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    Eld0r reacted to Mod-Mondlicht in Frage zum AGG (Anti Gravity Generator)   
    Hey @Anubis-1 und @vertex,
    ich habe eure Beiträge mal aus dem Sammelthread herausgelöst und einen eigenen Thread daraus erstellt, da wir hier noch kein Thema zum AGG haben und es so auch besser von anderen gefunden wird. So vermeiden wir auch im Sammelthread off Topic zu gehen  
    Sanfte Grüße
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    Eld0r reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in Recent Bans: Clarifications   
    Dear Community Members,
    As some of the Novaquark recent moderation and sanction actions haven’t been clearly understood by some, here are some explanations and clarifications. We are aware that members from “Dark Star Imperium” (DSI) and “New Genesis” think that the decisions taken by Novaquark have been unfair and/or feel like a punishment. It’s not a punishment and we limited the inconvenience to the minimum possible by just resetting the member list of the Organization. This has been done to remove all ghost accounts and make the involved Organizations restart on a healthier basis.
    We also made sure that at least one person in each of the involved Organizations can re-invite real members in the Organization:
    - CN_Firestorm for “Dark Star Imperium”
    - Chipfromearth/SpaceKitty for “New Genesis” (until the end of TMA’s ban)
    You are more than welcome to contact them to join theses Orgs again if you wish to do so.
    Keeping in mind that besides the cleaning of ghost accounts, nothing else has been removed. All community work/content related to these Organizations have been left untouched. We are also going to send an email to all ex-members to inform about the member list reset and offer them to join their former organization again.
    Regarding the ban of the leaders of these Organizations:

    We understand that seeing your leader banned might be frustrating. However, we want to make it clear that being at the head of a big Org does not give a free pass on toxic behavior and/or bad practices that could damage the Community as a whole. Being passionate, being young, creating quality content is no free pass for such things either. That’s why all the permanent bans decided recently are final. We are not giving such heavy sanctions with a light heart or on a whim. In more than four years, the number of community members who have been banned permanently from the community can still be counted on the fingers of one hand. We think it speaks volume... Some recent rumors say that the bans may be reversed or canceled. There is no ground to such rumor. It’s just disinformation. The fact that a banned member will “not tolerate that” has no weight either. It’s the Novaquark team’s call and the Novaquark team alone.
    Now, we want to give a fair warning to anyone wanting to challenge Novaquark’s decisions openly, directly or indirectly. If a community member has been permanently banned from the Community, he’s excluded from the game, which means he shouldn’t be in any Organization anymore. Reinviting or keeping a community member banned permanently could have serious consequences (such as Organization disbanding but not limited to that, as this could trigger other sanctions for those actively supporting banned members).

    Now to address some specific questions/rumors:

    We exceptionally give some details to the Community to show that we are not banning randomly or without a serious reason. We do it only because some banned members try to take advantage of the confidentiality policy to enforce their own narrative and play the victim, and attempt to misinform other players. Don’t expect the Novaquark team to give anymore information on this case or the possible future ones.
    “Banning Sakej99 was a mistake. He’s a different person from FullSend/Lime”.
    The Novaquark team is aware that Sakej99 and FullSend/Lime are different persons. However, that doesn’t change the fact that the permanent ban affects FullSend/Lime will also affect accounts he may have access to (by account sharing, which is forbidden in our EULA). This is one of the main reasons why we are so serious about forbidding account sharing. If someone sanctioned got access to your account, the sanction can be extended to the said account even if you haven’t done anything wrong.
    “FullSend/Lime has been unfairly banned, with no prior warning.”
    First, for the infraction this community member has committed, there will never be a warning as it was obviously utterly wrong: if a false report is sent to the Customer Support in an attempt to make another community member banned, the one getting the ban is the one who sent the false report. And in this case, indeed, there is no prior warning.

