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Posts posted by Mordgier

  1. 11 minutes ago, w1r3dh4ck3r said:

    There is playing a game how you like and there is doing something with the express purpose of hurting someone else's gameplay just for the fun of it, not saying it should be wrong or it should be forbidden but it is an asshole move, don't get me wrong I'll kill you in a PVP game and take loot from you but killing you just for the fun of it don't know man it feels wrong to me but that is just me a normal person with barely any trace of psychotic behavior in me, EVE had its share of psychopaths its normal that some of you ended up here.

    But he is able to loot the ships that core themselves against the wall - so there is profit here - not just the delicious tears. Although I am sure that Mr Build A Wall is watching this thread with only one hand free because the OPs tears are exactly the release they were looking for - and now they are here in public for him to screenshot for their discord where they are all laughing at you.

  2. 10 minutes ago, w1r3dh4ck3r said:

    The responses on this makes me want to be as far away as possible from you guys... cringy, unnecessarily belligerent and down right childish to say the least. What this guy is doing is a form of griefing but same as drugs people will do it no matter what so there is very little way of stopping it, just make it as much unfun for them as possible, think about it, he could be out there playing the game but no, he prefers to be there building an ugly wall just to piss you off, really just ignore him.

    Please do not gatekeep how DU should be played. If someone wants to build a wall, they can, this is all part of the intended emergent gameplay.

  3. 30 minutes ago, blazemonger said:


    I'm fairly confident that the average lone wolf pirate or even a small group of pirates will not be able to do much in the form of Territory warfare. I expect it to be very costly, hard and demanding on the attacking side. And it should be.


    Given the planned complete inability to build unmanned defenses, I am not so sure. Nobody has any idea how it will work at all or what it would take to claim a TCU.


    The only thing I promise you is that it's going to be an extremely rough few months once it's introduced. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, michaelk said:

    It's almost like development is being led by someone that's never made a game before....yet has promised one of the most ambitious MMOs of all time...? ??‍♂️


    To the OPs point, I think you should expect a good amount of abuse in DU -- because honestly the gameplay elements do seem like an afterthought. Letting players help balance things (figuring it out once the tools are in place) probably sounded better on paper than it does staring down the barrel of lost subscriptions... 


    Unlike Worlds Adrift, at least DU is extremely expensive to run and has completely unpredictable costs since players can congregate en masse at any time...


    JC hasn't been griefed enough and hasn't griefed enough frankly.


    It was pretty funny to watch the most recent stream when he said that he doesn't want automated turrets of any kind....


    Right now the griefing is just for lulz.


    Wait till territories are on the line and EVE style warfare doctrine goes into full effect - you know - when you win by utterly demoralizing your enemies and causing them to quit the game in frustration through any means necessary. You know, the same way you won at ARK, ATLAS, Empyrion etc....

  5. 3 minutes ago, Randazzo said:

    When this eventually goes tits up, the people defending this sort of thing will be blaming carebears for the end times.

    If DU goes tits up - it won't be because of walls but complete and total lack of end game. Just a grind within a grind within a grind to speed up the grind. You know - same reason Worlds Adrift died...

  6. 10 minutes ago, michaelk said:

    PS I need to get back to this even if it is off topic. 


    Whose job will this be? I am looking for part time employment and am very good at recognizing dongs from a distance. I promise to delete all but the most artistic of them. 

    I use dongs to mark unclaimed tiles that I mined out because they are easier to spot than holes.


    Removing these markers is griefing. Frankly I think they are a public service, if you see a dong, you know that tile has been mined. 


    Please don't grief.



  7. 1 minute ago, blazemonger said:


    This is factually incorrect, an exploit is something you may be able to do, but it is still not allowed. So no, being able to do something does not by default make it OK. At best you could say that unless NQ declares something an exploit it may not be one. This is a case of griefing though which is not the same.


    OP may be over reacting by blowing it up here, but with NQ being pretty much non reachable or approachable in these things, the only other option is to let it happen.

    lol at you thinking that piling dirt is an exploit.


    You may have had a case if they were making a net from floating voxels

  8. 5 minutes ago, blazemonger said:


    If this refers to OP then under normal conditions, sure.



    As it stands:

    1. OP has no recourse in game to take action and "claim more tiles" may be a good idea, but not the solution here. The griefer is untouchable and can contuinue to do as he pleases as there is nothing anyone can do.
    2. NQ does not have a presence to act on this outside office hours and even then, they barely take notice or ownership of these things anyway. 
    3. Whoever they have handling their support is unable to cope with the  work and has let the ticket queue run so far behind (3-4 weeks) that it is pretty much pointless to raise a ticket for this.

    1 - That's the solution. I'm sorry that you don't like it.


    2 - This isn't their problem.


    3 - This isn't their problem.



  9. 2 minutes ago, blazemonger said:

    Whether a tile was claimed or not is not relevant here.

    Claiming a tile for the sole purpose of hindering another player by throwing up a wall of sand _is_ griefing as NQ declared it


    I get you do not want to see it that way but it is what is going on here. You can defend their action all you want but you are wrong. Since you clearly will just stick to your opinion there is little point in continuing this now pointless argument.


    I'll expect and will let NQ make the call here. If they do not act against it though, we sill start to see these sandwalls show up all over the place as ppl will just start creating alts and doing  the same "because they can". It will deface the game and potentially give it a bad rep as a griefers paradise. And I do not expect NQ will want any of that.

