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Everything posted by BlindingBright

  1. Chat in game is horrendous. The Queen of Madis conquers with the dictator from Alioth.
  2. More like they made scrooge mcduck the pilot mid-air so they could sell it before it crashes into the ground. Mr McDuck owns a large part of that plane and needs to get his money back.
  3. They haven't added mission system at all though.... and the challenge system they added as an unannounced feature fell apart instantly with abuse. My biggest issue with it is they created a PTS server after they 'learned' and 'listened' to players after the 0.23 debacle to avoid pushing an update to live that caused major issues. Then not using it to test for issues XD Where they added schematics that were 10x more expensive, and lowered them due to players pitchforks. Oh yeah, they also deleted all meganodes for like a week. Then they lowered they schematics, refunding people- THEN used bot ore buy orders(which deletes ore, and artificially inflates ore prices) to pay players that then deleted quanta by buying schematics for factories that were then nerfed/broken without telling players. Then after bot orders disappeared they added more, but also made schematics 100x cheaper for a short time, where players bought expensive schematics for cheap. wrecking the economy as NQ didn't roll back and has had players reselling the schematics for insane profits... the bot orders also caused players to purchase other players ore off the market and instantly sell to bots for a profit, deleting game resources and making it harder for players to procure ore from buy orders in the short term, and artificially inflating market prices on ore. NQ shut down in game help on the weekends, their busiest time- and have seemingly abandoned discord, forcing players to file a ticket that on average takes months to get a response to. Meanwhile players eager for a new game play loop and sold that missions were coming months ago get shiny rocks, and an org wallet. All while they backpeddled with the challenges, turning them off and also turning off the games new player tutorials. That's just the start. They also reintroduced bot orders, causing players to buy 'cheap' ore from other players and then sell it to bots for an instant profit, deleting a supply of ore from the markets for players to purchase.... which they did in 0.23 and repeated in 0.24. There is a nice list of more issues. That all said, even though I hate some of the nee textures, the game looks better and in general runs better, less frame drops, and higher overall FPS. And some of the new voxel tools are great, minus cone. That IMHO doesn't really fix the core game play issues, or the lack of transparent communication from NQ. As a player I know this is 'beta' but the amount of seeming incompetence on the dev team to push untested code to live and bypassing PTS... thats just silly to put it mildly. I assume they did it as they know their player numbers are waning and getting anxious and had promised( to us, and probably management) 0.24 was to release in early Q1. To all the devs and staff at NQ, please take a deep look at other game developers. NQ as a whole has never released a finished product, DU Is the first. JC while passionate and arguably visionary, lacks experience in bringing a game to market. I hope you all take the past months, and years into consideration on how to proceed. I can tell a lot of work went into 0.24, though I hope going forward efforts are a bit more focused on creating better gameplay loops, and less time remaking the existing game (new textures, new launcher, recreated assets, recreating UI but somehow making it worse, looking at you UI team!) I want to see this game pull a NMS and become the best version of itself, its unique and has a core that IMHO no other game has.
  4. I guess NQ doesn't need a community manager since they abandoned the community. This is unfortunate, she will be missed- and if by chance she reads this- thank you for all you did for the community while you were here!
  5. I just turned on auto-renew yesterday to keep supporting the game, then instantly turned it off. Without telling me or prompting me the game charged my account for a year of service... when I originally signed up for 3 months. Fairly sure that's not legal.... but I won't touch the legal aspects because that seams to be the only reason any thread on the forums gets closed.
  6. It literally caused one of our members to be trapped in a return to surface bug due to the ground area they were in being bugged/returned to a previous state. Likewise it has been widespread since they announced they were doing maintenance and to expect voxel weirdness for 15 minutes. We literally watched an area of our base revert parts of it to two months ago. We have hundreds of constructs in this area, so it's probably affecting us more than most....
