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Posts posted by vertex

  1. Scripts lüppen nur, wenn ein Player in der Nähe ist und bspw ein Programming Board benutzt. Wenn's im Lua keine Funktionen gibt um die Serverzeit abzugreifen, dann is Essig mit Ticktock.


    Jahreszeiten... also Schnee und so gibt's (noch) nicht. Die Planeten sind trauriger Weise alle fix und die Position der Sonne ändert sich. Einen Äquator gibt's aber trotzdem und ja, an den Polen steht die Sonne glaub ich immer recht flach... genau hab ich das aber auch noch nicht untersucht. Flieg doch mal hin und mach ne Zeitrafferaufnahme :D 


    Davon abgesehen: super Idee. Ich will auch! Hoffentlich haben (oder kriegen) wir eine Schnittstelle zur Alioth-Systemzeit in Lua... :) 

  2. Haha, achso, ne, nicht komisch. In den Dispenser packst du quasi ein "Sample" dessen, was der Dispenser ausgeben soll. Selbstverfreilich müssen die Dinger dann auch noch mal im Container liegen, denn aus diesem werden sie dann an den Spieler herausgegeben ;)


    Bin mir nicht sicher, könnte aber sein, dass man das Set dann immer mindestens 2x vorhalten muss. Falls das so ist wird das aber höchstvermutlich noch optimiert. Aktuell ergibt das in dieser Form durchaus Sinn, da du in dem Container ja noch sonstwas für Sachen liegen haben kannst, die nicht herausgegeben werden sollen. Bzw wenn du 10 Ladungen/Sets im Container hast, dann muss der Dispenser ja irgendwie wissen, welche Menge von was "einem Set" entspricht :) 

  3. 2 hours ago, CptData said:

    brauch drei XS-Triebwerke für den Schub eines S Triebwerks

    Sechs, wenn sie nichts geändert haben. Bei allen Stufen ist immer 1x größere Version = 6x kleinere Version. Vorteil = spart Gewicht und Links, Nachteil = längere Anlaufzeit.


    Einige XS Elemente sind ganz praktisch, wenn man Schwebeplattformen bauen will, oder winzige Gleiter (wie den Novark Speeder) zusammenstellt. Das ist teils sehr praktisch, aber sobald Fracht ins Spiel kommt sind die sinnlos. Ich hab ein winziges Konstrukt um von A nach B zu kommen - hat nur einen XS Atmo Tank, 2S Triebwerke, einen Hover Seat und ein paar XS Adjustors. Atmo Speed so um die 1400km/h. Man kann auch Mining-Platformen bauen und so. Aber das ist alles nur entweder unterirdisch oder atmosphärisch - evtl ergeben die Space Elemente Sinn, wenn man damit reine Raumgleiter bastelt, aber wenn man einen Hybrid will stößt man sehr schnell an alle Grenzen.


    Zum Drift: Bremse nutzen. Auto Level bringt dich auch dein Rollen auf 0, nicht aber das Nicken. Ich hab mir mein Script so umgeschrieben, dass auch die Nase auf 0 bleibt und beim Start automatisch die Parkbremse aktiviert wird. Wenn du absolut jedes Abdriften verhindern willst, ohne dafür die Bremse zu benutzen, dann musst du noch einiges mehr an Steuerung automatisieren. Könntest auch die Parkbremse erweitern, indem du sie bei Antriebsimpulsen automatisch deaktivierst, oder so.


    Ich nutze das Wegdriften um meine Position im Schwebeflug anzupassen - dafür hab ich keinerlei Antriebe rechts/links/rauf/runter oder für rückwärts. Alt+2 schaltet bei mir die Parkbremse ein, dann ist das Schiff absolut stationär, selbst wenn ich nicke, rolle oder giere. Kann dann im Stillstand die Triebwerke anfeuern und per Alt+2 die Parkbremse lösen, um mit vollem Schub direkt vom Fleck abzuheben.

