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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. I'll take the devs at their word, that all assets were created in game. The "fighter" is completely voxel and "mesh element" created. This is obvious from previous twitter posts that show the fighter in is disassembled state. I can't speak about where the devs came up with their inspiration. The capital ships were "player" created, and it says so in the trailer. You can't say NQ copied or used Star Wars assets, when you see X-Wing fighters show up. The players created them. Bear in mind JC Baillie, originally intended to attend E3 WITHOUT making a presentation. The devs had to throw that teaser together at the last moment, because JC was able to score an interview.
  2. To answer more of the OP questions. I think single seated cockpits will be pre-made "mesh elements". There's been no confirmation about whether they're customizable, but I doubt it. From my understanding a multiplayer bridge will have customizable control units, and customizable GUI units. So the player will be able to create a "weapons station", a "Nav Station", a "Engineering station, or whatever they can dream up.
  3. Vylqun, Of course, you're right. But think about this. Client side scripts are naturally limiting, due to bandwidth. Maybe, a combination of client side, and server side scripts???
  4. I've been thinking about the ramifications of scripting. If scripting is server side, then there would need to be a limit to the processing power made available to each player. Otherwise, a player with self replicating constructs could overwhelm the servers (even with the proposed server technology). On the other hand, if the scripts run client side, they could be much more robust. Unfortunately, they'd only run when the player was logged in. Another benefit to client side scripts is that the player could save variables locally. Malicious behaviour could be an issue for both solutions. In the server side solution, a malicious player could execute a worm of some sort (via self replicating constructs), while the client side also has the potential of unforeseen malicious activity. I would expect severe limitations on a server side script. With more functionality for client side scripts. The combat, damage, inventory, and economic model should be entirely protected server side. Of course, dedicated players could build their own "servers" to run client side scripts 24x7x365. There could even be a "hosting" industry that could crop up. Food for thought...
  5. I think you're reading too much into the teaser. They had to demonstrate building with voxels and mesh elements. I'm pretty sure you can build whatever you want.
  6. Ripper


    It's your ship. If you build it so that it's unflyable unless a certain number of players are on the bridge, then you have a problem. The script will perform the function to the ability you've written it (or that of the coder). However, I'm sure a player will be better than any script out there.
  7. It's already been confirmed that there will be custom displays and control units in the LUA scripting devblog http://dualuniverse.gamepedia.com/Dev_Blogs
  8. I'm not sure what your asking here. You're wanting to mod the client? To what end? It has been stated that the game will have a Virtual Builder area, where you can design your constructs in peace. The blueprints can then be carried into the game world.
  9. Just remember... You're building with 25cm blocks and planets are 100s of kilometers in size. That doesn't even consider the power requirements to setup defenses.
  10. Whew! That's a lot of questions. Have you looked at the Dev Blogs? http://dualuniverse.gamepedia.com/Dev_Blogs
  11. We're still in pre-alpha. The kickstarter campaign will be around the end of the year, with the alpha starting early 2017. Stick around, and provide some input.
  12. I think this is addressed with the Rights and Duties Management System. You can read more about it here: https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2015/05/21/rights-duties-management-system/ You won't be able to steal a ship owned by someone. You can also set tags on different ship assets. This will allow you to provide rights to the bridge for multi-user ships, via rights to the doorway. You can also set rights to specific users, so they can only perform certain functions on the bridge. This will allow you to give access to "vetted" players, while still allowing a group of players act as a boarding party who aren't vetted. They would just be placed in the cargo hold with no rights to the rest of the ship.
  13. And you need a little background in matrix mathematics
  14. My understanding is LUA script that you would like to sell can be packaged into "components" (DPU constructs you'd like to sell), and the script itself is only visible to the coder.
  15. That's a very good MMORPG article
  16. Welcome to the forums! Regarding Guilds, you need to read these devblogs: https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2015/03/20/organizations-build-your-corporation-faction-nation-or-empire/ https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2015/05/21/rights-duties-management-system/ Regarding the economy: https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2014/12/04/from-barter-to-market-economy/ Regarding game pricing: https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2016/04/08/monetization-player-happiness-and-economic-viability/ And Scripting: https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2015/09/18/lua-script-and-distributed-processing-units/ And.... you can either purchase premade scripts, or you're going to have to learn how to do it yourself. But, I'll certainly help you with that, because thats the area I'd like to focus on. I'll be selling my scripts for various functions.
  17. At this point in time, there are three known methods of travel. Thruster based travel FTL travel Stargate Travel I don't expect combat in FTL travel. (when you can outrun your laser blasts.. ) You're jumping between stargates, so no combat there. It's the thuster based travel, which interdiction and combat will take place.
  18. There's a huge difference between KSP and DU. Plotting apogees and perigees to establish orbit, or intercept angles for combat won't be necessary. The reason is twofold. 1. We have anti-gravity technology, so we can establish a fixed position in space. 2. With FTL travel and the speeds we're traveling, there's no need to plot an intercept angle. You can travel from the moon to the planet in seconds. I'd love to have full newtonian physics within the game, but I think its expecting a little much from the devs.
  19. You should really look at the voxel builders devblog: https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2016/02/20/builder-gameplay-voxel-tools-elements/ Even though those voxels are 25cm, you can shape them for more definition.
  20. Hey Sakej, Yes, the planets are procedural. At the beginning of the game, players will have a difficult time just getting off planet. Then you have colonization of planets within the system, and eventually FTL travel will be available for interstellar travel. Players will then be able to build Stargates for faster travel between star systems. "Variety" is a relative term, and your definition may not be that of mine, or the devs. But rest assured, they will do their best to make the procedural environment unique as possible.
  21. I think its way to early to be worrying about flight. From my understanding, NQ threw this together at the last moment, and we're certainly "Pre-Alpha". From my understanding, JC was going to just attend E3, but managed to get scheduled to present. That's when the Dev team scrambled to provide the "teaser". There's a TON of development to be performed before release.
  22. I'd like to see some PvE in the game, but I wouldn't place it at a high priority. Pirates, Aliens, and I honestly believe there will eventually need to be protected sectors. But this will all be lead by player demand. Imho, NQ should focus on the game infrastructure, and when the need arises, implement more advance features in future expansions.
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