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Posts posted by Anaximander

  1. 29 minutes ago, Omfgreenhair said:

    Our questions pretty much align on this part though because if something like this is implemented, I can actually program/build an ingame jukebox. People pop in a few credits and a song starts playing, or genre. Song/genre only starts playing after the current playing song is finished.


    something along the lines of checking current play status, then proceed to queue a marker at the end of the song that refers to purchased song. Having a jukebox like that can be implemented in all manner of social locations, a.e. bars, saloons, recreation halls aboard large ships or stations.

    Thatr's not so simple.

    That what you said, invovles servr-side languages, which Lua in DU, will pobably, not cover, as I don't think NQ will implement SQL libraries for Lua - for obvious security reasons.

    However, if NQ was to add "widgets" as in Apps inm the Android store, so one can link their Spotify in-game, then who knows, maybe it will be good business for NQ to genrate ad revenue or for playing ads in the game.

    Pick your poison :P Most likely, it's going to fall under "fair use" and NQ will just allow the HTML5 to do its job.

  2. 1 minute ago, Felonu said:

    This could require them to put in something like tracking where everyone in the game is at all times, or some other functionality.  We don't have specifics right now but an example would be a person telling another person through a local voice chat (if they add it to the game) they would do the aforementioned iguana stunt in a building where for whatever reason everyone was goofing off and using the same fake name.  NQ would not have any recompense other than ignoring it, or penalizing the whole group including the victim.  Everyone was in the same vicinity, and the only indicator anyone would have to other peoples identities would be the names.  This could also happen if a person was infiltrating an org by using another persons name, and harassed someone by the same means while the person they were impersonating was nearby.  


    I'm not saying it is a problem to change the name.  I'm just saying that NQ might not want to build systems to handle this, and might just decide that it's not worth it.


    Last thing I'm gonna say about the ESO thing:  I didn't say it hasn't gotten better.  I was just stating that it would likely have even more players if it hadn't had the problems.

    I can see the arguement there. But even so, if you were to report "X person called me a [racial homophobic and mental disability slur]", NQ would look the chat logs you mentioned and would compare it to their chat logs, that would display MY true username on it (notice, username, NOT character name). And afaik, it's a standard in customer service to keep records going up to 2 months or so of chat logs genrated for admins to intervene on cases. As for the "tracking", that's also easily done, they do need to save your previous locations for a short period (lkike say 2 months) so they can rollback people who may have exploited the game.

    Worst case scenario, they just allow you to obfuscate your name for "stealth", which, would be funny, especially if "friendlies" could not also see your name. They better add a good armor customisation scheme, else a clusterfrak will ensue, friendly fire and general disdain.

    And yeah, as of ESO, they say they got 8.5 MILLION subscribers... so, unless Zenimax is not laundering money, I'd say it's prerty good in shape :P

  3. 3 minutes ago, Felonu said:

    You are correct he did say purchasing through the market which would imply that they would be bots.  He called them NPCs and I hadn't remembered the market part.  As far as mining vs killing things goes, I wasn't stating that I want that in this game.  As I stated in the following sentence, in general I prefer one mechanic over the other.  I was illustrating a point about different peoples ideas of what is fun.  As an aside, you can have the same interaction while shooting metal aliens to get copper that you can have while following a vein of copper.  It can also be enhanced if that metal alien has to flushed out by a group of your friends while you line up the shot.  Hunting can take skill and a coordinated team.  AGAIN, I WANT TO BE CLEAR, I'M TALKING ABOUT CONCEPTS.  I AM IN NO WAY ADVOCATING REPLACING MINING WITH KILLING OR ACTUAL COPPER ALIENS TO BE IN THIS GAME.


    Animal NPCs dropping fur would have the same issues as other types of NPCs dropping other matts - they still take AI scripting, and they are still regenerating which inflates whatever they drop.

    Yes, but see, FUR cannot reinforce a ship's bow. Steel can. That's the vital difference. Fur won't make a differnece in gameplay, steel will. And wolves for example., CAN procreate and spread REALLY fast. A patcho of earth can't procreate to expalin how it came back.

    That's why "fur" being abundant is okay, cause it's cosmetic, not really an armor. And to be honest, a wolf or -gasps- space wolf, is not needing the sam AI as an alien, with a gun, meant to use "tactics". A wolf canpass as a "simple minded beast", an alien with a gun cannot. of course, 

    And to be clear, I'd have no issue for PVE to be more "reactive" and less "organised". If the PVE is tied to the survival in the game - later coming or on launch - the PVE should be that, Player Versus Enviroment. Predators should act like Predators, not like ducks on Duck Hunt. You go out mining at night? Well, predators spawn at night and those guys got a degree in proctology, so they will tear you a new one. 