  4. Verteiler.. bleh. Ist das ein Transfer Unit? Sorry, aber die deutsche Übersetzung von DU ist so grottig...


    Wie sieht das Ding denn aus? Lichtgrauer Kasten mit ner abgerundeten Ecke und ner Dose mit orangenem Deckel oben drauf? Das ist dann ein Transfer Unit - das schubst Dinge von einem Container in einen anderen - sonst nix.


    Dispenser sind... Würfel... ohne Dose... und haben sowas wie ein Inventar und Einstellungen - kein Industry UI. Das sind die Dinger, die einem Waren ausgeben, wenn man mit ihnen interagiert...

  5. Keine Ahnung, ob man Zugriff auf Spielernamen oder das RDMS via Lua hat, aber ein Screen vor dem mehrere Spieler gleichzeitig stehen könnten, kann zwar "Access Denied" ausgeben, aber spätestens wenn es eine persönliche Begrüßung werden soll, muss man (falls es geht) entweder ein Array verwenden und mehrere Namen erwähnen, oder den Spieler ein Programming Board aktivieren lassen.


    Da man den Zugriff aufs Programming Board via RDMS regeln kann, sollte zumindest ein einfaches "Access Granted" eher simpel sein. Man kann dann einfach den Screen mit dem Board verbinden, Slotname in "screen" ändern und dann im unit.start() per screen.activate() den Bildschirm einschalten. Weiterhin kann man bei unit.start() und unit.stop() jeweils andere Meldungen per screen.setHTML() platzieren.

  6. Verteiler... sind das nicht Container Hubs? Klingt eher nach Dispenser... argh. Ok, also ich weiss nicht, ob Dispenser eine Maximalmenge haben, die sie ausgeben können - aber es gibt ja auch noch den "Heavy Dispenser" oder so? Also möglich.


    Ich hab die bisher nur für Tankstellen benutzt um jeweils 500L Sprit auszuwerfen. Dazu musste ein Container mit dem Dispenser verknüpft und dann ein Sample, also die 500L Sprit, in den Dispenser gelegt werden. Außerdem muss man einstellen, wie oft und in welchem zeitlichen Abstand ein Spieler Zeug rausholen darf. Sandardmäßig darf jeder glaube ich nur ein mal ran.

  7. Ein kleines Raketentriebwerk bastelt man sich mit Ressourcen vom Markt recht schnell zusammen - das ist nicht so sehr das Problem. Aber die Brenndauer der Dinger ist, meiner zugegeben ziemlich veralteten Erfahrung nach, vollkommen lächerlich. Ich hab ein mal eins gebaut und einen Tank in wenigen Sekunden leer geblasen - anschließend hat man permanent die "Out of Fuel"-Warnung und der Xeron Fuel ist dazu noch unverschämt teuer. Mich wundert es daher kaum, dass man die Dinger fast nirgendwo sieht. Für mich erscheint es sinnvoller die Raketen zu überspringen und direkt einen AGG zu besorgen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    Wenn's nach mir ginge würden wir einfach H²O² als Raketentreibstoff verwenden. Der Begriff "Rocket Science" wird häufig als "hoch technisch und kompliziert" misbraucht, dabei sind Raketen an sich ziemlich primitiv - die Erste startete angeblich im Jahre 1232 in China - aber in Dual Universe sind die Triebwerke sozusagen "Endgame-Technologie" und die Spritkosten stehen irgendwie in keinem sinnvollen Verhältnis zum Nutzen.


