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Everything posted by Kongou

  1. Some hard code, some not. If shackles existed, perhaps a temporary debuff on whomever was forced to wear them. It could give specific power to whoever put the shackles on you. Possibly conditions, but not limited to: -Preventing the person wearing shackles from using /suicide for 10 minutes. -Keeping their body logged into the game, even if the player logs out. -Allowing the owner to move / drag the captive. -allow the owner to make a captive mine, or transport items between two points, or make a captive use emotes or /dance. -allow the owner to loot the captive, or change the captives non-lootable cosmetic clothing or even unequip it so they are left in their undies. I agree with you, a hardcore bondage game isnt good for anyone. But exploring some ideas of the in between wont hurt
  2. You shouldn't be offended by a simple statement against a political viewpoint. Undoubtedly in a game where politics will play a huge part in the emergent gameplay factor. I think its perfectly natural to make comments about any political ideology. Be that national socialist fascism autocracy centrist democratic socialist communist anarchist Every type of government has had slavery of some form or another there is no magical escape, not even technocracy. If somebody wants to say socialism sucks, then that is their statement to make. If NQ determine it to be inappropriate for the forums why dont we let them decide. You may have been able to say something in defense of socialism to change someones mind about it, maybe not the people here, but possibly a passerby. Since I'm here, and its been brought up, you guys are right. I may have been overestimating peoples desire for emergent gameplay involving other people. I think if we all just sit in arkified areas singing kumbaya and make robots mine for us, build for us, maybe even keep us fed, the world will be all right. We can all just sit back and do nothing while the game plays itself. There probably wont even be war except for the random burst of conflict brought on by micro aggression, like accidentally calling a transgender person by the wrong gender. What need will we have to force smaller alliances to cooperate with each other, or a bigger faction. Eventually they'll be able to drift away to their own area of space, maybe not at first, but eventually. Is that what we want, a magical world where escape is a click away. One click, re-spawn at a resurrection node, no big deal if you lose a gun or some mass produced item that only costs 5 credits, hell maybe your faction just hands out free gear because its so abundant. No good reason to venture outside of the arkified areas, and heck the penalties and risk will be really low anyway. Will anyone even be out there hunting for you for any reason other than to troll or kill you for no reason. Capturing people is just one tool, that could be implemented to bring people to conflict, and it doesnt have to be exclusive to that. The vitoc suggestion is also a buff and a debuff, it adds character to the game where otherwise well all just eat stale bread, charge batteries, and punch dirt.
  3. Oh of course people will fight. I wont get to far into it here, in another topic involving forcing your will on other characters I suggested mechanics to make this kind of gameplay more interesting. Something like Vitoc, if you were incapacitated in a fight, or otherwise somehow injected with something that gives consequences to just using /suicide and re-spawning. so that people think twice about it and might be willing to comply with taking orders as a prisoner / slave. I know many are against the idea, and maybe that isn't the best way to do it. Rather I'm looking for ways to make things interesting, if you don't allow for these kinds of actions, there will never be freedom fighters, or stories about liberation.
  4. The running cost of machines has always been lower. the initial cost of implementing new technology is too high usually for the businesses that would use slave labor to break into. Could you automate a farm, yes, however putting a rusty chain on someone and telling them to do something is much cheaper. Also like was said, even when technology is available, the means to mass producing it for everyone arent always available. However there will always be people, and making new people is practically free.
  5. Seriously? Seriously? I never said I was going to make Alioth Great Again, I only said what could be done with a concerted effort by many people. Just as you said, people are capable of absurd cruelty; please remain calm. I only offer you a new interesting system that would be unique to DU. It allows for darkness to exist in the game, it allows for interesting stories to exist, people to become true freedom fighters or rebels. Sure you can kill a guy and take his ar-15, or you can probably buy one for a handful of credits. Im aware that tier levels on items may not exist, but I'll wait until I see what NQ has in mind. maybe theyll make a RNG crafting system for rares. I dont know, anything is possible on that still. I do fear though that in general everyone will sit behind their arkified areas with little reason to leave. Abundant resources, easy grow crops or even no food requirement at all, who cares about exploring after your' established and so forth. I'm still looking for ways to keep things fresh and give people reasons to do things. Otherwise this natural piracy you guys want will just be camping the edges of safe zones, fairly sure they have not said we would be able to loot people. Rather that when you die you lose items upon the RN reviving you. I'm not trying to be your enemy, just looking for interesting alternative solutions, I appreciate you providing resistance to the idea. I played dayz as well, I considered it far worse that everyone just kills each other on sight instead of having any alternatives to camp kill loot. Was very boring and felt far more psychopathic than a capture system.
