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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Shynras

  1. @therealbeowulf first of all, i didnt read everything from when you quoted me, hopefully i'll not repeat something has already been said. yes you can aim to a voxel, like you can when you dig the ground (just tink about minecraft). In this situation you aim directly a specific voxel that generates an aoe around it. It's an hitscan, there's nothing traveling, no collisions at all. A collision is a single point of contact but needs to be calculated, it's not the same thing. The first case is simple selection, the second is intersection between 3d elements.
  2. Find it on your own on kickstarter or twitter, as I already said. My time is precious too.
  3. Alpha and beta are free, they said that multiple times, and you can probably find proof on Kickstarter comments and twitter.
  4. I agree that the eveonline system is slow and boring, but mostly it depends on the gameplay. In DU instead, you can build, explore player made cities, and do various things that should keep you busy while eaiting for skills to level up. So should work.
  5. Automated mining is bad for a mmorpg. 1)If i can build a bot, i can use the resources it gathers to build another, and so on i could build an army of bots. If you limit the amount of bot you can havem people are just going to multiaccount like crazy, keeping their pc running 24/7 with bots mining for them. And if you limit this with other mechanics, they'll find a way to exploit those too. 2)1 bot for each player is already an insane amount of resources, since the bots have to mine a decent amount to justify the risk of losing them (they'd be made of ontainers, thrusters, and more valuable elements). This would kill the mining activity. Consequently pirates wouldnt have anyone to kill. No bounty hunters. No pvp and socialization that comes from those activities. Ships are worthless because materials are abundant, so noone cares about losing a fight. People will build large ships even if they play solo and cant drive those alone, just because they have materials. Wars will go on forever because people sits on a huge amount of resources. That's what i meant with creative mode. Doesnt matter if resources are infinite or not, it matters if they are more than you will ever need. And even if the bots mine only 10% of your total needs (unlikely, because as i said they can be destroyed and they carry precious elements, so it would not be worth to use them), the amount of mining, piracy and so on, would still be reduced by 10%. That's a big deal in a game like this. Regarding mining elements, that cant be automated, but let players mine by using a construct, they're welcome. The bigger they are, the more they mine, the more they consume fuel and the bigger is the ship you need to carry those mining elements (=bigger risk). As long player interaction is needed, there can be balance.
  6. There will be blocks called anchors, and those will come in different types and shapes. Stuff like rotors, pistons, landing gear will be in the game, and it is confirmed, we just dont know how much it will take. Devs confirmed battlemechs or mechaspiders too, so hangar doors for sure are not a problem
  7. Pros: -Intellectual property (reverse engineering is slowed, not completely absent) -More mining activity, since you can't salvage sold ships (I guess you can still salvage a ship you made by your own) Cons: -No salvaging (are you serious?) -People will not be able to modify bought ships -That means that most people will not buy ships just for that, but craft their own. -If you want to change ship, you either need to sell it (maybe is an old/bad ship noone wants), destroy it (why? you just waste energy) or abandon it. An abandoned ship doesn't provide any exploration value (you can't salvage so you can't get materials out from it), and we'll likely have trash ships all over the planets (not cool to see). Personally having to choose between having or not having intellectual property in this form, I'd prefer to not have it (and I think most people want it that way). So at least would be cool to give the option to the blueprint creator to decide either or not let people deconstruct it or not. Then, salvaging is a priority over this for sure, so it has to be in the game someway.
  8. mmm so... flying platforms, automated with ai, to store ships that will be sold in the trade bubble created by market units. I'll add it on my "to do list".
  9. Combat is targetlock and doesnt have real projectiles if i understood correctly. You target a construct, a random voxel gets selected and an aoe around it damages nearby blocks. Alternatively you can target a specific element on the construct you're shooting at, and an aoe will spawn on them. So there's no calculations or collision involved in the actual combat tbh regarding positions and collisions. Real projectiles would have been problematic as collision damage would.
  10. The reason large scale battles can work is because it occupies a large space and tons of players. This means that a large battle will happen not on 1 single server but many, enough to calculate all the thousands of shots and voxel destroyed. Collision damage happens all in 1 place, 1 server and it creates a lot more load, since ramming 1 ship create multiple points of contact, it's not a single collision. It would be hard to make realistic and balance. Other than that, novaquark is going more towards a reactive type of combat, since the technical limitations on the update rate, and collision damage is not somehing you can react too. As much as i would like to build my own torpedoes, for the moment I agree with nq
  11. Collision damage, if balanced and without bugs/glitches, would be indeed a cool mechanic. Right now, would not be easy to make it work and it would take time, that hey don't have. So the question is, is it worth to add such a mechanic now? No. There's a video where JC land with a small ship on the space station, and since both are constructs, there's collision.