    17 hours ago, CptData said:

    Vermutlich ist aber auch angedacht, nicht mit den Atmo-Triebwerken ins All zu fliegen, sondern in der Zone ab 3000m bis 4500m auf Raketenbooster zu schalten

    Fürs Triebwerk braucht man Pyrite, Garnierite und Petalite. Dh man ist praktisch gezwungen zuerst ohne Raketen vom Planeten runter zu kommen, um die Ressourcen zu besorgen (bzw irgendein anderer Spieler muss dies zuerst tun und das Zeug dann am Markt anbieten). Meiner Meinung nach sollte das genau andersherum sein - ein Triebwerk, welches im All genug "Schub gegens Nix" erzeugt, um tonnenschwere Schiffe zu bewegen, erscheint mir doch als eine technologisch eher fortschrittlichere Apparatur, verglichen mit einem besseren Feuerzeug Flammenwerfer, welcher nur aus ein paar Rohrleitungen und einer Brennkammer besteht, um Treibstoff zu verbrennen der in DU zumindest theoretisch kostenlos mit dem Recycler aus Luft und Wasser hergestellt werden könnte :blink:


    Man kann die Dinger auch nicht regeln - da geht nur an/aus. Die haben zwar schön viel Bumms, aber was bringt einem das, wenn man bereits ab ~1200km/h in der Atmosphäre verglüht?


    Ich denke früher oder später merkt NQ das auch noch - bis dahin sehe ich Raketen eher als lustiges Gimmick ;) 

  8. On 10/21/2020 at 11:36 PM, CptData said:

    So. Schiffchen fliegt nun auch zwischen den Monden. Der Trick war, ein M-Triebwerk als Hauptantrieb draufzuschnallen und zwei zusätzliche S-Flügelpaare als Auftriebsunterstützung (M-Flügel sind die Hauptträger). Hab die Strecke zwischen Sanctuary und Alioth geschafft ohne Crash & Sterbefälle. Also Raumjäger ist einsatztauglich. Aber muss man erstmal drauf kommen - Space Flight ist NIX für Anfänger in dem Spiel. Hat man die Herausforderung erstmal geschafft, ist das ein echtes Achievement, ein echter Meilenstein.

    Jarp. Dauert ein bischen bis man sich dran gewöhnt hat, dass man die ganzen kleinen Engines vergessen kann. "MOAR THRUST!" und gut - das schließt "brake thrust" mit ein :D 

    Bei Triebwerken und Bremsen benutz ich eigentlich nix mehr unter L - auch nicht für kleine S Frachter. Ist ein bischen schade, dass die so wenig Leistung haben - außer als Manövriertriebwerk fällt mir bspw keine Verwendung für XS Engines ein. Die taugen ja nicht mal um ein XS Taxi ins All zu befördern.



    On 10/22/2020 at 9:20 AM, Dugobalosh said:

    Hat jemand Erfahrung damit, die Flügel und Stabilisatoren unter VOXEL zu "verstecken"?

    Funktionieren die dann auch noch?

    Bisher: Ja. Ich hab die Wing-Elemente schon komplett in Voxeltragflächen versteckt und war kein Problem. Bei Engines sieht das leider anders aus...


    On 10/22/2020 at 9:20 AM, Dugobalosh said:

    Kann mir eigentlich jemand sagen, wie es sich mit den Frachter-Raumschifftriebwerken verhält?

    Mir ist der Verbrauch meiner Militär-Triebwerke zu hoch, der T1-Rohstoff für die Atmosphären-Triebwerke ist mir egal, aber für die Raumschifftriebwerke ist es ja nicht gerade wenig.

    Die Frachter-Triebwerke haben eine große Verzögerung ... merke ich das beim Verlassen der Atmosphäre? Gerade das "Zuschalten" der Raumtriebwerke wird bei voller Ladung immer wichtiger ?

    Jo, genau da liegt halt der Haken. Beim Verlassen der Atmosphäre ist das ja noch nicht so schlimm - entweder der Schwung reicht, oder nicht. Aber beim Wiedereintritt, wenn der Boden immer schneller näher kommt, wird es manchmal schon gruselig auf die Triebwerke zu warten. Gute Bremsen helfen aber bei der Transition.


