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Aaron Cain

Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Aaron Cain

  1. in short, you need a war. Well since nobody makes news anymore and since we cannot update the community page anymore and since we cannot post stories anymore the political landscape is kinda dead. So by killing the community page post feature we lost so much incentive to argue and sent out propaganda. Last time i saw a genuine declaration of war was ages ago. Hope they ever see need to fix the community pages again
  2. Patchnotes state that daily quanta is fixed, this is in error. Since day 1 beta i do not get daily quanta, This is not fixed and it is a known and reported bug. Please @NQ-Nomadadd again to the known buggs.
  3. Then Maybe, and only then they should not have made this a mining simulation. How many people in everyones direct circle in real life are miners? now in DU its a 99% even tho some say no it isnt. Wel probably the leaders of massive orgs who have minions to mine dont have too but for all others its a mining sim.
  4. Indeed, Although i do understand the the intention is to not damage a structure by collision when someone flies into it, this is approaching ridicule. Another thing is that a dynamic core is not dynamic, its static with engines, simply because it does not move when pushed. Another space game has taken another approach where you actually have collision damage and you can infact push pynamic structures If you have enough power. there are countless good solutions for this problem, preferably by solutions like shielding or something and actuall dynamic properties of dynamic cores so you can push them.
  5. Good points, but as in many MO games, glamour is the real endgame Grinding all day does burn a person
  6. I am very sorry to say but the results from the past not only tell us you are right but also that these people already know where the asteroids are gone be and what asteroid will have what ore. Who tells them? well, I guess a little bird.
  7. Love your post Graxxor, so many elements i think daily when online. sand out of glas is one of my favorites, also we have so much soil/dirt/snow/you name it and its worthless, technically snow is water so that can be used, soil/dirt/whatever contains so many elements/minerals so it should be refinable. the way it is used now they are just other elements on the elemental table.
  8. Agree, it would really help to get any civilization started if we can place voxels at will on owned tiles, in the end its needed for massive infrastructures and would help to get a start with cities and more intercollegual contacts. and like you stated, it would be completely logical if free placed voxels are useless for element placing, not even a bench or a light, only voxels. This idea is proposed before in topics about roads, bridges and maglef trains. it is a nice thing to see added.
  9. Good point, no problem with "being a dick limitations" It is more the experience from everything seen already in DU and in general limitations or "Incentives" are bad news not to some but to the whole community.
  10. Apparently we do, it is called build mode where you can delete your structure, never even tried to enter buildmode in battle so no idea if it works but if some people here say so it probably does
  11. So besides getting the cargo you can also go in build mode and just start grabbing the elements that still fit your nano, or even delete the ship. I think we just got an extra strategy for those who really dont want their stuff stolen.
  12. Indeed, best to go back to basic and from there see where it goes. we did sign up for something, there are logical changes and some based on loud noice but frankly sometimes one person can scream louder then a hundred and well from some memerable moments in this beta where some people were very very lucky i would say there is smoke for favourism. Hope I am wrong but if that is actually here, well sent me back my cash asap. I am Not going to play a game where developers favour some players so much that they have an advantage over others. still having an advanced guard of players that are picked in beta where you already told there would be No wipe is not the move I would make.
  13. On the places i visit there is a steep decline in people Also i know of a fair number of would be industrials who left for now, not only due to the patch but everything combined.
  14. Well if we may not mention them but can find them in about 10 seconds, what is NQ doing about them? Thanks for the reminder, post edited.
  15. it is clearly risk based, and nobody with a non-PVP mindset will risk their stuff blownup so somebody can sell their goods on the internet as goldseller (proof of goldsellers DU provided in the post(link removed according to EULA). Now i dont expect the nice people on this forum to be the sellers, but its a simple risk based. -A What is the severity of the risk 10- effects may cause a serious adverse effect like permanent disability 8- effect may cause significant impact on the product/build 6- effect is noticible and may render use unable of the product/build 4- effect is noticable and may hinder use of product/build 2- effect will have negligible effect -B What is the propability of occurence 10- certain to occur routinely 8- Occurs frequently 6- Occurs occasionaly 4- Occurs not often 2- unlikely to occur And then everything above A*B=12 is a risk and everything above A*B=36 should be concidered a critical risk what leads to the next: -What can i do to mitigate the risk? Well that is upto you But lets say i fly with my 300 million ship fully loaded with thoramine without safety of warp with the knowledge gankers/pirates and possible goldsellers are after me, what then: The risk would be to get shotdown and loose the ship and the cargo: A 10- effects may cause a serious adverse effect like permanent disability (as the ship is destroyed and cargo lost also meaning the additional loss of having to rebuild.) B 10- certain to occur routinely (from witness reports we know that ships flying throug PVP zones are killed very routinely so chance of occurence is highest possible) Ranking: A*B=100 Mitigation is needed to reduce risk And now why is it so lucrative to kill miners and everyone else who flies through a non sanctuary zone, Not because the market profits
  16. I reported the no daily quanta bug on day 1, already it is reported 2 times solved but there is no solution. I did get the nice email that i am not allowed to disclose here but the issue is still not fixed, tickets are closed as solved. Where i work and come from this is a non-issue, any closure on unfinished business can get me fired within the day. Probably there is a lot going on but i am not surpriced, since last week i go from never a dc since day one to now, a dc almost every 10 minutes. When they can they really do help specially when asked in discord but in general there seems to be some organizational mismatch since the discord service&help team and the people who help the tickets are clearly outspoken by the discord NQ-people, not the same.
