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Everything posted by Anaximander

  1. @Wardion2000 I don't get it bruh.
  2. @Dominar Well , where's will, there's a way. (or the other way around) If they allow for such thing, I'll build it myself,
  3. If mechas are possible in the game, they should make one and let a clip of it on the internet. Boom, market is hooked.
  4. Is crowdfunding gonna be a kickstarter or early access?? O.o Cause I would take kickstarter over early access O.o
  5. WCornflakes Perhaps the "safe" will be only placeable in your house. Or at least, make picking house locks impossible, or if you pick locks, making you go red-name like you commited PK. Who knows, we'll have to wait.
  6. @Cornflakes JC Baillie said the game would be based in "physics". So, who knows. Empyrion is based in physics and yeah, damage on voxels is hilarious.
  7. I am to assume correctly, I should say "G'Day to you too sir". >_>
  8. @AttacKat Wanna bet there will be a Carebear Police in the game? Guys who wanna PvP, but also suffer from the White Knight syndrome? I know so, I used to roam my open PvP server in WoW and Age of Conan, looking for known a-holes to put down. Plus, players could create their own "safe ones" by implementing defenses in space stations, like I said on another thread, "the world's greatest tower defense game". There are means to maintain a safe zone. For starters, in EVE, PvE players usually just run away from PvP players. Same thing could be done here. You don't wanna fight? Then don't. You are not honorbound to PvP. You won't lose your mancard if you don't fight. But the way I see it, organisations/cities/what-have-you will have PvP players in their ranks to act as an army of sorts or militia and the PvE players could do their own thing. But let's face the harsh truth. I seen many PvE players getting a taste of PvP and realising it's not some arcane art. The problem is not PvP, is mindless PK from a multiboxer. Safe zones did not protect players in EVE in high security areas from smart bombings or suicide runs. And magic fields of no PvP will ruin the freedom the game offers. But let's stay on topic of Multiboxing and how Pay-2-Win it is.
  9. @Neopolitan What do you bet people will attempt to reverse engineer some blueprints? Give a new paintjob and voila! No good sir, this is a legit iPhone!" "But the apple is facing the wrong way and it says iFon on the back-side." "Absurd good sir! It's totally not a nock-off." Good times xD
  10. Well, if ships have physical storage, or at least "loot crate" storage, and ships can be destroyed and salvaged, it's safe to assume that players are going to be treated like thus. The game has no "legendary items" logic behind it, or "soulbound" items. Your guns and gear are made by players, so if you get killed and looted, you can always rebound back from it. And having a lootable system in check would make the game's [player-made cities and homebase logic quite sound, as you can't be travelling packed to the brim with items in your inventory. Which circles back to what I was saying. Make AMMO count in your inventory. Make it a compromise even when it comes to upgrading your gear, some players acting like impromptu medics by carrying extra medical items, so the "soldiers" can carry more ammo on their person. Sure, the game doesn't go for an FPS model of combat, but having weapons ammunition would certainly give birth to tactics and lgoistics. Otherwise it will be just a click-fest tab-target, but with ammunition being depletable, it would make up for that. And I would take depletable ammunition for a tab-targeting game, isntead of "endless ammo coming out of my ass" logic like WoW.
  11. WWarden Well, they are considering it. If they want the game to be working with subscription, I can't see it having survivail. It will make PK for food a part of the game. And nobody wants that shit. PvP ? Sure. But pack-mentality for survival will turn people off the game.
  12. @vylqun Amen brother. These hardcore boyscout RPers man... ruining games with their survival nonsense.
  13. This game is NOT survival. It's an MMORPG. It's not Empyrion. Food and water is a choir. You know what game has the least playerbase? A SURVIVAL yame. Why? Cause it's a shitty genre for MMO. You make PK a core element, not a choive. Having food and water is NOT fun. It's a choir, a hardcore element for single player games. Dual is NOT Empyrion. Empyrion hws goals of servers with 100 people. Dual is aiming much much higher. And to bash the message through your ''hardcore playah'' skull'', Dual is going to have paid suscription. The devs won't add food to that. Why? CAUSE IT TAKES TIME OFF THE CUSTOMER'S PLAYTIME.