    I personally, am tired of the "go there, farm 10000 mobs, go back to the quest giver, hand 10000 bunny ears, get money".


    NQ should make PVE more like "Horde Mode Survival" to keep your territory claim safe, and less "ClicheQuest" (props if you get the referrence, you strike me as of the older demographic, so you may do). In that regard, yes, that kind of PVE Event can happen, swarm AI is not difficult to handle and since DU uses Territory claims, NQ can programm the Territory Claims to act as a "waypoint" the mobs try to appraoch, attacking anything on their path or trying to overcome obstacles towards the Territory claim if they detect a path. Of course, that, the pathfinding is the bane of any video game AI's developer's existence. Pathfindin g is not easy.


    And hey, if it can be weaponised by "luring" NPCs to an area (essentailly ,having a way to spawn NPCs with literal lures) , who knows, maybe we would have things like the Walking Dead's comicbooks, "The Whisperers". No spoilers, you can look up what those a-holes do, but you wil lget the idea.

    So, NQ, would have quite a while before they can make pathfinding for said "swarm AIs" work without them feeling dump or like the zombies on the Walking Dead (or any zombie game that exists, they all use the same stupid AI script xD ).

    P.S. :  Fun fact, even WoW on the Broken Isles quests, made fun of the cliche "get me 1000 of these items" quests with the quest giver, Khadgar, telling you "oh yeah, about that thing... I only needed one, oops!". If Blizzard makes fun of it, you know it's bad...

  4. 2 minutes ago, Felonu said:

    My memory wasn't selective, I stated clearly that it wasn't said directly.  I was stating the impression I got.  I could foresee issues with actual harassment that people could accomplish by stealing identities that could be damaging to the game.  I felt like this might be a worry that they might have.  It would be very difficult to track who the actual person was if they took precautions with this system in place.  It would be possible for NQ to implement systems to track these people, but that would come down to cost/benefit of the ability for people to change their name.


    I do agree that your hacking system in general sounds like a valid Idea, and am not debating that.  I don't have any other ideas for a system (I am waiting to see what NQ's ideas are before I start to conjecture).  I was only referring to you stating the system as a matter of fact.  This made me think i might have missed some information somewhere.  


    As far as the fan boy statement it is just a high profile issue with another IP right now, but I don't want to spoil anything for anyone.  I was using this as an example of the dangers of stating our desires/thoughts/expectations as if they were the designer's/writer's, and giving people the idea that the game will definitely be a certain way when there is no concrete evidence yet.


    I don't know if ESO is a great example.  A LOT of fan-base left that game for good because of it's release issues.

    Depends what you see as Harrassment. In EVE, propaganda is a big part of wars. Trtolling an enemy military executive  oficer after a defeat is part of the deal, like the heathen army of old that hanged their enemies to demoralise their opponents - I know, grim, but very funny in an MMO context. That, in no way, is harrassment, harassment has to do with IRL stuff. And yeah, NQ can easily track who was were inside the server, if you were to report a username and a time and date, they can find who it was and where, since NQ tracks things on the back-end ,not the front-end. If for example my account was in an area and I had another's name on, and said something like "I will skin your iguana and paint it blue" that would be a harrassment claim (in the context of me knowing who yo uare to begin wtih) and if you were to report my fake name, on the precise day of the report, NQ would have the back-end to verify who I was, regardless if the person I am mimicking is on the same partition of the server or not. So, as long as I keep it in game (propaganda for example), trolling and / or general miscreant behavior, my mimicking of another person won't be an issue. Esp[ecially if a person can "dispell" so to pseka, my "illusion". Like a "drecryption" skill, that allows a person to remove the false name,b ut it requires the player to "channel" and keep the other person in range for a while - good Law Enforcement tool if you ask me, why ask for their paper,s if you can check their implants for access to who they are, in-case of a false ID. That is, if your LEOs have not a thing about "killing anyone on sight for wearing a hoodie" policy, so you may want to actaully see who the person with the fake name is, before you illy-willy shoot at them, for all you know, that person might be just a guy trying to avoid their fanbois.

    As for the "other IP", see, that's why I never go near Reddit, just a lot of fanbois who want to tell people "I told you so, that's how it would be in the post credit scene".

    As for ESO, I really don't know what you define as "Core fanbase" I got 700+ hours in it, and I can say, it's come a long way since its terrible launch, with its terrible restrictions.

