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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Anonymous

  1. We used to use Pendulum a lot for official scrims in Allegiance (the old MS game that was open sourced to the community)
  2. To clarify: a) Yes I am talking about in game programming. b) Noooo - certainly not talking about 3rd parties contributing to game code. To me that is a preposterous as (if one believes this sort of thing) God creating all the things, and then you or me "updating the laws of physics" in a bizarre cosmic GitHub commit c) It isn't, but I suspect VR tech will certainly become of age (not maturity) during the lifespan of the game; and given the things that inspire NQ/JC - is certainly within the realms of where they may want to head one day.
  3. No - the highlighting that an engine is just a bomb that has it's explosive output managed and harnessed ?
  4. Or.... the first time it happens, and Aphelia insta rebuilds all the things and resurrects everyone and we all realise.... we are still asleep in the Ark and this is all a simulation...
  5. @0something0When I get my stock of Likes back today, you're getting one. I like you already - you think like I do.??
  6. Bingo - " This is all assuming that orgs can give temporary roles to people that are not members of the organization. " <- I wrote with the assumption that this may not be possible - your approach is much better. But yes - that's exactly the model I am thinking. It mimics RL.
  7. For the record I voted YES, but with the caveat that we are talking about NQ essentially removing all automatic highlight/detection/ID of players, constructs etc (Hardcore mode), but allowing such to be implemented in game via player R&D. Again - we are the game devs and they are the engineers - we need to keep that firmly in mind. They make the reality, we make the society and tech.
  8. Yeah, don't worry - I get you. Agree 100%. The only people who would be against the idea of... let's call it Hardcore Mode (if you think of FPS games)... are people who just enjoy ganking and griefing - people who want maximum reward for minimum effort. I don't want Carebears - Friendship is Magic, but I also want people to REALLY have to work for it if they are set on taking someone out or someone down. Personally I think that implemented with the right balance, what we will get is a stealth/detection arms race, which is only good over time as that sort of thing drives in game economies.
  9. Exactly - there is no "end game". @Jayplaygame is right in that yes, we and NovaQuark, are always going to be limited in terms of making the DU engine etc into something approaching true virtual reality, but in terms of player satisfaction and game sustainability in terms of meeting the needs of a group that is, by its nature, always looking for the next best gaming experience - thats on us. I like to think of DU as NQ giving us all a game engine and development environment for free - like Unity. And we can do whatever we want with it, within the bounds of our own creativity. The only catch is, we have to do all our builds from inside the engine which is what makes it so fun. THAT is the unique experience of DU - a persistent world with true emergent game play. It is, afaik, the first time that a game upon Version 1.0 launch is likely to remain stable in terms of developers making "new features" for years and years - just like we don't wake up one morning in RL and find that the laws of physics changed and now we can ignore conservation of energy or something. The devs will be able to focus on making the engine better, more efficient, more powerful, more performant, porting to VR and so on, rather than just sating our lust for "stuff" as players, because WE become the game developers, while NQ are the engineers of the universe...
  10. I believe you are partially right. I think that what keeps "people" not nuking each other is exactly what I detail above - it is very hard to make a nuclear weapon. If they were as common as hand guns, I have absolutely no doubt that people would nuke everything, for fun or otherwise. Humans are nasty, violent, self centered creatures with a history of trying to eradicate each other, given the means. Public opinion, consequences, how you tell people, killing innocent people - all of these things aren't really factors. It is, however, a well known reason to use them only as a weapon of last resort, because it irreparably damages the target environment. If you are invading a country to get it's oil, it will be no good to you if you can't then GET the oil because it is now in a radioactive wasteland for the next 3 decades. Money and profit, as always, is probably one of the primary reasons WMDs have not been used far more often. Noting that less that 0.1% of the population are in fact the ones who have them - 99.9% of the worlds population just has to live in the hope that it never happens. It is a hard thing to explain if you did not grow up during the height of the Cold War - we literally grew up being told that at the push of a button, the world could end, and that every moment may well be your last - if you were one of the lucky ones. Because it is the survivors who are the real victims - a long slow painful radioactive death. It is different to the War on Terror most players here have grown up with - you have the comfort of knowing that even in a terrorist attack, the rest of humanity, your family and relatives, can go on to make the world better. (Isn't it interesting that we are the only species that protects our stupid from birth. Which means we end up with some people who are basically intelligent monkeys alongside people who are geniuses and everything in between. That in itself is an issue. We aren't like, for instance, dogs. You don't see a dog eating its own vomit, and then another dog driving a forklift. So as a species we have people with access to technology capable of destroying the world, with the mental acumen and emotional intelligence of an angry 5 year old who is criminally insane.) All of that said - tactical battlefield nukes as space combat weapons isn't that inconceivable - there is no consequence for fallout in space, and most space ships will be using some sort of fission or fusion engine no doubt in terms of background, so obviously DU has some capacity to turn fission or fusion engines in game into bombs with a bit of creativity.... I need to add that to the ideas board - exploding engines...
