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Posts posted by Moosegun

  1. 2 hours ago, Kruzer said:

    I doubt "it's not the rapist fault he's a rapist". Or, "the pretty girl shouldn't have been walking alone" are very solid moral or legal defenses.

    You do realise we are talking about pirates here? Pirating doesnt need legal defence, it is illegal by definition.  Go watch pirates of the Caribbean, you will get the jist. This is a game?  also you are massively exaggerating my suggestion.  All it would mean is that some locations would become know potential hot spots for pirates, so those systems might require scouting or security - it creates gameplay for pirate, haulers that dont mind teamwork / risk and security.  Even then you might get lucky and warp into safe zone anyway, just a little bit of risk, in the outer planets.

  2. 4 hours ago, Olmeca_Gold said:

    Here are a bunch of ways people can abuse this system presented in the devblog:


    Method 1: Making it mechanically impossible to complete the mission.


    - Abuser issues the mission. Puts something of low value in it (e.g. 1 L of quarts).
    - Assigns a very high collateral and reward to it.

    - Innocent hauler accepts it.

    - Abuser scoops the mission container, kill its construct, or does whatever else it takes to mechanically make it impossible to finish the mission.

    - Mission fails, abuser gets the collateral in exchange of 1 L of quartz.


    Solution: Add "if something happens to the mission containers" rule to cases in which the mission is voided.


    Method 2: Camping the mission destinations. 


    - The same steps as above. Except in the 4th step, the abuser(s) will select a PvP space construct as either origin or the destination. They will then camp it for both free kills and also the collateral money.


    Solution: Unfortunately I suggest an elimination of Space Stations in PvP space as mission origins or destinations.


    Method 3: Contracting extremely massive or high volume stuff.


    - The same steps as above. Except in the 4th step, the abuser(s) will issue the mission for impossibly heavy or large stuff.


    Solution: The mass/volume of the stuff should be not only revealed, but also sortable on the Job Forum for the contractor runner quality of life.  


    Not only that, but hauling contents shouldn't be really be hidden from the mission runner. I am sure there are more abuses waiting to happen around this that I am missing.


    My 2 Cents:


    Taking contracts from Eve and calling them missions is highly misleading for both your existing players and for new players (even your shareholders). These aren't missions. If you call them missions post-beta, the new players will be disappointed when they begin doing them after they hear there are missions in DU and buying the game.


    Contracts are great to have in DU. They have greater potential than Eve as well. One thing that doesn't exist for example is a "kill" contract for a specific ship. That can be achieved in DU with modifications to the RDMS system plus adding the type to the contracts.


    Friendly Note:


    These are all very grave issues that are also easy to predict. For the love of god, please hire a designer with extensive knowledge of Eve history and mechanics to avoid issues arose in that game. You don't have to reinvent the wheel with each feature. You can even hire me as a remote feature consultant for 1000 euros a month :P.

    You do realise that the missions are optional and you will know the location, so you will know if you are going into pvp space or not.  So it is up to you if you want to take that risk?  People have brains, like in real life, you can choose to get an Uber or just jump in a cab outside the venue that sort of thing.  If people make stupid choices, are some point they will have to start paying consequences.

  3. 9 minutes ago, k3rmit said:

    Player-driven police force doesn't make sense - it would be unprofitable


    SORRY really not a good enough, you dont even have a clue how much it will cost but you dismiss it out of hand.  Suggests you arent actually that open minded about the whole thing 

    I actually know orgs that would defend haulers just for the laughs if it meant pvp.

  4. On 1/23/2021 at 6:37 PM, ishcal said:

    Way back when I pitched in as a patron, I did so because the game had such potential.  The voxel editing capability in designing ships and bases is what had me hooked, but back then there were a lot of mechanic issues with the game, so I gave it a break for a year.


    Now that I'm back, I've given it a month and if this is the direction DU is heading, meh - no thanks. 