  17. Hereby I open a petition to NQ With a very simple question, nothing too fancy: "Please make Time invested in DU worthwile by reducing overal costs in creating ships and buildings". Alternatively this will also probably reduce the gold sellers as margins plumeth and will inspire PvP as losses are manageble. Moreover will this help the economy because everyone loves to keep industry rolling so the surplus needs to go somewhere. It all comes down to what was already said, would you risk a 200 euro/dollar ship? probably not. Would you risk a ship thats net worth is a cup of coffee and maybe a donut? I would, wouldn't you? This topic is not to discuss how to make it cheaper, to give NQ all the space there is to be creative. Origins of this petition are the many discussions on PVP and what is holding people back at the moment.
  18. By reading all these posts and many others it is clear there are a lot of different views on how PvP or Non-PvP should emerge in DU but one thing is coming back every time, the cost of it all and that the cost of it all is the biggest hinderence to actual gameplay, whether you are on the PVP side or the non-PVP side, miner, creator you name it. I propose to open a petition to NQ With a very simple question, nothing too fancy: "Please make Time invested in DU worthwile by reducing overal costs in creating ships and buildings". Alternatively this will also probably reduce the gold sellers as margins plumeth and will inspire PvP as losses are manageble. Moreover will this help the economy because everyone loves to keep industry rolling so the surplus needs to go somewhere. Only reason not to would be in my perspective if the goldsellers are actual NQ people or affiliated. It all comes down to what was already said, would you risk a 200 euro/dollar ship? probably not. Would you risk a ship thats net worth is a cup of coffee and maybe a donut? I would, wouldn't you?
  19. The biggest issue with your post is that you are very probably right in all aspects
  20. Any real docking really, should be easy to actually make something. Doesnt really matter if its magnettic or deadlocked or whatever really, alot of space games have good ideas, just needs a Just DU it melange.
  21. Indeed, within no time there will be no-one flying at all. The aftermath of the last patch shows exactely what happens if we get another one like it, you can not only kiss PVP goodby but also any hope for a DU version with a sustainable player base. And Yes thats assumption, and assumption is the mother of all fuckups but I guess someone assumed the latest patch would be great and bring everybody back ingame and Make them all happy. First days i heard alot of positive people, then they needed to fix their own industry, now they abandoned a majority of their factories. I hope I am very wrong and i hope that the dutch saying : Beter ten halve gekeerd dan ten hele gedwaald (better to turn halfway then to get comletely lost) Is also known to the people who are looking if the patch does what was intended
  22. No new limits please, stat seems to be the only way Anything is balanced. Please NQ find a solution and not another limitation, even better: remove all other limitations that were used to fix issues.
  23. you forget that a lot of players do not even get that as the bug that prevents every player from getting the 150k is still active since day 1. No compensation has been given and no solution is found, so beside all other bugs a lot of players are screwed even more then you think. Would be nice to see this bug fixed.
  24. You just described the space engineer server options where you need to fix those yourself. Problem with DU is that they had a clear vision, nice kickstarter goals and alot of people here reacted to that and the possible awesomeness of the implications. But now we have a sort of kickstarter version .23X and it does not resemble what most of us signed up for. But after investing between 5 euros/dollars/whatever and 4000 the same players have not much other options then just accept and play. But frankly the information and sales talk when i invested was completely different from where we stand now, it is abit going for a top of the line watercooled gaming PC and paying for it and then a few weeks later they sent a calculation board with an industrial fan, monopoly and a small tv and still take all your cash. And when you ask what that is they just tell you you can place it all together in a small space and combine the use.
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