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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Lethys

  1. Outlawing a product in your territory wont create a black market and increase its price.


    All the org is acomplishing is depriving itself from salestax. I'll just buy it somewhere else at a cheaper price.


    Why buy at an inflated price when I can purchase the same product cheaper in the neighboring territory?


    Because people are LAZY AS FUCK


    I was the prime seller of drones in Dodixie (~3,5million isk) in eve online for some time. I squelched all other players, diminishing their profit and got my own drones sold. 5 Jumps away those drones were 2million isk cheaper (travel time ~5min). I charged them DOUBLE the price and they happily paid me.


    In every game at a certain point when people stop caring about money because they have enough people get lazy. They don't want to waste gametime on getting a gun cheaper when they buy those in a nearby system. They want that gun NOW and they want to get on with it. That's why Black Markets will prosper if some org has a fierce grip on economy. Bring those goods to the players and they will pay you (because as you said: people are greedy little bastards and always want the best price) but yet again are lazy.

  2. Every time I see this video I just wonder if Force Recon armors (like the force recon ships from EVE) are going to be a thing, cause I will definitely challenge what's considered "covert" with the might of my bright yelow, green and pink colors.



    " Well, sarge, I can't see anything on D-scan, but there's a sentient colorblindness test on the top of that hill..."


    " Sentient colorbl-- TWERKMOTOOOOOR :V ! "

    It's a flamingo - NO!

    It's a tucan - NO!

    It's a Twerkmotor - RUN!

  3. Making all of these plans and forming orgs/crews before alpha is fine and everything but it seems like nobody has heard the old saying "No plan survives contact with the enemy". 


    I suspect what will happen is that there is going to be huge upheaval and change when people start playing the game as the material realities hit home. I always have to laugh when I look at orgs that have appointed admirals of the fleet, its amusing... I mean what fleet will you be commanding you have no ships yet!


    A lot of of these larger orgs are going to loose members pretty quickly when people realize they are paying taxes for protection that has yet to exist.


    Yeah, those who are overly restricted, organized and not open to change will certainly die off quickly. As you said: no point in paying a ridiculous amout of tax or take some serious restrictions upon yourself when there is NOTHING to do or get out of a bigger one - because the economy needs time (so do player skills)

  4. Server load? Could it relly be that easy? Would thought that they didnt do a lock on system in fighting. Would be more fun without that type of fighting


    AMA Video on Kickstarter: 11:50min


    Server side restrictions because of single shard server (thousands of players nearby possible -> no FPS style combat)

  5. You have to start from somewhere. Build something you know (like a star destroyer) to get used to the tools available and to improve your ability to transfer drawing to construct. Then, once you have more experience, you can create ships of your own design. Otherwise we will have brick-ships everywhere.

    Or, you know, just be creative and invent a new design. Ofc most ships will look like something you have already seen, because there is a reason why planes look like....planes.

  6. Death Star would be IMO too expensive to build but I hope someone will build full scale Star Destroyer (1600m long).

    I'm sure there will be factions constructing their ships as a copies of original movies ships (Star Wars, Star Trek, BSG etc.) - maybe this constructions won't be the best spaceships but will look awesome.

    And risking copyright issues... *slowclap*

    I don't get it why people have to copy something. You have the opportunity to build whatever you want and you choose a triangle. Wow. Gj on creativity there.

  7. One way of implementing an organization standing system would be to say each character carries an identification device with them. This device could run Lua scripts, like the elements in constructs do. Each organization could designate a script that runs for all of its members. When the player does certain actions, such as attacking someone or trading with them, it would trigger an event in the script. The script might be written to increment a counter called standing or reputation, and when that reaches a certain value, the script could assign a new function (role) to the player.


    Using a script would allow this process to be as simple or as complex as the organization chooses. Each organization could decide what values the script maintains and whether it acts on them or just reports them to the organization. Organization scripts could be traded in the game, like any other script. Of course, an organization could choose to not use a script at all.