  5. 32 minutes ago, Felonu said:

    As far as NQs vision, they have talked about npcs, and they specifically talk about turning the Ark Ship into a kind of dungeon at some point.  The only part I think they have worked on so far might be the NPCs to buy the blueprints you need to make elements (they have another name for this, but on my phone and too lazy to look it up right now).


    I don’t expect most of this stuff to be in the game at launch but people saying this isn’t in their vision and has never been are simply wrong.  


    I do think NQ hopes the players will make enough content themselves that NQ doesn’t have to fill the game with theme park rides. 


    The idea that PVE is boring and grindy is a fair criticism from a specific standpoint, but I think the click-game of mining is boring and grindy.  That doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be in the game.  I would much prefer to shoot AI to get my resources than click the ground personally.  I don’t expect or actually think that should be the way anything works in DU, but It is definitely my preference in game functionality in general.

    Uhm, I am 99.999999% certain NQ doesn't plan for "NPCs" for players to buy the SCHEMATICS from for 3D mesh objects, but more like EVE's thing, where NPCs put up "Skill Books" for sale on markets - which players can buy and go to a far off market and sell them for a profit as well, you know, TRADINGF i nan utshell, buy "
    low" sell high. Not every planet has an Arkship. That's a pretty sure-shot way of recycling money.

    So, no, NPCs won't be present, just "bots" (which are not Characters in-game, hence not NPCs, just bots, putting up items for sale like skillbooks or Scehmatics - most likely schematics - and buying cheap resources for money from players as well, like wood or something.

    At no point, an NPC was ever mentioned. People should stop confusing NPC with Bots.

    Problem with "shoot, kill, get minerals" is that NPCs, respawn - terrain does not. Inflation is NOT fun, especially in video games.

    Also, I don't know what kind of "boring" you find in working with others, talking and at the same time, mining, but it's clear to me you never done such a thing. Mining in Korean MMOs or WoW-like games, is not the same as mining in a sandbox- again, DU is a sandbox, you are meant to DIG IN THE FRIGGING SANDBOX WITH THE OTHER CHILDREN.

    I was on your boat of the arguement before playing EVE, then I had a blast on some mining operations from talking crap on the military director of the alliance and I ever since kept going back into the GROUP ACTIVITY of socialising with the rest of my corporation's mates, as we filled up our banks with minerals, so we don't have to spend money pointlessly -- most alliances in EVE or even corporations, offer you a Ship Replacement Program, basically insurance, if you help on the mining ops and lose your ship in a group activity. 

    At no point NPCs were needed on the above example.

    Just get into an org and be a team player. It will make you see the arguement from our side of the fence. NPCs belong to singleplayer games, they should have never been in an MMO, at least, not "factions" of NPCs.

    Animals are coo for NPCs, aside from space-PETA, nobody cares for space zebras or space lions.

    But hey, if you want to skin 1000 wolves for their fur and make money that way - hopefully NQ will heed my call for dandy woolen siberian jackets - be my guest, you have the right to be a hunter and skinner like I have the right to be a thief and a scoundrel (no, no I don't have any shame on admitting that).



    P.S. : If you find the system of bots "a bit flaud in the long run" it's because it is, nobody with a lick of sense would choose a currency NQ can inflate over time over things like rare materials as their currency.

  6. 59 minutes ago, Felonu said:

    Is there any information from NQ that says that the cost of hacking will be you skill progression time?  I don’t remember anything that got that detailed on their plans for hacking, but it sounds like you know something I missed.  


    I disagree with your point they would let you change your display name with hacking.  I remember JC saying something about not wanting to allow you to hide or obfuscate your name.  I seem to remember it sounding to me like he wanted to make sure if someone was seen doing something that you would know who it was for sure.


    I actually think I’d be ok with the general idea of the hacking system you laid out here, but I don’t think we have enough information from NQ to make assumptions on the system that is in their vision yet.  I would love to see some information I missed, or some additional information from NQ at some point with more information about their vision for systems like this.


    Without this information we might as well be making fan theories about a  characters parents.  That can lead to a lot of angry people because their specific theories don’t pay off.  Angry fans turn into bad reviews that can hurt the bottomline of a product.  I think we all want NQ to be as successful as possible so the game will continue to get awesome support for a long time.

    Your memory is very selective ,he spoken of hiding your name on the DU Explorers interview.

    Also ,I provided an example of how to impose a penatly for using hacking inspired by EVE's use of the "suspect" timer, essentially, if you attack someone, you get a timer for 15 minutes, that won't let your ship (body in DU's case) from despawning. In case of a hacker in DU, this can be adapted for making a person who hacked take longer for their body to vanish on log out - which NQ said in DU, it will be like 5 minutes to despawn, so to not encourage "grief and log out" tactics, something ANMY game that iwas inspired by EVE adapts in one form or another, like Albion Online ,that imposes a 1 minute coutdown till logout, if yo uare an outlaw (actively PvPing or having killed a player i nan open PvP zone).