    So what you're saying is that instead of a wall he should build a giant space elevator, or park his L core trash heap of a ship - and that's fine right?


    Asking for a friend.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Terrag said:

    The territories are claimed by the griefer, so OP can't claim them anymore at least.

    In those cases someone would claim the tile adjacent to the market then erect a wall to block it, it isn't a tile owned by NQ but still prohibited by NQ.

    Are you the OP? because that's not what the OP said. They just said it costs a lot boo hoo


    If they are claimed by BananaOG  - well maybe Banana wants to have a wall around his territory.


    What if he chose to build a giant space elevator instead? Is that griefing if it blocks your approach?

  11. Just now, blazemonger said:

    So, you claim the next tile over and then what? you also claim the next one because that one can then be us to grief?


    I'm sorry, but your argument doe snot hold up here. It is quite clear that the tiles were claimed for one reason only, and that is to deliberately block another player's base access by building a impenetrable sand wall. You may not be able to see it but this is _exactly_) the kind of behavior that NQ has declared is griefing and they will act against, which I expect them to do.

    If you call this anything but griefing then I'm sorry but you really do not have an understanding of what grifing is or how it can potentially harm the game's reputation as a whole.


    You only need a few tiles around your base to have a clean approach. We literally did that on our Alioth base to prevent exactly this kind of stuff.


    Our org claimed the main tiles, our chars everythign around it.


    Most of the tiles are unbuilt but only the org has rights to mine.


    It's not hard. This is a problem that can be solved without crying to mommy....

  12. 1 minute ago, blazemonger said:

    There is nothing PVP about this, it is straight up and textbook griefing



    Unclaimed territory.


    Also dude sucks at it. If he wants to do it right, he should dig the wall after he builds it to create tiny voxels that still blow everything up on contact but are basically impossible to see but still destroy ships on impact even if they are just 1 floating voxel.



  13. Just now, Terrag said:

    NQ has already taken a stance on this issue, this situation is akin to when people were blocking the warp gates or building walls around districts. This is intentional griefing/considered to be pvp (inside a safe zone) because of the intent to "attack" other player's ships, NQ has made it clear that this isn't allowed.

    In those cases these territories could not be claimed.


    In this case - the territories  are unclaimed.


    OP needs to just claim the territory. It's not hard.

  14. Just now, JohnnyTazer said:

    What claims tho? Lets think about this. Atmo pvp and territory warfare are CONFIRMED.  So if someone is on an unclaimed tile (not in a safe zone) then it will be able to be shot.  No "exploit" is needed to haul it away to shoot it.  The ore at least at this point is all on Planets/moons.  When is a ship most vulnerable? flying around where it can warp/evade or when its stationary on the ground and its only pilot is 1k deep with a scanner out.  Doesn't matter how atmo pvp will work, because its confirmed to be coming.

    Until we know HOW pvp will work in atmo I will not make any claims about how pirates will blot out the sun and fill their cargoholds full of loot.


    You're welcome to theory craft all you want - but don't be surprised if the end result isn't in line with your theories - after all - is the space pvp what you had in mind? Sure isn't what I had in mind....

  15. 1 minute ago, blazemonger said:

    Whether you are a streamer of a new player, deliberately blocking another player from enjoying the game has been declares griefing by NQ and they now need to make their own words count. It's a shame you need to post this here instead of just log a ticket due to the fact NQ is several weeks behind on tickets currently

    You are fully able to enjoy the game. You just want to control what people do in other tiles. It's not you tile.


    You don't like it, claim it. 

  16. 4 minutes ago, blazemonger said:

    Does not matter, it's straight up griefing and needs to be taken care of like NQ said they would. This is where NQ needs to show they are sticking to their guns and not just babble a lot but shy away on actually enforcing this.

    That's a cool opinion you have.


    If someone wants to build a giant wall in a territory you don't own, perhaps you should you know...own that territory instead of crying to NQ about it?



    3 minutes ago, Virtual said:

    I will mention that this is an NQ verified event.  Not just some streamer thing.


    I will be highly amused when JC flies into the wall then.  When is this stream, I'll make sure to have popcorn on hand.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Virtual said:

    We have claimed as many tiles as we can without exploiting. We have made orgs to make it cheaper, but each tile is well over 15 million to place.

    Claim it for individual members, make alts, whatever, but you got no leg to stand on for someone building something on territory you don't own.

  18. Claim that territory if you don't like it. If it's already claimed, too bad. He can build the biggest wall he wants in his territory. It's his territory. If you don't like it, check your HOA ordinances.....oh wait...


    Also - you're not some special snowflake just because you stream - your attitude is more harmful than these walls.





    51 minutes ago, Talonclaw said:

    cept.. everytime i'm mining underground, out of range of the surface minimap.. i am always afraid that someone will come along, claim the tile and tow my ship into pvp space.
    it's a very active fear and one im sure many share.
    If i suddenly couldn't mine, it would take me too long to clamber up to the service to claim my ship.
    This is very wrong and slightly not fun.


    I'm sorry for your paranoia. It's entirely unfounded.



    The odds of this happening to you while you are actually there are astronomically small. 


    Neverminded that you could waypoint your ship and if you happen to see it drifting - just force respawn and fly it to safety.


    This issue has been entirely blown our of proportion.


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