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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Lord_Void

  1. Oh, he did? I'm surprised I didn't know this. Haha I guess that's why PLEX prices have soared! I would also love to take his classes.
  2. Bonjour! Je m'appelle Void. J'étudie le français, mais je ne parle pas bien. J'étudie le français pour trois raisons. J'adore langues (Je parle l'anglais, l'espagnol, et le chinois). Ma petite amie parle le français <3. Et enfin, je pense que le français sera une langue importante dans Dual Universe. C'est un jeu français, et communauté française devrait avoir fierté. Je pense que ils devrait créer un subforum française. Je m'excuse por ma français mal. Je vais de mieux en mieux.
  3. I haven't looked at this thread in a while, and now I come back to find that you two have had a perfectly civil, constructive conversation?! Utter madness! Likes for both of you! And I like the idea of ship gravity, although it sounds a bit complex. Perhaps the sticking mechanism someone mentioned? In any case I feel my original concerns have been answered. Thank you kind sirs.
  4. Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I don't know how old kid means (I'm going to guess around 14) but this is not a game for kids. I started playing EVE (whose community is very similar to DU) at 18 and people made fun of me for being a kid, and with good reason. Kids are immature. Games like this are not for kids. Period. I wish parents would realize that and not just expect the gaming community to be a bunch of babysitters. Had a 14 year old in an EVE corp once. He broke the rules and was a dick normal 14 year old, so we kicked him. The kid gets his Mom on mumble .... she starts lecturing about how she paid for the game so we had to be nice or she'd call our moms or whatever. Who cares. Long story short, our CEO ripped her a new poop shoot and we all died laughing and did age checks from then on. Sorry, back to the topic. Like people have said, f2p makes for terrible games. The problem is that 99% of the people who say "Let's make it free but have micro transactions to pay for it" don't actually want to pay the micro transactions themselves, just like the OP here. So either the developers get no money and the game crashes and burns or they make the micro transaction relevant to gameplay and the game becomes horrible. Like Twerk said, games are a privilege not a right, and if you can't afford them you can't play them. The monthly sub is the best/only way this game is going to work. EDIT 1: The DAC system does allow for people to play free, so if you are willing to put in the work, there is that for you. EDIT 2: I know the topic has been beaten to death ... I just wanted to share my kid story ><
  5. Why would anyone build a city? A city allows for the the centralization of infrastructure. So for instance, you would have markets, factories, storage, hangars, living quarters and transportation facilities in a city. What would a city give a group of four players? Well, you still have to build it so it could have whatever you wanted it to have. Although, with only 4 players, it will probably take a long time to build a "city" (depending on your definition of a city). How would you populate it? That depends. You'd have to give people a reason to come there. What resources would be required to run it? At this point, no one really knows.
  6. I'm imagining space "chop shops" where acquired ships are taken to be repaired/reprocessed. By the way, is there any word on how deconstruction will work? If elements are removed from a ship, can they be reused or turned into other things?
  7. Agreed. The simplest solution (which is also the tried and true solution) is to have active faucets and sinks for currency. The exact manner of implementing them in Dual Universe would be up for debate, and require a fair amount of fine-tuning, but I can't see having a stagnant currency leading to anything but economic stagnation. And having NQ have to intervene on a regular basis to correct the failings of a stagnant currency is A) extra work for NQ diminishes the emergent gameplay aspects of the game and C) incredibly complicated. CCP (EVE Online) has to employ a full-time economist (I think they actually may have several now) to monitor and help stabilize the economy, and that's with a fairly straightforward sink/faucet system. NQ has enough to worry about, even without trying to act like a central bank. I think the solution is to have currency sinks and faucets, like other games, that allows for currency to enter the economy at a steady rate as the economy increases in size. Possibly in the form of npc market bots which buy and sell low level materials for set prices or rewards for completing tasks of some kind.
  8. The biggest thing for me has been hearing them say "no". That's a hard thing for a game company to say nowadays and I believe it shows a lot of transparency and integrity. Will this game be everything they promised? Probably not initially. But they have shown they are willing to work with the community to make it as good as it can be.
  9. Agreed on all points. Collision damage would just be too costly to implement vs the reward for having it. The game will be fine with out it. And not having it will greatly increase performance even when there are large battles. I do not want to have to deal with time dilation in this game!
  10. I do wonder about how that will work with everyone starting on the same planet. Perhaps they will make it so there are multiple starting points once the game has been going for a while. Or maybe there will be public transportation networks that can help people get to the untapped areas.
  11. Not really smuggling if no one can stop you, and if no one can stop you, why would anyone ever hire a smuggler? "you pirates" lol This is an interesting idea. Catching people could (in the initial days of the game) be based on speed, so the preferred type of ship for "you pirates" could be "go fasts" which are nothing more than a bunch of engines attached to a cockpit.
