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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by DevisDevine

  1. The reason the entity count matters is because of the calculations for each one. And an entity that is heavily reliant on neighboring blocks tends to check more and use more CPU. I always have this problem in MC FTB. My base is densely packed with equipment and begins to cause lag. You have to remember the size of the game, it's not a 20 player server, it's an every player server. While I like the idea and would love to see it implemented, I understand why the devs are shying away from it.
  2. The sand is a lie and they are all out of boxes man. We do have some dirt trays left. I think there are a few of us that see this as a dream come true. Welcome to the forums.
  3. It was never said it is closed to new members, so it is possible they will still choose alpha team members from those who are of value to the game through suggestions and feedback on the forums. The post Nora linked explains it more (seriously Nora do you have all these links indexed with reference tags or something) Alternativly, I think it was hinted more than stated that you could become an alpha team member through the kick-starter when it launches. Id assume if they do that, it will be a higher tier donation reward.
  4. The devs could have their own method, or they could have hand built. If you hadn't noticed the big ship featured in the pictures is a Daedalus class BC from Stargate. It is either the early model of the Daedalus or the Hammond/Icarus. Having trouble pinning down the source of the original design. I'd love the ability to import my own model, but it could cause problems as mentioned in another thread on the matter. Those with better design tools get an advantage, although I wouldn't say eneough to worry. The bigger problem is peopleaking money off someone else work. I could do your model or some random one and upload it as my own design.
  5. Agreed, last i checked it was about 2x the cost for a Mac with comparable hardware. And while it's optimized nicely, I've often been told games don't run as well as they would on a PC with the same hardware.
  6. I agree this would be nice to see, it could be an upgrade to the mesh components the devs are creating. I think one reason they seem to be shying away from it is it becomes resource intensive. It isn't just one component producing x power, it has to check all the interactions constantly and adjust its value based on what it sees. And if a block of it is destroyed or damaged it begins recalculating. Would be nice to have an alternate method of power over 'just put 20 more on'. I always liked MC FTB that had multiblovk system you could do that with. Maybe in 5 years when the tech is more developed.
  7. I am all for a system like this, either or, or a combination of the 2. It could also allow you to research parts for a chance at slightly better or worse stats (+5% range, but -3% fire rate ir +1 to slots) Unfortunately it doesn't seem it will happen, at least not yet. But maybe we can convince the devs otherwise. Modular weapons have been discussed a few times. But so far it doesn't seem that's the direction the devs are planning to take it now. Although I have to say, this type of modular system where it's just a mix of parts from 4ish categories wouldn't be so hard to impliment, at least I think. The models would be limited, And the modifiers vylqun mentioned could just affect stats, no physical change. I just hope one day the weapons become as customizable as the ships.
  8. Welcome, I am not sure how much of the Dev blogs you have read to get an understanding of the overall game. While RPing is expected, and can take many forms, but I dont think you will get this. I'm sure for flat out harrassment there will be some sort of system in place, but I hope the take Eves viewpoint an are passive about most thing. I am sick of these games that cater to the 12 year old and must create a 'safe space' for evey time they get but hurt from something. If I cant attack someone just because they are RPing a scenario, then I would just always be RPing a scenario where no one kills me. Or maybe I was roleplaying a scenario where I attacked your escort, whos RP takes precedence then? The game will be a single persistent universe, meaning everyone is present in one world. While you can create what ever scenario you wish and RP it as you choose, you cannot expect others to follow along with it. Unless you have the military might to stop them, others can and will kill you or blow up your ships. Now there will be the pvp free zone around the Ark, here you will at least be free from someone killing you and blowing up your stuff.
  9. Welcome Cerberus, Glad to see Im not the only dad here, although im not nearly as old as you. Im an electrical and computer engineer myself. Always love the voxel survival and space games. I have been waiting for them to merge and DU is now gunna give that to us. Hopefully we will see you around here more.
  10. Welcome man, I suggest taking time to read the Dev blogs first. They will help you get caught up and get a sense of the game. Ive read them all twice already start to finish. You may be lost in some of the discussion threads for a while without them. And who needs ground vehicles when you can rain fire from space. Was that in the EULA? I dont remember signing up for that. Oh well, a guys gotta do what a guys gotta do.
  11. Well then you will be at an impasse. If the Devs pull it off, there will be no biggest ship possible. I too have plans for some pretty massive constructs. Some of us even discussed the possibility of a ringworld years down the road, just to say we did it. Welcome man, and I suggest reading the dev blogs to help get caught up.
  12. I dont think anyone will be able to answer you atm. All I can tell you is that if you can map it to keyboard bindings, it should work. As for direct in game support, I doubt even the devs know at this stage. Remember they are pre-alpha, and recently changed game engines to give them more functionality. Let them get the basic game working and worry about controler interface down the road in Beta. Edit: Sorry, I dont mean to sound rude. And welcome to the forum.
  13. Welcome to the forumns. I suggest you read the dev blogs as they will help you a lot here. In particular these 2, but reading from the begining gives you an idea of the overall game direction NQ is going for. https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2015/07/24/territory-control/ https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2015/05/21/rights-duties-management-system/ In short I will answer a few question, but feel free to ask more. Will this be possible, yes. How will you implement it is up to you. Aside from the ARK there will be no NPC towns or protections from what we have been told. The markets will be completely player driven. The devs do have plans on the market infrastructure for us to use to buy and sell goods, what what is sold and bought is up to us. TCUs allow you to claim the land, and the tag system allows you to assign rights to it, even renting constructs out. The blogs give more detail, but you should be able to set up any kind of system you wish for a government, if you have one at all. Defenses will be entirely up to the players, unless you are in the Ark protection zone. Things like taxes and usage fees can be implimented with the tag systems, and even payrolls, allowing you to fund your city and pay for things it needs. They really are trying to go for complete freedom so they players can do as they choose.
