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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Elrood

  1. Overwhelming majority of the uses for the forcerespawn are stop the ship and teleport back to ship while mining / running around. All the stuff about bugs happens sporadically, true. And yet it is dwarf by "optimization" player found. Even limiting the forcerespawn once or twice every 24 hours would meet with huge pushback - regardless of how many times force respawn is really required because bugs, cause players need to get back to ship faster multiple times a day.

  2. 23 hours ago, Maxim Kammerer said:


    That can easily be fixed by talent points not increasing offline - or even better, only increasing by corresponding gameplay (e.g. mining skills increase by mining only, piloting skills by piloting and so on).

    That could end up locking players into sudo-classes based on what they managed to get their hands on with very high investment if you want to change your main occupation.
    But on the plus side it would cut really nicely into offline alts - which would from my point of view be an improvement.

  3. 1 hour ago, Ochiniwa said:

    Basically I think a lot can be done around the skills and I am inspired by Eve Online and would have loved to something similar here. However what I found is that everyone can do everything from the beginning and the skills are "merely" done for them to do it better (more efficient, faster, better). I would have loved that skills unlock certain things like for example:

    - Lower skills you can only place XS cores and interact with ships of XS cores.  As such some people might focus on smaller ships and only later go up to Large Cores

    - Lower skills allow you to only produce certain products and skills unlock products

    - Lower skills do not allow you to mine/refine certain minerals

    - Lower skills do not allow you to use certain voxels,

    -... etc... the possibilities are infinite here

    Yeah... lets time gate everything fun. So - buy the game, set talent queue, login after a month or three to actually start playing. Great idea. Totally against it. 

  4. <rotfl>

    "We unify radar range."  -  so xs core will have the same locking range as L core.
    "We limit weapons by core size" - so xs core won't be able to have L weapons. 

    Wtf. If they remove locking range between xs and l core - there is NO F...ING difference between XS and L core in itself. You can have exactly the same cross-section, even practically the same weight of the ship on XS as on L core too.... 
    Its like person A - we will solve it that way. Person B - no, we will solve it that way. Person three-  lets do radar based on cross-section. Lets do all three cause why not?! xD

    New meta - cube with L core instead of XS. Actually for pirates it could also be box, they will be able to put in more gold, fuel and engines in. 

  5. 16 hours ago, Anopheles said:

    I think this is meant to be the 'difficult early period' in DU civilisation building.


    The periods/eons of Dual Universe will look something like this, or at least NQ should expect this.


    Eon 1: Wild West.  No law anywhere, micropolities with no real power,   no one is safe anywhere. Claims are staked.


    Eon 2: Madmax era - few remaining mega tribes fight for resources while lone wolfs hunt for lone prey. 90% of population has already been killed off.

    Eon 3: Black hole of no money swallowed DU universe.

    I made small change to make it more realistic without safe zone :) 

  6. 3 hours ago, CptLoRes said:

    There is this little thing called immersion that some people seek in games, that is totally ruined by those flat harsh icons floating all over the screen.

    Well, you are free to be even more immersed. Fly as passenger. That way you won't have to deal with that troubling thing like actual piloting and all the usual hassle that include - like radar... - and than be immersed in sightseeing.... <rotfl> More immersion by flying without radar. Sorry mate, but I can't imagine pilot who would want to fly without knowing what is around him in any age or sci-fy settings. Fact that flying without radar is actually dangers is immersive. Not the other way around. 

  7. 6 hours ago, Supermega said:

    @Elrood I did not miss understand anything. You are the one who miss understood.


    First of all I never said anything about mining... Mining and Crafting was not even in the game at that point in Pre-Alpha.


    Also, I quoted what J.C. himself said, so if you have issue with the statement, you can take that up with the CEO who was the one who made that statement.


    Point Being, is that during per-alpha everything was usable as a building material, you didn't need to mine specific ore. So the statement was correct based on the mechanics at the time.

    You are 100% right, i completely misread what you wrote and the context you wrote it in. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, CptLoRes said:

    Flying with radar in a crowded area (like close to districts) is not a pleasant experience, and can easily cause information overload which is just as bad as to little information.

