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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Shynras

  1. You should ask those questions in the Q&A thread, or you're likely never going to get an answer. My personal opinion is that there'll be something, but not everything.
  2. Shynras


    Could work in some situations. Ofc you shouldnt be able to hack a ship from outside. But once inside you could interact directly with various elements, like an energy generator, the main hangar door or wathever. But to interact with multiple blocks remotely (still from inside the ship), imho you would need to hack a block that has those components linked in some ways.
  3. 1 shard + massive = high ping. HIgh ping = terrible fps experience, so the game has to be targetlocked. This could be balanced by making the battleship's cannons turn rate unable to keep up with the speed of a fighter, like it is in EveOnline.
  4. A "plex" is going to be hard to get, since it is always an high requested items. The price though depends on a lot of things. Multiboxing is something that increase by a lot the price of an item like that. The amount of credits that a newbie is going to be able to generate, compared to a veteran, is indeed something to take into consideration too. If credits in game are going to give you a significant advantage (probably), then many will buy that item, to sell in game, and this would reduce its price. Paying people equally doesn't make sense, since it's not a rl work, someone will play 4-5 hours a week, other 4-5 hours a day, producing differently. And that would never work.
  5. I hope that too, not sure if the FAQs are recent
  6. Shynras


    Well, but what do you mean for hacking in game? "Press F to hack" ?? A minigame?? A real interaction between LUA scripts??
  7. Remember that any sort of automated factory could really ruin the economy, so in the case the game will have it, it's going to be strongly limited by time/resources.
  8. Why would you suicide to deal some damage? Is that fun? xD i guess you could use drones for that... Anyway any kind of kamikaze usually carries explosives, it's not just a random suicide. And when they don't, it is because the plane/car they're using is stolen.
  9. -A camera block, to pilot drones in first view, or to check your base perimeter, etc... -Mechanical stuff (pistons, rotors, ...) -A block that destroys everything you put in it, like a trashcan. -Alarm block, that emits sound when triggered -Scaffolds, cheap and easier to place/remove than normal blocks -Sensors of various kind -Tons of piping (energy, items, fuel, ...)
  10. You can keep that throne, i'm not really interested
  11. This actually reminded me of Meruem from HxH
  12. Who I am? -I'm 24, italian, and I study engineering and architecture. What kind of games do I like? -Strategy games, sandbox, voxel games with mechanical/electrical/scripting features. Are you experienced? -I'm an experienced Minecraft player, both in redstone and Tekkit (and many other mods). I'm that guy, whose creation, crashes the servers. -I'm experienced in SpaceEngineers, Besiege, MedievalEngineers, Factorio, FortressCraft Evolved, RoboCraft and many other games of this kind. -I'm experienced in LUA (scripting). What's your approach to the game? I'm a really competitive guy, I usually try to learn every little thing about the game, to use that to my advantage (and to achieve my goals). Knowledge, mindgames and deception are the keys to my success. What's my goal in the game? -My goal is to design and build some of the best creations in the game (ships, bases, drones, ...), in terms of usefulness, competitiveness, and value for money. My second goal is to have, one day, a hangar and a team of assistants, to design and experiment. How can I contribute to a corporation? -Of course, by designing custom creations , to give my corporation benefits, in every area of the game. What kind of corporation am I looking for? A medium or large sized corporation (ofc this is referred to the first few weeks of alpha/release), engaged in different activities (such as exploration, colonization, building, crafting, trading, ...), and especially committed in fighting. Other requirements are a good and fair internal organization. What role do I want? Engineer If you are interested in recruiting me, send a private message. If you have any other specific question I've not already mentioned, feel free to post on this thread.
  13. Wathever the real meanings of the terms PVE and PVP is, for most people pvp = fight, pve = farming/building/killing npcs (even if there's pvp involved). People will keep using the term pve, you have just to get used to it xD And yes, devs used the term PvE. From the FAQs:
  14. Would be nice, but it's more of a simulator thing, than related to this game. Maybe one day, but i doubt is on the roadmap right now
  15. they require food, but yea, mine was just a joke
  16. Those are energy pipes, I'm sure there's going to be more, for different uses, like mining.