  6. I am considering this strictly for the mechanics of this game. It's specifically designed to be balanced within the means of this game. People grow crops, "vitoc" would be a high demand drug for min maxers to get a tiny buff. Either HP or Stamina or some equivalent by the terms NQ eventually lays out, something 0-5%, just enough to make people interested but not a absolute must. helps create some base line economic value for crops that arent bio fuel crops. and a supply chain, crops -> refine -> drug -> market The cure has to be rare, it simply cant be something that players just grow a crop and cure themselves of the downsides of the drug, which is to either keep taking the drug and be ok, fight the drug and get debuffed. If they decide to implement skill loss on death, perhaps without 'insurance', then thats fine Ill live with it. I was specifically avoiding it though because losing items and the like is already pretty bad. I only needed a way to make people think twice about using suicide to escape being prisoners. Even if they suicide or die the drug needs to stay in them was all I meant by a permanent debuff, you only experience the negatives of the drug if you stop taking it every X amount of time. It would probably be a genetic mutation that makes their body crave the drug or suffer the consequences, by the nature of quantum immortality, this way when the RN reconstructs you the effects of the 'vitoc' continue on. The only ways you would come down with the 'vitoc' condition would be if you either injected yourself, or someone captured you, had the cuffs on you and used specific commands that the cuffs grant access to the owners. The need for the cure to be difficult to produce, well theres only one way to do that and thats to use the monoliths / discovery system. If you attach it to crops the market will in time flood with the cure and make the drug irrelevant. -The cuffs exist for several means. Granting the dominator access to looting your on character inventory, by extension stripping you of clothing/ weapons. Ability to inject you with shots / chemicals Ability to drag/ carry you Ability to force your character to perform certain emotes. or talk in local chat. (essentially turning you into a dancer or a shoutbox) And you have to give captors a few minutes to do what they're going to do, so the cuffs need to disable your ability to suicide temporarily. Suicide should have a countdown timer, and disable other actions. that way people cant just click suicide and keep running or fighting. If you get cuffed and logout, your body stays in game. Now on the other side of the cuffs, someone could just come and unlock the cuffs but then obvious repercussions might ensue such as the owner of the cuffs labeling you a criminal and coming for you. People and even kids see this kind of of content all the time, id say its pg-13 if anything. People get handcuffed by the cops and forced into the back of a car all the time, cops frisk people down and 'steal' their drugs and call it evidence. The element for criminality of any function is always possible. If the entire community banded together we could build a chain of walls around the Novark Arkship and trap all the new characters in there. Give them a tag that demands they pay a mega corp a weekly tithe to get out of the walls. People might use ship reactors and overload them in urban areas as terrorist devices. Theres already many elements of this game that could be abused, namely the penis voxel ship I believe some were worried about. Just because the possibility is there doesn't make the game M for Mature.
  7. We need handcuffs that take certain powers away from whoever they get placed on. Where it's either you let out happen by submitting authority. Or after you are incapacitated or have your hp lowered a certain amount. The cuffs will temporarily disable your ability to suicide. And give your captors power to move you, carry you, etc. A follow up will be a drug like vitoc. Inject it into your captives and this is how you'll coax them into complying. It needs to apply a permanent debuff. First it makes it so if you suicide you lose training points and the debuff continues through deaths. Second if you try to skip taking shots daily your skill training will slow down, then after a long period of time your stats will decrease until you take your drugs. Third, the cure will only be accessible from exploration sites in limited quantities. In order to make them valuable. The vitoc could have a minimal buff to make people that escape their captors question whether or not to get off it. Maybe like a 2% hp increase. Need a slavery mechanic. So we can have escapes, you freedom fighters can liberate people, and more interesting stories can develop.
  8. The Coalition seems like a nice bunch of freedom loving fellows, our goals aren't far apart. I know Kiklix is a good person, too bad we didnt get together sooner and work together. It's a shame I only knew you wanted a confederacy, but I suppose you all worked this out in landmark without need from the rest of us. Diplomacy will remain open none the less. Also, Ill look forward to seeing you around on discord, check out the community discord and chat with us if you are interested in the DUExplorers.
  9. Kiklix, those very points are why I want us to advocate for being able to repair our ships off the blueprint designs. I mean if you spend that much time and someone comes and destroys a prototype. That is very unfortunate, but perhaps thats why the relative safety of the akified areas will exist. to slow down and temporarily prevent such catastrophic things from happening. At the very least I would think if you are losing your arkified area you could get in, save the current ship design as a blueprint. and then reload it somewhere else to finish working on it. ships that are too big to be designed in secret labs on planets, will have a natural tradeoff of being vulnerable to being destroyed in their design phase. making a development facility in a obscure location will be a must. As for the wanting to repair from blueprint. It would suck just as much to take that ship into battle and have it get all beat up in its first fight. Then spend 3 months repairing it by hand.