    Soo actually see what are you flying around is too much? xD Sorry man, but thats kind of silly - as far as i can tell, you don't want to see what you are flying towards, you want to have nothing in your flight path so you can't crash flying blind? What next - limit number of ships in sky when it becomes crowded so you won't crush into someone you didn't see flying half blind or remove collisions between ships?
    Its actually kind of funny where your logic could be taken. 
    Tools you need are already there. You just don't want to use them so you need to force everyone to accept new rules. No, thanks.

  9. 6 minutes ago, GraXXoR said:

    Dude. I was having a lark and literally said so right in my post. But whatever, feel free to get testy, no one will stop you.

    Hey man, i'm not english native, never heard "lark" before ; )
    Well, we learn something new every day :P


    On 12/15/2018 at 2:06 AM, Supermega said:

    Exact quote from J.C. Ballie "For Alioth which is 65km in radius, you can gather a team of 1000 players, working 8 hours a day nonstop weekend included, and it would take you 19 years to get 1% of the planet" Source: Nation Fusion Youtube - J.C. Ballie Interview timestap: 33:44


    @GraXXoR you would probably want to know - he talked about digging whole planet out. Including snow, dirt, sand..... Everything. @Supermega already misunderstood him. That number is irrelevant to mining out all resources.?‍♂️

    Edit: removed comment about misunderstood part. Whoopsie. 

  11. 31 minutes ago, GraXXoR said:

    130k tiles on Alioth. are you sure you get 500k average, I think it's closer to 300k... assuming they're all mineable, which they're not.  Let's say  20k tiles cover the market districts and the ark.

    110k x 300k =  33,000,000,000L of ore so about 30,000,000,000L of pure... With, say, 50k players, that's  600kL per person.  600kL.... per person... I've used more than that in aluminium already.

    A single L core 25cm (1voxel)  wall takes 40,000L of material to make the honeycomb... So that's 15 floors of an L cube a single voxel thick and you have exhausted your share of an entire world's resources...

    50k players? 50,000 players? Nice assumption. I doubt we have 10k. But lets assume so. So its already 600kl*5 => 3000kL. Probably more. So excluding every super or mega node - and every tile which has more resources - if players would mine only alioth for bauxite, every one of them could mine 3kkL before it was exhausted. Thats base number - one to which we would start adding other numbers so everything from tiles above 300kL - of what on average we would be able to get. And we are still talking about 10,000 players mining on Alioth exclusively. Ignoring every other planet out there.

    Your entire world resources analogy is just false - because you assumed lower end found on tile. You want to know entire world resource you need to use average, not lower end - not even sure if its median of resources in tiles.

  12. 30 minutes ago, Ochiniwa said:

    Ressources on Alioth are really still plentyfull but since you do not find all resources you need to travel to other moons/planets.


    Actually you do. You need tier 1 only to have usable ship.
    Tier 2 is required to have good ship. And finally warp is tier 3 ore.

    Just now, sHuRuLuNi said:


    I AM talking about other moons/planets. The high tier ores are already depleted, almost completely. You can still find a bit of Tier 4 (very little) or Tier 3, but other TIer 4 and 5 .... nah, gone.

    I'm unaware for any real use of tier4+ beside honeycomb currently? 

  13. 1 minute ago, Stuza said:

    Already done and working with Support right now via email.  Just sent a load of files through to them after running some network script they linked to.


    In addition, I've just tried the list in another thread that resets network stack etc and all completed successfully.  Now re-downloading but where I am right now the internet is pretty dire at this time of night so it will be hours before I can run the game again.

    Great news :D While i may be a little hesitant to trust NQ on gameplay issues, I'm sure technical ones they can sort out fast. 

  14. 2 hours ago, Stuza said:

    I have a guess that the external IP you use can some how get blocked on the DU servers.  Maybe they record it and if you CTD/Disco then it doesn't clear this record lock causing it to be blocked in the future.  The reason I say this is that I have this issue with my home network right now but, if I fire up a VPN (Nord) and keep swapping VPN exit points I can eventually find one that allows me to connect.