    Solange dein Schwung ausreicht um die Raumtriebwerke zu zünden, bevor du wieder zurück auf den Planeten fällst, ist alles gut. Sollten auch die Frachter-Engines schaffen, wenn deine senkrechte Escape Velocity über hmm... naja, mindestens 600km/h liegt? Ansonsten kannst du ja auch langsam in einen Orbit steigen. Die Skills helfen übrigens dabei, dass die Space Engines früher zünden und die Atmo Engines länger feuern. Gibt auch Skills die die Anlaufzeit reduzieren :) 

  9. 19 hours ago, Saedow said:

    Nope nope nope, I'm still loving it. Dig into voxelmancy bruh and then YOU will change your tune. ?

    11 hours ago, Mordgier said:

    The tools we have to work with feel like playing a game that has intentionally clunky controls like surgeon simulator, I am Bread or octodad.


    While these are opposing statements I just couldn't agree more with BOTH of them :lol:


    At first it took me what felt like forever waiting for the vertex editor and I didn't touch much of voxelmancy, even tho I knew the mechanics and could manipulate stuff to get the expected results. My nick ain't a coincidence after all, but it took me a very long time to experience moments in which I actually had fun manipulating voxels and see the pro-voxelmancy side of things. Still these remained rare occasions and I always reverted to rather simple shapes on large scale because doing what I wanted was just too tedious and felt like doing the pontius-pilatus-run (English "pillar to post"?) for every single line, row and column in the 512x512x512 grid. Choice was like either do a flat roof and be done in 1 minute or make a nice curve, add details and invest days just for the looks of it while also knowing it would result in a worse frontal cross-section.


    While usually being just a happy builder on the "style over quality" side, the lack of advanced tools like vertex editor pushed me to the opposite side of this spectrum in DU, which in fact has been my greatest disappointment so far and the reason I just can't resist joining this off-topic discussion right now :ph34r:


    Seeing this being on 1st place right after the pinned votes was the best news ever to me:



    If you didn't already: vote for it rite meow. Wheee! \o/



    Feeling guilty now. On topic: well, to my knowledge NQ has been rather courteous (what's a good word for "kulant" in English?) regarding refunds. So good luck on your support ticket and sorry it didn't work out for you. Anyways, on the level of moral intuition I feel like the right thing to do with a pledge that didn't turn out as expected is just seeing it like one took a chance and lost some money gambling. When I pledged back in the days I already knew this could turn out as something like EVE and possibly drive me away, or it might even fail completely as many other Kickstarter campaigns failed in the past. So I took the highest stake I ever did in my gaming history (several hundreds of €), because I've never seen any concept/chance that came even close to this project - but I accepted the risk of losing all that money even before I spent it. Thing is I knew my finances back then and knew that if it turned out well, I'd have spent that money and could live without it - when it doesn't work out tho and I don't get the money back, it's still the same on my financial side and I couldn't claim that I'm in trouble without that amount, because that would be the case even if it worked out too. Just mentioning this because I've seen others who made it seem as if it was a lot of money that impacts their life significantly and... well... I failed to relate on why spend it in the first place if pockets are too tight. Might not apply here tho, so sorry in that case - didn't mean to offend or suggest anything, just sharing experience/thoughts.

  10. Sorry, in that case I failed to grasp what your issue was. Just tried to help. Didn't experience any bugs dealing with RDMS since beta release either - worst case that happened to me was that some ppl claimed the newly granted permissions didn't work right away, so I asked them to relog real quick and that solved it every time so far.


    But it seems I need to add that I didn't add territory policies in the past two weeks or so - just assumed sharing the unit was a different approach that I'm not aware of and the RDMS should still work the same as when I did it :huh:

  11. 13 hours ago, Xanider said:

    try to share my territory Unit with my friends, it tells me I don't have permission to modify this element

    This sounds as if you right click the unit? I never tried that approach and didn't think you could even share "the unit" as such. I always grant access to the territory through RDMS. Hit F7 and create a new policy, add a name and the friends you want to grant access to as well as the permissions/rights you want to grant, then on the right side pick the tag name that corresponds to your territory name.