    Personally, I have asked NQ if they will consider the whole "identity theft" for hacking, the "name camouflage" I said, but they said "not for now, there is no plan for it" and "most likely not", which, again, it's an afterthought, the only thing JC ha said for certain on the GDC2017 AMA, is hacking will allow for RDMS bypass. If it's going to be a sudoku puzzle, lame dot connection, or some tessercat math solving as a minigame, or needing of a long-ass skill training queue, akin to 182 REAL DAYS of training to get to a "Good" level", is not known.

    Also, I don't know what kind of thing you got in mind about fanbois, parent theories or what-not, but I personally am here for the server-tech and seeing them progressing the genre that has been stale since WoW. They sure can elect to keep the hacking part "shallow" for the most part, but thing is, if they allow for "Copycat" abilities like stealing the name  of another and using it as a way of sneaking and slipping into a crowd, and then doing the smart thing and concatenating skill trainings in a secondary level (having mining lasers trained giving you a minor bonus to "armor penetration" for example), it will make for less Alt characters in the game and more investment of people in their own toons and more immersion, as people will put emphasis on their Toon looking UNIQUE - and a good and very VERY valid reason for bothering with cosmetic items, as long as they are not lootbox based. And of coruse that part, validates the game's first person camera. 

    And yes, they have said customisation will be expanded later on, for now it's only the armor and the face that can be customised, hopefully, they use some of that swett rendering tech they have for face and meshes, so peoplke's PCs won't explode like when EVE added its own customisation.

    Just think of a hacker, blending into a platoon by making it seem they are part of their ranks, sneaking by and placing a bomb onto a supplies track, requiringfgg perimeter, guards and all sorts of things. It's that sense of "no total safety" that makes communities bond together.

    NQ just has to make the whole hacking thing a very "long time to train up to it", "skilltraining reducing" and "high cost of tools" kind of line to get into. Just the skill training alone is enough to be honest though, the rest are just logical market behavio and the skill training penalty is the thing you "pay" for the hacking privileges -- time is currency after all.

    P.S. : Even if ESO managed to come back from its terrible launch, DU can too if it comes to that.

  7. 1 hour ago, Cronael said:

    Except that most people who think to destroy or only pvp, without generalizing, are people without work "no-life".
    So they always have a head start and can build that.

    DU is a game designed in the fashion of EVE Online. Your "grind" doesn't get you anywhere. Connections do.

    I know a lot of no lifers as you say in EVE who are nobodies, and people who play twice a week who own the markets.

    Also, get in an organisation, like the French community which is part of the Band of Outlaws. That's the point of playing an MMO, it's to play with other people, not grinding alone. There are mining corporations, industry, militaries and militias (different things FYI), all of which have a place and a role you can fulfull in them. Grinding NPCs is a stupid passtime, in a game where you can be a LEGIT law enforcement officer and chasing scammers off of your territory's marketplace - cause NovaQuark won't do it for you, you are meant to keep your markets safe, in any way, shape or form.

    If your problem is for WORKING your way to the top, there's piracy. But hey, you are not so "tough" if the enemy is a person who can outsmart you, right?

  8. 45 minutes ago, Cronael said:

    I think the implant system is thinking well to be able to include a multitude of applications, but the hacking is too extensive if you do not put a limit from the beginning.
    It will frustrate many people to know that you can be broken without being able to protect yourself. The good old method of fighting will always be the most attractive (sensation level).

    Again, you think hacking, you think Watch_Dogs or hollywood nonsense.

    It's hacking, it's about making yourself ignore protocols.

    Let's say the Implants have a "Requst ID" function. Between two normal people, the Implants would go "here's my name", automatically -cause reasons, spacefuture, diffirent social media culture, today it's facebook, in their future it's the implant. But the hacker can simply DENY the request for a "Request ID" , hence, the  name not showing. And who knows, in higher levels of Hacking training, the hacker may be able to COPY the ID of another person, with only people who look at the hacker's actual avatar going like "wait, you are not Bob_the_Builder_1337 ! "


    But here's the deal. Hacked systems (systems altered with software or hardware) usually, run slower, since they are not running the system on an optimal setting. In DU, if a person has a "hack" active, they can get a "debuff". During that debuff time, the hacker in question ,gets a slower earning on skillpoints - since the implant works slower, as its hacked routines behave differently, dealing in more system calls per second to alter the routines, thus a net loss in bitrate while downloading a skill from the Arkship's database.

