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Alpha Tester
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  1. So seeing in your other post you are ESL, gonna cut some slack here... but without knowing that, seems like you are baiting him to leave by asking for his things. Just heads up, especially with the smirk emote at the end.
  2. Honestly, I think you should be able to have sustainable play via your gameplay of choice. I feel mission running should have roughly equivalent reward per time invested as mining, if that was the case I would love to run missions, right now it is just an endless slog of AFK flying.
  3. Org maintenance is extremely hard in this game, and in MMO's in general these days. I definitely made friends in this game, but 95% of that friends list is either gone or inactive and I haven't seen them in months. I also intentionally avoid org drama by avoiding orgs. Doesn't mean I am anti-social though. It would help this game a lot if chat wasn't such a relic.
  4. @JoeKing No doubt at all this game is rough at the best of times, and it is tedious for someone to progress. As a solo player myself, it is my hope that the mining system actually is a positive switch away from old underground mining which was a brainless boring task. That said, 100% on board with feeling a lack of joy these days, and it is the best hope I have for a game to enjoy vs. WoW, Eldenring, etc. I hope you stick around, come back after the smoke clears, and find a reason to stay.
  5. Instigations like this are exactly why you and I are clashing in other threads, just heads up... stop poking people in their pain points, it ain't classy.
  6. Sure they can edit the changes later, still doesn't undo the damage done to someone like myself who lost 2 years of work, building a location specific build to help attract players/community by inspiring people to strive more than a score based on quanta in their account. Additionally the forum is a public place, so don't read posts that you don't want to read, we need room for every opinion. Speaking frankly, I don't have any personal beef with you, other than based on your comments and forum avatar you seem to be pandering to NQ as a NQ-Pann groupie, who just last vlog dismissed our concerns in what I consider very a disrespectful way.
  7. If you came here and expressed that you liked the changes, I would have had no reason to reply to you. Instead you chose to come in here and criticize those you don't agree with, make intentionally false claims, and then call their ideas stupid as a pivot. Now you are trying to flip the script like we are telling you to leave, and stop expressing yourself, something you and others like you have been doing this whole time during your white knight campaign for NQ. If you want to make posts about how much you love the game, make them... ain't no one stopping you. But if you are going to trash on others in forum you better make sure what is coming out of your "mouth" is on point or people are going to call you out on it... simple. (as you like to say) If these changes were so broadly loved, then there would be significantly more talk of excitement and what potential lie ahead for new things in this forum. The posts speak for themselves, no matter the propaganda/narrative you would like to promote.
  8. So we never post ideas, or our ideas suck? Get your crap straight before your next post, you are losing credibility...
  9. The way I look at it, I can/should be able to criticize when they poorly do their job, not name calling on them, not attacking their personal lives. Simply taking issue with their decisions. Additionally, when you talk to support they tell you these issues aren't their department, and direct you to the forums! If you worried they will take a break from forums, the truth is they aren't active enough the way it is for that to matter, as they make their own post pushing their own version of reality and hardly ever reply to anyone on here. In the last Vlog NQ-Pann even told us they would rather we do this than just quit the game... meanwhile all the players that want to white knight for them just tell us to leave if we don't like the changes cause they don't like seeing people with differing perspectives on the forums they want to make into their little private club house.
  10. You are inaccurate about people not offering constructive information, NQ ignoring our suggestions, feedback, and ideas are why the forums are on fire with complaints and wrath. We are genuinely worried that people will leave, and game will close. Also pretty sure a few of your valued org members laughing at people are also those that exploited the game early on, and are happy with getting away unbanned... also the people telling us to go to forums cause they don't want to see the complaints in general chat. Funny though, played this game a couple years, never see you in chat, never see you in game.
  11. Yep when solo players, are losing two years of work, that was location specific, with structure built based on the landscape, so players had more to look at then procedurally generated terrain... seems they forgot who they advertise to when they punish builders but advertise as the best space building mmo ever...
  12. Well hell man I am not in your brain, don't gotta be salty. Atleast I read and care enough to ask. I see the points in the rest of your last post and I agree this is going to change everything.
  13. Why do you have 200 tiles Warlander?
  14. Why would someone want to go through the process of moving to Montreal and working for a company that has only one product which will probably be dead in less than a year after Demetor? Wouldn't be exactly a great internship opportunity either.
  15. I agree with like 70% of your points, most of us love many things you posted, and it is why we also why you see so many players posting their "endless stream of complaints" when they see something that could actually cause this game to no longer be "a great place to spend time". I am glad you are happy, doesn't negate that many players see huge red flags with changes that will cause major harm to all players. Anyways, nice on you to say something nice, you can do that though without discounting legit concerns of others in the community. o7
  16. Not calling them actual gods, nor do I think they are... I am trying to illustrate the imbalance in communication. NQ keeps trying to act like they are giving us the opportunity to have a conversation, ask questions, give feedback, etc. The problem is and always was it was just a customer service facade to make them appear like were in it for the players. I have seen complaints where people talk about NQ caving to players on safe zones etc... what those individuals don't seem to understand is that it wasn't a cave in to players as much as it served NQ's own best interest to do such a thing in the moment. Just like it has served their own interest to make promises along the way that aren't being kept, just like the changes in Dementor are designed to serve the interests of NQ as well. What you and I are in violent agreement on Zarcata is we both believe they are going in a complete opposite direction of the players vision for a pitiful and watered down Eve clone, when they had something so much grander and better, a real once in a life time opportunity that the players see, but the devs want to kill. I am also getting to the same point as you...