  14. @Yamamushi It seems to me you are saying that I can go in a playground and kick the shit out of every little kid there. Sure, it's not something logical, nor was intended for when the playground was built, nor fair I picked a fight with a little kid, but ain't playgrounds supposed to be a place for everyone to enjoy themselves? Klatu Satori defined the nature of a sandbox accurately. WoW is not a sandbox Yamamushi, and people multibox. Your arguement on that is invalid. And I only condemn "pack-behavior" multiboxing, one guy controlling a drone fleet of accounts for instant death focus fire.
  15. Well, the thing about procedural generation is it's like opening a random loot-box in a game. You can either get the next Eden, or the next Detroit.
  16. @Fitorion Indeed. Merchant ship raids will be a norm (like in EVE) so having bank heists will be like giving the cage-keys to the sharks. If ships are not raidable, then what's the point of an MMO sci-fi, trading and building game? If ships are not destroyable and mtrading has no risks, what then? Everyone goes PvP and the game dies in 2 months time upon release? There's a reason people still play EVE. It's ebbing and flowing as far as emergent gameplay goes. My idea still stands though. Go to a planet, park your ship in a hangar, put your goods up on the local trading terminal (linking to your storage space) and then go to work/do choirs around the house and come back to see how much money you've made. A similar thing happened in Lineage 2. You went to a city, then acted like a merchant NPC, a command feature in the game, putting prices on your goods-for-sale and going pretty much AFK. It's an awesome system for traders to use.
  17. @Tnecniw Don't be silly. You don't name a ship Mjolnir, that's so cliche. Call the ship Eel-ohim. (Get it? Electic Eels )
  18. @vylqun Our Lord and Savior, Rainbow Dash, approves.
  19. @WilksChekov Asteroids won't be the only way to mine. I'm talking planets here, planets will be a literal point of contest due to the resources being present. Sure, asteroids could have rare elements on them, like rhenium, but not for them to be the only way to mine. Cause EVE mining is boring. Perhaps in DU you can send guys on E.V.A. and let them drill the asteroid manually, as they would do on a planet O.o
  20. Well, that opens up the lucrative profession of smuggling stuff. Territorial control could mean fees on your products or taxes. Yarrr harr harr I say to thee.
  21. Ah, I see. So you travel to a planet, set up the terminal there and leave your goods INSIDE the terminal to be sold. Now I get it.Well, in THAT meaning of the word "remote" selling of goods, I can stand behind. But no WoW magic mailboxes. You auctioned for something and won? You get a notification mail of your successful bid, but not the item. Them space gas stations are going to be shitting gold I tell you.
  22. So much cognitive dissonance. On one hand remotely purchasing items would negate merchant ships. But on the other hand... travelling. But then again, in any MMO, there's a trading hub. But then again hubs tether you. Unless you build a self-sustained ship, that can process anything and produce anything, from fuel to repair parts. Then you are solid to go lone wolf.
  23. Unless it's an "auction" type of vending machine, I don't see why it should store what you bought. And please, no mail boxes. It will make starships and people who wanna play traders obsolete.
  24. Well, merchants players that don't like to actively PvP can act as supply ships, while leaving the possibility of auxiliary ships on PvP that can mine asteroids and manufacture ammo on the fly. The point is, the game is not advertised as Survival. If it did, yes, I would argue on food and water be a vital part, but since it is not focued there, food and water shouldn't matter. Plus ammo count and fuel count should act as a logistics tool for people who want to go explore. If you have endless ammo and fuel, that makes exploration a waste of time from point A to B, while with ammo count and fuel count, it transforms it into an adventure.
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