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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by blazemonger

  1. The argument whether there will be a 3rd person view or not is moot as JC has said in one of the GSN interviews there will be. I think there needs to be a clear definition of what 3rd person view is in this case. For me it is unlocking the camera POV from the players head looking forwards to being able to move and zoom the camera 360 degrees and in a reasonable ranged half sphere around the player or construct being flown as the focal point. That would make sense and IMO is a requirement for the game to succeed and be viable for content creation. Another thing is being able to completely disconnect the camera from the player and have it literally act as a separate person/entity being able to move away and observe events miles away from the player location. While I personally would not have any issue with it and can see a lot of cool use for it, I can see how that is something that impacts strategy and PVP in a way some may not want or think is unfair. As a compromise I could see availability of this mode being controlled through rights management and require a TCU to be active for your org. The range of the camera would in that case be limited to the edge of the hex the TCU controls. As a balance activating this would mean activating it for anyone in the claimed area.
  2. DU requires AVX Deal with it End of discussion
  3. You paid $15 at most on kickstarter.. I made you an offer you appear to ignore. So what is it? You here to get a refund or just to whine and complain about a non issue?
  4. No one made that argument .. And again, your compare with predefined block based voxel games does not hold as DU is nothing like any of these games in how voxels are handled, can be manipulated and in what numbers.
  5. None of the game's you mention is anything like DU in how they work with voxels. The given you do not realise this kind of kills the argument here.
  6. What other new voxel game are you referring to? While I can't discuss detail due to NDA, there is no current voxel based game that applies the voxel concept quite like DU does.
  7. You may have bought your CPU in 2012 but it is not from 2012 as it would be an Ivy Bridge chip and have the AVX instruction set.
  8. Your CPU is at least 9 generations old. A few posts above this it was quite clearly explained why this is a requirement. for anything else; support.dualthegame.com
  9. Fair enough I guess. I did not mean to get that across quite as harsh as it did to be honest. I doubt this will impact the consideration for Linux as a viable platform to support for Novaquark though..
  10. WSL2 is a great development for situations where you need or want access to Linux tools/applications It's still an instanced VM though. I'm not sure how suddenly a Windows/MacOS ban come into this as there is none. Also I think there is a 'slight' misconception of how this all impacts the ability for Chinese gamers to access and play Windows only games (hint; as it stands, it hardly does as they are 'underground'/using alternate access anyway for a large part). A much more likely fallout can be China imposing a ban on iOS products as it's like for like and this will seriously hurt Apple. This sounds more like another attempt to shoehorn in yet another plea for Linux support, Nothing really changed there, as expected the hype train after Valve made it look like they were going to make a push came and went with no real impact. Linux as a commercially viable option for game development is non existent.
  11. How would it change the relation to Linux? While I can see people making efforts to run Windows only games on Linux as they choose to use one of the menu iterations of that OS, its general market share is simply too low to warrant the investment and resources needed to support it. Market share for Linux user will need to increase with 4 digit percentage points to even be consider a viable option commercially.
  12. I kind of expect fleet/multi construct battles to work much like they do in ATLAS. Big exception would be there's no NPCs to hire and have man stations.
  13. The Podcast is really nice, I appreciate the detail as much as was possible. NQPlease do not let this opportunity slide to inform the community and keep em coming with a reasonable frequency (one every month seems like a good start). Just talking about stuff and sharing is pretty much what I have missed from NQ for a long time. A+ and keep em coming!
  14. Provided you run a single monitor at 1080p max you should be OK. Regardless, you may want to consider an upgrade to something like the 1660ti ..
  15. Stadia for now is mostly vaporware to be honest. They threw around a lot of fancy words and specs but nothing substantial, no commitments time wise and more importantly, not a single clue on cost. Probably more suitable and cheaper option with a far greater chance of being usable in a wide range of situations is getting a Shadow PC. And the specs for a shadow PC more than cover what you need for DU.
  16. Do you understand the purpose of these packs and what they give you? You do realize they basically give you more playtime at release before you need to pay than what the same playtime will likely cost at that time plus some extras _and_ allows you to participate in the closed pre-release server uptime to test and break stuff as the game is developed right? Obviously, you are free to choose and wait for release and just pay a monthly sub from that time (or make your money in game to pay for it).
  17. The question here would actually be 'should NQ be willing to sacrifice the loss in performance they believe degrades the experience in order to accommodate a relatively small percentage of potential users' as well as 'will the degraded performance lead to negative responses/reviews and thus possibly deter potential customers otherwise not affected by this' . I believe that bottom line it's better to lose a few dues to a perfectly explainable reasons than to risk losing more due to unbalanced and uninformed negative reactions on performance.
  18. While you are obviously free to be of the opinion that minimal requirements purely relate to performance, the general accepted meaning is that you will need the specified hardware to run the application. Your CPU is three generations behind the minimal requirements at least so it's not suitable to run DU. In technology terms you are using a quite outdated CPU. It would be like driving around a 1950s car in today's traffic, it may be able to keep up but to say it's a safe or suitable way to drive in 2019 is at best questionable. Expecting technology and software development to continue to support outdated hardware is not reasonable. The i3 7100 in every way out performs the i7 970 with half the core count, it's not even close.. TDP alone is 1/3 of what your CPU required, memory and bus speed is way, way higher on the i3. Lastly, using a 1080ti with a CPU that provides not even half the bandwidth it needs to perform optimal seems also a bit odd, it's pretty much like driving a fast car with the handbrake on all the time. It would be very bad for NQ to accommodate ancient hardware by removing ways to be more efficient through modern day technology. I guess you have a choice to make here.
  19. AVX provides some considerable advantages. Frankly, expecting nearly a decade old hardware to still work and be compatible with modern day requirements is somewhat unreasonable. That and the minimal hardware spec does in fact make mention of this.
  20. Commercially it would not be wise to post restrictive regulation prior to someone choosing to press a buy button, even when it is generally known these restrictions exist. No matter how sensible the restrictions are, it will deter a certain number of potential buy ins regardless. You'd want to introduce these at the last possible moment.
  21. The test is useful for the back end and to establish a 'max viable' number for how many players per node you can potentially deal with. Since the number of variables it takes into account is minimal there is not much that can be concluded from this test otherwise. Say I can create and start about 250 VMs on the VMware server I run at home without much trouble. That does not mean I can or have the ability to manage that number of VMs under load or in an actual production environment, It also does not make me a VMware expert. All it does is tell me my hardware is capable of creating and then starting 250 VMs. So IMO for eventual game play this test means very little, something which is perfectly fine as at this stage of development that is not really relevant yet. I guess what I am trying to say is let's take the test and the mentioned article for what I believe it is, a marketing/PR exercise with possibly additional value towards investors.
  22. Pretty much, yes.. Having 30K bots spawn in across a planet really is not that much of a deal. Now, get them all in the same general area, say within a 2KM radius and we're talking..
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