  17. ----> from the FAQs. Hopefully there'll be enough stuff to do those earlier months on a planet, without having just to wait the researches to complete.
  18. Mechs are going to be possible, they already said that a few ways ago in the "daily answer thread" (or whatever its name is). So why adopt a biologic creature, when you can build a better mech version by your own?
  19. Even if it becomes a single entity, adding all this rules(minimum size, maximum power, minimum energy cons, etc...), adding chips/flames/smallblocks and balancing all this, would require a ton of work, especially if you have to do this for hundreds of blocks. Then if you merge that into a single entity, the only difference with a normal thruster is aesthetic (because without voxels the game cannot calculate local damage), and related to the statistics that can be changed, but at this point you could implement this second feature way easily just adding some sliders to a normal thruster. Again, more contents is always a good thing, but i feel this requires a lot of time to implement and it could cause a lot of trouble to the game balancing. I guess it could be better just to have thruster that you can place blocks on to cover them, you would still be able to change their appearance to a certain degree, it's easier to implement, and you'll never have a balance problem.
  20. Devs already said that there are going to be a good balance between Pve and Pvp, so this game is not going to be 100% pvp, you already know that. Probably there's going to be a virtual place, where you can't be killed or nothing griefed, where you design ship (not build, just create the blueprint), and you can't do anything alse. There's going to be a safezone on the Arkship. Then, there's no information about this, but I hope there's not going to be more safezones, it would ruin the game. Then there's going to be a territory control system, that is effectively a safezone created by players to protect their base/stuff to avoid losing everything while offline, but ofc will be possible to attack thos kind of safezone, with a mechanic we don't know yet. In theory, if you are in a big and strong corporation, that land is going to be quite safe. So with the TCU, you can build your base and store your stuff kinda safely (sometimes you'll get attacked and destroyed, but you'll probably have the chance to defend yourself), but i really doubt you're going to be able to mine/explore/scavenge/wathever outside of your claim, without the risk of being attacked. Otherwise the game would just die in a few months (or less). Any game that wants to last for a lot of years, has always had a good balance between pvp and pve. But remember, that is the social aspect of the game and the pvp, that keeps a game alive. Pve is what supports that, if in the right amount.
  21. Exactly like this3ndup said. They also said that there will be a good amount of texture to choose from, directly in the game. And the reason to not allow imported images, is because they'd need to check them and because some texture could not be in line with the game graphics, and it could ruin immersion.
  22. Would be cool, but there's way more work to do to implement this, thsn you may think. And they're already plenty of features to work on right now. Let's say you can create your own version of a thruster. How do you balance that? A thruster has stats, like energy consumption, thrust power, weight, volume, maybe a port to insert fuel in a specific position, so when you build one, you can't just place small dirt blocks, but various pieces, like the part where the flwme texture come out, or stuff like that (otherwise would not be immersive). So they need to add those pieces. Then they'd need to balance the volume for example, you can't just build a trhruster made by 1 small block, would be way more convenient compared to a standard one that takes space on the ship. Then the game would have to load more blocks, so it would be laggier. Then they'd have to do this for all the interactive parts they're going to add in the game (hundreds?). So, yes it's cool, but you get this, or you get the game, pretty much xD
  23. Shynras

    Planet size?

    Dunno, i think they're pretty recent, i noticed those yesterday, there's even a couple of other interesting infos i didnt read anywhere else
  24. I hope there's going to be enough content to do on planets then, if we have to spend there months xD
  25. Shynras

    Planet size?

    So i read somewhere, planets where going to be like 30km radius, but seems it is incorrect. From the FAQs: "Planets may range from a few hundred to thousands of kilometer in radius, so even exploring the surface of just one planet is a big task and would takle a long time to circumnavigate without the right equipment." i'm posting this because i'm pretty sure many of you don't know about this change, so what do you think? I think they changed this because the "send a drone for weeks to find a new planets" thing is a slow process, and more land is needed to balance that
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