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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by ADCOne

  1. I swear this thread could have been two posts, one with the question and one with the how to make polls - I think an admin should remove the rest since this potentially could have been really useful to people otherwise.


    (I only read to the end to find out how it finished)

  2. 1 hour ago, Warlander said:


    The way I see it your either chasing mining units and emptying the litterbox, Chasing asteroids, Chasing mini games, or Chasing missions and the real issue is not are all created equal in terms of gains. The mining side of things floods the market with ore, missions flood the game with Quanta and the taxes try to take it out. Its profitable now but long term sustainability is questionable. Now that prices of various ores are half of what they were pre-decimater. It still remains to be seen how viable mining ops will be in a couple months. If anything you are buying the ore but it does little or nothing unless you run missions to cut to the chase of getting the quanta for taxes because it has no ties to any other system and further waters down the value of quanta overall. The taxes somewhat address that but one run allows our 3 man crew to cover 21 tiles for a week vs selling the ore that further diminishes our profits from MUs.

    Sorry I should have been clearer in my points - I was mining for myself to allow production so and then sale, which allows me to buy ship parts and higher tier ores to make Honeycomb - So the cost of ore for me is not as big an issue as being able to get the ore to make things and thus sell these for quanta, that then allows me to make my ships - I hope to do one for each class (Currently constructing a medium ship).


    I realise that deflation will eventually catch up with me too but the new mechanics really free me up to do more towards ship building. If their are problems for other player methods / perspectives, I think they need addressing in other ways, that do not involve bogging my play style down with forever mining.


    To be clear I think this update is a step in the correct direction and other problems that are identified should be addressed with more correct steps instead of complaining about this one. Though I am still concerned about the flat 1,000,000 tax for every tile and every ore and its the same for a corp or a person. I think this last part is especially unfair considering from what I understand every member of a corp can put down their own MU on the same tile and basically split the tax among them - produce more ore for less tax (This is based on what I have gleaned from in game chat and posts here so it is not first hand and could be incorrect). Basically I think individuals should pay less and lower tier ores should also pay less since they are worth less (its also how it would work in the real world - people who earn more pay more).

    Edit: People who pay more tax pay only slightly more tax - not equivalent to keep everyone down.

    Edit continued: Also I think these taxes and ores that bots are buying should not disappear from the game but rather be used somewhere to make an economy that works. That way a balance can be struck, which seems to be the majority of complaints about the update.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Warlander said:

    I dont know if this slow drip of time locked content is ideal vs the old system

    The new system is certainly better for going and doing things other than mining. Almost all my time in game has been spent mining so much so I was barley playing. Since this update I have been on for hours each day...Admittedly this has been scanning to try and find the ores I use as my base staples (T1 and T2) and then I buy everything else. I am also still taking down territories and putting new ones up elsewhere due to the changes this update is making not to mention the impending territory claim that is going to happen when the default taxes run out.


    My only real concern is the taxes themselves and how much they will take from me to continue the flow of ore. I have not got anywhere near enough to upkeep all the territories I have but then again, I have not concentrated on just moving the ores for sale or manufacture and then sale after that. What I have done is travelled from several planets multiple times, where as before I was moving between two planets once in a while. So on the face of it this update is much better for game play. You could argue the game needs more gameplay but I am certainly doing more in game. 

  4. Hopefully this is a silly question because its simply moved however, when I am looking at the build helper menu I do not see the total ship weight anymore. I do not need this right now but when building a new ship or stress testing a ship to find its limits this is really important since it indicates how many engines, breaks, wings etc are required and gives a rough indication of how much cargo to stress test with without dooming the ship to certain destruction.


    Anyway if anyone knows I would appreciate the enlightenment :D?

  5. 6 minutes ago, Accol6 said:

    If I have a static construct that overlaps 2 territories do I only need to worry about the one where the core unit is on or is it at risk unless i upkeep both territories?

