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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Lethys

  1. If people keep blocking hailing attempts, you got to assume they are hostile. Without a way to say otherwise of course punishment will happen. But it depends on the circumstances.

    Or they just don't want to talk. Or the are heavy rp-gamers and their antenna is broken. But I see what you did there - kill em all

  2. Well, there is, how is calculated is another story, but using automation could exclude skill progression.



    You didn't read or misunderstand me above.


    Let's say

    Iron ore is on the market for $100/tone

    To dig it up by hand I need.. time. Let's say 1h.

    Then I have option:

    Using drone I need to be present in order for script to run this operation. (Maybe busy building something)

    Same drone will spend 2h to give me same amount.

    It will burn Fuel within 2h that in Planetary conditions will simply cost me $300.

    Mining equipment may have durability or simply break so... I will need even more to maintain it.


    So sure, this way I can turn tedious job to auto grind. And yeah, I can possibly mine more over the time if I can afford it. Because I am not performing a business activity here whatsoever. How is that profitable? Everyone can dump whatever and as much as he wish and you will not stop free market. If I'm stupid enough to dump this on the market I'm certainly not contributor to the global economy when amount of resource is limited on this planet. In fact I would make this resource more valuable over the time by digging more and dumping with my loss.


    But for someone who like to go to work or have a family life (IF i can afford it automation could be an option for me) Because I could mine and build and manage at the same time.


    Matter of opinion but,


    consider this:


    1. Same automated drone could be cheaper in space / asteroids. It would make it more profitable. Force people to fly into orbit, space, search expeditions, create transports, escorts, Stimulate market more, encourage pirates. Simply more interaction.


    2. Variety of scripts would contribute to the market and LUA programmers to actually BE a profession. Having few flying scripts will be set after few first days of gameplay and nobody will ever consider it as a serious profession in game if this is the only purpose to have LUA.


    3. If such tools are available for everyone market will balance itself no matter you grinding by hand or large volumes. In fact newbie way would remain the most profitable and preferable for starters no matter what.


    4. If this is going to be a game to spend 8h under the ground per day to mine resource I'd rather get back to the office, same tedious s**t ;). I have no chance with those who have lot's of spare time. The audience is kind of limited to maniacs. Games are for fun after all.


    We were there already many times, Technic on minecraft for instance. Space Engineers executed that idea but implementation was never meant to be for MMO.

    This is why is not scale-able. But once you had balanced server it worked. Non of above destroyed economy. It only made game play more interesting and stimulating.


    So we have LUA as part of initial implementation but we going to reprogram flying behavior. I consider it a waste. If that was planned from the start I am sure it would be easier ti implement few items to buy to change that flying behavior and save time on LUA integration, maybe the game itself would be even better optimized without such thing.


    but that.. is my humble opinion as a programmer and player.

    1) No there is no skill progression by using a certain skill. Read the blogs.


    2) You do know that prices can be fucked up by players? And you do know that (in your example) those 100creds/ton and 300creds for fuel is only valid at a certain point?


    3) If mining is too tedious for you, then just don't mine. Do something else. It's not that much cheaper if you mine yourself and build something with those resources or you just buy the resources. Mined resources by yourself aren't for free you know


    4) so you only use lua in your ships then. Good to know when I pillage your base...


    If this would be implemented, old players just dominate the market with their ore, not caring about fuel (because they manipulate the market for that) and newbros would just not be able to compete

  3. Sorry, used wrong words. I mean an experience of creative designing. And if you played SE or something else just to try (but most time spent in the noncreative game) this mean almost nothing, especially in global projects designing.


    And that's about the advertisement. If to know at least a little bit about adv, you would understand what I mean =)




    All hail to mighty Archonius, chief advertising manager!

  4. Yeah, possible =) But I didn't see any example made by this community (especially many came from EVE and have 0 skill of creativity). So this is just an opportunity for NQ to get nice looking cover for advertisement in future.

    When they posted a video of building a ship on the asteroid, there were many comments - "This ship looking badly!" (so potential customer is not satisfied, and that's mean advertisement failed). It is like a nice looking cover for product and beautiful advertisement picture.

    To contact few greatly creative authors (who will be enjoyed to create something beautiful) will be very cheap and not require much time. These authors have youtube channels with many subscribers (who are target auditory), so the video will be posted (99%), and that is another level of advertisement/marketing.


