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Posts posted by MinerMax555

  1. Calm down mastered... This has one purpose only and it is for a interesting view on maturity levels. It's clear that many are not very mature in my opinion because of false voting. 75-80 or older... Maturity comes with responsibility and honestly.


    Also I typed this on phone so I don't need the spelling critizism right now

    you really sure that you should talk about responsibility and how mature someone is? I am younger than you are, but age does not matter at all. The only thing that counts is how well you can interact with other people and how well you can get along.


    also, people are trolling. as always. That doesn't mean that they are irresponsible.

  2. The Organisations thing sounds great as an idea, but there are a few things Id like to know:


    The Assumption is like a lot of players in one organisation, right?

    Well, what if its actually a lot of organisations, but very few players per organisation?

    Or, how succesfull can Players that do their thing on their own or in a small group become compared to a large empire or a giant amount of empires?

    Say, If Im in a 12 people organisation that does not find any new members or legates other than me and the other 11, what are our chances to survive and thrive when surrounded by multiple organisations of 100+ members?

    Can we still build large cities and something like that, or are we limited to one medium sized spaceship with a hidden base inside an asteroid?

    And if we can, will those cities be empty of life?

    Or can we populate them with NPCs that live there and mine and farm and defend the city on our behalf?


    Another Scenario.

    Lets say im an employee of a mineing company, and my Job is to harvest ore from an Astariod.

    The Rhights, Duties and all of that allow me to do whatever it takes to mine the ore from that Rock, but the Amount of Ore I have to deliver per month in order to get paid instead of punished require me to mine about all the Time Im online with nothing to do to change that...

    Can I leave the Company and join another one, where I can actually progress towards a goal I set myself?

    And if so, who is gonna take my Job?

    Some Player that is tired from being attacked from pirates and needs a break?

    Some mineing robot?

    An NPC?


    In the first and second scenario, a small group struggles to survive because of the presence of multiple bigger ones.

    In the last scenario, a single player is being surpressed by a large group he is a member in.

    All of that can be summarized into one question: What stops the many from bullying the few? What stops the big fish from swallowing the smaller ones?

    If that is not adressed, there will soon be three or four giant Empires that rule over everything, and new players/smaller organisations would have to go by their rules or leave the Game for good.


    no bots, no NPC.


    To your questions: what stops big groups from bullying smaller: technically nothing. Smaller groups will exist in the outer-rim and in small niches in the economy, but the big orgs will dominate everything. But big orgs can't be controlled that easily and individual members will fell alone or treated unfairly. Those players will look for smaller orgs. Another thing: your small group of 12 people won't even be worth bothering for a big empire.


    If you are bored from mining, you can leave the org at any moment. Another member of that org will do your job, if no one is there that org has severe problems and better should change some policies to be more attractive to new members. Currently, every org is hunting for more members (exactly the opposite of the real life, where every person looks out for a job, not the best one).


    To your last question: those 3 or 4 empires might control all the core systems, but as said earlier, the game world will be unlimited. The central systems will be controlled by big empires, the inner-rim will be colonised by smaller groups, the outer-rim will be very dangerous because of the pirates, but some lonely colonies might exist. (this might be the situation 1 or 2 years after the release).


    And you might overestimate it. those empires won't have patrols everywhere. Also, most orgs that I have seen so far support free trade and are open for alliances.

  3. As the original autor of the forum topic I have to comment to this.

    I really didn't expect you to ever write this post. With it you made yourself vunerable to a lot of hate, and you have my respect.

    You created this org. When I first saw it, i wondered how that huge growth was possible. In the next days it went obvious that this must be fake. then I pointed it out in the forums. it was clear to see that this is either a "prank/social experiment" or really stupid. As it turns out, it was both. But, it maybe was really useful too. It brought a lot of attention to the problem, and it might help to keep the community hub safe from worse, less obvious scam attempts. Personally, I forgive you, but I only do because it was for a greater good. Next time you might should talk in the forums first instead of creating problems why you try to fix these.


    Another question: Can you please post a list of your fake accounts (if you were the guy with the multiple accounts that are trying to get into all the other orgs)? I'd like to ask all the other CEO's, presidents and leaders to delete the alts in their orgs as well


    MinerMax555, CEO of VMS

  4. Yeah, there needs to be a requirement to enter organisations. A siimple solution would be "be an iron founder or above", although some oerganisations would flip out over this notion, as it would remove - or more likely expose - their alt-stacking member count.


    The lengths people will go to to become relevant...

    we need some requirements, but a neccessary pledge is a no-go. In my org for example, I am the only one in the council that actually pledged because all the others "don't pay for undone things". I don't support their ideology, but I respect it. They are really active tho, so that is not the right way to go

  5. Another thing to add, NQ KNOWS who is who on the community portal and can actually see who has created which alt, as they stated before somewhere I believe. And this has been going on for a while now, in several orgs. And as it seems, they havn't interfered so far, so I wouldn't expect them to even in this case. 


    Althrough it is very extreme, boosting yourself to the top 15.

    The only thing that really bothers me is that a completely new player isn't very likely to immediately recognize a fake org and would try to join if interested, instead of an actual org in the field which has been around for far longer and is far more serious and probably the better experience for an interested player.

    In this case for example, a member joining the IBF instead of the IBO, that would much rather deserve new members.


    But in the end, I guess the only thing we can do is to work together as a community and draw attention to how it really is. 

    And it's not like an org founded with 60+ fake accounts has any meaningful future either.


    But boy was I surprised to see an org with moOre alts in it than TVR.

    Of course they don't have a meanigful future. But I want my place 16 in the leaderboard back.


  6. As some of you already pointed out, the "Intergalactic Banking Federation" (IBF) had an extremly high growth in the last days. Founded on the 1st of march, they already have 65 members. Nearly all those accounts were created in the last 5 days. There were 26 new members in one day. That's more than 1317 orgs got in their whole time of existance. I'd like to ask NQ to either delete this whole organization or the fake members. This is a problem that many online games have but we should start fighting against it as soon as possible.

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