    Sorry I do not know, I did put in a bug ticket it would be nice to know which territory a construct is linked with. But to be honest I have pulled most my old tiles and I plan to pull the last one that overlaps this weekend.

  6. I am not fond of schematics since I preferred, working my way through building what I could on the road to making my own ships myself. I have found once you have the blueprints up and running - I do still need to get some of the Blueprints I need. It works as it used to so I am ok with that. I am certainly not fond of the idea of turning the entire game into a kiosk, where you pay for everything and anything in game. If that happened it would be unplayable for me - would literally be a job.


    So I am on too keen on the idea of replacing schematics with spending money each time you place an industry unit. I think if you were going to replace it with anything, simply make manufacturing anything a skill you have to train and some things cannot be trained before other things - like a tech tree - I think that would be a much better way to avoid everyone having a massive factory.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Creator said:

    Your reply here is example of your ignorance in what the game to means to those of us who are still here fighting to make it work... 

    I have spent over 10 (2005-2015) years as a 2D/3D artist, and I DONATE my time here to create content for this community, NQ doesn't pay me, I don't get compensated. Yet I use my professional skills and talent to enrich the game by creating builds and content so this world isn't an empty hell hole, along with other talented creatives.

    I just had 2 years of my time wiped away, yeah... A project that was being designed to host community events and provide more to do than left click for quanta grind. I am gonna get upset, yes I am going to make noise, because, we were all sold on the dream of a community based game, where it is marketed as the "BEST SPACE BUILDING MMO", cause that is what we were SOLD/TOLD it was meant to be!

    We played by their rules, and now are being impacted/punished by it with very little on NQ's end being done to make it right. We offer up solutions that are ignored, and when offering solutions don't work we raise hell, only to be told by other members in our community to suck it and/or leave.


    I would suggest making a post asking people to donate one of their HQ tile slots on a tile you need for your project - They claim the tile set is as a HQ and let you build on it. You would have to make pitch for it and get loads of people on board but it would still be possible to have a community goal along the lines of what you are describing.


    I am still figuring out what I need - trying to find the ores I am after so sorry I do not have a HQ tile to donate myself right at this moment.

  8. 59 minutes ago, sHuRuLuNi said:


    No, I have not. I clearly said that apart from partial flight mechanics the rest seems nonsensical. That is also the sole reason I was able to hold on for so long, because I enjoyed building ships (unique, nice looking ships) and flying around in space. The "partial" comes into play when as I said there are flight mechanics, but other things related to them do not make much sense (like flying into space in an open cockpit, or the fact that you cannot use voxels to build wings/ailerons with functional lift, thus forcing you to use the boring looking elements which have remained the same SINCE PRE-ALPHA).

    You did not say it was a risk mechanic specifically you said something along the lines of, the flight mechanics were good. You did say a lot, a game without risk would not work though.

    I was done with my points but you remind me about the structure mechanics you mentioned, I think these mechanics work great in Red faction - especially guerrilla - however, I think adding them to DU outright would make doing anything in a ship too difficult to allow for any real game play due to damage just bumping into things. So if it was confined to buildings I think it would be very exciting especially for territory battles. Which means that it could actually be a really good idea for the game.

  9. Interesting take on what DU was meant to be. Though everyone is wearing an environment suit so the issue with water, and flying into space without a cockpit not really hitting home their.


    Also its very easy to enjoy a game 'without risk' but DU certainly has risk each time you fly in and out of an atmosphere something, which your video seems to have ignored....


    Also ships need fuel - kinda the food of the game.


    Not sure I want to play a game, where I have to wait for my character to get 9 hours sleep each day but I suppose you could make it part of 'healthy life balance feature', to ensure people gets some sleep instead of living in the game like in ready player one.


    I do agree it would be nice to have some special 'tech' or something for PVP rewards however, I am not sure that is needed in Beta, since you want to try out the core game and this game is still being developed.


    Lore is a good idea, but we need books in game for us to be able read about it.


