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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by sHuRuLuNi

  1. I wanted to use this as a decoration, because it looks nice, but apparently I can't. How am I supposed to use it?
  2. I am not sure whether you read my original post. I had to walk because I did kill myself, and was resurrected on the Sanctuary Moon instead of Alioth - and there I was roughly 67 km away from the District/Shuttle. And because I also thought there might be some issue with cache, several hours ago I completely uninstalled and reinstalled the game (on a separate SSD). Just now after my ship ONCE AGAIN was stuck under the ground and I could neither reach it nor fetch it - I had to log out and in again -- but when I did this now - ALL districts and Markets are gone. None of them is present on the planet (I flew over them - not only are they not there, but even on the map there is no sign of them and if I open "Points of interest" where it shows all the Markets, the list is completely empty). So now I exited the game completely and launched it again - and they are still gone - not on the planet, not on the map, and not under "Points of Interest" List. Mind you I have been a Ruby Founder since the very beginning of this game on Kickstarter - so I have played for years now and these issues are happening much often now than they did then.
  3. Ahm ... as I said, I cannot use Fetch for another 10 hours ... you can only use it once every 24 hours. And even that will not be possible anymore, because the message says the Fetch feature will be completely removed.
  4. So, this happened because almost every half an hour I have to log out and log in again because the districts do not load. I am flying to a district and when I arrive there, there is nothing, no buildings. This keeps happening, that is why I have to log out, and when I log in again, the district is there. So this happened yesterday as well - there was no district, and I parked there somewhere. I intentionally parked a little away from the "M" marker but when I loaded the game - guess what? - I was stuck with ship and all INSIDE the district walls - so I could not get out. I force-respawned - and, lucky me - I respawned on the freakin MOON. I had forgotten from the tutorial that I had set a Res.Node on the bloody moon. So, there I had to WALK for hours to the nearest district so that I can shuttle back to Alioth - and I thought I will fetch my Ship somewhere outside - but NOPE --- I cannot fetch it for another 10+ hours, because apparently you can only use the function every 24 hours. And the best thing is: It says they plan on completely removing the "Fetch" function. Great! That way, when we get stuck with our constructs again we cannot retrieve them at all anymore!
  5. I am checking the website, forums, YouTube and everything everyday in the hope there will be some update, some new video maybe, anything .... Would be good to post Videos and updates frequently so as to keep the Game on the radar, me thinks.
  6. Cant read your link. It requires me to register for YET ANOTHER social media crap thing. So, no thanks.
  7. Why not just one language, and save the localization money to expand the game more.
  8. After the Foundation Update, I am playing No Man's Sky again (Building stuff). Tried Osiris but there is not much game yet in it ... Oh, and Battlefield 1.
  9. Don't care about CVC, and frankly don't get it why so many do. If I want my daily dosage of killing, I play Battlefield. I would like to contribute more to the slogan of this game, which is, guess what, NOT "kill each other", bur rather "Rebuild civilization together".
  10. Same here. Interesting that people even after years, and many studies, do not seem to learn that a bright text on a black/dark background is a BIG NO-NO in web design IF YOU PLAN ON READING LONGER TEXTS. It is fine as a small static page elements or similar, but it is just terrible for FORUMS. The mobile version is ok color wise, but it is too clunky to use on PC and doesn't have half the features. There are TONS of IP.Board templates out there - wouldn't be hard to implement some more.
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