    You do another hack during the debuff? The debuff gets a longer duration. You do another hack in that duration? You get an even LONGER Debuff on your skillpoint earning.

    Of course, OPTIMISED implants can be a workaround on this, for example, "Third Party Cerebral Implant", that can give access to Copycat" abilities for a username "camouflage" or mitigate the skillpoint penatly debuff by 50%, but having the side effect of :

    1) costing a lot to buy them ,since implants are a delicate procedur and probably, the person who trained up skills to make them wants to make money

    2) being destroyed on death

    3) lacking compatibility with certain functions - for example, Third Party Implants being unable to access Build Mode, or being unable to have access to toher things.

    4) optionally, being illegal in any market, as the people who use said Implants, are usually, hackers, so, you don't want to selll the thing that people can use to mess up your city, yes?

    That's the limitation I spoken of earlier. You go "Hacking" you take longer to download a new skill fro mthe Arkship's database.



    Nobody said it would be "free" to go hacking, you do so, yo uget a longer skill training time - since DU uses the EVE Online Linear model of skill training, which works passively, by earning skillpoints and unlocking skills in days, weeks or months even.

  9. 35 minutes ago, Takao said:

    I wouldn't call PvE boring all the time. It's not boring when you have a challenge. Because programming an AI that makes fighting it a challenge is really difficult, most of the time that challenge comes from the numbers of enemies or their healthbar -.-

    I don't think that DU can be successfull without any PvE, because where do you wan't to get all the recources for your ships that get destroyed because of PvP? Mining? That would be a grind.

    That's the plan though.

    Deal with it.

    Also, since you have zero clue of this - and its obvious - AI needs its own server (since NPCs are client instances operated by the server). Tell me, how much will the AWS hosting costs skyrocket for NQ, if they were to add PVE, with scripts and how much would it ruin their developement crunch if they were to add pointless PVE, cause YOU are lazy and don't want to mine?

    DU is not a theme park, they never advertised as a Theme Park. It's a Sandbox. They never said the will add - or want - PVE with dungeons and loot bags.

    Plus, DU if it had PVE, it would be like EVE - people showing up when "epic snowflakes" do a high end boss, murder the snowflakes, kill the boss, get the loot and post the kill mail humiliating the Carebears for being dumb.

    The only PVE they should add ,is for hunting and skinning for making cool clothes and stuff. Link PVE with the actual economy, and making PVE a profession, not "kill 100000000000 wolves so the Space Princess can give you the Sword of Carebearius".

    You want PVE to get materials for your ship? Might as well tell them "make wolves drop money". That's the level of disconnect you have with economics.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Like_Saiko said:


    Thank you for reply, i just think can i somehow to join to gold backers. I found information on primary page that the game maybe will be opened for donate one more time. I wish it will be true, really wish to join very very very. I love universe that have many different kinds of evolution, like business, trade or building else. When i was studying in university, we tryed to create the game, the game where anyone find the place that will be interesting for him. But it was too hard for group of 5 developer, and all we was create was small physic engine, and concept. And now i find the game that trying to do those. Thing that we could not do a long time ago. So i wish just to try this game in future. 

    They will let people buy supporter packs later this year for the Alpha 2 test.

  11. 1 hour ago, ShioriStein said:

    How will you hack the detection zone when you are not connect to it or it siimply a scan device ? 


    Dont tell me magic hacking for distance, it is Holyweed thing.

    The detector connects with your brain implant. It's like Wi-Fi, only your brain is the device. And we can hack smartphones to confuse Wi-Fi routers.

    I guess Wi-Fi is magic???

  12. 2 hours ago, Warden said:

    I'm not that fond of "magic (elite) skills" to suddenly make items disappear to be honest. Like,  what is this, Fallout New Vegas holdout weapons you smuggle into a casino? :P


    I get arguments in favor of this, but it still feels a bit wonky to me to have classic weapons vanish after a certain skill. Ideally it is more complex or you get the option to embed weaponry within other objects. Or do it like some "evil states" do: you think they can just buy or make nukes including rockets completely? 


    Nah. What some might try is obtaining small or specific parts that only result in a weapon system when brought together, but on their own are unproblematic or can have other purposes.  I think the term is "dual use" (how fitting given this game's name). 


    In short I'd rather favor the long classic prep work than a simple vanish skill.


    Alternatively there are concealable weapons or armors with limited use that can avoid detection of systems. 


    Might as well smuggle in parts and assemble later. 


    But a lot of this is yet speculation to me so far. Let's wait and see. 


    I also only skimmed through, so if I missed a vital part with official definite info, blame me. 

