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  1. My idea is to add drones. But not drones that do what automatically but that a player can control a drone or even a small drone swarm. to start max. 2 drones to max. 10 drones that you can explore in the talent tree. you should then explore a drone main unit. the drones you control in a special seat and can then see the drone in the first or third person perspective. you should also be able to switch between the drones with 0 - 9 on the keyboard. The drone you control is automatically the main drone and the other drones should follow it and for example when you attack the target also attack. The size of the main unit should go from XS to maximum S. What would be a nice extra would be if you can form on formations by hotkey or so :D. (I was inspired by an episode of Star Trek Discovery where the outer hull of the enemy ships is made of drones). Something you could then also do, for example, and then several members can control several small drone swarms. Repair ships, build buildings faster, and Minnig could also be added. drone main unit start max. 2 drones to max. 10 drones switch between the drones with 0 - 9 on the keyboard The size of the main unit should go from XS to maximum S special seat to control drones form on formations by hotkey Repair ships, build buildings faster, and Minnig
  2. ╔════════━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━────────────────────━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━═════════╗ ╔══════════════════════════════════════╗ ? ANNOUNCEMENT╿We just opened our Discord server!╚══════════════════════════════════════╝ After months of preparation, the French-speaking Akerian organization has finally opened up to the Dual Universe community with the opening of its Discord server on Saturday July 11! On our Discord server, you will find all the details on our organization, our news as well as our projects! It is also here that you can contact Akerian for any partnership or other request! Everyone is welcome ! https://discord.gg/SPt9vhD ╔═════════════════════════╗ ℹ️ INFORMATION╿What is our goal? ╚═════════════════════════╝ During the Beta, we plan to build our first Akerian buying / reselling center near the Districts of Alioth. From the release, we want to establish it as the largest shopping center in Helios, THE benchmark market. We want to centralize the economy around this first center in order to allow players to have access to everything that is salable and buyable in one place: the Akerian centers. If the Akerian center in Alioth is successful, eventually we will build a new center on each planet. We want to be more than a simple market where players just buy and sell amongst themselves: We will automatically buy all that players will sell at prices calculated on supply and demand in real time and we will sell all the items available on DU and will systematically produce items out of stock. ╔══════════════════════════════╗ ℹ️ INFORMATION╿How to contact or join us? ╚══════════════════════════════╝ To contact us, join our discord, and you can contact us directly in the channel #EN-Discussions. If however you wish to contact us privately, send an MP to the manager DropNod#3016. You should know that we are open to all proposals, each of them will be studied without distinction, regardless of the player or the organization that transmits it to us. We have not officially started our recruitment campaign. If however you are already interested, you can write your application in the # candidatures-akerian channel of our discord. You don't have to write a block, a few sentences may suffice. https://discord.gg/SPt9vhD ╚════════━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━────────────────────━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━═════════╝ Credit to Novaquark for the original images. They were slightly reimagined by Akerian
  3. Hi Guys. I have been following DU for a number of years and thought i would finally sign up with a sponsor pack, I have a long MMO history from the days of Ultima Online and have played probably most MMO's out there. Have spent many years playing Eve Online from 2004. I have no idea what to do in this game as I haven't even logged in yet until Thursday 13th when the final Alpha opening happens, so looking forward to having a wonder around and getting ready for Beta launch. Any ideas what I should do first? Join and Org/Corp? Anyway, looking forward to playing, thanks in advance for any help!
  4. I'm DemonizedGaming and I'm starting a Nation org called Alioth Federation, so far it's me and a friend so were wanting people to help build this org from the ground up. If you are interested in joining follow link to our discord https://discord.gg/35dF8q7