    I've tried rebooting my cable modem but it keeps coming back with the same IP.  That's great for other reasons (yay!) but bad for this particular issue as right now I am unable to connect without spending 20 minutes choosing random Nord VPN locations.  Of course, if I'm right, then eventually all my VPN points will be used and I'll be locked out completely.


    Whatever the issue is caused by, it's fuxing annoying and needs to be at the top of the bug list - if you can't actually get in to a game then bugs INSIDE the game are largely irrelevant.

    If you haven't done it, could you please create detailed ticket in support system than nag the hell out of discord help channel stuff (including your ticket number and giving them as much details as possible too, especially about the ip) until they acknowledge that they passed your ticket or say that NQ is aware about the problem? I know its not straight forward way of doing stuff but one I found to be workable to get through what i assume is sea of dozensplicated tickets ;)  . 

  15. 10 hours ago, CptLoRes said:

    Some of the towers are not exactly easy to spot, and depending on the mood of the servers they might not even load before it is to late.



    Where is your radar? I failed to see any radar. Your point about stuff visible too late is not applicable if you have radar. Stuff with radar is visible always regardless if voxels, mesh or elements loaded in. 

    Edit : we still need atmo and space navigation radar or ability to put both XS versions onto the same chair. That is a problem - not towers or space stations.
    Edit2: low visibility always wouldn't be a problem, unless you can somehow miss string of orange and blue icons on whole screen. 

  16. Just now, le_souriceau said:

    Well, not exactly true, because while silver present technicaly, its hard to find it in SZ, and % go slimmer every day.

    Okey you have a point, i didn't mine silver last week - so it should be slimmer now that I remember. But my point about market still stand. The moment you have warp - you don't care about lack of resource in safe zone. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Ochiniwa said:

    1) Yes it will take years to mine all the resources but only if you talk about ALL the resources

    2) The rare resources (T3-T5) seem to have been completely mined away already by the players which have been playing over the last years. So as such some moons have become useless to the gameplay.

    3) For newcomers in the game there is no other option that to go into the PVP zone and try to grab some interesting spots for ressources


    The only resource you need to make warp which is not present in safe zone currently is petalite. Buy it on the market? 70h per liter last time i checked. You don't need much of it. Than you have warp capability and you don't care if planet is in or out of safe zone. 

    16 minutes ago, carijay766 said:

    You didn't play the game before release and now all high tier ores are gone?Clearly your fault. 

    If he doesn't want to use market IT IS his fault. 

  18. 11 hours ago, Avonthorn said:

    This OP and my posts are not complaining about how far away it is. Distance is not the concern nor risk. The game.mechanic in question is other than a trival amount of surface ore that spawns, how long will it be until the vast majority of ore is gone and large sections of worlds or planets themselves are completely void of ore? If there is a mechanic in play here or one planned, please explain. Wondering minds inquire...

    Your problem is only the assumption that NQ will do nothing if critical ores somehow run out. Which imho would be so completely stupid on their part it simply won't happen. 
    Worst case scenario - we will have week or two of harder to find tier 3/4 ore (well, rare will be actually rare while we mine remaining ore out) than week or two without one of the ores before they discuss out what to do and implement solution.

    Longer verions:
    On Alioth, if it wasn't mined earlier it will give you around 500k of each tier 1 ore without any meganode/supernode present - so you have minimal amount.  I don't remember out of my head how much tiles there are in alioth, but lets sum it up to a lot. Most of tiles i've scanned also had between 10k to 30k tier 2 ore. Again without meganodes. Feel free to calculate how long it would take to mine that out. Just don't use meganodes mining time because you will get bullshit results. Mining meganodes is probably order of magnitude faster to get same amount of resources.

    They already have surface rock regenerating and they said they won't add ore veins regeneration - but, common, they are not morons. Tier 3 if it will run out before asteroids mining or other way of mining are implemented - in WHOLE accessible universe - NQ will most likely just add it, probably deeper, below our current mining level. There is no way in hell that NQ will effectively kill half or two thirds of the tech tree because one ore run out. There is so much unused space below 1-2km below surface that they won't even have problem where to add it. Actually that apply to tier 2 too. They can do it even if we have asteroids mining and so on. (I just hope they will stop at tier 2 in the safe zone if/when they do it).