    First off, making a game that is fundamentally one of the most versatile BUILDING games out there, and forcing pvp content makes about as much sense as braille buttons on a drive thru ATM.  Sure, I've heard the rumor that everything you need is in the safe zone, but with the addition of these ridiculous schematic roadblocks in EVERY step, half those being sold only in pvp space for amounts I frankly have no way of earning once I restarted is about as exciting a prospect as gouging my eye out with a spoon.


    Only add to that the fact that in order to buy the few things I can afford after waiting for 3 or 4 days (with the daily allowance we're given), making those trips take at least an hour (after you factor in the crappy engines I can only afford now and the inevitable crash and ship repair which happens EVERY time I get booted offline during landing), well that's just like putting a bit of lemon juice on the spoon before the eye gouging begins.


    Maybe as someone who would love a game I can dive into and start building is too much to ask for, but under the current construct this clearly isn't worth my time.  I suppose I'll keep my eye open and see if anyone wakes up and focuses on some of these fundamentals, but I'm not holding my breathe...

    Tbh if you were looking for just a building game, this probably isnt for you.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Physics said:

    No risk to pirates ?? Pirates accept the same risk as anyone else including haulers since they can be attacked by anyone else... including other pirates not just military forces

    That is not strictly true though, the pirate gets to choose the engagement and is generally not going into the fight risking cargo, if you are entering fights with the same risk then you are doing it wrong.  There is nothing wrong with that though, pirates throughout history have preyed on the weak / undefended, they are PIRATES ffs.  NEVER in history did a pirate have a choice between attacking a whaler and a frigate and chosen the frigate.

  6. Without reading the whole thread, how did it rank on the tin-foil-hat-ometer? Bet there was all sorts of theories going down.

    Interesting stuff on GDPR @michaelk pretty much all of it is correct, if a bit tenuous.  I also agree with your comment about marketeers, if we find a loophole we use it, a bit like gamers tbh

    And it is also very easy to get around the identifiers law using ToS, companies like HubSpot, Sharpspring (pretty much any SaaS digital marketing provider) etc do it all the time, whenever anyone agree their cookie ToS.

  7. On 1/22/2021 at 3:32 PM, PuPpEt said:

    Because the server is literally messed up with the economy and a wipe is clearly necessary as for now, but everything seems protected to a nonsense "There are no plans to wipe" sentence,


    make a new server/world/instance/whatever to give us the ability to transfer and restart from zero.

    The big issues i have with this sort of thread:

    • The game NEEDS civilisation, it needs to be busy and have life.  Ideally we need to create that before the game is filled with new players again (at launch).  Wiping actually just puts everyone back to stage one, where the same players will get the same advantages (knowledge) and get just as far ahead
    • Does it actually matter how everyone else is doing, this is not a competition tbh and also not a game which can EVER be fair
    • How 'specifically' do you think the economy is messed up - please note I have followed the economy for three years, so your answer better be good - not just that you had read it on reddit
    • Unless you are a big org, you will never be at the top of the tree, does that actually matter, we inhabit a world where the 1% own pretty much everything, it will be the same in DU, and just like real life, it wont effect you, you are not as important as you think
    • What benefits do you think a wipe will bring?  If you are talking about development improvements (I actually agree) if you are talking about some ridiculous notion of player parity, sorry you are in the wrong game


    All that aside, another live server is completely impossible to do, nor something NQ will ever think about, according to pretty much everything that comes out.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Kruzer said:

    Quite a lengthy non-answer to the question of where exactly is the risk to pirating?  Right now pirating is the most risk free activity in the game.  Just the typical name calling and denigrating of other players as one tries to justify their psychopathic tendencies. Very hard to take pirates that operate out of bases in the safe zones seriously.

    Sorry but the whole argument that someone who is a pirate is just a griefer or psycho is just complete rubbish, will pretty much completely devalues your opinion.  Pirates are just players, the same as you, who have just as much right to be in the game and to ply their trade as anyone else.  Where is the risk to the pirate? it should be the security you have brought with you, if you decided to travel alone and unarmed it is not the pirates fault, they are a pirate.  