  11. I'm more a generic service provider with discretion and some large friends.
  12. This ^^^^ Also, if this ends up a thing in DU, come see me. First taste is free. ? I'll have what ails ya.
  13. Ok. So, lets assume they allow Nukes and WMDs. I think they should personally... because reasons as explained below. So - on Nukes. Also, lets assume that no one has nukes when they arrive. And also also, lets just assume there is fissionable material in the game; which is a huge assumption we have to make. So, with ref... https://www.livescience.com/5752-hard-nuclear-weapons.html In short: There are multiple steps to getting a nuclear bomb First you need to find and mine your U-235 or Pu, and enough of it to then enrich. THEN you need to produce ENOUGH weapons grade uranium or plutonium for your intended yield. Which involves having a nuclear reactor or two. Which are stupid big. Big big fat targets that will melt your TU zone into a Fallout Theme Park. So I hope you aren't in a war while you are working on this. Now - your intended yield you won't know without testing... (see further down). You then also have to develop a warhead, get the uranium/plutonium into the warhead, and then have a way to deliver it, including guidance systems, plus control centers, missile silo or suicide bomber/suitcase, or missile boats/starships. And EVEN then, it won't be clear whether your weapon will actually work, since you have to then test the bloody things and refine the process. On average, it takes a COUNTRY at the moment, 5-10 years to build a nuclear weapon - think about that a nuclear weapons program involves 100's and 1000's of scientists and other resources, millions and millions of dollars, lots of infrastructure, nuclear reactors for the enrichment, etc etc) from scratch, assuming they start with JUST the instructions. You wake with little to no memory, and an AI that probably doesn't really want you to have WMDs... And as an individual player, you have LUA, and Voxels with which to work with in the development of atomic level technology. Have fun with that. Aaaaaaaand, go *clicks stopwatch* I'll see you in a few years.... assuming no one stops you in the mean time...
  14. Oh, I'm not worried. Just being polite. Fair warning is fair warning ?
  15. The whole point of RDM is exactly to allow this. However you've missed a key point - the residence - the building - it is technically an organisation. What you would need to do is either set up a body corporate model, or the landlord sets up an org which renters "join" when they rent a property. The rules of the org (which can be a member of another org, such as a company that owns the building, or a city, or a nation etc) are then set to allow members to only build in an area where they have RDM permissions (their room). In that scenario - the use of sub cores, or a core with complex lua etc are all possible. Remember this is the same scenario that one would use to build a hotel - the hotel guests need some "build" permission on some level (like putting their stuff on a bed), as well as RDM permissions around room access etc. So they may have to the temporarily "join an org" - I can see this process actually being semi automated so it is seamless and non intrusive to players - it might be a particular NQ defined type of org though, as to prevent abuse of players (since it is an artificial construct that allows us to mimic a real life experience). So IMO a skeleton building really isn't needed so much as the org is. e.g A construction org builds a building (not a skeleton - just a building with fixtures, not fittings), it has doors and rooms, it is sold to an org as residential or hotel or whatever, they then fit it out, tailor the RDM to suit the intended purpose - selling them as apartments to individuals, renting them, hotel model, etc. The the individuals (now a member of the "building org") get to fit out their own room; and get to give guests RDM permissions for just that room, and so on. An office building or mall is also exactly the same thing - shopkeepers sublet their shops in a mall and get fit out rights.
  16. Because you seem interesting and you have nice stuff obviously, cause you live in a sekret base. Not like John Doe over there who looks like a schlub and lives in the shanty town next to the Ark. Why would I focus on him? The nail that stands up proudest is the first to be hammered (aka don't tell everyone your plans...)
  17. Wow. Well. This is awkward. ? My intent was to use the game's freedom to develop ground penetrating radar, and or devices that can detect the presence of electromagnetic signals, lifeforms etc which are hiding underground... And also telescopes. Because space is big, and the ground is tiny when you are flying. And drills. Definitely drills. Because in any mining game the good stuff is under ground. Like gold, and diamonds, and other peoples bases. (Hint : it will be like real life in that regard, but yes - I agree - there should be no "broadcast" or floaty name tags or whatever for stuff out of line of sight... takes all the fun out of hunting people down, or playing PayDay 3 - Dual Universe, or selling you super good camouflage type stuff and shield technology at a very reasonable price...)