    On side node - farming meganodes was already acknowledge by JC to be too easy. So yeah, probably they will change some stuff around that too. 

  19. The hell? Maybe mine something what is not meganode too? Maybe - just maybe one actually useful ore run out in safety zone - petalite was only available on two moons. But beside that? Everything as far as i know can be mined. Not necessary in you backyard. So move you backside to where ore is and stop bickering about something not beeing 5 meters away... ?‍♂️ 

  20. On 10/24/2020 at 11:02 AM, ColonkinYT said:

    Such constructs become a problem when standing one hex apart. Everyone builds a tower for themselves under Agg. I am not against this, but still you should limit the height of the structure, for example, 1-1.5 km from the soil surface. Then there will be a completely clear free corridor. Yesterday I flew past the towers at an altitude of 3000 m +.
    I understand why people raise towers 5-6 km. They don't want to put atmospheric engines on Alioth.
    At the same time, I would like to express my deep respect to those builders who designate their towers with light elements (voxels). It is difficult to crash into such even blindly.

    I'm aware about two maybe three really problematic towers - ie ones which you can run into - on Alioth.
    3000m plus? There are two space elevators that i know about which have something near to this height. 
    I'm not sure why you are talking about "everyone" here. 
    As long as those won't be on every second tile around market i don't see a problem. And even then, it would be enough to add space station markets (finally). 

  21. 22 minutes ago, Haunty said:

    How is it a danger? The sky is pretty roomy

    After i started flying with radar - I'm constantly astonished i never crashed into anything. And anyone. Yeah, they are roomy. But sheer hours of flight time i have makes probability of crashing into something very real. FFS I actually nearly crashed into another player ship while flying with radar and looking in wrong direction yesterday. Distance was in dozen or two of meters with solid 200+ speeds... I hope i didn't give him hearth attack cause i nearly had one. 


    58 minutes ago, Elrood said:

    In that case you are classifying NQ staff as a user. For me anyone who work on developing the game - so level designers too - are developers. So its developer misconfiguration

    3 minutes ago, DavidDavidson said:

    A user is anyone who uses a system. This includes developers.

    Actually you are right you know? I even intentionally used that fact. Thing is - there is some stuff - like making bugs - developers as a subset of users can do, but not every user (like customers) can. Kind of core of my argument. Thank you for agreeing on that point with me.

    3 minutes ago, DavidDavidson said:

    The word you would be looking for is customer.

    Nope, customers weren't important.  Customers is subset of users who do not produce bugs out of mistakes. By talking about developers I wanted to exclude customers. So kind of worked, didn't it? 


    11 minutes ago, DavidDavidson said:

    We are not talking about autopilot. The developers forgot to set the permissions to private. Forgetting to do something is not the equivalent of an automated system failing, because there was no automated system in place, the system required the developers to set the permissions after moving the market, as such they made a mistake which caused all of this to happen. 

    The permission rules did work as intended.


    So RDMS worked correctly. Yeah. No one ever said anything else as far as I know, including me. 
    Market 15 didn't work correctly.  The same way RDMS is a subsystem inside DU, M15 and every other market is another subsystem inside DU, which were designed, prototyped, coded and configured by NQ staff, although mostly using different tools. End result was part of whole system which was not working as intended - ergo was bugged. Same way talents are bugged. Same way tutorials are bugged. 
    Your knife analogy, as good as it is when describing players rdms errors - I don't think has any meaning in M15 case.


    24 minutes ago, DavidDavidson said:

    Now before you say that user error applies to end users only and developers cannot be end users, since the developer was using a system that they had set up, or another developer had set up they still fall under the definition of an end user as they were using the system at that time. Even someone who designs a system can still fall under the definition of end user if they are using the system. Think Bill Gates using Windows back when he was still on the design and development team in the late eighties, that would make him both a developer of his product and an end user. 

    Oh but I fully agree with you here.... This is precisely the reason why I said earlier that user error is not - cannot be - mutually exclusive with bug. 

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