  12. I could see some limited forms of automation being introduced later in the form of an expansion a few years after launch. For instance, the could be certain pieces of equipment that would enhance mining, within certain limits. Initially though, if people could automate mining it would cause a lot of problems in the economy. For starters, if the amount of materials in the economy was to rise at a much faster rate than the amount of currency (e.g. through automated mining) the the currency would suffer massive deflation. It would also cause there to be either a reduced competition for resources or an extreme competition for resources. For example, if everyone was able to mine all their own materials there wouldn't need to be any competition for resources (like trade or war). On the other hand, if people were tearing through resource deposits faster than they could be discovered, warfare would go through the roof as people fight to control every last bit of resources.
  13. For some reason when I envision this, the people on the porch are sitting in rocking chairs with old-timey shotguns haha. But that's not a bad idea, if it's possible with the planned game mechanics.
  14. Yes, I saw this. They said the only initial way to do combat is to board the enemy ship and neutralize the enemy crew. My point is that without any sort of CvC combat, nobody is going to be able to board anybody else in the first place. So the boarding aspect becomes virtually nonexistent as well, hence my point that if they wish for boarding to be possible, they will have to have some sort (even if it's very limited) CvC or the whole thing falls apart. I know they will release the full CvC later, that's not in dispute, but I'm talking about at the initial launch of the game.
  15. I know they are doing their best to make a fantastic game, and alpha is designed to be an alpha. I was referring to features at launch.
  16. So NQ has stated that Construct vs Construct combat will be released in a future expansion, and that means in the meantime ship vs ship combat will be limited to boarding parties. I'm perfectly fine with this, and understand why they need to wait to release CvC combat due to development costs. However, this concept seems incomplete. How exactly does one catch an enemy ship in order to board it, without even basic CvC combat? Space is a big place, with a lot of place to run/hide, which is great, but a problem if you are trying to board a ship. It's not like someone is just going to pull over and agree to be boarded, unless they think they can win. Otherwise, the second another ship tries to get close, people are just going to leave. And with no way for ships to shoot at each other or otherwise disable another ship, there will be nothing anyone can do prevent people from just running away. It's not like you can lean out the window and try to shoot out their engines with a pistol. This would eliminate many forms of emergent gameplay: Smugglers Pirates Navies Police Blockade Runners Blockades Ships would essentially be nothing more than flying buses, perfectly safe from any sort of threat. Space would be reduced to nothing more than a means to get from planet to planet, rather than an interesting environment of its own. As such, I feel that, even if advanced CvC combat doesn't come out until a future expansion, there should be a basic system in place to allow ships to disable/immobilize other ships, so as to allow boarding parties to do their job.
  17. All of this sounds awesome and a great way to encourage emergent gameplay. I really like the idea of having special technology devoted to scanning, and perhaps making it very power or cpu intensive so that ships that specialize in it will have to sacrifice other aspects like weapons/defenses. Scanning range should probably be limited without a specialized ship, to around 1km with proper skills so that the known regions don't get scanned too fast. Since we are going to be stuck on the first planet and in the first system for at least a few months, we don't want everyone to be able to scan all of it in the first week.
  18. Very good points. In my opinion, I would add that in terms of a videogame inflation is much favorable to deflation. Inflation can be fairly easily dealt with (even in game) as short term increases in total purchasing power (of all money) can prompt increases in resource production which helps to balance out the inflation. Deflation, on the other hand, does the opposite. The more people harvest resources to try and get some of the dwindling cash, the more "valuable" the individual units of currency become relative to the total economy, to the point where they are no longer effective means of trade.
  19. There could be a sort of Organization Olympics, once a year, with prizes going out to the winners. This could be a cool community event.
  20. Well you know me, after a long day conducting space business I love to unwind with the nice soothing sound of chickens In all seriousness though, having some more passive elements to the game could help bridge the gap between the moments when there is nothing to do and the moments when there is nothing but excitement.
  21. I like this idea. This could also provide an interesting source for some super rare materials. Or perhaps it could provide an interesting additional transportation method. You could have random wormholes that appear between two already discovered systems. It stays for 24 - 48 hours and then vanishes. I think this would be a nice counterbalance to having stargates be rigidly controllable. Perhaps a rival alliance has their capital sealed off so as not to allow anyone access, but every once in a while it would be opened up to others entering, if only for a little while. The idea would be that it wouldn't be predictable and would take some work to find, but would add more content for explorers/smugglers and a new strategy for pirates/invading forces.
  22. I feel like with stargates already being a huge undertaking to build and activate, adding this in as another required step would be more of an annoyance than anything. I love the idea but I think it should be done more a bonus feature. Maybe 1 in every 3 planets would be like this? Those planets would have better resources and so the extra effort would be worth it.
  23. Farming and livestock raising would certainly be an interesting addition to the game. Perhaps even something along the lines of algae tanks or something. This would help provide some valuable use for areas that have been otherwise stripped of there useful resources, by offering some renewable resources.
  24. It really is quite a snazzy website. And the more the merrier for Fractured Space! \o/ Thanks for the welcome We are happy to have found as welcoming a home as BOO is.
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