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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by mrjacobean

  1. I disguise myself as a travelling salesman. I offer you some water (that is drugged), that you accept due to extreme thirst. You fall unconscious and roll down the hill. I am now the King of the Hill
  2. I sneak up behind you and Vulcan Death Grip you to death. I am now the King of the Hill
  3. But what about pistols at dawn?
  4. Statement revised: Ship weapons might not be at release.
  5. Ship weapons are unlikely to be at release, and the game is not using your regular FPS (see Call of Duty) player vs player combat. There is likely going to be a rifle and a pistol at the start of alpha, but what I am hoping for is a modular weapon system (think create your own guns by combining parts, like a more complex version of Fallout 4's weapon mods).
  6. Yes. Only in game politics can be discussed!
  7. We have enough 'Realism' already. The word has turned into 'Cinematic' when used to describe video games. We do not play a game to watch a movie. We do not try to escape reality to get more of reality (there are other places where it could work). What is important is good gameplay. Taking away skills permanently is not something many people will appreciate (what happens when someone spawn camps you again and again? You lose ALL progress). As I have said before: Temporary debuffs take away the Zerg Rush approach whilst not forcing you to retrain skills. It also gives most of the positives and none of the negatives of what OP has proposed (people wasting ships to 'see if it works' will always happen). And in lore terms, consider it quantum travel sickness (the process of respawning is that a respawn node switches you with a identical, but dead, version of you via quantum teleportation).
  8. I believe there is a thread about some other ideas on how to give player death actual meaning (This one focusing on temporary debuffs). Here: https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/10334-trauma-mechanics-and-emergent-gameplay-consequences/
  9. That's why they call me... Hmm. They don't call me anything. Ah well...
  10. I think Gas Giants would come in an expansion (it is cool, but not vital). The problem would be that only new systems would have them. Alternatively, you could have gas giants in the game but if you approach them they tear your ship apart (so they are just locations, not voxels), until they release the tech (expansion) to enter them.
  11. Just going to say this, Planet rotation is something they WANT, but they may not be able to get it until after release (its not a priority)
  12. I am pretty sure they said something about an inventory system that allows automated movement of items, but I may be delusional
  13. I think you severely estimate the determination of some orgs, getting an outpost on another planet first is going to be important (imagine, only your org on the planet, with plenty of time to get some space superiority)
  14. on the subject of lifetime subscription, is it possible to get it after release?
  15. Since the hill no longer exists (it was sent back in time, so it exists in the present no longer) I kick over a sandcastle someone else has made and call it the new hill, with me as the king
  16. Then the walls cannot have ownership, therefore no protection. If you are making a perimeter wall, it is likely you will have it attached to a generator anyway to power spotlights and auto turrets, or at least have it attached to a building inside it that does have a generator
  17. I walk on top of the hill and erect a shining monument to the gods, then leave. The hill has no King
  18. I think that most people are going to own a multi-purpose (personal) ship, one that has ftl capability, a decent sized cargo hold, some weapons, atmospace flight, etc. (to what balance depends on the player) It is more common for orgs to have the specialised vessels, like pure combat vessels, carriers, mining barges, cargo haulers, troop transports etc. because they have the resources to field multiple ships at once, and the variety of ships complement each other (a carrier is useless if there is only one pilot). I imagine that BOO (and other orgs with a relaxed structure) will field personal ships instead of structured fleet due to the nature of such orgs.
  19. You get assassinated by a jealous brother. However, he is a cruel ruler and the people replace him with me. I am the king of the hill
  20. I exist across 4 dimensions and do not get reset. I remain Watcher of the Hill
  21. I think that anyone who can be locked onto has a small indicator on their body, and you can select that indicator to scan them and find out who they are. Maybe some information (like clan and maybe name) can be hidden by the target. You could also set certain people to just display that information WoW style, but it should be a whitelist not a blacklist feature
  22. I achieve enlightenment through deep sleep and finally return to my 'real' body through realisation that this world is not real. I walk up to the hill and sit beside you, free of unbalance. I am now the watcher of the hill
  23. You don't need an artificial timer if you have a power requirement for the shield. Renewable power alone will not be sufficient to power one and you could have renewable power plants require maintenance otherwise they break. So the shield will go down once the net energy of the construct goes negative (no fuel/inoperable power plants) and the capacitors run out. Once a shield is down, you can just destroy the construct with ease, unless it is on owned land (I think TUs still require power to function). If you are part of a large org, you don't need to sign in to maintain stuff. If you are by yourself, you won't have a immobile base (a ship is better), so you can just store the ship at an org that rents out hangar space for people who go on holiday or who need to leave the ship, but want to keep it for later.
  24. I was thinking that number was somehow mathematically significant, damn you twerk! I hack the simulated reality we live in to make you exist no longer! I also hack in a throne on the hill, sit on it, and become the King of the Hill.
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