    PVE sounds good but to be honest after a while PVE just becomes an in the way mechanic in most games. I find it quite refreshing its missing here in DU. I am sure you could probably add it in a way that makes PVP / outer planets more 'interesting' in forms of an invasion or something.


    Personally I have really enjoyed the challenge of building my own ship that can transition between, atmosphere and space, then travel to planets without using the warp drive. Though I prefer to play games via the voyage of discovery, which I think makes them way more challenging, enjoyable and satisfying.


    I have yet to try PVP probably due to how I like to play games but I am getting their, I just need to find my mining spots finish my asteroid finding ship and then its PVP time - Probably I'll die a lot time :D


    (also I have been playing since Alpha - did not do a lot in alpha)

  10. I notice that people only talk about subs but I am an alpha backer and while I do not pay subs I did pay the max lump sum when Alpha came out so its not just subs that payed for the service. (Subs are just the trickle right now)


    Personally I think BP should be kept if they need to be gated for a month (You cannot use them for the first month) for balance then that would be fine with me but I would like to keep my designs. I do not really see BP's as a real asset anyway in terms of advantage since you buy a NQ ship and your away basically. You only need custom ships for convenience I build Hauler ships really and since I do it on my own I am still in construction of my Medium class vessel - hope to finish before release especially if a wipe is going to happen. Anyway my small ship will carry about 1 Kiloton of ore (you can push it a bit beyond that but the transition from space to atmosphere is a bit scary in 1G and I am fairly sure it would not manage to go the other way round. So yea I am really keen to keep my BPs.

  11. There are a lot of post so sorry if this has already been asked before. My question is (could be considered two):


    Are the ore placement permanent now and if not will the spread of ore remain like it is or will ore amounts be increased since once the current state of ore placement reduces the economy ready for launch?


    I am basically curious to know, should a wipe happen at launch, if I can expect the same epic 'territory scanning' mission to find tiles that provide the ores I (we) need for how I (we) like to play. Or if we are just setting things up for a more balanced start before new players join at launch by freeing up most tiles near the start area by leaving low ore quantities, and thus moving us away from the starting areas to find ores, which will then allow a refill of ore closer to the starting areas at launch for new players and avoid a wipe of assets?


    (I could be wrong about the reasoning of your answers, it is just guess work on my part but its how I interpret the spread and the idea that a wipe is not certain yet.)

  12. I realise that balance is a thing people to limit the games mechanics to try and make things fair / a level playing field for all people who play weather they are long term, casual or new players. However, I am not fond of introducing costs to everything, especially since I enjoy making ships and trying the mechanics out.


    I especially like to discover how to do things instead of read a ready made guide and simply do it the way it is done. So having some freedoms I think is better.


    I also like the idea that large groups of people can make mega projects happen for PVP or whim or fun (or combination).


    I guess my point is maybe these or any costs should be less for solo players, that is to mean every players person tiles (probably just HQ tiles and maybe a few bonus tiles but more expensive that HQ tiles). This would simply allow the game to keep its Space Engineer aspect, where you can go and get resources and make your personal ship(s) for the play style you enjoy. While the Corp / PVP side would be balanced by the costs of maintaining much larger industry and armada sized fleets.


    I am sure NQ already know what they are going to do anyway but I thought I would say my piece so it has the possibility of being considered.

  13. 9 minutes ago, RugesV said:

    Why would you keep BP's?  Many old BP's break game mechanics. And it gives an unfair advantage to those that deal in BP's.  IE a player who only designs ships and sell those designs. would be ahead of a player would only mines. 


    Also regarding the slow start on a wipe. It was originally intended that it would take a month before players had the skills and assets to even leave allioth. So they would at least get that now. 

    I am not sure they would really be ahead after a wipe because sure they can set up the BP's to sell but it would take a while for people to be able to afford them. Also most people will probably buy the NQ ships with the warp drive since its way cheaper than buying and building a warp drive yourself. Especially if you wait from them to sell out and then resell at a higher price.

