive to help each other.
  14. RDMS - Rights & Duties Management System is enabling you to set who can use and who can do what within which and what construct and territory. It's in their devblogs, under "Rights & Duties Management System", it's not a secret Example : Only people tagged under the role of "Security Force" can equip guns and use them. People not tagged as Security Force or above can't use them and if they do, they will be flagged - or something, it's not clear yet. So, you can just set up roles, and people within said role have the ability to do sutff. i.e. only engineers can use repair tools and only Construction can uses Build Mode. That sort of deal. It's a good system.
  15. You can't have a faction without having logistics. Nobody is gonna be ap art of your faction if you do not organise it properly. Also, you confuse micromanagement with efficiency. People who micromanage don't last long in EVE Online - the only other MMO with a single server universe. EVE Online has been quoted as "Capitalism Simulator" cause of its free - and ruthless - market, but in DU, that's not going to bE the problem since people can OWN marketplaces and nothing is pre-built. If people can manage to build cartels, they will build cartels and cartels, like any big organisations, require heavy logistical support. Transport, haulers, people doing things like guard duty, all of that amounts to logistical support.
  16. Shhhh, don't speak sense. They'll figure out that EVE players are not homicidal maniacs at that rate man. And also, fun fact, some EVE alliances have pretty thick set of laws. Where I lived in EVE, it was simpler, more like "respect others' claimed mining spots" ,"don't start a fight you can't finish on your own" and "don't scam fellow alliance members". Pretty solid rules. Break them, and you'll be terminated as a member, which, incidentally, is what the Band Of Outlaws has as its ruleset as well - plus a honeybadger fetish. We don't extend said courtesy to other organisations not affiliated with BOO. For more information, contact one of our stuffers in our public Discord. #shameless_promotion #honeybadger_don't_care #cybrex_alt
  17. TCUs, as explained on the latest tutorials, are organisation goals and NQ has explained in the past that TCUs got shields protecting anythighn within them - shields can be sieged. And organisations are stronger due to pooled resources and logistics. Protection Bubbles are immunity on a timer, so PvP can happen on a fair ground. You can't just herp derp siege" a city or an outpost, you gotta give the other side time to react., which in turn gives birth to BlackOps actions - utlra mega secret groups in an alliance that can mobilise in a moment's notice. So, no, you don't have to worry about your stuff, not if you are smart and build within an organisation's territory, paying a tax for protection is far better than having NO protection.
  18. Well, given NQ has explained in their Q&A that "warp is not meant for small ships, but for giant ships that can't move vast distances fast otherwise", I'd say people who are paid - yes, scouts are paid in EVE - will notice a roam of enemy player ships coming towards a planet, vector their approach and tell you "they are heading for the day time of the planet. It's one of the most intrigueing jobs in DU and I personally hope that NQ won't drop the ball by introducing magical omnisciaent detection methods, but allow scouts to be sneaky - I made my concerns heard in other threads, no reason to dwell here on stealth mechanics. The tactics in EVE are not something EVE players figured out, joining a proper military in EVE is in a very very minor way, like joining a proper military, there is certain lingo involved, certain practises and certain actions a scout performs to get things done - after all, people's stuff is on the line, yo ucan't fail. So, if a scout is located somewhere near an enemy staging base, they can report movement the moment they notice it happening, mobilisation is the first sign of trouble after all. And of course, spies, ruffians and the whole nine yards, they do remain on a payroll for a reason, that reason, to notify people of a large gang forming for a roam or a gank. Point is : If the alliance chat is buzzing with "don't go out, it's dangerous" you should probably listen to them. Personally, I can see the way NQ explains it takes time to travel between planets, similar to EVE's traveling from one region of the galaxy to another, you can be informed of an enemy coming your way, and then having a warband forming to go out and "hunt" the invaders. Half of EVE's pvp is trying to have the jump on the enemy.
  19. And to be honest, the "griefing" part is wildly exaggerated. There are so many scouts and intel spread in EVE's alliance chats that you literally have to be AFK or intentionally ignoring the chats to get ganked. Usually, a gank in EVE is seen coming 10 jumps off. Same will go down in DU. Join a corp, get on a voice chat - teamspeak, mumbl or discord - even for the minor alerts like "Incoming enemy roam, get to safety, home defense is gathering", which is how EEVE's alliacnes treat. That "griefing" part is what makes you jump onto voice chat and get to know other people. And to top it off, as I said earlier, only in border regions is where the "Griefing" happens, and usually, with people who ignmore cautionary advice like "do not mine on the staging system" or "don't do PVE in the staging system", cause apparently, mining and killing NPCs in a war zone is a smart idea, right? PEople who live deep inside an alliance's territory don't get to see much action, cause of the aforementioned scout reports., and same will go down in DU, people who want to be civilians AKA not PvP, can do such things FAR from the borders.
  20. It's called "Emerald Pledge" and above.
  21. Diplomatic Immunity??? You : Pandemic Legion :
  22. True true, I mean, I steal ESS pots for a living, most of my "friends" in-game are pretty red in Local.
  23. I mean, he stole Jabba's cargo of "spice". Let's be honest, Han probably snorted that spice.
  24. That's Providence talk, we are not all NRDS here >.> Many of us shoot first, ask questions never. Althoug,h I wanna see how NRDS will go in DUI, when you allow people to carry boarding parties on board your space stations, lol. Although given how dope DU looks in building in the Dev Diaries, I'd bet people COULD make a living by fidning the best ship shpaes to coutner other ship shapes and / or ships that are suited better to avoid hits or mitigate missile damage. DU has a lot of options for gameplay, which is what I always said why "EVE's game loop" doesn't apply. EVE's game loop is all about warfare at its very core, it drives the economy. However, DU is not that, DU has far more things going for it.
  25. 1) The drugs allegory is an exmaple of a smuggler's job - to circumvent a market monopoly. That's were smugglers make money. In fact, Han Solo is nothing but a drug mule in Star Wars, if anything, Star Wars is a depressing story of a person who sold drugs and got to get away with it by murdering people, cause let's face it, Han was not thinking of "oh shit, I shot that stormtrooper who enrolled in the Empire's army to pay for school". Nah, he just killed people cause he probably liked it. In fact, Kylo Ren is the good guy, he killed a known drug smuggler... but, I digress. 2) EVE is the only game with such an enviroment of player cultures, hence, the only game that can be brought as an example. One server, no different realms, player driven world. You may have not played it, sure, JC and many of the NQ stuff have played it, so they know what sucks and what doesn't ,we trust in them (as EVE Players). 3) Working solo is an acceptable line of thought. it's how people who sell Wormhole locations make money in EVE. You go out, scan, find wormhol,e, scout wsaid wormhole, sell the location to a miner for some hefty price and if you didn't rip them off or scammed them, they will keep you ona a short notice in-case you find more wormholes for them to go in and mine. Pretty much, solo career. Can it work in DU? Absolutely, planets are too big and scanning for resourcess and their lcoations being sold is part of the prospecting business. Again, don't rip off the miners, cause they pay you and having a good reputation as prosepctor is ALWAYS the better option in payment.
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