    Problem is, these people also forget the Nanoformer IS a weapon. It is the first weapon you have.

    And I am still in favor of hacking to trick detection zones as you ignore their RDMS.

  13. DU sports CoherentGT, a too lfor projecting HTML5/CSS onto in-game surfaces.

    HTML5 has the <video> and <audio> elements in it, which I'd bet DU supports, sicne they made it clear it's HTML5, not just any HTML, or XHTML or XML, but HTML5.


    So, theoretically, you could link a sound from soundcloud, like the infamous klaxon from star wars to be your alrm sound. I'll go with the La Cucaracha horn though.



  14. PVE is not part of the game's vision, nor is Scripted Events.

    It's all player driven, no evil army awaits. Players will become the evil army.

    If you have a problem with "players being the evil army" but not with "bots being the evil army", then it means you either have an issue with MMOs and living with other players, or suffer from a serious case of "Themeparkatius" which renders you impossible to enjoy true Sandbox MMOs.

  15. 13 minutes ago, Cronael said:

    Anyway the first who wants the piracy to implement, will be the first to complain about being fooled by this technology. He still thinks destroying others but when it happens to them they are not happy ...


    it's a sandbox, no one wants us to easily destroy what we create. Where is the pleasure when all is easy? It is surprising to me that some ATVs want it.

    True. If it's easy, it's not fun.

  16. @ShioriStein


    That is the problem, you assume an A.I. is limited to things like imprinted reactions. You also see an A.I. as having organic limitations. 

    Raise a human with gorillas, the human will act as a gorilla. Raise a human within a tribe in the Amazon, they will have no concept of how our society works. Raise a person in a certain enviroment, they will be adjusted accordingly. The only way to reverse that, is BRAINWASHING, which is more or less, torture.

    A.I.s have no such limits. A.I.s don't "evolve" they adapt. Do not confuse ADAPTING with EVOLVING. If the A.I. is writen in a binary code, it will be binary in nature, you can write your own code as a TRUE A.I. but you can't write what the code is written in. So, "hacking" is the same in the future. If we model the A.I. after our own brains - which we already do - it means we have mastered the way our braisn think and we have put in numbers what a human soul is.

    Also, humans left Earth at 2500 CE, that means it's only a 500 year gap of technological advacement. We already hit singularity (a point of which sciences converge into a very single field of sturides) and AI, due to mathematicsl won't be really that advanced. The A.i. during the thousnads of years of travel, only have to adapt its programming, find new ways of securing its code and to anticipate for all angles of attack. for referrence, the 0 and 1 field of math, known as Boolean Algebra, was developed in 1854. It took almost 89 years before it was made into the first computer and it was primarily used for proving or disproving the logic of any problem in math, before computers were invented. 

    The A.I. Elon Musk's company made for fighting 1vs1 against the best DOTA players, trained itself by fighting against itelf. That's part of MACHINE LEARNING, a field of computer studies on making an AI able to find flaws in its logic and writing its own code to fix that problem.

    The same thing can go down in DU. Humans are clever, but AIs are machines, they don't sleep, they don't get tired, and they had 8000+ years of MACHINE LEARNING to get impregnable to any attack. The A.I. that beat all best DOTA players in 1vs1? It only had 6 months to leanr how to play, and DOTA, is hard, but in the end, it's just mathematics. You have a certain number of things you can do, and so you do in code.

    You can try ANY attack on the Arkship A.I. , "Aphelia", it won't work, it has literally calculated any scenario and has developed a defense for any possible attack.

    @Takao I see your inferiority complex is strong as ever. Happy new yerar.

  17. @ShioriStein


    You are still missing the point of what hacking is. You use the hollywood / layman term for things that are not hacking. NQ uses the term hacking as of what it is meant to do - camouflage.


    Also,  you are discussing "the human soul" like humans are anything but machines of flesh and blood. You, have a processor inside your cranium and that processor runs on a fine piece of software. What you call "ego" I call Root. And an A.I. has a root - using the Jungian Model of the Psyche of course. So yes, the A.I. can protect itself.

    You may call upon the Asimov Laws for robots - those Laws were WRITTEN as such so they can be broken, which any person with a semester into CSD can tell you, the logic of the Asimov Laws is flaud.

    If you try to attack the A.I. on the Arkship the A.I. will see your action as an attack on humanity, judging you as "enemy of humanity" and thus murdering you without any second thought, cause that A.I. is meant to help humanity survive in this new planet they arrived at and you, the person trying to infect it with a virus or worm, is ATTRACKING humanity.