    The RDMS would determine who could view the code for the script, who could change the code and who could see the values it maintains for each member. There should be different rights for viewing and changing the code since, for example, some organizations might believe in open information and allow all members to know what code affects them, but still restrict changing the script to very few.

    That's exactly the same thing as the lp store proposal in the other thread. Thing is, with such a scripts it's easy to abuse them if they are not properly written (and a spai will definitely abuse this to hell). Every automation you implement is one branch of gameplay less. I do think though, that there has to be some kind of rep system.

  8. So those reputation thing would only be seen by org members? That means there will be 30000 different definitions of the same planet/system whatsoever. Sounds...complicated.


    For the rest of that "rep goes up if you kill pirates, rep goes down if you kill friends":


    Johnny McAmbush is a spai. And he is good. He infiltrates csyn and happily kills TU vessels of another TU spai. Rep goes down to a point where No One really knows why this all happend and why the fuck TU is attacking everyone and so on. Hilarious shit tbh, but messy and no fun to play with because it's automated. Leave it to players to decide who has ano good rep and who is bad for them. Members will squabble because "I'm in csyn and nonetheless TU attacked me!" - but the difference is, will you believe him? A Spai and infiltrator is hard to play and should be that way. It's no fun if you can just abuse an automated system and mess up an entire empire because if that.

  9. I'm there with twerk:


    Flipping tags alone is just a bit...meh. A player will always be recognized by his deeds, may they be good or bad. Flipping a tag won't change that. Besides I believe that if you are in an org, you should be visible as a member of them and you just can't leave in an instant and then be back again. Either you're with them or you're not.


    A player run LP store would definitely be way better as twerk suggested. The higher the LP of a player, the longer he is with that org, or he is a very active contributor. If that is a sign of trustworthiness - well, you're call.

    You could combine that with the rdms system and for like 500 LP you get access to the org garage, for 5000 you get your own piece of land and so on. That org has to have enough jobs for newbros ofc.

  10. One year of gametime will be 150-180€. If you plan on playing longer than 2,5 years after release: go for ruby.


    If you want lots of in-game money: go for silver. But for that you have to hoard them until prices are high. Meanwhile you burn them or money for playing.


    So imho: lifetime sub is the way to go

  11. I agree, it would be nice to be able to place it wherever you want. I just hope it doesn't need to be centered in the territory, regardless of whether it is above or below the surface.


    If you can place it on a border, some creative defense strategies could occur.


    For example, other than the odd pentagonal tiles, all territories will be hexagons. This means that at each corner, your tile is "sharing" a corner with two other tiles.

    If you work together with your neighbors that share a corner, you could all place your TUs on corners that touch. Why? You would only need to defend roughly 1/3 the area you otherwise would have! This means, if you put the same amount of resources into the defensive structure, it will be 3 times stronger than it would have been.


    Not saying that it is a great idea, but it's not a bad one.

    Of course, like anything, it has downsides, but you have to take the bad with the good.

    And three times the risk of one of your friends betray you, knowing or unknowingly.


    I'm pretty sure jc said in some interview there will be both tiles, can't remember where though. Maybe the ama

  12. I would go as far as say it would be a "please PK me" meter, but sure.


    Thing is, Likes do not showcase some kind of gameplay you mastered. Having the title Engineer, because you mastered the Engineerign tree and having 5512 Likes showing below your avatar, are not the same thing. Likes are a forum thing and they do not even mean a person is likeable - I would know if that was the case.


    For example. the reason I am against titles like the Novawrimo one, the "Famous Author", is because it will only make said person have a "please make my life difficult" tag over their head. It's not something a player earned in-game, via in-game achievements, i.e. aking a sculpture, thus getting the title Sculptor.


    Except if the winner of the Novawrimo contest is Lethys. Then I guess he does want the title, more content PvP-wise for him.

    True that, I want that huge Please-kill-me-I'm-a-VIP sign above my head! ;)


    As for the offtopic thing: honestly, idc. I don't watch post counts, but I can understand the implications. New members may be deceived by some off-topic spammer and they think he's a legit, all knowing alpha member because of his 5038 posts.

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