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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by CoreVamore

  1. Carefull.... that should have been posted in the NDA forums.....
  2. Of course u can. Thats called the rental market.... ?
  3. Pretty sure thats what lua will be for....
  4. Probably not a drawback as, afaik, no engine, nor system, in DU emits any radiation. So we are good to go with engines etc within the main hull. Who knows, by that time line they may have really good shielding tech that allows that to happen.
  5. If the core is destroyed I would imagine that it would deactivate all lua code as well as making it inaccessible. The ship would then be able to be salvaged for spare parts. Perhaps some DU elements might survive the core destruction so you could salvage them per each element unit.
  6. As the targeting system in DU is meant to be lock/chance/skill/hit based I dont think the shape of the ship will make much, if any, difference
  7. Either repair the door, or blow the door plane away to jump through the hole, either way would work.
  8. Stopping when colliding with something, or until it reaches 90 degrees of opening, is a better way to do it as it is likely that you will be opening the ramp door on uneven surfaces - hence the need to stop opening once a collision is detected.
  9. This may already exist.... However I propose a new type of framed door called a Ramp Door. When activated the Ramp Door, which is a single plane ramp, opens/drops until it collides with something, which causes it to stop and stay open. Activating the Ramp Door again causes it to close back up into the frame. The Ramp Door may be invaluable for loading/unloading goods, people, animals and vehicles. (Would also look good). Could also be used as a draw bridge. So thats my suggestion. It may already be under NDA but if not I think it would be a great element to have.
  10. SShhhhh I'm not going to tell..... And I'm not going to build one of these..... Which may, or may not, include a Gort
  11. One of the first thing new people should learn is that, generally speaking, joining an org will provide greater benefits than going it alone. Heck, just create a University Org that focuses just on education/help, problem solved
  12. I like the new logo, but, the 'gaming' bit in the logo tends to break immersion..... Being in New Genesis as a force to be reckoned with, but the gaming bit makes me realise I am in a game..... nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ?
  13. Thats the benefit of joining an org - most within an org will help you succeed. Everyone wins
  14. No, what he means is that the performance of the game on your laptop will likely improve as the game is further developed
  15. Oh... u mean something like this?
  16. Welcome aboard And screw u guys, im going home!
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