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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Aesras

  1. Right now its all assumption but I don't think there will be option for an alliance in game and it will be verbal only. But an incentive of maintaining a NAP between orgs might be the benefits one may reap from the alliance, whether it is access to markets, or better trading policies or use of other facilities there are many benefits one might have by being in a NAP with some other org if their goals align.

    But Alliances are only there till they are worth it. We all know from EVE that alliances and friendships can be broken very fast.

  2. First of all welcome to DU! Glad to see another soul join us. I think you will find that this just might be the game you are looking for. You have a lot of time to decide your endgame as the game public release ain't gonna happen anytime before dec 2018, which so far is the projected date. Its good to see you consider your options before joining any org, you have all the time in the world ;)
    Again Welcome and best of luck ^_^

  3. Welcome to the community :) and as others have already said don't join an org if you don't want to right now, get a feel of different groups through their discord servers, get to know people and also it depends on your own interests, what kind of an org do you want to be in. well whatever it may be welcome to DU ;)

  4. I personally like the idea of agricultural content in Dual Universe. In a game in which pretty much a bit of everything is possible, farming seems to be one of the few holes I can think of. 


    What players understandably don't like about this is that it's usually a survival aspect, which would be rather bothersome in DU. While food may be limited to granting buffs with the absence of survival like aspects, I could imagine crops solely for industrial purposes better. 


    For example in growing plants like Flax for textiles, Mastix for wax, rubber or sap as a base for plastics, perhaps even just corn for bio mass to create energy or fuels or as a source to extract proteins from, further different herbs for medical purposes and so on. 

    There are a lot more possibilities for crops and farming than just for food, and introducing this to a game that conveys a feeling of being able to do everything would further underline this.

    I concur, while I would love agricultural aspect in DU I wouldn't want it to be survival based but rather crops to be used in different matter like fuel as you have suggested, it would bring another interesting play aspect to the game. 

  5. I see your intention, I really do but by no means do I support your actions, these kind of actions do create problems in the community as a whole as you might have noticed as such kind of actions divert the attention of NQ from important things like developing the game and while I really believe that social community management is a big thing to consider, we also need to know that NQ doesn't have a very large team and they are all involved in certain parts of development of game.
    We all are humans and we make mistakes, it is good to see that you are at least stating your point of view and while I do not support your actions I can at least respect you for standing up and doing what you did.
    I do hope though in the future such an incident doesn't takes place and if you do end up making a bank it is without alts :P But again best of luck.

  6. The idea behind only backers having the ability to create an org has both pros and cons as mentioned by others before, so I do believe that while it may provide a solution now, in the long run it won't work well.


    A simple reset of the entire community hub would solve a lot of this - those "active" would be able to rejoin - and more legit numbers would be represented. . .


    This is just a opinion however. . .

    While I see the benefits of this option you have to remember that many real people and backers if I say so are not active but are real people nonetheless and it would be unjust for them when they come back and find out that the organisation they joined is no more or they are not part of it. again I think it could work in the short run but it is not stopping anyone from doing the alt frenzy again.

    I do support what Lord_Void said regarding the legates being more aware as to who they are accepting into the org and also that NQ may check for orgs which are considered to be bolstered by alt accounts.

    Today I also saw this post by Caesares, the creator of IBF https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/10911-an-apology-and-explanation/#entry47188
    While I see his intentions, I by no means support his actions and how he went by it as it does creates a bad element for the community as a whole and he could have gone for it in another way.

    I also think that another controlling element can be implemented which lets non-backers be added to a limited number of organisations, say a non-backer can only join 1 or 2 organisations, while this might go against the idea of a open sandbox we are not in the game yet and we definitely don't need such cancerous elements in our organisations and on our community portal as it diverts the attention of NQ from what is important i.e developing the game to this.

  7. I am not sure about the whole thing but core units are basically the building block of anything, now all the rights and access are on the core unit as well as functionalities of the ships are controlled through the core unit, so if a core unit is destroyed or removed from the ship, it is just a husk and you can do pretty much nothing with it, well you can loot it for sure but other than that you can not fly it, you can not control it and its not even yours as the rights to it are on a control unit.
    Now since its all voxels the ship won't just magically disappear but I imagine it would just lie or float there doing nothing.

  8. I am really glad to see that some initiative is being taken against these kinds of alt accounts and I fully support the idea of only backers being able to make organisations as backers who have supported the game know or I hope that they know the game is more than about just blowing stuff and building ships, its a social experiment altogether and that this kind of game can only be made amazing when we have real people, people who are invested in the game and continuing its story, so it is my hope that they themselves will not be accepting any alts even to bolster their ranks as in the long run those alts do not account for anything.
    It may not be a full proof plan but it is a start nonetheless. The idea behind waiting a week or so before joining any org is interesting but won't stop dedicated people to do it again, so as many others have said before its just delaying the inevitable though I am sure it will reduce the number of alts somewhat.
    Now definitely legit orgs should check out the people who are applying and not just accept anyone just to be on top of leaderboard though it does not stop a person from filling their own orgs.
    This alt frenzy is cancer to this community and I seriously hope some strict measures are applied so that it may not happen again or at least on this scale.


  9. While I personally don't like the idea of alts or well alts at this scale, I wouldn't want to make backing the game a requirement to join an org since there might be people that may not want to pay now but genuinely want to play and are active people but I do see your point how it is an efficient way to get rid of alts.

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