  14. Hey I like flying my phallus shaped ship, aka Thorax. And yeah some people will build stupid things, but I'm not in it because someone can build something nice, or in the hopes that everyone will. I want the game for what I can do with it. If you dont like their constructs then blow them up. Yeah, I assumed the speed was a FF thing, but the thrusters got me wondering. I would have assumed if they would impliment flight mechanics that required multi-directional thrusters it would be in place by now. 1. I didnt notice that. But the flight is still in question. Sure it could all be different, but I would have assumed the basic flight mechanics would have been there. It could have been a creative mode thing. 3. I saw the >> during the reentry, but not takeoff. But it is likely most of the video was sped up. 4. Well, for a small vehicle like that its acceleration would likely be high, it was all thrusters. But was that a max speed it reached. 5. I assumed they had a basic gui but turned it off for the video.
  15. So I wanted to start a thread to discuss information gained from the trailer. I know it is a pre-alpha video, and they probably staged a few things in game just to show, but I still have questions from it as it is supposed to be in game video. I will link the video again just so its here, besides I dont think you can link it eneough. Here are things I noticed right off and want more info on. 1st: Fighter flight. When he gets in it immediately lifts off. This could be due to controls being active immediately when interacting with the cockpit, but the animation took longer. But how did it lift off? We know there is anti gravity, so that must be it since it only has rear thrusters. The 4 thrusters would allow you to bank and turn in an atmosphere, but not lift vertically like that. Also he turns in space with no thrusters to counter it and has slow speed banking in the atmosphere. I was under the impression we would need thrusters in all directions and they would also act about the center of mass of the ship. 2nd: Hovering ships The answer to the 1st may answer this one, but it is a bit different mechanic it seems to bring up. The large ships seem to hover there, some stationary some moving forward. I cant distinguish any downward thrusters or jets on them. We know we have anti grav technology, will we be able to use this to essentially make our craft float. I would think if thrusters were used it would be noticeable. Unless they are hidden with no thruster damage on. 3rd: Exiting the planet. When he leaves the planet, turning upwards he enters space rapidly. There were no FF symbols as when he entered the second planet, but is that what happened? The video does seem to lurch forward indicating that is what happened. I assumed that the atmosphere would be at least a few KM thick, and you would have to climb in altitude before entering space. 4th: Speed While parts seem to be sped up, the ship in the beginning is moving pretty fast. Which leads me to wonder, will there be a max speed limit? Most games implement them for the sake of lag on servers, but will DU. If they do will it be sufficiently high enough so things like acceleration of craft play a more crucial role? In most voxel space games the limit is so low acceleration wasnt very crucial, since there wasnt much of a different, you take 10 or 20 seconds to get to max speed. But if it took 10 or 20 min, that would matter. 5th: Building When he places the blocks and cockpit, it instantly appears. No slow construction as the nanoformer assembles the pieces. Will all building be this fast? Is it just because it was small that it seemed to build instantaneously, and larger builds will have a delay? Or maybe there is only a build time when doing it from a blueprint or snapshot.
  16. I felt like throwing dollar bills at my monitor as I was watching the eye candy they released today.
  17. It does seem there will be no NPC missions, and as stated, at least at first, NPCs will be severely limited. It is said there will be a few to boost the game in the early days. Everything will be up to the players. Now a player may pay you so much to go get wood, but you could also get the wood youself then put it on the market. Or maybe you know people are using refined stone, so you mine the stone, refine it, and put it on the market. Have you read the dev blogs yet? They give a really good sense of what they plan to do with the game.
  18. Welcome. And we will forgive you for being a console gamer, Im sure the smell will wear of by the release of DU.
  19. So are you the Enders Game fan, or was that someone else? There have been various discussions on weapons here so far. Most center around damage types and even shielding against. Here are some I could pull up quickly. Not that anything is wrong with yours, I see some interesting concepts not mentioned in others. https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/473-personal-weapons/ https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/428-spaceship-and-building-damage/ https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/537-shields-please/ https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/512-ship-cannonsweapons/
  20. They should strip your alpha member status and give it to me for rubbing it in. Even if we dont get Alpha Team member from here, I expect us to be able to become part of the Alpha team through the kick starter.
  21. It has been brought up about making ATAT walkers and Mechs, utilizing mechanical components. They have defiantly been suggested so we can make our own doors, hangars, rails, or whatever. There was an old post I cam across that talked about these, I tried searching for it real quick but no luck. And some designs were linked on a docking clamp that could operate as a hinge were linked. It wasnt its purpose but could be used for such. I would expect they will give us some basic mechanical components, especially since so many of us request them. They are still early in development, so it may be something we wont see until Beta or release.
  22. Welcome to the community. I recommend you guys read the Dev blogs. They will answer a lot of questions you will have, while creating dozens more. But it is a good source to get a feel for what NQ is trying to do with the game. Then there are plenty of discussions, topics, and ideas on the forums you can get into. Well 'realism' is debatable. The game is defiantly going for Newtonian physics, they just employ some more advanced tech than SE. If you read the lore you will begin to understand how he was able to build like that.
  23. I recall a post discussing there not being much in the way of restrictions on what you can do in the game right off, but the skills being more of an efficiency/improvement on what you can do. This may be in the sense of things like mining and repairing, but I took it to mean crafting as well. I agree with you on the long skill que problems, 2 years to fly some of the big guys seemed impossible to some players. