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Everything posted by CptLoRes

  1. .. and the huge stinking pile of technical debt just keeps growing. The problem with not fixing issues at the core of the game as early as possible, is that they get harder and harder to fix with time as you pile more and more functionality on top.
  2. That is why I am pushing for cross section affecting radar detection range, and relative speed between ships and not just distance alone also affecting hit ratio. A slim lightweight ship with higher acceleration and maneuverability, should be MUCH harder to hit then it is today. But all this aside, there is no arguing the fact that a cube/sphere is a very valid design in friction less space..
  3. This is referred to as the N-1 bug, and has been there since day one. And according to NQ it is unfixable because of some technical limitation in their voxel implementation.
  4. When you look at the timeline for Elite, it is also clear that they did get a lot more done in 2 years of dev time.
  5. Cross section should affect hit chance, and radar detection range. Relative speed and not just distance between ships should also be a thing that affect hit chance.
  6. Looking at the map there should be a market close to each district.
  7. The cubes would be waiting at known checkpoint locations, not chase after racers. And ram a moving ship in space, now I know you are just trolling for a response so this will be my last reply..
  8. Yes, I always prefer skill based events (ship design, navigation, piloting, inflight resource management) to random luck. And we all know some race participants would use org members with PvP cubes to hunt down race opponents.
  9. But market 6 (like all the other district markets) is now just a market like any other, since there is no teleport. Meaning NQ just destroyed the biggest financial hub in the game..
  10. Sorry can't really help you with your discord problem. And I don't really understand why discord is used like this. If you start with fresh eyes using the DU webpage as a starting point, it is really hard to know where to go for more up to date information. Especially since information is all over the place. Some on discord (if you have the patience to navigate through that disorganized mess, and check the right channels), some on twitter some in interviews etc. and if you are very lucky eventually it will trickle down to their official forum but usually not..
  11. Static mesh aka mesh server aka traditional 3D models instead of voxels.
  12. Sorry to break it to you all, but DU is fundamentally made to be a building game more then it is a PvP game. And the problem with building vs destroying is that when it takes 5 minutes to destroy months of work, builders leave the game.
  13. My guess is that they put special attention to the expo, allocating extra server resources (and possibly manual labor) to convert parked ships into static meshes as quickly as possible. So the main difference is that most constructs at the expo where static, while the districts not so much..
  14. Sorry for the off-topic here. The teleport change will cause some minor inconvenience to whales, but it will be much more problematic for normal players who are stuck with the containers on the construct they came flying in with.
  15. What is more worrying to me is that while ugly and chaotic, the districts and tiles close around them are the only place where we currently have true spontaneous community gatherings in the game. The early (and ugly) beginnings of an emergent society if you will, just as JC has talked about from the very beginning. But even at the relatively small scale of clustering we have around districts (compared to the vision laid out by JC), the game can't handle it at all..
  16. Separate market from districts, so that you no longer can teleport between markets.
  17. Yeah... They just destroyed the entire District market dynamic in the typical NQ "fix the symptoms, not the cause" way of doing things. The number one selling point for this game was building large community settlements, space stations etc. So it is a bit ironic that the biggest problem with this game is that it can't handle more than a handful of players/constructs gathering before it breaks down.. I am pretty much at the point where I need to take a break from this game.
  18. There is this little thing called immersion that some people seek in games, that is totally ruined by those flat harsh icons floating all over the screen.
  19. And all of it perfectly sound physics following the laws of conservation... err..
  20. Flying with radar in a crowded area (like close to districts) is not a pleasant experience, and can easily cause information overload which is just as bad as to little information. The easy solution would be if static voxels also took damage in collisions tearing down towers, but this cannot happen since it would instantly turn into acts of war inside safe zones.
  21. Some of the towers are not exactly easy to spot, and depending on the mood of the servers they might not even load before it is to late.
  22. Probably server lag/sync issue. Give it some time and try again.
  23. My Atmos M tank capacity just went from 1600 up to 2560L so that aspect works at least.
  24. Also remember that in atmosphere there is drag. And drag is decided by the frontal cross section of the construct, meaning a long slender ship will go faster with less engine power then a bulky one.
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