  5. Hi everyone!
  6. Hello, everybody, I just wanted to throw in some ideas that would be interesting extensions for prefabricated objects. I don't know if these points have already been suggested. If they have already been discussed, please just ignore this thread. 1) Collapsible wings. These wings could work exactly like flaps. Such constructs can be seen in countless sci-fi movies, games or other media. So it would be a pity if we didn't have this possibility of retractable or collapsible wings. 2) A hovercraft seat similar to that of a motorcycle. Hovercraft bikes could also be designed and built in this way. 2.B) To match this, hovercraft engines with a rectangular or oval shape would be more practical to create aerodynamic designs. Suitable hovers that can also maneuver quickly through forest areas will then appear on the screen. 3) Holographic replicas projecting true color images. So camouflage devices can be built in which, for example, a spaceship can project an image of an asteroid around itself. This could work similar to the basic holoprojectors. Otherwise I would like to mention a thought of MilanF666 again: 4) Rotational joints that make it possible to move other parts. Here I don't know if it's technically possible to rotate or move voxels within a frame independently of each other. These are just a few ideas and I would like to hear them (and even more if they are implemented in the game). Otherwise I'd like to thank you and praise all the development teams for their great job. A great idea and progressively grandiose implementation of this. Best regards, B4nd1t
  7. Greetings, Been a lurker for a it, posted a few times on discord, but first time on forums. Looking for fellow kiwis and aussies to team up with Ingame to learn the game. Cheers
  8. Hi everyone ? I’m quite new around here so I just wanted to pop in and say hi ^^ Also wanted to ask about the Discord Authorization hehe.. ? Seems I need to be approved to continue? So thanks a lot in advance ^^ Glad to be here and all the best your way
  9. The Republic of Unified Stars is a new organization looking for members to build with. Check the description if you are interested! The organization will offer many opportunities to grow as a player and an organization - Choose your own path! Don’t be held down by the restrictions other leaders may put on you, become what you want to be - Become part of something bigger than yourself, it’s a vast galaxy, don’t go at it alone! (Available Jobs) -Grand Admiral A very exclusive merit based role that the president will determine. Share the role of commanding the fleet with the President to ensure victory for the Republic of Unified Stars! - Governor RotUS (Republic of the Unified Stars) is a democracy/merit based political system. Work your way up to earn a spot in seat of political power - Military Strategist Determine strategies best suited for circumstances to ensure victory! - Captain Command your own battlecruiser with your crew. A merit based role -Pilot (Squadron leader) Work your way up to Captain through gaining flying hours and command time -Economic Analyst Got a knack for economics? Serve as an analyst to determine the best use of our goods and better the economy within RotUS -Pilot (Wingman) Enlist in the Space force and help defend home from any potential threats -Trooper Flying too complicated? Don’t worry you can earn your merit and raise through the ranks as a soldier on the ground, or infiltrating enemy spacecraft -Engineer Develop revolutionary ship designs for the fleet, or just improve quality of life in the capital, wherever your imagination leads you -Medic Ensure the population of RotUS is sustainable through medication - Worker Every Organization needs a working class, youre a vital component to the organization! More jobs will be created with the growth of the organization If you are interested you can join the discord server https://discord.gg/bXYDfHh
  10. Hey guys. I have played video games my entire life but just recently started streaming. I stream games like Minecraft and survival games. I dont mind the odd shooter tho so you will find me playing them as well. I am also a full time Machinist who loves renovating, good food, and a good laugh. This game looks great and i cant wait to stream this when the NDA is over.
  11. Hello there, I just got the Patron Pack, by the best boy in the entire (dual) universe: yamamushi. I follow this game a long time now. Let's see if it's as good as I expect it to be
  12. Im going to try and make a name by becoming a great shipmaster and builder
  13. Hello! My name is Michael, I will probably go by the name John Clark in the Dual Universe. I am 22 years old and enjoy gaming. Currently I am Active Duty military and looking forward to/waiting patiently and testing Pre-Alpha hoping for the release of the game to come soon. I am currently looking to setup and work with multiple organizations. Some organizations I am currently running/starting up: Orion Corporation OrionSystems (Universal Database/Management Platform) Orion Naval Space Command (Terran Union Armed Forces) I look forward to playing the game! Thank you, Michael AKA John Clark
  14. Just wanted to say hi to everyone!
  15. Welcome to Perdere! Who are we? We are a small organization built for mining and control over the economy. What is your plan. Perdere is planned to be one of the largest trading and mining empires in Dual Universe. Although we need YOUR help to get there. We have a discord where we will be planning more in-depth ideas and would love feedback from our members. Everyone is included! Although we don't have a detailed plan yet we will focus on harvesting, mining and scavaging to get our base resources in the game. Weekly raids are also an idea that has been thrown around. If we find a weak and vulnerable enemy, we will attack as we are not a complete PvE organization. What sets you apart? We are fully dedicated to our project. We have our own discord server which will be the hub for all trading that takes place in the game. We are currently working on a discord bot that will have its own currency that users can earn by being active in Discord. This functions as a way we can reward our active members with in-game goodies when the game comes out and also determine the hierarchy of management. AKA The more active you are, the more likely you are to be placed at a higher level of management and earn more. Exchange? How does that work? Well, we will be setting up a way for users to contact each other. It will be a fully P2P system, a user will post a request to buy or sell currency when two users match on a price the bot will automatically send both users a PM saying that a match has been found for their request to trade. Setting up a way for users to trade to a more, out of game 'currency' while not having to directly trade in game (sending the bots currency to one another as a form of value). Like any currency the value of it will go up and down, so choose wisely to invest or divest! Sounds great, how do I join? You can join our organization by making a request here https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/perdere-mining or by joining our discord here https://discord.me/perdere (Note you will still have to join the organization here as well) If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below!
  16. Greetings and well met! Just signed up for the pre-alpha, and am very intrigued to check out DU and get in on it around the ground floor! I'm an avid gamer who spends far too much time of late playing EVE Online (after a hiatus from that game). I am of an era that played MUDDs, the predecessors to MMORPs. Being a gaming addict, I also have the "distinction" of buying my first upgraded computer to be able to play the original Everquest! Some other memorable MMORPs that I've enjoyed include Dark Age of Camelot and Lord of the Rings Online. I'm also a player of board games and tabletop miniature games, and have been in the same Friday night gaming gang for around two decades! In EVE I'm a proud member of the kind and gentle Signal Cartel, which is pacifistic and aids capsuleers (players) stranded in wormspace-- a place where you're doomed to remain unless you have the ability to find an exit out! See you all around at some point!