  18. What's EVE? I know only of DU. Well, seriously - that's up to the community, not NovaQuark. I'll say that again. What happens with DU, EVE or no EVE, depends on the community. This game is persistent. IF we, as the Alpha and Beta Vanguards, and then first citizens (ie the 33,000 people signed up, and the forum lurkers etc) MANAGE OUR BUILDING AND GROWTH SUSTAINABLY (I felt that was important enough to all cap) and not all run off the explore the entire galaxy as soon as possible, and actually turn Alioth and surrounds into a really busy and active place which sees expansion beyond the system driven by population or resource pressures, AND we can keep Alioth as essentially the centre of civilisation where all commerce eventually flows, than this game can conceivably grow to a potentially unlimited, RP1 style playerbase because ANY game you have ever played, ANY setting (*within reason and your mileage may vary based on the ability of Voxelmancers and Lualocks) will be able to be conceivably be created over time. Literally - this game will be what we make it, and it's success will be dependent on what we make.
  19. (Also all you new peeps I've not met - I can be a little verbose and often write in stream of consciousness. Apologies in advance. You'll get used to me. There's a block / mute button as you need). (Également: Bonjour à toutes les nouvelles personnes que je n'ai pas encore rencontrées - je peux être un peu bavard et écrire souvent dans un flot de conscience. Toutes mes excuses par avance. Vous allez vous habituer à moi. Il y a un bouton de blocage / sourdine si vous en avez besoin). (Также: Привет всем новым людям, которых я еще не встречал - я могу быть немного разговорчивым и часто пишу в потоке сознания. Мои извинения заранее. Вы привыкнете ко мне. Если вам это нужно, кнопка блокировки / отключения звука). (Auch: Hallo an alle neuen Leute, die ich noch nicht getroffen habe - ich kann ein bisschen gesprächig sein und schreibe oft in den Bewusstseinsstrom. Ich entschuldige mich im Voraus. Du wirst dich an mich gewöhnen. Wenn Sie es brauchen, die Sperr- / Stummschalttaste). (另外: 你好,我还没有见过的所有新人 - 我可以有点健谈,经常写在意识流中。 我提前道歉。 你会习惯我的。 如果需要,可以使用锁定/静音键。)
  20. PS: Incidentally I voted Yes - no restrictions. Because, just like in real life, there should be nothing in terms of actual physics etc to stop me say, going anywhere with a bag of bricks and mortar, and just building something. Of course , there is equally nothing to stop someone objecting to my building stuff there and putting a bullet in my head... you gotta chose your battles - this isn't Friendship Is Magic. In real life, you hop my fence and start building a BBQ, I'm gonna be pissed and probably take a cricket bat to you. Oh, alright - and call the police first because I am a fine upstanding citizen or something. Because that's how real life works. Unless it's a really bloody good BBQ. Then I'll let you. Ok. So I should of used a different analogy. And yeah - no core unit, so no - I can't then wire my bricks up and turn it into a robotic brick hunter killer. It's just a pile of bricks and mortar that sits there. Possibly being used to make cooked meat products in the corridor of your ship. If you don't mind.
  21. Yes and no. Placing voxels is essentially an activity - a method if you will. Building a construct (signified by the initial placement of a core unit) is one context in which one then proceeds to place voxels in order to achieve an outcome. Terraforming is another context, denoted by placing voxels of a certain class (world voxels) onto existing voxels of a certain class (world voxels). Building "stuff", as is suggested (lets not call them constructs, as they are different to core unit constructs) would be yet another context, where one is placing voxels of a certain class (materials) onto existing voxels of a certain class (a construct) - noting you can only, afaik from other vids (given the building tool use we see above is, as pointed out, unlikely in terraforming), place material on a core unit, else it's really just weird terraforming. So in considering the OP's question/suggestion - how to approach the issue of ascetics in the building of a construct given core units look ugly - my response - that the easy approach is to make core units take on the appearance (texture) of surrounding voxels in the construct, would seem to be both fairly achievable without too much effort, and an elegant solution. And it would seem that if we were able to texture core units, that's really the problem solved. In terms of the OPs issues around object size as with the statue - I suspect that is then a deliberate design thinking approach in that you are unlikely to try and build fine detail things which have widths/heights/depths smaller than the dimensions of the smallest core unit, because then, as is pointed out, you see the core and it looks ugly. In that sense, all one can hope is that eventually we have the option to scale items turned into blueprints when they are then redeployed, so we build at scale, and then shrink it upon deployment - I can see that as the logical means (far far down the track) we will have of creating items in game - electronics and gadgets and other things to add flavour to the world? I feel that really this will only ultimately be addressed by devs if and when the compute power for tracking such small complex objects (which starts to approach essentially, real RP1 style technology/VR/Matrix) becomes essentially negligible. This will always be the issue with DU and any real open world/universe game - Science has already concluded that at current tech, the idea that reality as we actually know it is a computer simulation is impossible, as the computer power required to sustain such a complex simulation is greater than the power in the known universe. So we have to suck it up - we can't have a "to scale galaxy" and "as close to real life tiny or complex objects like art and sculpture, as possible" at the same time. This stuff is expensive on computing, and NQ went with a persistent galaxy first rather than an Alioth we can never leave. Because then spaceships and pew pew sci fi meta would be pointless. IMHO.
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