  9. 4 minutes ago, smurfenq said:

    As NQ has stated countless times before, DU is the game where you decide on what is happening, you are in charge to make sure the universe is governed as you please. They provide the tools, we make history, you can't have that if there are NQ-enforced safezones, laws, rules, police forces... what ever. They can't be our parents and protect us, you have to make sure that you are safe and can take care of yourself, they shouldn't be involved in the ingame side of things as they themselves have stated so many times before, there is no (ingame) problem that this community couldn't fix on it's own, just pay for protection if you need it, this way, the playerbase actually decides on what is right and what is wrong, not by complaining on forums and in discord servers to make NQ fix what you don't like.

    The game does not have all the features to do that though.  Pirating can only really be opened up, when the defender can exact some sort of revenge, be it physically or economically, this is not possible at the moment.  So until it does, sadly pvp will have to be controlled to an extent.

  10. 5 minutes ago, smurfenq said:

    This would be better, but most suitable for this game is to not have your success depend on chance and luck. This is a game where you plan and take actions accordingly, what you do matters, and if we start messing with chance and luck, it wouldn't matter anymore. 

    Yes but the game is not ready for no safe zones yet, a long way off it, nor is there any sort of reputation system.  So until then, pvp will have to be limited, so you might have to put up with random opportunities.

  11. 2 hours ago, Fra119 said:

    Piloting talents are all mandatory imho, I'm flying with everything at lvl4 (including putdowns) and 5days away to max the container mass reduction talent, I've seen my ship change quite a lot over the time, I remember struggling to re-enter the atmosphere with 500t cargo when I first built it, now I can go in and out of alioth with 1kt no problem, and there's still room for improvement.

    Still a bit skeptical about the fuel mass reduction tho, I should do some calculations to see if it's really worth the time.


    My best mate is a big ship seller and 80% of the people buying his ships turn up with max mining and ZERO piloting skills, he actually stopped trading full ships and switched to BP only because he was so pissed off with dealing with them.

  12. 25 minutes ago, smurfenq said:

    There is no way hauling missions can be warpable, that would kill the whole point of it, no risk yet high reward, that doesn't seem fair does it? Us pirates would like to have a piece of the cake you know. If hauling missions are warpable, people will just warp, go next mission, warp, rinse and repeat and all the sudden you're now rich, for pressing like 2 buttons, there's gotta be some risk, otherwise we'll just have the whole playerbase warping across the system all day doing nothing else and for real, there is nothing fun with that. Make it fun, make it fair.

    I am still advocating random warp points which can end up outside safe zone, this will add a certain level of risk with warp travel and a certain level of opportunity for pirates.  Which in turn should open up security missions / operations.

  13. 2 hours ago, FatRillos said:

    So basically it's a cheap rip off of the eve contract system. Let's stop calling them missions. 


    Many of us do this already. Without a game mechanic. It's called discord trade channel.

    Isnt that to point though, to stop people having to use Discord.  Most people leave the game because they dont want to go outside it to find to opportunities.

  14. On 1/21/2021 at 8:25 PM, Billy_Boola said:

    Why sell ore to a miner for less than the bots will buy it?  So to buy ore you need to pay more than the bots pay, how to then to get money?  Making stuff and selling it?  Players are already selling lots of items for less than their ore costs, so how can you survive buying high and selling low?

    You shouldnt, you should sell your ore to players for more but there shouldnt be ore bots tbh, it should ONLY be sold to players.

    The clever players are buying the product listed below ore cost, moving them to another market and selling them for twice as much.  You do realise some of the riches players in the game are those moving moving things between markets right (who NEVER mine at all)?  Proved this to someone in my org the other day, he was saying the same things that you are, I got him to go buy 20 large atmos / space engines from D6 (for around 80k-100k each) I got him to move them to other markets with no stock (or high priced stock) and list at 200k - 250k.  Guess what, 15 of them sold over two days.  Pretty much doubling his investment.

