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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. I completely agree with Saffi post (on all points). For not loosing hundreds of time of thinking from apha/beta testers, you could also copy their blueprints, but wait a week/month (or more) after the game launch before pasting them back in their inventory. Bugs and changes will be hard to manage though. So this solution only applies for late beta and I don't think it's worth the effort. Regards, Shadow
  2. Run a construction contest, vote for best ships / models, 3D-print and sell them . (just an idea) Regards, Shadow
  3. That's my opinion too: developing, testing, discussing, reading guides will always gives you power (knowledge is power ), but this advantage should stay in people mind where everyone can catch up and I don't want to see buildings or other things when server starts, especially in a sandbox. Game should be new and clean. Blueprints are a bit in the middle: you can recreate them fast anyway and you are nearly the only one affected (except maybe because you can sell it, but this is just worrying for the first few days). So I don't really mind about them. So far, we know that alpha testers will have a different environnement from launch: different starter pack, skills / technologies already unlocked, and so on... Also, taking developments, bugs, etc., I'm pretty sure there will be wiped (probably several times) during alpha and beta. Regards, Shadow
  4. That's indeed pretty clear. My bad. Regards, Shadow
  5. We didn't get anything yet. There was just a thread about giving titles or specific in game items for people deeply involved. If I remember correctly, the main idea pushing out was that people were not looking for specific reward... except an exceptional game . Regards, Shadow
  6. Shadow

    Moving a planet

    I don't know. That may be possible if all voxels are bound to the planet and represented in this referential. It clearly depends on how the universe is represented in the data structure, but I don't have that knowledge. Also, if planets are orbiting stars, moving it will cause major problems, especially if the game cannot compute gravity. That's the kind of problems arising with the idea and I'm not confident we can see and solve them all. Regards, Shadow
  7. I'm not saying that life support shouldn't be implemented / used, but keep in mind the technical concerns in your thinking: Nyzaltar clearly stated that managing air, rooms and breach would not be possible for now because it requires to much processing. But we could suggest something like "every person in a ship consume oxygen from a tank or something". Then you need to think about how do you consider that someone is in the ship ? or what about an enemy boarding the ship ? will he consumes oxygen ? and so on... That may be an interesting game-play, but we need to think about it more precisely. Regards, Shadow
  8. I completely agree with that. Also, take into account that "big organizations" or "raiders" will just destroy your TU "just because they can" and especially if it increases loot rate in the area. Regards, Shadow
  9. That's an interesting idea. I like the concept of naming planets by the first explorer. I also has the advantage for developers to easily name things as they don't do it themselves (especially in procedurately generated universe, that usually becomes a headhacke). But in the other hand, it removes the feeling of exploration and finding "new" planets. If someone just fly by a planet and name it, it's still not explored and there are a lot to discover on the surface. If that planet is named by another player, you lose a bit of the feeling: "Oh! Look at the planet. Someone already found it and name it... but let's check if there is something valuable.". All in all, I guess that you can still build an obelisk or something with your name on the planet or in orbit if you really want to leave your mark. Regards, Shadow
  10. If that's a concern, there are ways to "store" data on the browser cache in order to keep bandwidth to an acceptable level. I think that the consensus here is "Why not ? But keep it simple and opt-in". I guess that NQ could integrate a SoundCloud player quite easily with a play button (and, by the way, it means that music will be loaded from SoundCloud). But it's clearly not a priority. Maybe once NQ will start some kind of publicity for the game, it'll be a good idea. Regards, Shadow
  11. Hi nora, I guess that you will probably get some during the Kickstarter campaign. Nyzaltar, will maybe ask what kind of "rewards" we would like to see in the Kickstarter, like he did for the Alpha team. Don't forget to make suggestions there ! A virtual store after the game launch could be a good idea too. But I think it's a bit early to speak about it . Regards, Shadow
  12. Hi Zander, Nyzaltar stated a few times that physics properties like gravity is very unlikely due to technical restrictions. Not sure if it includes suspension, but I guess momentum won't be implemented either. You can check Space Engineers if you want a game which implement most of that. But it's clearly not massively multiplayer. Regards, Shadow
  13. Hi there, To explain a bit, I think Zen is speaking about what is called "afk cloaking" in EvE: someone gets a PvP ship with a cloak and a "Cynosural Field" (think about it as a beacon used by other ships to jump right on top of it). He stays cloak in a system where people are living 24 hours per day and you never know if he is afk or not. When he is not, he pin down a vulnerable ship, light the Cynosural Field and gank it with friends. Considering the Arkship protected zone and unlimited space, I believe it will be a lot different in Dual Universe. Regards, Shadow
  14. ... depends on the sword and the gun... tell that to Luke Skywalker or another Jedi . Even a good old canon (with gunpowder) would probably harm you. Maybe we could use nano-swords or things like this in Dual Universe. Regards, Shadow
  15. Shadow