  10. Also good to see more knights and good people on the forums, welcome!
  11. Its ok, friend. They'll have to hurry along with a way to delete them, or come by and moderate it themselves since the website encountered some sort of problem.
  12. Im sorry... Im just not doing good with explaining things today. Because of the genetics mutations, if the science based healing is like.. nanite injections or something, and they are pre-programmed for strictly humans. It might take them longer to speed up your healing for one reason or another. Idk it was just a half baked flash of an idea. It is my great hope that maybe a year or two or whenever they are capable of implementing actual characters for us, that they will consider my plea and I will go bouncing around with my furry ears and be an undersized adult character. much the same as neopolitan actually is in rwby, she may be only 4 ft 4 and 4 ft 10 in heels but shes still an adult. 1.32 meters / 1.47 meters in heels. Im 99% sure NQ wont give 2 broken pennies about all that, so I could live with playing a modestly short character and just never leaving a EVA / helmed suit and roleplaying out my fox nature.
  13. Im prepared for discrimination But also Im prepared for some heinous drawbacks to being what I percieve as cute. I would be fine with healing debufs, genetic instability, or whatever else seems "logical" by the games means. If the 'science' behind the genetic alterations isnt as developed as I think it would be.. Still even if my character has random paralysis attacks, gets healed for a % less than regular humanoids, and is in general hated by society, its cool. You just gotta be happy with yourself in this world.
  14. there is something I find curious about what you say. Are you saying that you would prefer characters to have real-time physics and not just an invisible center of gravity that responds to gravity. Idk if player model collisions or players having physics has been discussed yet. Or if they've shown it off yet. If it is all physics based that way it further decreases multi races existing. But kemonomimi type furries have the same body and mass as humans ears and tails or even gills or whatever are still compatible
  15. I remember, we have a bit of a break in ideaology on the benefits of such genetic mods and while I do not Disagree with your system I just wanted to provide additional exposure
  16. Sorry, I dislike gnome size monstrosities a well. I meant more a scaled body in terms of both the mass appearance and height from about seven ft tall to about five foot. I don't think characters will have a center of gravity. Telling clients a characters proportions doesn't cost much data whether they're preset or sliders. And one of the things is I don't particularly like full on furry humanoids. I really just want human models. Knock the human ears off and put animal ears on. Tails would be nice. If someone else wants to lobby for fur and special jointed legs that's on them
  17. Hello, and welcome, anything in particular you are excited for?
  18. Hello, welcome, and thanks for joining the community.
  19. I understand your sentiment, the future is very unpredictable and sometimes very undesirable to our current way of thinking. At the same time that in the 50's they thought we would have flying cars, but instead we have terabytes of porn stored on hard drives. I think the things people will do to themselves is highly unpredictable, so I mostly stick to what I'm want to pursue in my own lifetime.
  20. Just looking for possibilities, what may be possible with genetic mutations of currently existing humans. If you believe in the future like I do, however small the chance, we may have longevity, we may have all sorts of cosmetic possibilities. If a quantum resurrection node is possible, then something that we are already researching in todays world should be equally possible? I understand that the UN and governments and society at large may have hammered down to achieve the arkships. Doctors and researches of cybernetics, and genetics are different fields. You cant just be like, here Dr Biology we need you to start researching quantum mechanics, power manifolds, and flux capacitors. I do agree with you guys, we players should not get to play as a fully independant race of creatures, like lizardmen, fish people, sasquatch. Offshoots and human mutation though could be. Kemonomimi's are my personal interest. Admittedly the field of other possible types is a bit limited, but ones I think are plausible are also not likely to be well accepted. Dwarves, Elves, and other humanoids with minimal alterations. Though it may seem strange, alot of people have desires to transcend the human experience. So it may not be all that strange for Elves light skinned or dark, dwarves, and cat-girls / people to exist in a future world of ours. I would like to add that once we have Artificial Intelligence and eventually Synthetic Intelligence I expect the rates of technological discovery to increase much faster than what we traditionally get done with underfunded ad hoc research of our current society.