    Yes, Alpha could be a bit early, maybe late alpha or beta. Personally, I don't care much. But if I would see great videos with great ships or stations, or maybe the process of building of these great ships/stations, I would be much more satisfied with the game (if I can not try). I believe, there are many people who can look the same way.




    Why do you think eve players are not creative? Don't you think that it MIGHT be possible that they also play OTHER games? Like space engineers? Landmark? Why should an eve player be less creative than some other random guy?


    Taste is subjective - there will always be people who dislike a design. So what? If there are people who find DU promising and like the MMO voxel, emergent gameplay thing but don't follow it or donate or buy this game because of ONE FRIGGING DESIGN THEY SAW PRE ALPHA WHICH WAS BUILT BY DEVS then they are just plain dumb and fucking idiots

  5. ...I'm pretty sure that every bank in EVE has been a long-con scam. Is there a single one where someone hasn't just taken all the money and run?


    Not saying that it's guaranteed to happen, but banks have been tried before. Could be different in DU, but are you willing to take that risk? It's up to you.

    So? Players need to make sure THEMSELVES that they can't be scammed, that's the point. There are enough loans and banks in eve which guarantee that and are near impossible to scam you

  6. Ruins would be a great addition. it doesn't takes away anything. without something to explore explorer role would be pointless.

    The way I see content: missions, dev provided events, scripted events and so on. Tools have to be provided, and ruins are category "what there is to explore". What players do with those ruins should be up to them and not determined by the devs
  7. At first that may sound pointless, and you may think that you could just Google the answers etc... And I agree that would be boring!

    What I'm proposing is something more, something bigger! Something to keep you exploring all corners of the universe (or, you know, what is avaliable to us at least)!


    It should be first come, first serve for one - That way even if you solved it and post about it online it won't benefit anyone else, because the reward was already claimed! If there are more, make sure they aren't to similar and/or closely related as well.


    I'd also like to see something you really couldn't guess. Perhaps there's a finite number of attempts before the reward is destroyed or something like that, and it should either make you rack your brain IRL or send you scurrying for clues to solve it before someone else finds it!



    Games that have things like this usually let everyone get a crack at it, and reap the rewards. You can often just Google "[GAME] puzzle answer" and Bob's your uncle. This takes away the whole point of having mysteries and puzzles hidden and scattered about, and being clever enough to solve them for yourself!



    I realize this is a very loose idea with open ends all over, which was my full intention since I don't want to suggest any (or know what) mysteries we might uncover in ruins of old civilizations!

    In a player driven sandbox people should stop wanting content from the devs. Really. All those ideas are against players in fact. Want such a riddle? Make it yourself. Want a maze for players to escape? Build it. You are not confined to what devs in other mmos do, this is a sandbox - do whatever you want

  8. Well the problem wasn't with new Ideas about No Mans Sky. It was purely a over hype under deliver situation. and what's the disaster with Star Citizen? Its still in development, taking longer then some would like but steady progress is being made. I don't really like their modular method, would prefer them to make the full game then add to it not peace meal like they are now but as far as I know there no disaster or anything around the project.


    Its perfectly fine to be cautious and skeptical and we all should be at this point but lets at least see the game and hear more before just saying outright "it won't work".

    Read the ToS of SC.... No refund on anything - even when there is no game. Selling of ships, making more money, even when everything is delayed (no sign of S42), that sandworm demo was on a map especially built for that con and so on...
  9. The only problem I see with avatars remaining physical when the player is offline is something Lethys said:



    If your pilot/gunner logs off or their game crashes, they are stuck in that position. The pilot is taking up the pilot seat, so you are not only without a pilot, but NOBODY CAN TAKE OVER FOR HIM, short of killing him to vacate the chair.


    Same with a gunner, you will be down a gun until he is killed.


    That would make it pretty tough to run any type of large ship that requires a large amount of crew, since I guarantee not all of them will be able to stay online the entire time you may need their positions filled.

    Uhm, no.


    Because logged off avatars just vanish. So everyone can take control. If he relogs, it's most likely that he just appears in the same spot (pilot seat on the ship) or, if controlled by another player, right beside it (on the ship) - those are only educated guesses, but possible

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