    Second, FullSend/Lime is probably the person in the community who would deserve multiple permanent bans (if it was possible), due to previous infractions in addition to the most recent one. Playing the card “no prior warning” is just complete dishonesty and denial of assuming the consequences of his actions during the past couple of years. Here is a short list of the infractions he has done in the past:
    - Asking members of one of his former organization to give login and password of their accounts to him.
    - Using accounts of other players.
    - Creating ghost accounts.
    - Using a loophole in the organization management system on the Community Portal in an attempt to sabotage/destroy an organization by using the account of another player.
    - Participating in a doxxing attempt.
    - Always denying the facts or trying to minimize them, to the point of reaching self-absolving, to avoid dealing with the consequences (a practice reiterated with his last infraction).
    Due to the history of this community member, there was no reason for “prior warning” with his last infraction. He has been warned too many times already. Mistakes are not erased just because it happened “long ago”.
    By default, Organisations where FullSend was the founder have their ownership transmitted to the oldest member with the ability to create an organization, which gave the following results:
    - CN_Firestorm becomes the new owner of “Dual Insider”.
    - Gravetender becomes the new owner of “Project Azimuth”.
    If you are a member of one of these organisations and you want to discuss these changes, please contact the new owner of the Organization.
    (About DSI) “There has been a total wipe of the parties to kill the conflict”     
    Wrong. If that was the case, we would have dismantled “DSI” directly and ban both DSI leaders, which would have included CN_Firestorm. You can assume that if it’s not the case, this is precisely because there is a difference between CN_Firestorm and Primarch. This sanction wasn’t against DSI. The sanction was against Primarch.
    Some of the banned members may say “They will be back”.
    It’s up to them. However, if we catch them, they will be banned without further notice.
    Best regards,
    The Novaquark team.
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    Eld0r got a reaction from Reaper07 in Death of a spaceship   
    I thought about it too. I played with the thought of debris cores (not controllable and with a simplyfied physics and for bigger debris only) that may be simulated not by server but by client. These cores would have access for all to collect the scrap and are assigned and distributed between nearest clients for simulation. So sync is the same as for ships and like all other online games ping may be a problem.. While I believe voxel dividing to single objects is generally possible I see a bigger problem in syncing the exact division and all behaviours of the objects in time. ? Can not go further in this forum ^^ Anyway would be nice if fleet battles create big debris fields to collect ^^
  4. Like
    Eld0r reacted to meigrafd in [German] Hyperion Corporation - we are looking for new members   
    Es geht langsam aber Sicher auf die Alpha1 zu, die Spannung steigt und die Vorfreude ist immens!
    Unsere Gemeinschaft wächst stetig an, neue Aufgabengebiete tun sich auf und viele höchst interessante Projekte werden umgesetzt!
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    Eld0r reacted to Shirosaki in [German] Hyperion Corporation - we are looking for new members   
    Nach der Umstrukturierung folgt nun die Optimierung organusationsintern passend zur Alpha 1 in Kürze. 
    Kommt rein und tragt dazu bei uns zu unterstützen bei Eurem Spielspaß zu helfen))) Jeder, der der deutschen Sprache mächtig ist, ist höchst willkommen! 
  6. Like
    Eld0r reacted to Costanius in [German] Hyperion Corporation - we are looking for new members   
    Und für den längeren und ausführlicheren Gedankenaustausch haben wir dazu auch ein (internes) Forum.
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    Eld0r reacted to Underhand Aerial in [German] Hyperion Corporation - we are looking for new members   
    Ist schon ein paar Tage her.. Aber besser spät als nie   

  8. Like
    Eld0r reacted to Underhand Aerial in [German] Hyperion Corporation - we are looking for new members   
    Immer wieder gern
    Supi, als Dank für die schnelle Bearbeitung gibt's ein schönes Bild

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    Eld0r reacted to Zwene Bambene in [German] Hyperion Corporation - we are looking for new members   
    Danke für die Aufnahme und nochmal ein Kompliment zu den ausführlichen Tutorial Videos, kann ich jedem weiterempfehlen!
  10. Like
    Eld0r reacted to VValdmeister in [German] Hyperion Corporation - we are looking for new members   
    Ein überaus netter Deutscher Haufen.
    #Discord #Chat #Voice #Lachen #Reden #Diskutieren #Sichselbstverwirklichen
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    Eld0r reacted to Tsunami in [German] Hyperion Corporation - we are looking for new members   
    Dear ladies and gentlemen,
    this offer is for German speaking players only, please respect that:
    Hallo liebe Mitstreiter!
    Die Hyperion Corporation ist ein eigenständiger, deutscher Flügel innerhalb der Terran Union.
    Wir haben es uns zum Ziel gesetzt, gemeinsam, große Bauprojekte im Hauptspiel "Dual Universe" zu realisieren.
    Mit dem starken Partner TU im Rücken, haben wir die Möglichkeit in wirtschaftlicher, militärischer und infrastruktureller Sicherheit,
    Projekte zu erforschen und zu entwickeln. Wenn du also mehr als nur eine Zweckgemeinschaft suchst, dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig!
    Was bieten wir?
    Ein freundliches Team deutschsprachiger Spieler, organisiert mit regelmäßigen Sprachmeetings, welche als Gemeinschaft große & spannende Projekte umsetzen möchte.
    Bei uns kann sich jeder frei entfalten und seiner Kreativität freien Lauf lassen, solange es dem Wohl der Gemeinschaft dient & die Gesetze/Richtlinien der Hyperion Corporation, sowie auch der Terran Union eingehalten werden. Des Weiteren bieten wir Sicherheit und Territorium durch die TU. Dies ist eine Organisation aus bereits über 600 internationalen Spielern, welche 24/7 für uns verfügbar sind.
    Was suchen wir?
    Vorallem kreative und baulustige Teamplayer, die eine Gemeinschaft zu schätzen wissen und bereit sind, das Abenteuer "Dual Universe"  mit uns zu bestreiten.
    Du solltest das Spiel "Dual Universe" besitzen oder ein ernsthaftes Kaufinteresse bekundigen. Außerdem wünschen wir uns eine gewisse geistige Reife, Teamfähigkeit und natürlich Spaß am Spielen! Uns ist ein gutes Betriebsklima sehr wichtig.
    Was ist unser Ziel?
    Mittelfristig möchten wir, gemeinsam mit der Terranischen Union, eine Heimat aufbauen, um weitere, spannende Projekte voranzutreiben. In mehreren Teams aufgeteilt, realisieren wir Raumschiffe, Stadtkonstrukte und diverse, andere Bauprojekte. Die Möglichkeiten für andere Geschäftszweige sind schier grenzenlos und somit liegt es auch an Dir, welche neuen Ziele wir uns setzen.
    Langfristig wünschen wir uns, im besten, wirtschaftlichen Idealfall, unseren Membern die monatlichen Kosten für den Serverzugang per Spieleinnahmen bezahlen zu können.
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