  14. Yes I am the one person who voted for the 'glowey' rocks to stay the same and I make no apologies. I quite like them at night if anything I would make the colours more vibrant in the day since they get a bit same in colour making it a tiny bit harder to tell them apart.


    That said if people are not fond of them maybe make it a game setting, with options and then everyone can be happy - since why not make everyone happy on something easy :D.

  15. When I think about the notion of a wipe being debated in NQ. I would speculate the discussion would centre around keeping the creations made by players that service other players like market areas etc. Since, from NQ's perspective I image these kind of creations are a game asset.


    I know I'd like to keep all of my creations instead of having to build them all again (though I would not need to go through a design faze), I would not mind doing things slightly differently to save on active cores and thus allow me to build in more places.

    rebuilding them just now would take an age and cause a stoppage in my production and potentially cause me tax issues (lol never thought I say that about a game :D ).

  16. 21 hours ago, Cergorach said:

    If you're too sick to login in three months to add a couple of million to your most important territories, then you have way bigger problems then some virtual losses in a video game



    True but its still a slap in the face if you survive an illness and then return to a game you were enjoying to find everything was lost. I only mention it since it would be nice to have the possibility considered especially in a game that takes so much effort to accomplish anything (to me it makes it more fun / satisfying to make things so I am not suggesting a nurf).

  17. Just now, Cergorach said:

    And they weren't before? Of course they were, you're just used to it!


    If you think that solo players and casual builders are no longer possible or severely restricted, that speaks more about you, than actual limitations in gameplay. It must be so compfy in your box, that looking outside of it is just not an option...


    Ore selling to other players is not a Quanta source, a Quanta source is your daily reward and the Quanta you get from running missions (there are currently no NPC buy orders). So that Quanta is only moving around in the DU economy, not entering it or exiting it. The problem now is inflation, due to way more Quanta entering the game then leaving it, the same happened on a smaller scale with the NPC buy orders (specifically for components). That is part of why schematics were introduced, the first Quanta sink and a limit on how flexible you are with massive, massive (automated) factories without spending a TON of Quanta. Taxes are a way to drain the Quanta entering from missioning.


    What I'm noticing that the biggest loudmouths screaming their heads off are also the most unimaginative, inflexible lot that's playing DU.


    Want to build? Build something small, people want, and sell it. Build something bigger and sell it, etc. Or just find a patron that pays you to build for them with their mats.


    Want to mine? Join a group of space miners and go asteroid mining.


    Want to pvp? Join a pirate group.


    Want to do your own thing without any other player interaction? Go play Minecraft or Space Engineers! This is an MMO.


    Do you play 'casually'? I don't think you mined a million liters of ore an evening... So why expect that now that you can't planet mine anymore? And yeah, there are different gradations of 'casual' and some only have a few evenings a week to play. They can still play the game, they'll just won't have more then a 5 tiles +1 on sanctuary. If that's not enough, are you really a casual player?


    I am not happy with all the changes. But I can adapt. I'm not even as bothered by most changes, what I'm extremely worried about is the unreliable statements coming out of NQ, players giving them money for it and basing long term ingame decisions on those unreliable statements.


    What people also don't seem to get is that the Organizations structure in DU isn't the same one as in other MMOs such as Guilds and Corps. You can be a member of up to five, for a plethora of reasons, what you can do within the org is governed by RDMS, the same goes for org owned tiles, vehicles and structures. Use that!


    But what I'm mostly hearing "I want to keep my own sandbox!" (aka. tile), "I don't want to share my sandbox with others!", "Owning my own sandbox is too expensive!", "Can't play anymore like I want!". Most of us growing up didn't actually have their own sandbox, we used the one in the communal area or the one at school. If one wanted to dig, one dug. If the other wanted to make a sandcastle, they made a sandcastle. If kids were friendly towards each other, the one digging would fill up the buckets for the one building the sandcastle. The benefit for the one digging was that his hole wouldn't fill in due to their pile of sand getting to big next to the hole they're digging. Maybe look at DU as that same sandbox, you can actually play together in the same sandbox (tile) as others. Don't trust others, fine, find ones you do trust. Don't trust anybody? You're limiting your own play experience and maybe shouldn't be playing a MMO...


