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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by CptLoRes

  1. That's very interesting, but if someone else place their TCU on the hex you are in big trouble.
  2. Yeah sorry, I misunderstood your problem. Definitively looks like a bug. My suggestion would be to sell some T1 ore and get a Container M that is big enough to clear up the queue.
  3. That dosen't sound right. The vertical isn't supposed to be able to go much higher then a hover. A long, long time ago they got nerfed because people where using them to shoot straight up into space.
  4. Right click slot and delete. But first drag and drop the slot to a new position while holding the shift key to split it, so that you can keep some of the Nitrogen. Alternatively get to a market and sell it.
  5. Closely related to grindalotium..
  6. They automatically stop once you get past the maximum vertical lift altitude.
  7. Trying to push the boundaries of voxels, and see where we can go.
  8. Just live stream the login screen. It's an accurate representation of the game atm..
  9. That makes sense if your goal is to PvP. But for someone more interested in creating, it just means find another game. Why should I spend countless hours in this game creating nice things, if anyone with a gun feeling slightly bored can destroy it? The mark of an advanced civilizations is to build, not make war.
  10. This is just the same question in another form. Unless is was dirt cheap, why would anyone buy T1 when they can mine their own? And if T1 is dirt cheap why would anyone sell it instead of using it on industry? And beside all this, where is the money coming from that newbs is supposed to spend on the market?
  11. And exactly how will this work for new players? A free market does not automatically mean lower prices. If you have a majority of established players with lots of quanta, then a completely free market will make prices increase, not decrease. Why would for example someone having player the game for years, bother with selling fuel to newbs with hardly any profit margin (relative to where they are in the game)?
  12. There is no universe where 1800L as the minimum makes any sense. Edit: It would be understandable if it is a temporary solution that will greatly improve the game performance until they have a more permanent solution. But since we as usual have little to no information from NQ, we can only speculate.
  13. Basically they are struggling with data loss/corruption caused by client-sever lag and/or desynchronization between servers. This fits with recent actions to try and minimize player traffic to the servers. But.. this is also ample evidence of plain bugs in the gamer like tutorials, client crashes, http timeouts etc.. Likely caused by hastily written code the last week or so.. And it also explains to some degree why activating more servers would not be a fix all solution to the problems we are having.
  14. Increasing batch size is not a good way to decrease server traffic, and that is disregarding all the changes to the game mechanics it will cause. Considering the amount of industrial units all trying to spam the server, a more sensible approach would be to gather all industry events for the entire construct and send them in single data package at some fixed time interval.
  15. Yes, they are built to look pretty. But they are hardly the most effective or practical designs.
  16. Normally NDA still applies to specifics that happened during the NDA time period, so you have to tiptoe and carefully choose your words. Which is why I get a bit aggressive when people start claiming everything was fine during pre-beta.
  17. Bullshit.. The only difference is that because there are more (paying) players and no NDA now, the backlash is much more visible.
  18. They call them HTTP errors so 100 should be a status confirmation message meaning "Continue" and 106 does not exist.. So basically NQ development in a nutshell, reinvent the wheel and replace existing standards with homebrew aka not invented here syndrome. HTTP 4xx/5xx already exist for a reason.
  19. The main problem here is that the entire beta release was forced/rushed (most likely for financial reasons). NQ was never able to prove their server technology before the beta release. The lag, pending operation errors, low fps, and general bugs etc. are not new problems. So when you open up and start running the servers 24/7 for the first time ever, you obviously (they where told, believe me) end up with the current situation.
  20. ok.. My for my next project I'm am building a giant and really, really fat hamster statue..
  21. And it seems NQ has made up their own HTTP error codes also, to further increase the user confusion.
  22. Here is an idea that might slow down the "cannot connect threads". Add before I say this just know that yes, I know this is heretic. But what if the login error said something about the server being unavailable because of maintenance. Yes, yes <HTTP ERROR 100> sound so much cooler I know.
  23. I would wait regardless. There is a lot going on with the servers atm.
  24. You don't release beta knowing there are many bugs (and design issues), you release beta to find bugs.
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