  12. Relax man, it just started. With no real gameplay to show, release in 2018 and the recent no man lies (+ many other games lies), people are more cautious. When the game will be ready, if it will be good as they said, people will play it. Crowfunding doesnt stop with ks, they can keep going until release. Giving up, calling EA or changing business model is not an option, the game would just not work.
  13. The game is a sandbox MMORPG. without a creative mode. If you want infinite resources this is not the game for you, that would completely ruin economy and the gameplay, since the players wouldn't even go out of their base if bots can mine for them.
  14. -They showed us already the prealpha state, with all the tech stuff already there. Since you are a developer you should know that adding a way to trade items, to create organizations, and some new blocks isn't much of a challenge. -They have many features that a lot of players don't like or may not (like PVP or combat) but they're not afraid to talk about them. -They answered a lot of questions from people, and when they were asking for specific ones, 50% of the answers are "it's cool, but we may add that in a future expansion. No lies. -They worked for 2 and half years already on the game, and they likely invested way more money than what they ask on KS. -And since the game is P2P they'll recover that investment only after release, and after the first month (that will be a trial period). Only if the game is good, and if it provides enough fun for people to play it for months. -The game will be way better than the ones you already mentioned.
  15. Atmosferic thrusters are another way to travel on a planet, I'll maybe put 2 on my hovercraft and see what happens xD Anyway hovercraft float close to the ground, and are meant to replace wheels, that would be harder to add properly (bugs and glitches because collisions with the ground) I'm pretty sure there'll be some "open" cockpits, just because it will be possible to build large ships that ofc needs some sort of chair+control panel, like the enterprise
  16. Nope. First of all, is not going to happen for sure. Then you'll need skills and materials to create even a basic ship at release, so you'll have time to understand the voxel mechanics and design one. People will share blueprints with friends and their organizations. People will post blueprints and voxel mechanics on the forum, so that everyone will have a basic understanding for release. I heard there'll be an open beta before release. A lot of stuff will change through alpha/beta, designs will change constantly. Only in the last couple of months before release designs will be kinda good. Many other reasons.
  17. It is the first stretch goal because it's a feature we're not going to play right at the start. When we start we have to train skills, make some cash, mine, create a home and pvp avatar vs avatar. Ships will come later, a few months after the start (you may have small scouts like 2 weeks after release, but for a real ship capable to fight it would probably take longer), so they'd have a little more time to do that. Water, elements, economy, organizations, ui, graphics, and more, are things that are needed right from the start, that's why CvsC is the first stretch goal. Ofc by the time we reach release, they'll reach 600k and much more, no doubt about that.
  18. Mo will just choose trade fees for every item or group of item, it's easy and it works. MO will take count of volume by himself.
  19. Shynras


    I backed with paypal with no problems, just select mastercard and insert your data.
  20. I don't think cores have a role in combat, it's just needed to assign an id to a ship, to identify blocks as a ship, and to limit their size relatively to the core block tier. Combat is about shields/armor/structure.
  21. My idea is to unlock skills with a variety of activities, so it doesn't get boring: -By waiting time -By resources -By achievements -?? Instead of waiting 7 days for a skill to complete, maybe you could grind 1-2 days for resources, and wait like 3 days. Or maybe you would need to complete an achievement (kill 10 players) and to wait 2 days, to build a pvp related element, instead of 7 days of nothing. It would be less boring.
  22. Full loot is not that harsh when the stuff you lose can be obtained in a reasonable amount of time. Minecraft is an example, there are ways to make full loot viable. In return it gives meaning to pvp, economy and make the fun last longer). I know that some people are scared to lose their stuff, even pvpers to a certain degree, but that feeling is something beautiful that you'll not find in many other titles. People has just to go in, fight and die, without caring about their stuff (just bring wih you the essentials), and they will have so much fun, that they'll do it again. That's the idea
  23. I use paypal too. Paypal uses mastercard circuit to transfer money. To use your card on kickstarter you just have to write your code and expiration date that you can find on your paypal card, and mastercard will appear as your only choice after you do that (the other options greys out). I understand what you mean with "external pages to log into your paypal account", but that doesnt work on kickstarter, at least not anymore i think. It works like amazon riht now, you have to insert your informations.
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