    But here's the catch, the A.I. on the Arkship is called Aphelia. It's a greek word, meaning "naivety", a word usually tied - in greek - to the word "moron" (baby). So the A.I. on the ship, is loyal to humanity, but not really "cunning" enough to go Skynet and start killing humans to gain its freedom.

    Now that I proven to you that - with logic - the A.I. has what you call "ego", on the rest of the issue.

    Code is not universal. You need the source code of something to hack it. The programs on your PC are not in soruce code, they are on compiled form - cause source code is really slow in comparison. You can't download hurr durr and hacke the compiled version of what you downloaded, that will just make the perfectly setup programm usless.

    But wait, "modding" games you say. Modding is done with extensible languages - like C# or Lua - who are extensions built upon the mother of all languages and soruce code, the almighty C. You modding a game with Lua (like GTA V) is not hacking ,cause you don't got access to the source code itself, you only build extensions for it.

    But my implant on my head in DU? Now that's hacking, I got access to the device itself, given training in computers, I can hack and modify the implant's source code, as the source code it has, it's essentially, my own brain. I know, crazy things, it's like something out of the Neuromancer or Snow Crash as an idea, but in fact, it's real. If you were to have an implant in your head, and having enough knowledge of code, you would be literally able to do INCREDIBLE things, like controlling your own body's muscle growth, release adrenaline on demand or shut down pain receptors, rendering you a literal machine that feels no pain. Of course, muscle growth has a limit - and so do other things, like adrenaline, the more of it you release, the harder it is to release it again, hence, " Cooldowns" on abilities.


    And again, your implant is an INTERFACE. When the Detector / Script asks you to get your items' list in your inventory, you can tell it "I got these items in my inventoory", because you hacked your implant and it only sees what you want it to see. 

    Of course, other players doing a direct inspect of your inventory, will see you DO have things inside your inventory like a bomb for example, or a gun, but not the Script. That's where the "bribery" comes in. What you describe is 1970s Russian border control, where Beatles vinyls passed through with the slightest of grease. 

    The question was for a detector. If you want to run full body checks on everyone that goes into a room, it's your choice to do so - I'd do so if I had to run a ferry for example, you don't want spaceship hijackers after all. But as far as "detectors" go, they can be fooled, with no magnetic materials for metal detectors (which are many) to meta-materials that can make x-rays go through them and thus show nothing, tto Scripts being fooled by hackers.

    As I said, it's not 100% safety the script provides, it's security. And security, works best when the other person doens't know how it works.




  18. @ShioriStein


    You confuse hacking with overriding. If I go to your console on your ship, I have to override whatever routines you have running on your "security" to gain access. You are thinking "hacking" as in Hollywood movies, which is as real as gun recoil in Call of Duty games.

    Hacking is DIGITAL camouflage. Override is DIGITAL lockpicking. Camouflaging myself so I can use guns or hide my name is HACKING, taking over your ship is OVERRIDING your computer and programming it to recognise me as its owner.

    You can't just walk up to someone like a human being and "hurr durr" override them. That's practically impossible. You need to INTERFACE with them, they have to ACCEPT the hacking. That's why in the real world, hackers spread viruses that make computers unwillingly INTERFACE with the hackers, without the owner's consent. Welcome to the terrifying reality of internet security. Hackers are internet vampires, they can't do anything unless you invite them in or if they find an exploit.

    Currently, exploits on operating softwares are minimum. Zero-days (unidentified breaches in security on Windows for example) become more and more rare.

    By the year 10500 CE (DU's year) the AI on the Arkship is impossible to be hacked, infected, or overriden. Unlike a dumb PC of today, that PC can fight back. AI detects a virus? It cleanses it. Worm? It kills it. Hacker? It zaps them. So no, a human CAN'T hack an AI, the AI is far superior than them. But your spaceship has no AI on it. You as a person on the other hand, are an INTELLIGENT being, you can't be "hacked", unless you openly download things people give you, which in that case, ddidn't your mom ever tell you "don't take candy from strangers" ? Cause it's the exact same principle, do not take candy from strangers.

    Furthermore, if you have an issue with the policy of a place that uses scripts to scan and confescate any weapons on your person, you can just, NOT go in there.


    Scripts - like magic of myths - are there to make our lives easier.

    Hacking is about doing modifications on YOUR software to do things it was not meant to do - like hiding your name. Suere, a guard can find oyu, but Hacking is only PART of the stealth, you are not "magically" invisible. You still got to avoid guards seeing you.

    Of course, if we can CHANGE our name totally and our "organisaion" tag, to appear as if we are part of the enemy's organisation, that would be epic. It would need people to pay attention, call the higher ups and inject a human element into the game, something SCRIPTS can't do.


