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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Wyndle

  1. I don't know the code needed for this off hand but I bet transparent screens can fill this request already. It would be nice if a color picker with transparency slider were a part of the package here. If NQ is short of art staff I bet there's a few dozen builders in-game who would be willing to do the leg work on designing models for stuff like this in exchange for some in-game benefit and attribution. Attribution is easy, just include builder(s) in the details of the item as well as an in-game title. In-game benefit may be a longer discussion because it should not be something that would imbalance the economy or PvP even if a given object becomes insanely popular.
  2. Ideally both. The reflection of moonlight onto the ambient lighting should be clearly noticed even as low as 0.6 gamma. Artificial lighting should not vanish at LOD range, nor should shadows close to the light blur to non-existant by moving away from the light.
  3. Hence my Brave and Portmaster combo suggestion. An ounce of prevention vs. a pound of cure. Edit: As an added bonus, the only ads I see on sites like YouTube are the ones recorded/edited into the video by the creator.
  4. We do not want to discourage community discussion; what's left of the community. Your suggestions point to there being one or more core design flaw(s) in the game that should be sorted in Alpha or pre-Alpha (early Beta at the very latest). I'm not too proud to admit that I misread and overestimated what NQ was capable of based on what I've seen other indie devs (solo and small team) achieve. That was (one of) my bad. Now that NQ is in "release" I will not give any benefit of doubt nor attribute "background" aspects based on the work of others.
  5. Wow. Not sure if I should laugh hysterically or pull out an Einstein quote.
  6. Hope springs eternal. It may be that we are unable to influence DU's progress away from almost certain failure. It may be that some of the remaining and/or former community members start their own software projects with the lessons learned from this fiasco. Even if NQ will not listen to us someone may find value in our rantings. Anyone would be hard pressed to stamp out that last ray of hope or eliminate the value I see in the writing of those who have even the most miniscule amount of care in their words.
  7. Portmaster and Brave browser is an amazing combination of software and requires very little configuration if any. Pi-hole is great for avoiding traffic from known sources and cutting out advertising bandwidth at your router gives that bandwidth back to you.
  8. The market is imbalanced due to a number of factors. Too much T1 and not enough of just about everything else. Clapping all but one of the faucets shut backfired catastrophically. The economy isn't dead but segments of it are starting to bloat and smell bad.
  9. I am of two minds on the ore bots, but at this point the pragmatic view has an unassailable lead. Add to my own mixed feelings a glaringly obvious contradiction is present in NQ's position. Aphelia maintains absurdly high numbers of certain elements for sale at every market other than Aegis. This is an injection of usable parts with no associated ore sink other than the now defunct bot ore buy orders. @NQ-Deckard has stated the element sell orders are needed to ensure every new player has ready access to these parts meaning they're not going to consider changing those orders. Darned if you do, darned if you don't.
  10. I have to disagree about ore abundance. It may be more accurate to describe it as: those who make stuff tend to strive to be self-sufficient which means adjusting the faucet doesn't have the results one would think to be desirable and leaving the solo and small org out in the cold. I agree wholeheartedly that the sinks are absurd. I would go one step further to specify that the sinks are one of the components doing the most damage to the steam users since us old-timers know enough about the game to be capable of adapting. For a first time player there isn't enough "game" available to them to entice them to pay a second month. I would have said that NQ doesn't understand what they have in this project until the CEO tried to describe their metaverse product. From my perspective that just leaves a series of conflicting interests and blind adherence to the wrong focii in the original concept described (kick-starter) despite having so much greater potential. Or you could be correct in calling this a social compliance experiment. I have no direct evidence for it but far too many coincidences to dismiss it either.
  11. I'm starting to feel like I'm reading the script from a Bill & Ted movie. When I first mentioned a cash shop (at least first time since end of Beta), I was very deliberate in pointing out that the revenue that came from the shop should be re-invested into hiring more devs so the game could thrive and improve at a faster rate. That was before I witnessed successive patches under "release" and saw just how... uninspiring?... their pace and design choices are at present. Not to get into current events or politics, but I don't see NQ keeping to the status quo much longer. Sink or swim time.
  12. If we could only. I'm still flying the same XS core with about half of the parts in it original to day 1. The ship has only improved due to on-place talent boosts. I was investing all of my effort into avoiding spending and helping build a functional factory. Then the nerf hammer started hitting and I've been crushed repeatedly.
  13. Regardless of which is more accurate, we all lose. Including DU. At what point is it reasonable to walk away from a growing pile of mistakes?
  14. Hearing the tone and the words used when it was announced on a stream that a cash shop is in the works I'd say they're paying attention to the forums. I've still got the majority of my pre-paid year for them to win me back and that's the most generosity (or money) they'll get out of me without tangible, objective improvements.
  15. If there had been something in place at launch to incentivize Aegis use as the main market it may have split up some of the load that is now firmly in place around M6. Now that M6 has become the defacto market for the entire game again post-launch it would take drastic measures to change that. The kinds of drastic measures that would ruffle feathers, drive off established players, and further hurt the game overall. Now, if we want to talk about incentivizing NEW players to prioritize using Aegis we'd first have to stop the exodus churn, then find ways to grow the player base, and then treat DU like an actual MMO instead of an online sim of hope crushing.
  16. Any EU members who are familiar with consumer law?
  17. At a minimum the localization issue is missing unless I missed that fix in prior patch notes. I think it is safe to say that the internal list of known issues is either much longer or periodically purged.
  18. "So even if everything we are using as a model is considered distopic we must press forward to ensure it happens and our hand is on the wheel." (Paraphrasing)
  19. Ha ha ha ha ha. 😂 The answer is probably hidden in a right click menu.
  20. No offense intended to OP but just two weeks ago this forum was almost as active as it ever was during 0.23+. Since then the majority of posts are people who enjoy the building and flight physics begging the devs to stop killing the game and proposing solutions. The type of posts since 1.1 morphed into betting on how much longer the meager momentum will keep the train rolling or if there will be a fiery derail event to spectate. IMO, this game died with JC's departure and has been coasting downhill since.
  21. This questionnaire in particular is tied to unsubbing. To be fair, it's optional but extremely poor optics. The pets have no value for me at this time (or at any prior time).
  22. Why are we still getting Beta questionnaires months after "Release" if confusion is a concern?
  23. I beg to differ. I came across a wreck and attempted to recycle it. It is at least 3 times faster up-front to trash broken parts with Alt-click in build mode and trying to find all the spots in a factory to sort the parts into use is a nightmare. If there were a market for parts there might be a silver lining here, but for the same reason I don't want to pick up the parts there's not much call to buy/sell/trade the parts either. You would have to design your factory around constant import of parts for this to be of ANY value. The implementation of recycling was the final nail in the coffin for my copium as well as my (misplaced) confidence that NQ can even keep the game functionally playable for another year even if funding were not a factor. Add in all the features still in the vision that will clearly drive off the players who do anything other than PvP... Let's just say I'm only still here because of what little community is left [self-redacted to avoid immediate ban].
  24. This was Archaegeo's last post and Arch HUD was archived over 20 days ago. If the HUD is broken then it's time to say goodbye to it as it is probably dead for good.
  25. I seem to recall seeing something about having some difficulties with getting all the core blueprints. I suggest you open a ticket if you have not already.
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