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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Halo381

  1. Personally, I won't be running any nations, but I quite like the idea of player based politics. I ran into problems with it in other games (blocking off areas, lawlessness, etc.), in a three dimensional universe such as this... well, if they won't let you go straight, go up.
  2. You seem to have left out a vital part of the argument; MMO stand for Massively MULTIPLAYER Online. Sure, it's a huge game, you'll get all types of people here. But it's a multiplayer only game for a reason. If you wanna go solo, good luck to you, you prolly won't get very far without some help. But, this game is meant to be played in groups. Why? Because you need a group to get anywhere in a meaningful amount of time. Research and resource gathering are boring jobs, and they can take a long time. But they'll go by quicker with more people, and are crucial to the advancement of players and organizations. Building is not everyone's cup of tea, and it takes even longer than mining it all, but we need builders. PvP? Sure you can go at it alone. But a group of players that ambush you? Those guys are gonna kill you and take your stuff. Simply put, MMOs are not meant to be played solo (trust me, I've tried). One can only go so far before they hit a wall that they cannot surpass alone. These types of games aren't built for lone wolves. Hell, even having only a few people in a group is exponentially better than being all alone.
  3. Halo381


    Pretty much. In the simplest of senses, torpedoes and missiles are essentially the same, save for the fact that they are meant to be fired in different mediums. Missiles are fired through air, and as such, they have fins to change direction and such. Torpedoes are fired in a vacuum, and as such, they require small thrusters in every direction to change their bearing.
  4. I think it should have less reliability, considering the fact that when Antimatter touches matter bad things happen, and also the power output is enormous and, quite frankly I think it'll be a bit OP when the technology first becomes available to us in game. Gotta balance the massive power boost with volatility. However, as our technology grows, I see no reason why players couldn't research a system that's more stable in handling the material, making it safer and thus more popular.
  5. All the other information in the mail has already either been confirmed, or it's up in the air still, to my knowledge. It was sent before I joined the forums.
  6. Boy am I glad I already had that conversation
  7. Got this in an email from NQ. Just to answer any questions on the matter of wheeled vehicles
  8. I googled it. Paarthunax is indeed voiced by the same guy that does Mario.
  9. Just gonna leave this here. Source: https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2014/12/04/from-barter-to-market-economy/
  10. You know, I actually like this idea
  11. But that's the point. Going down a skill tree should be an investment. It's like real life; You go through high school and college focused on one major, and you're highly specialized in that particular major, but if you wanna switch majors three-quarters of the way through, you are gonna have a rough time.
  12. I believe the devs mentioned having markets and cities populated with NPCs alongside players (It'd be difficult for some to be prosperous without 'em, methinks) and the NPC's would come with money. You sell things to them, you get their money.
  13. No, the channel should be open. It makes sending out an SOS an actual tactical decision. You could get help, or you could get pirates looking for an easy kill. If you want allies to help you, go back to the group chat. There ought to be a few JSDF members online
  14. Perhaps, rather than have a specific skill, there'd be an item; say, like a hidden pouch you can stick in your inventory, and no one will be able to see it or it might be disguised as something else.
  15. From my understanding, planets are gonna be rather large; a bit too large to claim within seven weeks. Perhaps if you had tons of Territory Units on hand, it'd be feasible, but from what I've heard from the devs, Territory Units aren't going to be the easiest thing to manufacture in the first place. Granted, if no one else is there you can just build on neutral land, but if someone happened to claim it, problems arise. Also, claiming an entire planet means defending each territory unit, which I imagine could get a bit tedious and resource consuming.
  16. Welcome to the forums! I hope to have intriguing and enlightening discussions with you.
  17. Mind, this is assuming your enemy owns the stargate and you have no easy way of capturing it from him or her
  18. But you'd have to replace the mines eventually, and some ships might avoid them, which means they need to be hunted down.
  19. Hell, if I don't want to allow anyone into territory I own, I'll close that stargate in a heartbeat. And sending attacks through one? That's called tactics, mate. Besides, a stargate requires an entry gate and an exit gate; just blow up the exit gate and the enemy can't send as many attacks anymore. Problem solved.
  20. On the official website, there is concept art for Hover engines
  21. Twas merely a suggestion. Besides, murder-zones will exist either way, they'll just be more randomized without the feature.
  22. You mention Churchill like the man is my idol, just because I have a quote from him doesn't mean that I'm his number one fan. Geez. The quote has nothing to do with this topic at all.
  23. Just to quote myself here, this would also make being an explorer far more profitable, as the first person to discover an arkified zone would have the advantage to claim some of it's territory. Whether they do or don't, is up to them. They could even sell the coordinates once they claimed a spot.
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