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Daphne Jones

Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Daphne Jones

  1. I expect the offered payment for delivery will just barely cover costs, if that. With margins that range from razer-thin to negative, scams don't have to be common to destroy the business. Just mining and playing the markets will bring better (or at least some) profit.
  2. Yeah. I won't be taking player missions - at least not out of safe space - cause the whole idea is shit. It's really sad. If I want to do missions I'll log into SC where if the mission giver is scamming, it's part of a carefully crafted story-line.
  3. My point is the customer gives the hauler a deposit lol. If I get attacked by pirates, it's a pretty good bet that the mission was a scam to set me up for the pirates - in which case, the customer's deposit buys me a new ship. I'm not putting up collateral to accept a mission that's probably a scam and I'm not taking a mission in unsafe space without insurance for my ship.
  4. I'll be glad to take your mission. Just need a deposit equal to the value of my ship to be refunded once I return to base after delivering your cargo and getting paid. I assume most missions will actually be scams ?‍♀️
  5. 5 hours for the complete rotation (day + night). The sun is part of the skybox and revolves around the planets so all planets and moons have the same cycle. Also, the sun position is based on your local system time when you start the game. If you want to change from day to night or vice versa, shut the game all the way down, change your system clock by 2.5 hours and restart. (I assume this will be changed before TW or TW will be a complete CF).
  6. You can refuel but you have to be carrying the fuel with you (in your nanopack or a container on the ship). You can carry up to 20t free in the nano. If you're flying something like a modified speeder - i.e., no interior - stand on the wing and get in the seat or cockpit from there when you start out. That way you'll be standing on wing when you stand up and you won't fall away from your ship even if you're in gravity. You shouldn't fall away from your ship in space, even in gravity, but it's pretty clear the NQ needs to review physics 101 again, because they got this wrong. If your ship has an interior, you just need to be inside when you get in the seat. If you're in 0 gravity (<.1g) you'll stay with your ship even if you weren't in/on it when you sat. You can EVA around it using your jet pack. This works even if you have non-zero velocity. (Some times in some patches, it's bugged - use at your own risk). Docking has been almost completely broken for a while. You can dock a ship to a larger ship by using the maneuver tool, but only if you're standing on the ground or on a static core. You cannot land on a larger ship and expect docking to happen... this renders docking almost completely useless, e.g., you can launch from a carrier that you loaded up on the ground, but you can't return to the carrier after the mission. I don't know if this bug applies to space stations. You may have to have someone grab your ship with the maneuver tool and dock it to get it on a space station. They fact that he's standing on a (static) space core, should let him dock it. If that works, you can refuel from the station. You can also refuel from another ship by stopping (or matching velocity) close enough to each other that you can EVA between the ships.
  7. The point is that I and presumably many others were doing things that would have been destroyed by a roll back and had nothing to do with this particular snafu. A windfall for a few industrialists just doesn't have a big effect on the economy in the long run. They make some money quicker... or if they have the sense to wait for the fix and sell schematics at normal prices, they might make a fair amount of money - so a few get rich. Anyone who want to focus on getting rich in this game can do it - but it's not a game goal, so it doesn't really matter. If people got the cheap schematics for their own use, it might make prices of finished goods drop for a bit... but that won't last. This is a minor blip that will clear up.
  8. Pretty sure I was rebuilding my ship that day, so still would have messed me up. Not worth it.
  9. You know what would really destroy what confidence I have left would be for them to roll back and delete the substantial update to one of my ships that I made while this bug was in place. I didn't know about the bug at the time, and, since I don't do industry except for my fuel facility that I got back up the day after 0.23 dropped, I didn't benefit from it... but you want to punish me for it? Much better that we let the beneficiaries slide. You can't prove that they knew the schematics were underpriced. You can't prove that they wouldn't have paid full price for the schematics they needed during that time if that option had been available. The players didn't do anything wrong. NQ did. (And it was an honest mistake - no punishment for NQ either lol)
  10. Discovering or knowing an issue, bug, or exploit and benefiting from it using it to troll NQ instead of reporting it to Novaquark is forbidden. There. Fixed it for you.
  11. I was mostly kidding, but your argument was essentially that supply is bad because the suppliers think the demand is weak. That's not a demand problem... that's a problem with the suppliers' confidence. There's only a demand problem if sell orders are on the market and no one is buying.
  12. I really don't see any demand problem. I do see a big supply problem - I often can't get what I need. Now 0.23 definitely killed demand for ore, but that is finally recovering.
  13. Yeah. I've noticed the bird thing. It's pretty funny.
  14. Leading to PVE combat? Never happen in DU lol. But seriously, they would need a much bigger dev team and a bigger budget to actually add significant content. That's the point of player driven emergent content - keeping the dev cost down.
  15. Welfare just doesn't strike me as a good game mechanic. A better choice would a reverse tax - an incentive payment for supplying the market with goods it's currently short on. (and keeping a regular tax on anything that's oversupplied.)
  16. Actual PVP combat is inherently a loss center. Don't count on making profit from that. Attacking unarmed ships, which I'm sure is what you mean by PVP, can be profitable, but the ships won't be there for you to attack - they'll stay in SZs or be armed.
  17. This problem was worse earlier in development when every element at a tier had exactly the same recipe (with adjustments for size). No specialization was possible at all. I agree there's still too little opportunity. Doing something like missiles need lithium and railguns need nickel, might encourage a missile factory on Talemai and a railgun factory on Madis... and create a need to transport something other than ore, which would be good for me. Generally, I agree with the OP. BTW, I've mostly been out of game since 0.23 dropped because it completely killed the markets - so much for encouraging market use. The ore market is just starting to recover although prices are so low, it's only marginally worth mounting a mining expedition. I don't mind shopping for ship parts, which is what I was doing anyway, but I am annoyed when I can't find something because no one thinks it's worth making and that I have to fly to ten different markets to put a ship together.
  18. I've been a few km away mining another hex with no problem. I can't vouch for going further, but it seems to run in your client wherever you are - unlike PBs which need you to be relatively close.
  19. As long as you don't log off and don't move the construct the scanner is on, it should be OK. Also, if you're running multiple scanners, you need to save the scan from one before the next one finishes or it will overwrite (unless that's been changed since alpha).
  20. And people like you who see things in black and white and make up their own facts ruin the world.
  21. BTW, I mine entirely off world and sell on Alioth (mostly) for money. The only time I mine on Alioth is if I need a little T1 for personal use and then I mine on my own territories.
  22. I also have thousands of hours of PVP experience. I just don't think it works (or can work) in this game.
  23. Yep. All that's true. Still want to crash their script if I can. (I'm very hostile to scammers and advertisers making it hard for me to use the market.)
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