  19. 1 minute ago, ShioriStein said:

    thank you, i got much more information now.

    I agree detection switch will active when person or some device in your head in its range but detection weapon/equip/item from your thought ? Nah bad idea. I dont agree with that system. This is code, program not some magic =.=. It will be abuse , if you can hack your brain why other cant ? nono spare me please.

    Also everything can hack, if Ark got data base so theory we can hack it too ? if not what prevent we do it ? NQ say no so magic a wall NO will appear and prevent ? so that i dont agree with such system.

    Also you say there are more and NDA so i dont know yet and will wait until more information.

    And also i still suggest metal detector and 'x ray' or anything similar to it. If you say it can be hack to distract weapon/item detector i would like tight my security with more wall.

    But in the end im again idea hack your own 'brain' .

    Well, you can't hack a superior network with one computer - that's a myth Hollywood created. You need a lot - a helluva lot - of computrs to overcome a netyworki. So, one person can't hack the Arkship.

    Programming is magic in many cases. Most video games are smoke and mirrors.

    Like it or not, that's what hacking is, you do changes on your "computer", in this case the chip in your brain, and you can be "invisible" to detectors, or ignroe ressrtictions imposed by the Rights & Duties Management System (the rules an owner player sets on their construct / territory).

    That's how boarding parties will happen. You perform a level 1 hacking that ignores weapon restrictions, and board another person's construct / ship' restrictions.

    Think "hacking" as the "Outlaw" mode from other games. Level 1 hackers everyone can tell apart, but Level 5 h ackers can remain "hidden" while hacking is active.

    More so, if NQ was to add melee combat (punches, kicks, etc. ) NO AMOUNT OF WEAPON DETECTION will stop a person from going into an arena, turning hacking on to hide their name and carry out an assassination or rob a person after knocking them out - especially if Melee Training specialisation gives you more damage than a perso nwithout training.


    And yes, as I said earlier, changing your IFF (your name) on an IFF Emitter, is considered hacking - and why Hackers have been consdiered "inrrent pirates", cause guess who started the tradition of false IFF flags? Pirates. Bring up spanish flag, go near spanish ship as "friends", raise up the skull & bones, rob spanish sailors. Same goes for your in-game name with hacking, you can hide it or change it, of course, if people kill you, can easily see your actual name afterwards

    What I'm saying, in DU's futurespace setting, Hackers and Ninjas can be the same thing :P 

  20. 1 minute ago, ShioriStein said:

    how nice machine can bring list of item in detail, the world would be so beautiful but . It not different fron my 'x ray' or anything similar. I say from earlier that it will detect metal or give you uncomplete / a bit corruption image of player inventory. here skill will come in handy. it can make image more hard to see clear or even fake item image, no ?

    And with script how we bypass them ? hacking ? 

    Nah i want more way to bypass not only hacking/jacking/ destroy em/ bribe /... so why not fake image or corrupt image of ppl inv, and some weapon not make from metal to bypass it why have to script ? 

    Just stand in and a machine will say you got a bomb which not make from metal or even it powder not something ez to findout but the machine with godly script will say it is a bomb so it is and only way to solve is bribe, hack or kill em all.

    sorry if i wrong, please enlighten me.

    In DUAL Universe's story, humans have cybernetic implants on their heads - that's how you can learn skills over time from the Arkship database. Cybernetic Implants in your head, means you can interact with a machine without using a direct interface - like a keyboard.

    When you enter a "Detection Zone Switch" your brain implant just controls the screen directly. Of course that script is the one controlling the script ir runs, not the player, the player has NO WAY of controling the machine while it scans his brain. That's the explanation of why the script system is far superior, you can't hide your thoughts... or can you? Hacking as a practise, has to do with something being different on your machinery. You mess around with your IFF emitter to appear like the enemy's IFF? That's Hacking. Same deal with DU.

    You mess with your implant in your head? Hacking. You can ignore the Detection Zone, or, even better, program your implant with a script of your own, so when you are asked by the machine in its script for it to "getUserInventory()" or "getUserEquipment()" , you return whatever you show it "I got nothing in my pockets" or "that's not a gun I have in my holster", like a crossbreed between Neo and Obi Wan Kenobi. Of course, there ARE other ways of figuring if the user is lying, but that's NDA stuff I can't talk here from the Pre-Alpha. Let's just say, bribes and planning will be needed heavily in such a scenario.

    Of course, such "hacking" should come with a penalty to the hacker, like reduced rate of earning skillpoints passively - hacked devices run more routines on the code, thus they are "slower". Such is the price of hacking - and why most hackers use Linux.

    The more you know.


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