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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Zamarus

  1. No thanks. It will just end up with people having less choices for how to build. Let the designer and his allies of a ship building industry use their own political power in the world to deal with copies. If they even care or have the resources to that is.
  2. Great title and good camera stuff bro. My old man has some real camera knowledge. Sadly i didn't inherit that interest :^)
  3. I voted idc for the territory part, mainly because i dont give two cents if they come but also no cents for their lives. If they show up without arrangement they might get shot. I i've let them say hello and they are found sneaking around beyond the area they've been allowed in they get shot. As for the second part i votes yes because i like some RP stuff and interviews and the things akin. But it comes with restrictions. Depending on the event of course. If they are just showing up for a quick talk and then leave its k, if they show up to record a battle they get shot.
  4. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
  5. Bad Leaders Dumb Politics Sometimes goes hand in hand, sometimes not. These are the most probable IMO.
  6. Update: We are all live and well, we got bursts of play-sessions together and all is jolly in the chats. And to top that off we've recently gone official with our site dualtuaf.com and we aim to customize it over time and get our soldiers online. You reading this and thinking that a social military life is something for you? Then don't hesitate to join us at https://community.du...on-armed-forces . Remember that we will require you to join TU as well and cope with some other requirements as well. We want to stay in shape of course. See you on the field! //Zamaro de Metus
  7. The issue is that you're too quick to judge based on your own views. Yes i can see exactly why you think like you do. But the rational thing would be to talk about it with the involved parties instead of shouting accusations about it. As you stated yourself it is a paid theme and you do not own it yourself, you just happened to use it before. Hopefully this will calm down and be forgotten because it really is a non-issue at this point.
  8. I am baffled fro the lack of you guys getting in touch with us before the accusation hail. I'll be referring to Imperators answer here, the theme is paid for and not an attempt to copy anything.
  9. Yeah i'm just saying that it COULD be used that way indeed. I would personally love to use it and incapacitate people without executing in that sense.
  10. You mean not everyone carries a cyanide capsule in their gum in emergency cases?
  11. I remember talking about something like this for training purposes/mock battles. +1 on that one.
  12. NQ talked about a person per gun. Larger vessels probably. Specifics, yet to be seen.
  13. Alpha is supposedly coming in September. Look at the community portal for videos or search for DU Dev Diary on youtube. Either way you'll find good stuff. Welcome on board!
  14. If you have a big ship with multiple cannons crewed by your mates. Then if you are alone you can't have those cannons fire. Simple as that and fair.
  15. One. This isn't a solo-pilot game only game like Eve. Two. If NPCs are viable the crew-gathering will decline. Three. Lore wise AI is banned and NQ are trying to avoid it.
  16. Or just fly a smaller ship when your mates are not online.
  17. There was an original poll for various suggestions. This is the two favourites duking it out, and Dualities was not a favourite.
  18. I got this question answered in the San Francisco stream and it was already implied to work prior to that. You will be able to have ships inside ships.
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