  21. Hello, Neo here, formerly Saffi... Anyway heres a plea for some racial and technological differentiation for characters, but also for several character sizes at launch. For launch its pretty well understood that you need to focus on the things that will actually make DU, DU. Over time perhaps you can develop more suits, clothing and so forth, but that's for another thread. For the characters themselves, the ability to scale the size of the characters, even if just some preset ones. In this early stage I'm not asking for a full on editor, but perhaps down the line you could advance the options. My plea for preset options is as follows. For Males and Females a preset height for Tall, Mid, Short, and Small. For males a few options with increased muscular bulk or wider shoulders. For females some options with enhanced tone, possibly stronger thighs on a few builds. This would be really nice to help people with their backstory and feeling their character lines up with what they believe is under the suit. ----------- Everything will come from humans, on earth in our time now, there are people looking for ways to live longer or even forever and to change the appearance of ourselves. As the science advances post human elements will also become more abundant. Humans Kemonomimi's Cyborg attachments. Humans could have a bonus applied to them, many people would play them. If they have a unique trait, along the lines of human charisma it could be as follows. Human Trait: Pays 15% less taxes from their pocket. The money is still generated but the taxee doesnt pay it, the game pulls it from nowhere. No negative trait. Kemonomimi's are basically humans, namely they only seek to alter their appearance, by technological means, from human ears to those of another animal species, and also tails. A few cat ear and tail options, and a few fox / wolf options would cover a majority of interested people. Mimi trait: 15% more action or stamina bar. Negative Trait (Unstable Genetics) -10% stamina regen rate -10% inbound healing Cybernetic attachments could be something that either race, or any other genetic modified humanoid models could use. They'd be one time use or until death, and in which you would then need to go and buy or re-equip your cybernetic part's. Could have a stat limiter, such as you have 2 mod slots, or maybe a different system 100 mod points. Say for instance a single eye mod would cost half as much as a double eye mod and the buff correspond equally. for example. 25 points for a single mod and it give a 5% boost to its stat, 50 points for a double and a 10% boost to whatever stat. Just some ideas. Single Cyborg Eye Double Cyborg Eye Cybernetic Visor Iris implants (no visual just a cybernetic mod) (single or double) Eye's would increase your target acquisition range, but not your actual lock on range. Cybernetic arms, single, double, and synthetic mesh (no graphic just a mod) Arms increase accuracy, and voxelmancy range. Legs same as before single, double, synthetic muscular mesh. Legs increase stamina (dont boost speed it just causes alot of balance issues) Other mods could be made that dont have physical representations, although the above can also exist even without physical representations. This could make a decent economy in game for parts and enhancements. Some other cybernetic part ideas. Nano healing pump - very slowly regens your health, can be activated to drain stamina / energy / food meter, to increase healing speed temporarily. Adrenal / Endorphine pump - activates when low on health, provides a temporary increase in base HP and restores a small amount of stamina Edit: You know, I could be perfectly happy with just humans. So let me make an additional plea if you NQ are thinking of sticking with only humans. If you do come around to making a character creator, these are the things that would please me greatly. Body Scale - not just a height changer, scale the body's proportions. not just a raw height slider, no stretched lanky tall character, no fat short compressed small ones. Hair color editor - for my obvious needs! Heterochromia
  22. Nice work Astro it will be alot of fun. Not to mention some of the goals I have in mind... Emberstone, a big city on alioth for embassies, recruitment, markets, noobie pvp, gambling, and so much more. A shuttle system from Emberstone to several key locations throughout the syndicate at large. Building a ringworld, either a true Huygen style orbital around a planet or possible just some more modest ringworlds, well have to see whats both better looking and practical. Operating and overseeing competetive and organized pvp in various fields. Ground based "battlegrounds", team fights, Team space fights and so forth. Looking forward to meeting new faces, and helping organisations achieve their goals, even if thats to fight each other, but remain friends at the end of the day.
  23. Kongou

    Player Council

    No to a special player council. It detracts from the openness of idea suggestion we currently have. Election will be a popularity vote or forced votes by unhonorable organisations. We don't need people that have no idea about game design and game theory having equal input to professional game developers.
  24. I have a plan for people who get out of line. Were going to have a ship that comes by every once in a while labeled 'free candy' But in reality its going to fly to Captain Twerkmotors slave pens. Thats where we will send the trolls. To the Pirate King.
  25. EVE doesnt even feel like a game, for me I wouldnt be leaving. I will be only starting to play this game. I have tried to play EVE, but you dont play EVE so much as you think about what you are going to do. Click here, click there, you dont exactly fly the ship you just move around. Beyond that the UI in EVE is very unfriendly, cant make the font or bars bigger and you gotta be very specific moving the mouse through the menus to achieve desired results. EVE has some good gameplay ideas and many things that I would enjoy, but EVE and DU are almsot not even competitors. If Infinity: Quest for Earth is still in development, that might be a competitor, but I got tired of checking on their site for news.
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