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Please don't make "bland" planets


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Planets should definitively have caves, canyons, underground rivers, mysterious biomass that is totally not related to any other game, especially not Halo in particular.

Underground Bath Salt Lakes...


Fucking ore.

I love ore. Gimme some ore.

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I feel like just about everyone is missing the point here.

I agree. So I'll add my own thoughts and opinions, as well as build on what people have said so far(and what I assume you meant when you started this conversation)


So we want a nice balance of planets is one thing. There need to be planets that are procedurally generated that are interesting, unique, and add a bit more to exploration. So let's break down what they do for the gameplay.


Planets serve for a number of purposes. More commonly used are the ability to build bases, store large quantities of items quickly, and mine for resources. Over time as new things are introduced, such as the various levels of ore are being unlocked, planets will be more of an venture and might even require exploration for the more advanced types of ore and resources that may be needed to build new and advanced tech. For that reason, as it is the most valuable, you can expect planets to serve that purpose first in the game.


However people do need to live and they offer an inexpensive way to build and expand territory. Since planets are used for that secondly, we can assume people will not expand off of planets quickly without valid reason such as space and capital on resources.


So now that we have this down, planets need to have some diversity. This topic was covered last year by a forum post so I will basically recap. There should be a number of unique biomes and climates that each planet can experience, and then different planet types for each biome and climate. This means that there will be a number of planet types and planet biomes for each type.


For instance, on Alioth, we can expect it to be similar to an Earth-like planet. Contains a large land mass and some oceans, as what we have seen so far. This planet should be interesting to explore due to it's familiar, but not completely same nature. There will be other planets though, such as ice planets as we have seen in a teaser.


Teaser #1:


As we see, there will be different biomes. These polar ice caps look interesting and eventually, we might see a planet like this.


We've also seen the desert planet. It seems that we will get different types of planets, so that doesn't look to be a problem. As can be said for the variety of each planet, we will see but it doesn't look to be a problem.


Thank you

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sry, but the difference in the pictures you posted is one is ingame graphics and the others are fully rendered wallpapers, doesn't really make a good point.

In reality, there are a lot of planets without life, and those planets (especially if they have no atmosphere) are vast, empty stretches of land, without any interesting details.

So having bland planets is quite realistic, the older the blander ;)

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I think everyone needs to remember that they are not going to be throwing open the doors to a whole galaxy of planets on day 1, they are making the deliberate decision to slowly drip feed new planets by having this stargate system. It's not like NMS where there are quintillions of planets that all feel the same.


From what I have seen so far the starting planet Alioth seems pretty interesting with a bunch of different biomes and I heard it's going to be 200km in diameter which is a lot of area to explore so I think people are going to be pretty happy and find the terrain that they want.


As for the future, I think that they are going to put a lot of effort into making sure that new planets opened up for exploration are interesting and unique, tweaking the generation algorithm based on player feedback.

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I heard it's going to be 200km in diameter which is a lot of area to explore so I think people are going to be pretty happy and find the terrain that they want.


Last time it was asked the answer was that Alioth would be 100 kilometers in diameter. JC said he was happy with that size and didnt see much benefit in gameplay making it any larger. Subject to change of course. :)

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