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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Lethys

  1. soooooooo it's really hilarious to listen to your story via TTS while working - those french sentences are just a blast. I hope I get to read Ch4 soon, it's a very good story so far. It's a bit hard to follow all those sidestories (I didn't get why jamius was fighting in the mall) - perhaps focus on one story for a longer time? Like 1/3 of a chapter or so, that would make it much easier to get into that story again. There are some good plottwist in that story - keep that up. I like it when you read a story and you're like "yeah ok, standard story, I know what'll happen next" and then it really happens - but in the end it changes completely and the only thing you think is: WTF? I'd love to see that here too - I did anticipate Melle's friends or children to be in RES. It wasn't that of a plottwist to me (still good though) but I hope there is ....more. A deep, confusing, complete gamechanger. If that makes any sense?
  2. I love ships which just randomly fire in the direction where the barrel is facing. Hilarious
  3. Well, don't get triggered by discussions and don't get personal and low. But....you can't. That's why you have those 3. /shrug
  4. Obviously, you can't. But I couldn't care less so ignore me - there's a handy button for that
  5. So....those autogunners were weaker than a player? These were nerfed then? Why advocate for no nerfs in DU then? Don't you think they knew why those had to be weaker?
  6. Nope, buy2play will not be enough to pay for the servers. And offline skill training. And a persistent world. Read the big thread about DACs and you'll see that NQ will use pay2play as model plus DACs
  7. As you can see from my posts, I don't want eve 2.0 - that's boring and would fail. But your idea was just a bad one and I merely pointed that out. That doesn't mean I want eve 2.0.... New ideas are great and DU has the opportunity to introduce new, great gamemechanics. But you have to consider all sides of such an idea, not just one. And extracting skills somehow through any mechanic is always bad imho. And was introduced in eve btw
  8. Ships itself will be balanced by its core and thus its wattage output. Every element needs power (engines, RCS, weapons,...) so every ship needs to be specialized. This balancing is independent from lua balancing imho
  9. I like this idea. It would make much more sense than just one fee for all. Regarding the refugee...uhm... peoples problem: this shouldn't be tied to fees or something but to emergent gameplay. If a shuttle with only 2000kg but 200 people on board want to use the stargate - sure why not. Pay the fee for mass. But you could be target of a random police control. I mean that's why they're there for. If that nation has a policy of "only 3 people in small ships" for whatever reason, the police force has to make sure people accept that. That's the whole point of a police force in the first place. Wow, it's really hard not to mention walls here
  10. Ambi. I can't read it anyway, no matter with which hand it was written
  11. Yay. It would. Be cool just because you could bypass security systems for a time for example (flags handed out by rdms and turrets shooting atin your). It should be limited by time too, just to prevent abuse. Sorry for typos. I'm ddrunk
  12. Hey buddy. It's half past 4, I'm drunk and the sun is shining. Good stuff but not for reading your story will read it until Monday to get you your deserved feedback
  13. Now THAT'S a nice idea. Maybe restrict it somehow (timer, easier to detect,...) But in general it's a very very good idea
  14. Pay2win mechanic. Get a second acc, kill him every day. Very bad idea
  15. Have yet to read it but I think it'll be as always, a good read. Thanks for sharing
  16. I think they answered this with NO somewhere in the kickstarter posts. Could be wrong though but I recall jc/NQ saying that DACs won't be used. Would be ridiculously stupid imho
  17. My character was insane before, so he doesn't mind really There are even those two theories in RL: - infinite universe (one universe - infinitely large) - multiverse (infinite amount of different universes) In both theories, you have infinite amount of spacetime so basically in both theories, everything that could have happend has happend already. And everything that might happen, will happen. So, if one of those theories is true, there is a second earth somewhere with only dinosaurs. And another one where everything is the same. Except that on thursdays every atomic particle changes it's spin. In terms of DU this means the following: Every time you die and the RN gets your fingerprint as you call it, everything stays the same, except you're not dead. So this means earth was ALWAYS (IN EVERY of those realities) destroyed because there are infinite amounts of those. Ofc there are also infinite amounts of realities where the RN saves you and earth is still there. But that's not the realities the RN will bring you to.
  18. Then this pod would have to be dirt cheap so every explorer could build it within 10min. And I would just be running around and killing pods whenever I see them. Just to stop people from training skills
  19. Well ofc, people will sell whatever they can. Junk, trollships, traps,...But also new inventions with new scripts, better code, faster responses and so on. People will pay for better performing ships, bookmarks of veins, codes, maybe even passage on a big ship of a certain nation to infiltrate it - where's a buyer, there's a seller. Builders will probably fight the hardest PvP, the market so better get your codes right And I agree: let NQ hand us the tools - test them for 2 years - nerf/buff them - release the game. That's why alpha and beta are crucial to DU
  20. Exactly. And iirc quanta is safe too
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