  17. I think the thing that fanboys and supporters like to leave out is... those that are in favor of some of these changes are often those who alt account to win, and are less impacted because of this. The other thing they claim is that we are only critical but never offer suggestions or ask questions, which we actually do, but the communication isn't a dialog it is more a pray to your god and hope for a reply dynamic and it is disgusting... Well when the NQ gods aren't answering... the followers stop worshipping and give up their faith, and instead make a mess inside of NQ's little temples (forums, game chat, and discord). Because when communication is only one way, and you feel unheard and unanswered hope gives way to wrath and resentment.
  18. Just like the talent point reset rewards those who spec'ed already to hoard resources and quanta already. Just more poorly balanced decisions that widen the gap between those that have and those that have very little... the canyon of wealth inequality will soon be insurmountable for new players or those that didn't exploit in the beginning to have billions upon billions of quanta already.
  19. @NQ-Pann, @NQ-Sesch, @NQ-Deckard I hope you will strongly will reconsider a partial reset of talent points. The players aren't asking for a talent point reset every weekend or every month with every update, we are requesting one because you have fundamentally changed the game. Your partial reset also unfairly gives advantage to a fraction of players and punishes everyone else. How Builders Are Impacted: - Builders like myself are spec'ed for honeycomb and element industry to have elements we need to build. - Builders typically make less in months selling designs then miners even in just a few hours. - Most people are hoarding Quanta/Ore, and not buying designs cause of fear of upcoming impact of Dementor. - Most builders will have to wait till Airbrakes and Voxel Precision tool are implemented now before they can start selling 2.0 designs. - Builders will be severely disadvantaged economically because of lack of skill points to put into new mining system. - Builders need as much skills in new mining system to earn revenue to afford their tiles due to taxes. - We have been told HQ tiles (if they are implemented) likely won't arrive with Dementor update and tax implementation. For a game that advertises itself as "The Best Space MMO Building Game" your decisions heavy handedly punish your content creators/builders. Who have already made sacrifices and lost opportunities to be much wealthier to instead build something for the dwindling number of players who live in DU. You have told builders to go back to Sanctuary, and then stacked the deck against us by doing a partial skill reset. Having a full skill reset before, built the expectation that if a reset occurred due to a change of this level it would be all talents, especially when you could economically handicap an entire demographic of players. Make this the last one but tell us that it is the last full reset, but don't just drop it on us and economically punish the poorest segment of players for trying to build content that benefits the community vs. grinding/hoarding resources and quanta. This post is probably pretty pointless, but your decisions are harming those that work the hardest to inspire others to visit and build themselves... so I am screaming at the top of my lungs to help you see just how poorly balanced the impact is across different segments of the playerbase. If you reset all skills, then everyone fairly gets a change to reset their skills as they need, this includes pvp'ers, people who spec'ed into skills that have functionality that has been abandoned, etc.
  20. Cause suggestions were offered and questions were asked and ignored by developers like many times before.
  21. Just want to emphasize that I only want them to leave if they continue to ignore and downplay the community pain points as it seems they have done throughout the dementor vlogs.
  22. Which honestly I don't completely trust... I don't think she takes seriously the impact Dementor has on the community.
  23. I honestly felt it was a disrespectful pun based on the LGBQT+ communities phrase of bi-curious. She seemed like she was trying to be witty and I thought it was offensive. I don't wish NQ-Pann any ill will as a person, but she doesn't seem to be a good fit as a community liason.
  24. Dear Novaquark, Respectfully, you don't seem to know what you are doing at this point or the impact it is having on players. A good example of this would be the DSAT & Mining Unit Tier Issue, a simple yet botched approach to development due to rush and lack of quality assurance discipline. Development that has created a divorce between community and the game developers that seems to be widening with each update. While the community at large is protesting many of these changes, you claim in your new vlogs that what you are doing is widely accepted and welcomed by community. This means you are either disconnected from reality, or you are being dishonest. Neither of those speaks to a good outcome for DU, the players, or NQ in the end. If you are no longer willing to listen to your player base, maybe you should sell Dual Universe to a company that is willing to listen to the players so you can cash out and go do what you want vs. forcing things on us we never asked for, while at the same time refusing to fix issues we continually ask you to fix. The bait and switch development tactics over the past many years of development need to end. Please either stop ignoring us, or find another competent/capable developer with the resources to make DU a success that will listen to the community, vs. make 1-hour propaganda videos all the while marching the game to its death. Respectfully, Myself and anyone who agrees with me...
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