    On all 3 columns don't forget to press the "Add" button and make sure the items you selected are shown in the list below.


    Double check that you didn't add "All" in the actor list on the left :D then proceed to save the new policy.


    Optionally you can define a new actor in the actors tab to make a list of people so you don't have to pick them individually each time you create a new policy. You can also define own tags on certain elements and then find them in the tag list to grant access to certain elements instead of just giving access to the whole construct (cores get the name of the construct automatically assigned as tag which appears in the default list - granting permissions to cores refers to all elements on that construct).

  12. A convenience store is about to open and the guy installing the self-checkout did what he always does, but the management software of the terminal experiences an exception and didn't finish installing the routine that would trigger the alarm when someone takes stuff through the rfid scan field. Some of the workers notice this and start to take stuff out of the store. Some of these guys return and say "Look, I just took this and went out without issue - something wrong here?" while others take a hike and sell the stuff on eBay. The workers that returned, reported and helped the store owner to fix the issue were fine and continued to work the next day, while the guys who left without notice were fired.


    In conclusion? There's no conclusion. This is all completely beside the point of this thread. There is room for improvement on the EULA and on the in-game rule set - that's it. Pretty pretty pleeeeaaase... don't hijack this thread to continue that fruitless M15 topic <_<

  13. Well, I think it's too early to say they didn't do anything. If they previously thought it's just user error all the time and now they finally trace the exploit, it could be days or weeks until they've worked it all out. But we might see more results by then - maybe they can even trace other instances of this and finally compensate the players who made the tickets.


    Sure, from past experience it's easy to jump to the conclusion that NQ will never change - but DU changes and NQ evolves - I don't think we're just treading water here :) 

  14. @Mordgier Yeah, I can see that might be an issue. Tho I would admit it if it was my mistake, hence I don't rule it out completely. You say "You know they won't", addressing me, and again state an absolute that you can't be sure about - that's our main difference here. I don't feel comfortable when you state things as facts that are "most probable in your opinion" at best. Prime example: I don't know if they won't. And I can't speak for everyone else, like you do. Would you be a dear and drop that habit? It's really annoying. Just a request tho :) 


    But this excursion now successfully dragged me away from my initial stance, which I still hold: ban is justified and even if players might argue that it's unclear with POS, it still is very clear with NOS. So there's one more clear line - and that's better than no clear line at all.

  15. Yeah sorry, I've already fixed that in the meantime to read

    10 minutes ago, vertex said:

    By NQ? Proof?


    And as I already said: RDMS policies are not the only thing that can lead to the software granting access. So asking for proof refers to something that would prove that an NQ employee added a policy by mistake that granted public build access. Please don't try to tear that apart just because I wasn't repeating the specific definition again. I think I made my opinion rather clear: I think it's not proven that NQ fumbled and created such a policy and there are more possible explanations. That's why I react to absolute statements like those Mordgier made with a request for proof.



    3 minutes ago, Mordgier said:

    Nobody but you disputes that multiple people could enter build mode.

    No, I don't and I never have :) 

  16. 17 minutes ago, blazemonger said:

    Then when they are impacted themselves they instaban and act very quickly

    Maybe I'm more sympathetic because we (different dev team) have been guilty of that too in the past. Developing something you get alot of claims and if you investigate a certain amount, every time with the same result of "user error", you start to classify and dismiss it - until suddenly, by chance, you experience the same issue and have to roll back. It's not beautiful, but it happens.


    14 minutes ago, Mordgier said:

    So is misconfigured RDMS an exploit or user error?

    Being able to destroy NOS that are not meant as PVE target always qualifies as exploit.


    14 minutes ago, Mordgier said:

    RDMS was set to allow public access.

    By NQ? Proof?


    I think you just try to nail me down with questions that imply a line of reasoning that's irrelevant. I've said everything I had on my mind and it's up to you to see and respect my side or simply disagree. I see your side and I disagree deeply, feeling you're trying to twist things in your favor.