  17. Hello everyone. Looking forward to playing the game. Currently living in Florida, USA.
  18. Hey everyone, Quantum Force Knights would love to offer the community an opportunity to join us as we draw closer to planet fall where we will bring hope and a future to the citizens of the Novark. We are seeking elite players to join with us. We have training programs for those of you who wish to hone your skills and advancement opportunities. Currently we have sever ship designs for members as well. Join us on our community page and show your support there by growing our numbers: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/quantum-force#tab-applications Join in discussions on our discord where we talk about all aspects of the game and the organization. https://discord.gg/qe2MMv
  19. Hello, my name is NRSchertz, from SilverLight Industries. A few of us members have started a radio channel. The whole thing is in it's infancy, but we are working hard to make it better and better. Today marks the first of many communications achievements from SLI! Please, check out the website here! http://silverlightradio.dx.am/ Again, the site is in a very new stage, and the current layout is a placeholder for a new design. Thank you for your patience! Expect a message at 12:00 PM EST on Monday, 12/4/17 on Silver Light Radio, by the way!
  20. Hello everyone, my name is Valhalo I come from a small medieval MMO called Mortal Online, I've never played any space-related game in my life, very interested in watching this game develop and definitely going to be playing whenever I am able to, be that if there is an open beta or on release day. Hello
  21. Division Portal: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/perdere-mining Discord: https://discord.me/perdere Welcome to Perdere! We are a mining division of ToasTec. We are welcoming all forms of life. If you enjoy mining, building, and trading then you found the place for you. We, the self-proclaimed space dwarves of Dual Universe, would like to personally welcome you to Perdere as we continue to build our numbers and rank. Feel free to pop by the discord and say Hi! New faces are always welcomed. If you would like to join Perdere then contact a manager. ALL UPDATES WILL BE POSTED BELOW More info can be found on our Division Portal. Thank you for helping us help you help us all ~ Partum
  22. Hello everyone! My name is Creative or Partum. I am the owner of Perdere - Mining. I am dedicated to building one of the largest trading hubs in the game and want to be the first guy anyone thinks of when they want to trade. If you would like to help or be apart of that journey feel free to join Perdere as we will work together to conquer the market and the Universe!
  23. I just spent this morning working on a new logo design for my organization Soul Nebula to replace the plain nebula picture that I had there before. Would be interested to hear what you guys think.
  24. " While I'll be taking a break from writing lore, I have decided to employ what tiny spare time I have left on something else. We've seen a lot of organisations spring up in the last few months and a lot of them are in need of a good logo, signature, banner and perhaps some text to give the organisation in question some solid footing. This is something I'll be doing personally: sans Aether, TRANCE, or Outpost Zebra. What does the Premium Content Pack contain? A tailored Photoshop logo for your organisation - mostly created from scratch. It will be unique and I assure you, you won't find it anywhere else on the internet. A signature image. All the cool organisations have it (mine included), why not yours? A profile image (mostly a combination of the logo or something else within my power). Some organisation leaders love their organisations so much, they take it upon themselves to carry the face of the organisation everywhere. Besides, it is a perfect idea for an army of identical alts. A banner or an Ad artwork. A few organisations have websites of their own and we all know every organisation with a website has a banner that goes along with it. So, if you are in need of a 1024px or greater banner, that's included as well. Some background lore text. I love writing and I couldn't resist the temptation to include this in here. Granted: I will not be writing a book for your organisation. Rather, it is some text of your choosing and setting that gives your organisation a lot more life than a basic description and a picture. No great nation is without a history. You get five different items in a single pack and all of them are tailored to your demands. Sounds good, no? Talk to me via DM, or leave a request below and I'll get back to you. I have a busy schedule, but if there's the need to make time, I have my ways. Cheers. P.S. Kindly note that I am not competing with anyone to make logos. It's an idea I had a few weeks back but, lacked the right opportunity to make a solid offer. If you do make logos or work with Photoshop and you'd like us to work together, I'm more than open to collaboration. I've made logos for other organisations and most of the Aether artworks are products of my spare time and Photoshop skill. I'll be doing some more Photoshop works for the Aether and I think this a perfect opportunity to do more with less time. "
  25. Imperium is a faction that aims to be one of the top organizations in terms of military. Military is Imperium's #1 priority, however our main goal is to be powerful all around. We hope to have a strong sense of community within our organization as well. So if you want to be a part of an organization like that, then go ahead and apply here: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/imperium#post_2217 Our arms are open to anyone who is interested in joining our organization. We don't have any certain specifications for applications right now, so just give us some information about yourself, and maybe why you want to join Imperium. Anyone who applies will most likely be accepted as long as they take their application seriously. Thank you for your time.
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