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Posts posted by 0something0

  1. I think NQ said that there won't be any remote controlled vessels in the game. But what if there was? But we need constraints.


    Constraint 1: You can only have 1 remote controlled vessle active at a time. This will be done by a control station that you have to be using to control the vessel.


    Constraint 2: You have to use Lua commands to control the vessel like the space probes of today.


    Constraint 3: You need to set up transmission relays and other infastructure. You will need antennas on both the vessel and the control source, and lots of power will be needed for high-bandwidth or long distance communications(or however it works in real life)


    Constraint 4: You need to manually point the antennas to communicate. This also means other people can point their antennas and transmit commands to your vessel.


    Constraint 5(maybe): Speed of Light Lag

  2. *Builds the Great Anti-Salt Wall*




    The Space Shuttle's much weaker main engines could be detected past the orbit of Pluto. The Space Shuttle's manoeuvering thrusters could be seen as far as the asteroid belt. And even a puny ship using ion drive to thrust at a measly 1/1000 of a g could be spotted at one astronomical unit.

    As of 2013, the Voyager 1 space probe is about 18 billion kilometers away from Terra and its radio signal is a pathetic 20 watts (or about as dim as the light bulb in your refrigerator). But as faint as it is, the Green Bank telescope can pick it out from the background noise in one second flat.

    This is with current off-the-shelf technology. Presumably future technology would be better.

    2)in an any given environment, people settle because there is a useful resource there. A big driver of conflict in general is due to resources. 


    3) Okay, so the server player distribution is not based on in game location(e.g. every 100km^3 is in diffrent server) But that doesn't mean it won't be a clusterf*** at launch.


    4) If you want to go out to 100 AUs in a reasonable amount of time, its going to require tech that we probably won't have at launch and we don't know about the resource distribution in game but I suspect most of it will be mined from planets because game logic. Besides, encouraging isolation as a means of survival goes against the whole "this is a social game" concept.

  3. I don't like the argument of "Space is Big and the distance will protect you".  Please keep in mind that I am talking mainly about bases. First, space is cold, and if this game is going to be realistic, the 3K background of space will reveal the position of most objects.


    Second, while there is a lot of space, I don't think a lot of it will be useful space, People need resources to trade and stuff and they will probably be out-competed by big mining orga... Whats that? Thats why you join an org? 


    Thied, if DU gets a lot of players on launch, the sheer number of players in the arkzone will cause to chaos. If the game gets a million players on launch, which 0.01% of people play at launch, there will be 10,000 people at the arkzone, which leads to another problem. Server stress. I imagine the servers around the Arkzone will be extra powerful but can this be handled?


    Finally, there is the problem of time. From my experiance from Minecraft, you WILL be found eventually: No place is safe. So the solution it seems would be active defences like turrets. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Forodrim said:

    given the difference in mass, that is very doubtful. 

    there a P and S type binary star systems.

    P type = planet orbits both suns

    S type = planet orbits only one of the stars 


    Yeah, the S types fit the bill. The celestial bodies around a planet could potential impact tactics ,strediegy, and base-building. There could even be micrometer-thich materials that you could use for planetary megastructures for blocking out light!

  5. There are binary star systems where a planet orbits a star and another star orbits the planets. I also mentioned orbital spotlight. There also are moons around planets reflectung light accomplishing the same effects, which all can lead to nights not being pitch-black.  I hope the game simulates all that.

  6. Say we have a Binary star system or someone put a giant fusion powered lamp in orbit (yes, I watched too much Issac Arthur) so there still is a light source on the night side of the planet.  I hope the game models that instead of making the atmosphere opaque or something. 


    There are materials with negative refractive indexes and perhaps they will be in game ?

  7. A note to the untrained reader: This following post contains mathmatically caluclations of the DU lore.

    A note to the trained reader: This following post probably contains glaring and stupid mathmatical errors.


