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Tactile Elements Display Screens


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Introducing here an idea about a multipurpose touchable MENU for diferent LUA interactions with other Elements


It could be created with different sizes, from ipad size to giant screens, and have a specific graphic interface proper to DU


Have a body seperate into 3 parts:

 - Top: Title of the screen menu / sub menu

 - Middle: Configurable buttons

 - Bottom: Description of the curent menu / or descirption of the highlighted button


Each part could be scriptable and splited into lists of strings in the LUA


First menu could give direct informations or actions, or lead to a submenu


Each button pression would send a string that will be filtered and sent to whatever element it is linked to



For a concrete example, from the very last published video with the flying plateforms:

The tactile screen could replace a cockpit and have a buttons action menu look like so:





|   FOWARD    |                |   UP    |               |   ROTATE RIGHT   |


|   LEFT   |                       |   STOP / START   |           |    RIGHT    |


|   BACKWARD   |            |   DOWN   |            |   ROTATE LEFT   |



DESC: blablabla this is the control panel for your moving plateform




It could replace and make interactive the chat commands 

And allow creations  and configuration of very simple Operating Systems



Below is an example from SL UI floating scriptable menu:

So this one could be made as a physical touchable screen menu in DU





Uses of a configurable menu will be extremly wide

From home personal automation menu (switch lights on/off, lock doors on/off etc...), passing by the touchable password screen menu, to a whole ship operating system






I hope i was clear and i gave some ideas

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You got some cool ideas here. While this would of course take some time, I see no reason why this couldn't be added down the road. I know JC already said that the screens inside cockpits would be customizable, so maybe this wouldn't be far behind!

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"A splendid day to you, Jeronimo.


Indeed. We just have to make sure the menu doesn't look too crowded. An adequate amount of neatly organised sub menus should do. Perhaps, we can get more information into the sub menu in the near future."

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"A splendid day to you, Jeronimo.


Indeed. We just have to make sure the menu doesn't look too crowded. An adequate amount of neatly organised sub menus should do. Perhaps, we can get more information into the sub menu in the near future."



Great day to you two guys!

To be honest, the last dev post on the kickstarter made my day!


And to answer you about menus and submenus, its more simple than i can explain

Each menu buttons might be loaded from a list of strings in the LUA, so you just need in your main menu to have a button that will laod an other list, so an other couple of sub buttons will appear.

To make a tree, you ll need to setup few lists at begning of the script and make the jumps correctly to update the screen menu with an other list. 


And to answer ATMLVE, the main work behind would be to implement only one function in the LUA, AND a little graphic appearance displayed for this menu function

(i edited my post making a futuristic interface example)


Its not super urgent, but will be super usefull


Once implemented it could, client side, look something like that in the LUA:


//ScreenMenu(Touch ID, Tittle String, Buttons List, Description List, Number of Columns, Number of Lines);



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I would seriously buy two or three ipads or kindle fires (or whatever works really)  and set them up as an actual ship consoles in front of me.  I love this idea.  NQ this should be a STRETCH GOAL!  


P.S. And where did the color option for text posts go?

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I would seriously buy two or three ipads or kindle fires (or whatever works really)  and set them up as an actual ship consoles in front of me.  I love this idea.  NQ this should be a STRETCH GOAL!  


P.S. And where did the color option for text posts go?


if they make scriptable ipads that you can hold in your hand that would be awsome


PS: NQ removed the colored text, and only forum admins will be using it

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I really dig this suggestion, especially if these can be incrypted in some way where only players who have permission (or sufficient hacking skill) can access locked elements.

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I would seriously buy two or three ipads or kindle fires (or whatever works really) and set them up as an actual ship consoles in front of me. I love this idea. NQ this should be a STRETCH GOAL!


P.S. And where did the color option for text posts go?

Take any adroid device, install droidpad, profit


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I would seriously buy two or three ipads or kindle fires (or whatever works really)  and set them up as an actual ship consoles in front of me.


Yeah! Especially if they put radar/maps on there! Maybe even some kind of live feed from the construct cameras, weapons/shields/ship status indicators....and so on.


Jeronimo, when I first saw your display example, I thought the circle on the right was the ship direction control. ^_^ 

Actually, a smooth steering mechanism like that (the circle) would be pretty neat!

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Like a mouse?


like the analogue stick of consoles controlers?

Haha, should've seen those coming. :-)


Actually though, if you're ship is headed in one direction, but your weapons pivot, the mouse/analog stick could be used to aim at something off to the side of the ship, or behind it. Meanwhile you would need something else to control direction.

I am obviously referring to a ship that has limited crew, like small ships,or those that have suffered crew casualties in battle. Large ships or ones with a full crew will have gunners, so the pilot/copilot can focus on flying.


Either way, it would be cool to have a circle like that to control stuff, it would feel like you are actually using advanced tech!

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I really dig this suggestion, especially if these can be incrypted in some way where only players who have permission (or sufficient hacking skill) can access locked elements.

i have emited a lua function:

//ScreenMenu(Touch ID, Tittle String, Buttons List, Description List, Number of Columns, Number of Lines);


Touch Id, could be set to everyone or one specific Id.

If set to everyone, it would be more strategic to unlock the main menu through password lock.

But who says password, says possibility to hack. manually or through a decoding device.


dpu and tactile screen will exchange data, so if NQ allows it, there should be a way to interfere and automate the decoding using an other pad scripted for that.


maybe NQ could allow to stick a pad to an other construct out of safezones.


seams in theory very easy to hack. but same as real life, there could be encrypted communication between tactil screens and dpus, depending of the skills of the scripter. adding some pause time after few failed password entries, making a way longer the decoding...


i already can see a fight between ingame hackers and security corps coming

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Okay, maybe I misunderstood the original post....are we talking about real, physical touchscreens in real life that get connected to the game and serve certain functions, or virtual, in-game touchscreens to add some immersion to menu options?


The reason I ask is because the post above sounds like it referring to virtual screens, particularly this:

dpu and tactile screen will exchange data, so if NQ allows it, there should be a way to interfere and automate the decoding using an other pad scripted for that.

maybe NQ could allow to stick a pad to an other construct out of safezones.

seams in theory very easy to hack. but same as real life, there could be encrypted communication between tactil screens and dpus, depending of the skills of the scripter.

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Okay, maybe I misunderstood the original post....are we talking about real, physical touchscreens in real life that get connected to the game and serve certain functions, or virtual, in-game touchscreens to add some immersion to menu options?

The reason I ask is because the post above sounds like it referring to virtual screens, particularly this:

Yes it was about ingame tactile screens of multiple sizes, and scriptable to make simple ingame operating systems.


In the last AMA, there is one post about implementing html 5 for screens, that i never read about before. But didnt mentionned if those screens will be purely displays or interactive and tactile. Then potential will be even more promissing than just a simple function.

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