    Ever get the feeling you might just be missing something.......

    A couple of tips for you -

    • DONT worry about the cheapest price, people are lazy and dont shop around (or at least some dont)
    • DONT list all your stuff at one place, spread your goods across multiple markets.  10 items at 10 markets will sell quicker and for more money that 100 at one item competing with the 'cheapest'
  15. 1 hour ago, michaelk said:

    This is probably true. I think I'm especially biased against JC.


    ... interesting points ......


    Honestly I should try to be more positive -- I don't just come around to talk shit and I hope everyone realizes that it's 100,000x easier to criticize something than to actually do it. 

    Probably one of the most positive things you have said on here lol.  I think it is a tone that suits you, you are clearly a bright bloke, with a lot of knowledge.  I have no issue with people criticizing the game, i have done it myself for many years. I just try to find the solutions, rather than hammering on about the problems / causes.

    Personally i do see the light at the end of the tunnel (although it could be a train)............

  16. 33 minutes ago, michaelk said:
    1. There's no social growth, like at all. Twitter, Reddit -- no one is talking about DU or engaging with DU's content. That's objectively bad. If the game were growing, so would social channels. They aren't. 
    2. If only paid videos get views, this again underscores a lack of organic reach. Growing games have organic reach because people are actually interested in watching their updates/videos beyond paid advertising. 
    3. I get that video views tend to increase over time (but not "always", not in significant numbers) -- and that I don't have real metrics. I'm not trying to "pitch to a client".
    4. Look at the actual context of the "event" videos. <5,000 people actually viewed the most recent event, despite NQ's email blast. Their email blast either has no reach or people aren't remotely interested in this content. There's no reason for this sort of video to grow in views over time as a one-off event -- the views they got in the first week are the views they can get through organic reach, which is truly awful. 
    5. ...is your argument that DU's dismally stagnant social channels means very little and the game really is growing? Obviously I don't have access to real information or stats, but seems like I'm still right: there's low engagement all around and DU is not getting more popular. It doesn't take an "industry expert" to see no growth across major social channels and conclude "things aren't great". 

    To be honest, those point are far more valid than your original set of stats.  That wouldnt surprise me given where the game is though, the big push for the game was BETA launch, only they know where they are as far as their targets.  For all we know they are happy with the number of players for where the state of the game is.  They have one big luxury, all my anecdotal evidence says to me that even when people leave the game, a big chunk of them continue to monitor the game.  So if NQ can get it right, and I actually think there are some pretty simple ways they can fix a lot of the issues, then the game can move forward.  I do find a lot of your content overly negative though.  Like you are trying to beat the horse to death, rather than take it to water.  Might just be I am a more positive soul I suppose.

  17. On 1/6/2021 at 6:32 PM, Fra119 said:

    Meanwhile I was thinking to myself that it would be cool to be able to built your own market, place it strategically in the most remote area, collect taxes from every transaction and passively become the richest man in the system, lol

    This is 100% part of the roadmap, REALLY looking forward to its additional, game changer for me, alongside the mission system.

  18. 9 hours ago, michaelk said:

    A lot of people talk about how DU is "dead" or "dying".


    Unfortunately, I think that the few objective numbers we have tend to back up that claim.


    I don't think there's been a singular "mass exodus" but a slow and steady churn:   

    • 8 months ago (official trailer)
      1.6 Million Views
    • 7 months ago (pvp trailer)
    • 4 months ago (beta trailer)
    • 2 months ago (official building trailer)
    • 3 weeks ago (DU: a look ahead)
    • 1 week ago (DU Lost in transit event)
    • Reddit
      ~50 people online on average, 8k total members, low engagement 
    • Twitter
      15k followers, low tweet engagement all around  

    I get that many people don't use social networking at all...but a growing game has a growing social presence...certainly not a shrinking one.  