    I saw a post on the fourms a while back about the distance of Allioth, though it was based on mere speculation. But, if you look at the official lore, it gives us some details about Novark's travel to Allioth that we can make caluclations from.


    1. Travel Time: The Arkships leave between 2510 and 2536. While we are given that the Novark is the 17th Arkship to leave Earth (1), we are not given how many ships in total were launched. So, we will assume a launch date of 2523, in the middle of the 2 dates. So the travel time is 12477-2523=9954 years
    2. The Arkships are relativistic vessles, going at past 0.99c (2).


    I also will make some assumptions, most noteably that the ships are accelrating at 1 gee, or 9.81m/s^2 and that the ship will reach a max velocity of exactly 99.5% c. But since we are dealing with relativistic velocities, we are going to have to take relativity into account. Of course, I could keep rambling about this and lay out my calulcations. But I'm too lazy and I remembered there are calulcators online dedicated to solving this kinds of problems.


    I used this one: http://gregsspacecalculations.blogspot.com/2014/11/relativistic-rocket-calculator.html


    and got resaults of this: http://gregsspacecalculations.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html?a=9.80665&b=91542242.45978841&c=313515239106.8169


    Some key information:

    • The total distance travelled would be 9902.4861 light years
      • The Lore Bible also says the Novark travelled towards the Scutum-Centaurus Arm, so Allioth would be around here: https://imgur.com/KOeebti
      • This might have some problems with the Galactic Habitable Zone.
      • (Light Green is the Scutum-Centaurus Arm, Dark Green is roughly where Allioth is located at)
      • How do I make the images show on the post itself?.
    • Assuming we use anti-matter fuel and our exhaust is coherent gamma rays, we are going to need 398 kilograms of propellent per kilogram of ship. The portion of the ship that we will actually be able to see probably is the small payload section and the massive engines and the propellent storage being ditched.
    • The 15 years between the launch date and SKiD will give some dozen light years of breathing room. Not sure if that is enough though. However, the ships that are launched later may have some problems escaping the supernova caused by SKiD.


    Good researchers cite their sources.

    Source 1

    Source 2.




  8. What defines good and bad? By other people of course! Its probably safe to say that somethingis bad if the majority can agree that it is bad.

  9. To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Dual Universe. The mechanics are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of advanced programming most of the developer's decisions will go over a typical gamer’s head. There’s also Twerk’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his gaming philosophy draws heavily from EVE Online, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these game mechanics, to realise that they’re not just immersive- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Dual Universe truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the lack of automation tools and robotics, which itself points to the real life dilemma of potential mass unemployment caused by AI. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Novaquark's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. ?

    And yes, by the way, i DO have a Dual Universe tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid ?

  10. It would potentially be still interesting to have the option to opt for manual rather then computerized controls to protect against EMP weaponary.


    And source code of default UI or OS or whatever should still be accessable and ve like any other program.

  11. Thread Revival


    Well, there still could be the option to write a new OS to control your elements instead of using the existing ones.


    Following the example above, when you click on the Reactor Control Panel, instead of using the preloaded UI you could program a new software to do it.


    It, taken to the extreme, forcing everyone to use mechanical controls (switches,buttons,etc) by default until you hook up the computer to ut and write/buy an OS.

  12. Yes, scripts are there to assist. They should also assist with running part functions like in nuclear reactors without having to manually control it like they did before computers that didn't fill up a whole room were made. DU is supposed to be about players making all the stuff, and that should go for firmware and OS's

  13. So, it is baxically established that complete automation will be purposely nade impossible. (No fully automated luxury gay spacr communism for you), but that there will still be lua scripting. However, I imagine parts such as warp drives, TCU units, cockpits, etc  will already have some sort of software that we keep quite about to automate some of the processes that run in the part. But what if we didn't do that and force everyone to use mechanical controls and have to control every little thing (no fly-by-wire for instance) or write their own firmware to operate them?

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