    Ok telling people to join a group or go play another game is 'unimaginative, inflexible', also typing a lot for people to read is being the 'biggest loudmouths screaming'. I also notice that you basically repeat your first post and no one really wants that in a discussion (Saying: 'I disagree - see my first post', would have done).

    I do however accept you points can be valid however, there are many caveats to this, the most important of these is how available are the mining spikes. Since if they have to built and  / or sold it can still be an issue. As for people going on holiday or heaven forbid being on long term sick, you basically wipe anyone who has the fortune to survive their illness, which while not life threatening is a slap in the face.

    As for peoples concerns about anything new they should all be voiced to allow the developer to consider them so people should post all of their concerns (Preferably once) and discuss as needed.

    As for me I judge all games on their single player since if they are not fun then their is no point in playing.


    Multiplayer experience changes based on who is online and if they are drunk (or whatever..), not to mention if their is politics or 'underhanded ness'.


    So to be clear playing a game to pay tax does not equals fun. I have a job I have no intention of playing a game to pay taxes.

    Though I will say I have played since Alpha (Tried twice but it was too low a frame rate to play) and been very happy with the creations I have been able to make so far, as a result, I will be giving the update a go no matter how it works at the time of release.

  18. On 11/19/2021 at 6:00 PM, Kanamechan said:

    wtf !


    you don't want one billion per day like pts ?

    or maybe free industry already craft ? or dispenser with all elements for 0 q ?

    dev tool maybe ? to clean a mountain in less 10min


    People have 1 tile on sanctuary, free tax, free ore

    people can have 5 HQ with no tax with no lost of property.

    and people still crying it's not enought?

    What's is wrong with you guys ?



    Clearly you have no idea about the amount of effort from a solo perspective, the game might be very different for group play but from a solo perspective, trying to try everything while we are in beta, these taxes are too much work for one person unless perhaps they are a streamer and their is no way I would do it if I was a streamer.


    As for worrying about industry you have plenty of space in one tile to do all the industry. So this tax is nothing to do with industry.


    I know this because I have been doing all my industry in one tile on sanctuary moon and I have one small building and one slightly larger building and I have no issues with space for the bits I am making myself.

  19. I do agree it seem a bit steep, I am single player at the moment and I have 12 Territories at the moment and their is no way I am going to make 12 Million each week even if I quit my job and did this all the time. I probably could - assuming I was just selling and mining ore - but its feels really harsh and I would really struggle once the ore ran out.


    I mostly have these territories for trying things out and I'd actually like 1 to 3 more to try claiming an area in the PVP zone to see what that is like (Probably loose it in 10 seconds or something).


    I could probably cut down a few of my territories since I picked adjoining tiles (three or two together for some of them to see what worked) and mainly they are for making my own fuel and trying out some manufacture.


    This does feel like some thing that was more aimed at corporations since I can imagine every individual could have more like 3 or 4 tiles per planet or something similar before you'd start running out of tiles (Since everyone has a sanctuary tile anyway). That that I am suggesting 3 or 4 tiles per planet limit.

    But maybe a better way would be only having to pay taxes for tiles still containing ore, might be a better balance - Not so much for me since I not managed to drain any of my tiles dry yet, but for single players who have just started could then be able to work their way through tiles in slow progress.


    Anyway that is my first thoughts without any idea of how it will actually play.


    Addendum: Also you could have lower taxes for tiles with only low tier ores in place.

  20. I am daunted about the wipe out of all I have done however, the one thing that I have noticed needs a wipe is the Achievements mainly because some are not happening when they should (I am fairly sure I have collected all Tier 1 ore's) and also some actually trigger when you standing near other peoples industry like the Trouble Maker achievement which I received while looking around someone else building / shop. I guess some ammunition must have been made while I was near by but anyway I have not actually made any ammunition of any kind yet.. 

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