    Also, NQ no longer has any job postings -- maybe they filled them all (in which case dev should be going faster lol) or maybe they realize their runway isn't going to last for as long as they first expected. 

    A bit disappointed with this Michael, you post a lot of thought provoking content on here, which I might not always agree with but it does normally lead me to believe you might have some background in the industry and a genuine level of knowledge.  Then you post something like this, which shows your grasp of digital marketing is rudimentary at best.  Let me explain a couple of things to you.

    - Videos on YouTube always get more visitors over time, the longer video are live, the more visits they will get.  So you are basically showing something which is a self fulfilling prophecy.  Older videos will in general have more visit than newer ones. 
    - I would presume that 80% of the visitors to these video came via advertising spend, not organically.  As you and I have no idea of the advertising budgets within NQ or how things are prioritised.  This means these figures are worthless for trying to prove anything.

    The fact that you have taken these stats and come to the conclusion you have is a bit worrying.  Either this was a genuine mistake or you are just trying to post stuff to make NQ look bad, regardless of whether or not it has any fact.

    Do yourself a favour though, stick to stuff you actually understand, going out of your comfort zone leads to you being found out.

    Seriously, I do this stuff for a living, and if i presented those conclusions to one of my clients, they would probably fire me on the spot.

  19. 29 minutes ago, Hiturn said:

    Before the patch I was receiving 200-220 notifications/24 hours most of them in Thades 1, I didn't even sell cosmetics or small items just all the L,XL (t1,t2) territories of the aggs warp cells scanners you know the deal. I was selling about 60M a day in products. After the patch while Christmas lasted it went down to 140-160 (I added a lot of small parts). Right now I'm at 60-80 and my ore orders take a long time to complete in my market, so I have to go  Allioth to get the cheapest ore orders I can buy from Thades.


    The upgrade tried to increase the activity in the markets, but now they are worse than ever because most of the people left or no longer have anything to grind for. Allioth still has some activity because of the new players.


    This update did not add any content and there is none planned for 5 or 6 months  and now we are seeing the real impacts of the update and it does not look good. , hard times ahead.

    Ok, but isnt this part of the problem.  Players like you and I were trying to fill the markets producing stuff that sells but 80% of the playerbase were mining and either selling to bots or making shit products and selling to bots.  FFS you were doing that on THADES!!! Yet most players couldnt work out to do it on Alioth lol

    I have sold all sorts, from ship parts, alloys, parts, everything in the game..... it all sold to some extent.  Just not many people chose to sell it.  For some reason they all looked at the lowest price in the universe and decided they couldnt compete, because they do not understand market forces (namely people are lazy).

  20. 37 minutes ago, Maxim Kammerer said:

    I believe it when I see it. Since 0.23 I didn't sell anything 50 % above ore value. Most wares don't even sell below ore value.

    Sorry forgot the link..... 

     granted this was pre patch, not been trading as much since.  Got loads of stock so would be up for doing a test.  Geniunely interested in what my sales would be if I pushed it again.

    Notice, I sold a lot of different stuff at a lot of different places......

  21. First up, please dont listen to all the people who tell you to mine and sell ore, like it is the only option.  Selling ore is the lowest possible value for the resource.  Making money is down to what you enjoy, there arent that many viable gameplay careers at the moment but here are some that do work:

    - Trader - look at the market and find a product which has a wide range of prices at different markets.  Buy from the markets with the lowest price and move the items to markets with no stock or high priced stock.  Wait for it to sell - make profits (great way for new players to start who dont want to mine)
    - Manufacturer - similar to the above but you build a factory for a specific product or range of products, the spread the products to all markets you can (avoid those with low price competition)
    - Prospector - get yourself a terri scanner and go find meganodes.  When you find them, you can claim the territory and sell it to someone else (requires discord at the moment)

    Heading out, so cant list any more for now.  Hopefully far more careers will be possible in the future, once ingame communication is improved.

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