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Everything posted by Kurosawa

  1. It seems so, it is just bad gameplay as you can just focus fire the core and win, even if the ship has only minimal damage.
  2. Have there been talks about core drilling? Core drilling was something you did in starmade, because once the core was destroyed the ship was lost no matter what size it was or what damage it had.
  3. hopefully rails, hings and rotors are add fast
  4. Elders Scrolls III: Morrowind was the last good ES game, but i would not call it empty, there where quite a lot of side quest and things you could do in that open world, it sounds like you jusst steamed true the main mission. It was an open world with little hand holding, hell you could even kill the main quest gives breaking the main quest.
  5. https://www.star-made.org/ http://store.steampowered.com/app/268650/From_the_Depths/ They are both good in there build sections, but do have there own draw backs. They are to me the best voxel games on market so far.
  6. aaarg Mefsh btw, that video has 312,249,567 views now
  7. nice but why not make ships in FTP or Starmade, where they can actually work and have functions?
  8. no because what we have seen so far is a crafting game like SE, but why should that exclude other MMO element ? I do hope it's more like from the depths or star made, since i do not like SE much.
  9. @Twerk, can you go for 3 days with out any eve references
  10. could be both, my guess is they will run the game as is. but add/change certain things they want tested.
  11. this ? http://www.audible.co.uk/search/ref=a_hp_tseft?advsearchKeywords=The+Gam3&filterby=field-keywords&x=2&y=16
  12. President Trump ? In regards to EvE being superior, it's a taste thing no douth. In my opinion EvE has the best open market/skill system there is as well as sandbox environment where players create the content. The fact that people are asshole to each other is not the sandboxes fault, and while there are lots of ganging and so on there is also a massive amount of team work. If you look back at MMO history. There where plenty of open skill/market games before WoW, but after WoW everyone jumped on the blizzard train and it has taken until now to see the emergence of open games again from the west. Open Sandbox is what i am after in MMO.
  13. The point was that i did not bring in logistic, it was something twerk added him self. If you go back you will see the only think i have said in this thread, is that i think we will be more mobile at a faster paste then what the general population thinks. The thinking behind this is the need to get people away from noob town. But also to hook people in to the game by giving them some form of progression so they feel like the time spend is worth something. Hook, Line and Sinker. Lets just say i disagree with that, all of it
  14. Hate you? i don't even know you. This is what i dislike, you add what ever is on your mind and believe it your self, how and where did logistics even enter the picture ? And while a can agree to EvE being superior in many ways to other MMO's and DU being inspired by EvE the amount of paralles and reference thrown from your side is just stagering p.s. notice the at the end
  15. listed to that vid a few times but did not hear they mentioned 4 weeks of anything.
  16. Ofcause there will be more stuff and updates, do not take CaptainTwerkmotor serious
  17. makes sense the initial rush will be tight but over time it will become better. Hope fully Alioth will be big enough, i do wonder how Alioth will chage over 1,3, 6 month time, i must remember to take some SS. is this the blog you are refereeing https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2017/04/07/devdiary-march-2017/
  18. Hi ecomomy != game play Lets say all backers join, do you seriously think they want 9000 people sitting at spawn for months on end? Did you notice i said basic skills and equipment? Funny, cause i think the same about you., You have seen nothing of the game yet, but are concocting all kinds of parallels to real life, EvE and what ever else strikes your fancy. I am sure you mean well and really want the game to be good, but to me you come of as untrustworthy and rambling.
  19. I think we we start with basic skills and equipment to get us away from the ark and off the planet right from the start, from a game play perspective there is no reason to limit people from basic tech/skill and it will be a good idea to get people away from start fast so there are not 100's of player on the same spot.
  20. Spiteful posts adds nothing to the forum, they subtract and break any good talk there might have been. No one knows what the game yet, but you guys are trying to put in arbitrary limits based on what you think is aesthetically correct, awesome Personally i want a sandbox with out limits
  21. perhaps all the hello kitty fan where packed up and launched in to deep space. So what we see now is several generations down the line where hello kitty has become mandatory.
  22. Section 1 : All of them Section 2: DAC, Store bought and player made Section 3a: Advertising, Store, Player sales allowed Section 3b: Player Setting to remove Cosmetics client side Section 4: no buff or stat changes ever
  23. hello kitty and that pony thing skins just because some people are so insecure. edit: if i google LARP, will i have to wash my eyes with acid ?
  24. This is one of those things that gets twisted in what ever way the presented wants, for good or bad. For me, I'm fine with P2V if you as a player can gain the same by playing or if it's cosmetics, simple as that. I mean if someone wants to dump lets say 100 coins extra a month to progress faster or look like an orange monkey with tiny hands, then why should i complain, at the end of the day it help me as well because it funds the company behind the game.
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