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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by joaocordeiro

  1. Im not gonna comment if you are right or wrong in your critic. But there is life outside DU. It should not be normal to see no alternative but to endure the current pain of playing DU. You should be able to change for another game or go outside meet and meet real humans while they fix this. Is it that important to be here every day experiencing bugs? Is it worth your pain?
  2. Im not an expert, but i will try to help. Fist think you can try is to enable the wing widget. If you link a wing to the seat and rename its unit( in the lua interface) to wing1 you can now do wing1.show() This will show a widget that tells you several realtime values on that wing. There are 3 types of wings: Ailerons - best drag ratio, worse stall angle Wings - average drag ratio, average stall angle Stabilizers - worse drag ratio, best stall angle. All behave exacly the same. All can stabilize and all can create lift. All wings will can create lift and its related to the velocity the wing is traveling and its parallelism to the ground. What this means is that a 45° wing will create cos(45°) lift when the craft has a roll of 0°. And 100% lift if the craft is tilted 45° The stabilizing happens when the wing traveling is below the stall angle. The stall angle is only affected by the angle perpendicular to the wing and the stabilizing only happens perpendicular to the wing. While stabilizing, the wing will convert velocity(kinetic energy) into perpendicular force, efectivly changing the craft velocity vector to where the wing is pointing.
  3. No there is no daily income. Leaders dont get any personal benefit, at least not preset by NQ. Most leaders i know give more to the org then they take. The only direct advantage a org provides is a infinite core count. But each core costs to deploy and the more the org has, the more it costs. The real benefits are on the previous post.
  4. Talent sharing. Ppl with engine talents can make your ship faster. Industry sharing, like you dont need basic components factory because your m8 already has it for another line. Knowledge shareing: "how do i do this?" "whats wrong with my ship" = instant discord answer. Private economy. Your fellow members will give or sell you elements at much lower cost than the market will ever ask for. Having your back. "damn it i just crashed and died. Can anyone give me a ride there?", "im out of fuel... Can anyone help me?" Protection: active protection with ppl defending you or rushing to your aid. And passive protection: by just having the org tag, allied and smaller orgs tend to leave you alone. Social interaction.
  5. I agree with you in some points. But lets not start discriminating ppl because of they backer level. Not all of us, alpha backers, will defend NQ's actions and results to the death. Not all of you beta players will be right in your criticism and feedback. 1st of all, we have seen and experienced more. We have debated more basic game concepts, bugs, exploits than you could have in this 4 days. Some ppl think this gives them unquestionable knowledge about what is best for the game. But at the same time, this does give us some experience that you dont have. Mostly about how great this game can be if NQ can fix this very unpleasant bugs. It is our understanding, that if you just wait, sooner or later, this game will be playable and enjoyable. We have been here for years, on the bad moments and good moments. Cant you wait 1 or 2 weeks before passing judgment?
  6. Can you dig? If yes, dig 45° up and get out If you are in a protected, undigable, territory, you have 3 options 1 - force respawn, losing all your inventory items and probably your speeder. 2 - ask for help on the support chat, maybe someone with a small ship can go pick you up. 3 - ask for NQ to teleport you out, in discord.
  7. Are you crazy? Do you think im gunna install your code as sudo? Learn how to use the home directory dude... PATH=$PATH:/path/to/some/dir
  8. Well i would be ok with one of the 2 1 - very long lines but once you are in you play fluid. 2 - you login immediately but you get pending ops. But im not ok with log lines to enter a pending ops game... That said, its beta...
  9. My experiance is that dying from crashing does not delete inv, but force respawn does(need a more recent test)
  10. Its not up to us to convince you this game can become great. You are not doing anyone a favor for being here or paying a subscription. You are investing on the future of this game, so in the future you can get a return. If you dont think the investment is worth it just based on 2 bad days, dont invest.
  11. I would agree with you if this was a finished stable product. But right now, ppl getting a subscription are not getting it because the game is great and flawless. They are making a bet that this game will become great and flawless. They are submitting them selfs to bugs, lack of performance, unwanted restarts to have a head start on a game that can become grater then EVE. On this scenario what would be the point of a trial?
  12. That does not mean he cannot try to appeal to NQ's comprehensive heart.
  13. Well its beta, not fair season. Ppl need to test the game, play, get bugs.
  14. Bots for all items with 500% prices leaves 400% profit margins for any player actualy interested in a player driven economy.
  15. Back to mine is bigger then yours. To OP: something is happening to the servers. NQ needs to fix it.
  16. So you do want to spend some time arguing with me, you just could not miss the opportunity to call me close minded. But i would call close minded to someone that thinks a player driven economy cannot have any interference from NQ. NQ's objective os to make this game a success. It will not if noobs get a "impossible to brake" disavantage and just start to quit the game. My feed back allows a player driven economy . But a regulated one. And a much more enjoyable one, specially for noobs.
  17. Please do stop and play the game. This topic was intended as my feedback to NQ, not as your entertaining blog.
  18. What ever you paid, you paid for a beta product, downtime and bugs are accepted in this phase of the product lifetime. You dont have to like it. Hell i dont like it. But you need to accept it can happen in beta.
  19. The long term result can still be the same if they activate bot orders for now while the economy grows.
  20. Not my perfect game, JC said ppl should not be forced to have industry. And i agree there should be a consequence for that decision. But that consequence should not be "you can start playing the game 2 weeks from now and pay 100 times the price of every item"
  21. But should not be forced to have industry.
  22. Not hard at all for me. I got a org. I got a factory, i got quanta, i got 2 years in dodging bugs. What does a new player have?
  23. Someppl suggested thay your buildings may become abandoned immediately or after some time.
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