    Moving a planet

    Lore says that Earth was on the way of a neutron star. It is probably completely destroyed now... and by "completely" I mean that there is probably nothing remaining, not even a single asteroid. ABout the subject, I can't be 100% sure, but I don't think that enabling planet moving is technically possible. It works in Planetary Annihilation because planets are not constituted of voxels, so it is easy to move the construct (and if you look carefully, you will see that planets are orbiting the star, even without thrusters). Now, imagine what moving a planet means in Dual Universe. The game probably needs to update each voxel position, plus things constructed on the surface, plus players walking or orbiting it. I don't even speak about relative speed, gravity and all other problems that arise. There was a question a few days ago about voxels falling down if you mine below them and Nyzaltar said it was not technically possible. Even in Space Engineers, where you have less constraints about performances, asteroids are statics and cannot move or be moved. I would really like to, but I guess it's definitely impossible . Regards, Shadow.
  16. Hi Zepediah, In the first concept arts, you could see a futuristic bow, but this image was removed. Nyzaltar stated a few times that combat was currently not implemented and was a bit later on the road-map. Especially, he stated that combat won't be part of the alpha. So I guess that the subject is still to be discussed. I'm not a great fan of swords in futuristic universe myself, but it's not a bad idea either. Regards, Shadow
  17. I thought about a Discord server for Alpha / Beta testers some times ago. If it supports the load, it will be nice. Else, well... I have static IP, DNS and a spare computer for Mumble / Teamspeak . Regards, Shadow
  18. Hi nora, As far as I know, there is currently not "hidden" sub-forum, except for Novaquarks maybe. There will probably be a dedicated forum for alpha-testers to give feedback later on, Nyzaltar talked about it. Because of NDA, access will probably be restricted though. Did you read the entirety of forum + devblogs + wiki ? Then, maybe you could write some RP if you need to kill time (that's just a random idea). Regards, Shadow
  19. Hello khaip, You could probably achieve these goals with scripted "bots", but the degree of interaction will depend on in game scripting limitations which are currently unknown. You can find a lot of information in the "Lua script and distributed processing units" devblog. About market, you have a lot of information in the "From barder to market economy" devblog which should cover your questions. About NPCs, Nyzaltar said a few times that they require a lot of design work and are probably not be a priority at the moment, but nothing written in stone. Regards, Shadow
  20. Please, no. That causes a lot of problems like extra loading time, lack of volume adjustment, and so on... Plus, I guess that it's not really the most important thing to spare time on at the moment . If you really want to, put a Jukebox or a player, but please, don't start playing or download automatically. Regards, Shadow
  21. Hello there, I agree with the idea of having a dedicated section. I think that now is the right time as more and more political systems are emerging. And I like when things are organized . Regards, Shadow
  22. That's still a bit far for me . I'm waiting for the next one so. Regards, Shadow
  23. As it seems to be the concensus, the screenshots surpass my expectations so far, even if we can see some "adjustements" to tweak. Having done some 3D modeling and coding, I am really impressed. Good job to the team. I do have a request though : can we get a screenshot of the Arkship (from close and from distance) ? Regards, Shadow
  24. Hello Brisingr, I think Nyzaltar made a few references to this possibility, especially about hiding bases or resurrection nodes underground. If I remember correctly, it was related to the territory control devblog, but I cannot find it back. Regards, Shadow
  25. Republic and empire. That's going to be interesting. Try not to burn everything in between your respective spheres of influence . Regards, Shadow
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