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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Anasasi

  1. To answer your question, no, I never sleep. I have to stay awake to stay alive. I live in Australia.

  2. Welcome to the forums! Keep reading, you'll only get deeper into the information.
  3. Perma-death is a very fine subject, but I think the loss of all your work may be damning enough, maybe even a drop in skills or something. But even that still seems to harsh Death is just a razor thin ice discussion regardless as people don't like it either way it goes, as for myself, I honestly don't care as long as I can keep playing the game. If you lose everything on you, then so be it. Loss is a thing people will have to get used to in this game I'm sure.
  4. Welcome to the community mate!
  5. A game of this scale won't ever have a single-player moddable section, it's just way to big of an undertaking for such a small team. They might end up opening player item input eventually, but, who knows.
  6. This should be a thing, have a skybox that is uniform but changes as you change position in a relative way. i.e, the universe backgrounds color would eventually change, but it would take moving system to make it do that. That's just my take on it anyway.
  7. I was having a gander at some posts to do with organizations and I had realized that there wasn't a discussion anywhere specifically to do with grouping up in a group with other players for a temporary time, i.e, fleets. Now, I'd like to put across the idea that a ranked mechanic would work best, but that's just me as I played way too much EvE and got way to used to it. For those of you who don't know the ranking and leadership mechanics of EvE I'll quickly write and example below. Fleet Ranks: -- Fleet Command Wing Command Squad Leader Squad Member ​ Squad Member ​ Squad Member -- Wing Command Squad Leader Squad Member ​ Squad Member ​ Squad Member -- That format works up to 5 wings in total. Now this game would be quite different with the addition of multi-crew member ships, would the ship itself be included as a member, or, I guess the owner plus their crew? Or would the entire crew take up slots/make numbers in the fleets and groups? Not only this, would the fleet allow/disallow mass movement on fleet commander decision, or would this have to be coordinated via everyone involved, adding a layer of difficulty to leading fleets? As well as the age old question, would fleeting up kill off the ability to friendly fire, or for whatever sake, will FF still be a viable thing within a fleet? Joining them, if they are to be a thing should be based on invites or advertisement to your organization/contacts. This just makes finding a group of people doing a group task within your organization easier in some ways. Now, these are just my ideas (which I've obviously "borrowed"), I'd like to hear all of yours though, as I said I haven't seen much to do with this!
  8. The politics from what I can see will be somewhat similer albeit a lot more flexible from the current look of things, ranging from planetary surface interactions to system wide interactions. As for the mining/gathering part, unfortunately I am unsure. I can't even find any links related, someone will have some idea. Though, I might just be missing something (My sanity, for starters).
  9. Welcome to the community, mate! Another EvE player, huh, this is saying something.
  10. You really are just full of links. Thank-you for highlighting that Nyz has said something to do with it, it's good to see that it is under consideration. I never really caught on to the idea behind why SE had no cores/centers, but I guess that all makes sense now. But, still, a temperature mechanic might be the best bet as you can use it for several things, but also have it be used in varying degrees depending on the planet type, etc.
  11. You really do like the idea of outfit design in this game, don't you? Character: Sel-Kuni Aiseti Roles: Industrialist, Organization Director/CEO, Capital Vessel Pilot. I like building things for people to destroy, but I also enjoy piloting the biggest things I can build
  12. I believe the best test method for users trying the game will be some form of 'trial period', short, but sweet. As for life time, the issue is the lifetime of this game can vary so much, it will either be around for years and years (I hope), or it may just stay a small community held game that really doesn't gain much attention and has to shut down. With this in mind, I like the system of Monthly, Tri-monthly, Half yearly or yearly subscriptions with a discount as you buy more and more time. This will allow the devs to keep atleast some form of a steady flow of income if people keep playing or until they end up using the in-game subscription items. I believe this system can and does still work with micro-transactions on some games, as people become super addicted (As I have before) and I end up spending way too much money on both the sub and micro-trans. But I understand where you are coming from and does seem like a good idea regardless, just thought I'd add my ramblings too.
  13. Maybe some form of API system to pull information and allow those who are dangerously addicted to the game, to make applications for it. Or, you know, personal applications and websites for specific things. Of course, I'm unsure how feasible a connection with in-game LUA will be. Stolen EvE idea really, but it really has worked for a lot of the market applications, character monitoring, etc.
  14. The monitors would have to be large enough to make it worth while though! Don't want to get stuck parallel parking a capital sized ship on a crappy CRT monitor.
  15. Will be honest, definitely poses an alternate to building in space and transferring materials with total fuel involved, etc. Better to build up then out possibly. In the long run it would also mean the possibility of transferring to a city on the surface without needing to take your ship down, dock in space, ride the elevator down, do some casual trading, go back up. Interesting concept, I do like it.
  16. Only until they, well, inevitably find away around it. People are crafty buggers. Forgot to mention this in my above post, this is an interesting concept for some sort of possible renewable energy source, would make running large installments a bit more feasible.
  17. Or until you die. Whichever is first. Welcome! (It's a bit late, but it's the thought that counts, right?)
  18. There have been several topics surrounding issues related to this, but nothing directly addressing the clothing situation. So I will amalgamate them below into a list if you want to look at them too for ideas, they are quite nifty. Including mentions of mech suits etc. https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/467-what-about-powered-armor-exoskeletons-and-clothing/ https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/601-character-customisation/?hl=suits#entry4241 https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/337-character-creation-and-immersion/page-2?hl=suits#entry1472 (Light mention of suits and oxygen deprived areas.) Talking about emblems and logos, it would be nice to see them being made outside of the game and uploaded within a guideline of course for organizations. This idea was recently implemented into EvE online as alliance logos, but they aren't worn or seen anywhere other than a single structure and information screens. The ability to place them on clothing and possibly ships would be a grand thing. As for the atmospheric conditional suiting, I understand it may be hard to code in, but if there is to be an array of different planet types everywhere, we shoud have some way to explore them! Airlocks would be necessary for building on them, but that's another step the devs will have to look at, but I concur that this would take this game through the ranks to legendary. This would be interesting, it would add another aspect to the free market they want to produce, allowing you to ask completely ludicrous amounts for a shirt/suit . But then again, it would also add just a little more of a custom aspect to the game.
  19. There was some talk of this with another app type thing for a 'security camera' or in-game camera system, however this system of radar or trip events seems to be a new thing to a lot of the survival games - well atleast I know a few that are looking at it, where it either pushes to an app or even e-mail. Link to said Discussion: https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/659-in-game-cameras/ However, in linking that I realize it's a slightly different function, but combine the two with an in-game feed that you can opt in to watch to see numbers and such, it would be interesting.
  20. This is true, however this is all stipulation based on the possible requirements and sizes of a potential outpost. I mean, we could be looking at ridiculous amounts of power per building/ship or we could be looking at manageable amounts. The reason the idea came about is because if you are working in a large enough group, you could possibly run it if it was quite power hungry. As for the building size of 25cm3 blocks, I understand that building areas aren't going to be Huge but a city could benefit from this, if it ever reaches this point. Or I guess a rather large spaceport installation.
  21. I tend to have to agree that RNGs, while they are nice, get a bit grindy. A players skill input means that they have to stay at the pique of their performance to keep a constant speed and quality, it also means more of an engaging challenge from what I can see from other games and your examples. I'm trying to imagine an RNG event system though, that makes me cringe.
  22. Crack the core, implode the planet? I really hope there is some realism that puts you under either more and more intense pressure or heat to avoid having people digging straight through without consequence. A molten core would surely stop people in their path.
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