  17. Or not what happened here. There's more things that can break than the RDMS. As I repeatedly said there doesn't seem to be any confirmation that anyone at NQ has set that market to public access. On the contrary, there are claims that suggest there's another bug that lets people access constructs even tho there are no policies set in RDMS that would allow it. In addition, from personal experience, I know that even if you set up the RDMS properly, it doesn't always work. All in all the claim that it's "exactly what happened here" is a weak hypothesis at best.


    And my paragraph above is not false - it's basically the same as what you said. In conclusion to my first example I said "at first you have someone actively creating rules", which is true in your example too (still unknown if this has been the case with the market). Then I continued with "that grant someone else access who then abuses these permissions", which is also true because that "someone" can just as well refer to "everyone" and each individual being "someone" in that group.


    I can see the possibility that they added the wrong tag to a policy (core instead of terminals) or the core (terminal tag added to core), which would make it publicly accessible. But that's not confirmed - and even if it was the case and would be confirmed, I'd still consider this a bug or error in game design and not equal to someone setting up their private property RDMS wrong, simply because markets are not player owned structures, but part of game design and basic funcitonality.

  18. 25 minutes ago, Mornington said:

    Really sorry to disagree with you on this Vertex, but "have a negative impact on their gaming experience" really does need rewording. 


    It's so vague that it becomes meaningless or makes rule-breakers of everyone (e.g. am I having a 'negative impact' on your gaming experience by disagreeing with you on a forum? Pretty sure ONIXXX had his game experience negatively impacted, I read about the theft happening on the support forum).

    Nah, we don't completely disagree there - I feel like most ppl agree that those things could do well with an update, to put it mildly ;) 


    That's why after quoting that I followed up picking the last bit "detrimental to the proper functioning of the game", because the rest is too open to interpretation. And it's why I stressed that this doesn't apply here, because the destruction of that market is so clear a violation of all of those rubber band paragraphs that no matter how far you manage to stretch them, this incident would still blow that rubber away. Not only this but in addition it's perfectly clear that it was an error/bug/exploit and we've just had a very clear announcement regarding this.


    So while I agree that this is difficult with those other issues, I still think it's not difficult here. On the contrary, it's very obvious, testified, tracable, provable and even the vague wording can't be interpreted in any way that would justify the act, which all leads to it being such a perfect opportunity to make an example. I like it.


    Considering the other issues, well, it may be easy to fight over the interpretation, but I think it's rather easy to grasp the general intention. The letter of the law might be confusing, but the spirit is clear. We have many of these vague things in our laws too and at some point there needs to be a judicial precedent that can be referred to later. Some here want to turn the "non-interfere with RDMS theft" into that precedent case to apply here, but it's pretty easily dismantled if you think about how such an RDMS theft goes down: they trick someone into trusting them and giving them permission and then they steal the assets. So at first you have someone actively creating rules that grant someone else access who then abuses these permissions. People on this thread claim that's what happened here, but that's just a hollow statement so far and if you think for just one second about if there's a chance that NQ wanted to grant public access to build mode on a market you'd immediately arrive at "no, wait, that must be an error or a mistake" - which even is established by circumstantial evidence looking at the "pls no ban" hovering above the scene.


    If there's a bug that enables players to exploit the RDMS and rob someone who otherwise didn't let anyone trick him and made no mistake with configuration... well, at least to me it's pretty obvious that this wouldn't be covered by the "non-interfere with RDMS theft" precedent. Instead we have a new precedent here: destruction of public buildings and game features is detrimental to the proper functioning of the game and leads to a ban. It's as simple as it can get.


    On previous incidents, like the dock-theft from safe zone, they let offenders off the hook who participated in such acts before the announcement. Maybe because it was too difficult to prove, maybe because there was reasonable doubt on the interpretation, maybe both. But in this case it's neither - it's easy to prove, there's no doubt and the offending party knew exactly what they were doing.