  7. When a bunch of constructs, ground(soil) and other voxel issues pop up in a day for a swath of people, it seams to be an exasperated issue. Just because you haven't experienced them doesn't mean others haven't- and in MTI's case we have cores crossing 5 tiles, so we may be experiencing/seeing more of them than most? Our base had a couple missing chunks, but literally overnight we had 10 or so locations of voxels nobody could delete. Thankfully least some of them were fixed overnight, but a few spots are still having problems. Not sure if NQ dev/gm did it, or what- as they're has been NO COMMUNICATION on this issue on any of our tickets. And to be honest, what are we supposed to do? NQ dropped Discord and In Game support- we have tickets now- tickets that generally don't get resolved for months. Are players just supposed to stay quiet and suffer? As it stands we have one of our friends UNABLE to login due to a return to surface bug, while the force respawn at login is broken. If NQ still had ingame support or discord, we could poke a GM and have things resolved quickly... now they're desire to play is fading while they wait for the black hole that is a ticket system. It's one thing to have major issues and be able to reach support for help, it's another to have these issues and seemingly be left without any real help or communication avenues. So, with that said- we take to the forums. And I'd be surprised if more players don't start taking to social media to start talking about these issues on the DU's Twitter & Facebook pages...
  8. Madis suspects it was your French division of Alioth that performed this atrocity. We demand answers. /oc but for real, this is bad- an entire group of people doesn't want to build/play with these issues present. I hope NQ responds to these, we have giant chunks of voxel errors at our MTI base that we cannot delete/remove.
  9. This just popped up on the back of our base, every time I try to "mine" out these voxels, I get an internal server error. Effectively deathspikes on a runway hahahaha. Sad that NQ has been silent about this, and hope they respond / acknowledge these issues sooner than later- though I worry they don't have an easy fix/solution for it.
  10. Issue now it seams that you can't delete/fix a corrupted spot. Have tried pasting massive blocks over "corrupted" voxels, and it keeps the new changes around those voxels, but snaps the corrupted voxels back to their previous state out of build mode. It's happening widespread at our base, and the report of this issue has been posted multiple times this morning in DU's Discord.
  11. So- as of last night "We're about to perform some maintenance operations but it doesn't require any service interruption. You can continue playing as usual. You may temporarily notice voxels acting weirdly but it should only last around 15 minutes. Thanks for your support @here!" And as of this morning- voxels are disappearing out of build mode/reverting to old patterns of voxels. Unable to delete those voxels, they show as gone in build mode- but appear back out of build mode. It is seen by multiple people, even after clearing cache. This has been widely reported with Dynamic and Static constructs, across the game from multiple groups/people. It seemingly happens to a random group of voxels in a construct, and not the entire construct. myself and others are not touching things till this is fixed. Before this issue our group has seen voxel corruption(Missing voxels, and missing vertices) but those could be fixed. This is a major issue, and seemingly happened overnight- and is database/server related to the "maintenance" last night. Who else has seen this?
  12. Test it. Scanning from AGG heights above 4km on the surface should result in zero ore. Likewise if you deploy a scanner below the surface at different levels you can use it as a meganode depth finder. *drops mic*
  13. Eh, Lacobus iirc was originally scanned out via a group using an exploit to do instant scans. Likewise, what wasn't picked over by them, other organizations gobbled up. The current territory scanners only scan down to 3000m from the point they are placed. Most ore is found within that gap. The devs could/will seed higher tier ore below 3000m, then introduce T2, T3, T4 scanners that scan to a deeper level. It would allow current ore distribution to remain untouched, while adding more content, making it more fun/hard to mine deeper down. For example Thoramine was supposedly found at negative 6000m, below what out current scanners routinely do. Maybe there is already ore down there and we haven't found it yet? *x-files music* wasn't Thoramine found on Lacobus too?!!
  14. Oh hai, I won that auction XD I still feel conflicted about buying ill gotten goods at a reduced rate... and that someone made 410mil off me hahahaha
  15. X-Class just reminds me of X Class drone racing haha, I may have to throw down- have some experince flying giant drones, and itching to start making a ship to race this track
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