    Bottom line: it doesn't compare and whatever ppl may think about the rest of the game, other rules or other incidents, doesn't affect this case. And shouldn't either - issues should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and it will not always be black or white - but in this case it is clear as day and night.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Corwan said:

    Had NQ reacted in good humor, fixed the problem, and owned up to their mistake, they'd actually build and reinforce trust of their community.

    Or I'd get another hand full of mates telling me that NQ is a half-... need to rephrase this to comply with forum etiquette, so let's say: that NQ is afraid of players getting mad at them and therefore doesn't issue hard enough sanctions. There is a good amount of ppl who welcome finally seeing NQ taking serious action - and I'm one of them.


    For me NQ has just reinforced my trust because I can smell change in the wind that previously was just way too calm and forgiving with warnings and announcements repeated over and over but without any real consequences.


    Huh, I just realize I need to head back to the OP and hit that round button with the heart symbol on it :) 


    9 minutes ago, Corwan said:

    They would've come out on top, as a team that can take responsibility for their mistakes and fix them.

    I disagree - they would've come out as the team that you can screw over if you get the chance and thereby work against everything we do here day after day.


    11 minutes ago, Corwan said:

    I'd go a step beyond that: I'd create a "ruin of a marketplace" with a memorial plaque that would say something along the lines of "MP15 has fallen prey to a legendary group of bank robbers", to make it part of the lore. Then I'd build a new Marketplace next to it, and recover lost items to the unfortunate players who had their stuff listed. The lesson is simple: Does it seem like bad press? Take ownership of it, turn it around, make it work for you.

    Now that sounds interesting - yeah, they could still do something like that. Still, I think punishment for those "legendary bank robbers" is correct and if it's a lifelong sentence - fine :)


    @Darrkwolf okay, EVE then. I'm pretty sure that CCP was a well established company and had a solid game running at the time they fixed that exploit you mentioned within a few hours. Tho even if not it doesn't change the fact that exploiting an obvious error in the game is a bannable offense.


    20 minutes ago, michaelk said:

    If it takes NQ weeks to fix major exploits, there's bigger issues at play.

    This hasn't been weeks. But that's just counting peas and in my opinion is irrelevant to the topic at hand. Sure there are bigger issues at play - a lot of them, I think, actually. But all that does for me is make me even more sympathetic and makes me want to hand them some cookies and coffee or a pizza. In my opinion DU development is taking leaps since release of beta. A week ago I couldn't set my industry up on sanctuary because of performance issues - yesterday it was just as smooth as Jago.


    I can see progress and that changes everything for me. If it doesn't do the same for you, I guess we can still agree to disagree? Because I don't think that we will hit common ground on the evaluation of these issues and their implications.

  20. 2 minutes ago, Darrkwolf said:

    That would mean it is in some way an issue with the permissions system (RDMS).

    No, it woudln't. "An issue" can be like.... anything? Including but not limited to RDMS.


    In my opinion the option to exploit does not need to be announced ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    Btw: I don't care about EVE. I'm not into archeology ;) 

  21. 10 minutes ago, Darrkwolf said:

    I have heard of other players reporting it and seen posted proof of the same. I have filled various tickets, most of them have not been touched in weeks, to months. Including bug reports. It is hard to take the standpoint that this should be a ban, when it is enteirly the fault of NQ, and when the ticket proecss sucks so much.

    Hence all these people that reported but didn't exploit it are proof that it is possible to report and not exploit. Something that those now banned failed to do. They didn't only fail, they did the exact opposite: they did not report but they did exploit.


    So if NQ can't fix the issue fast enough, next time when there's an issue like this NQ should shut down the servers and re-open them once the issue is fixed, so nobody thinks it's ok to exploit if NQ doesn't fix instantly? I certainly wouldn't like that.


    The rest of that posting again implies that it was RDMS mismanagement which still nobody provided any proof for.

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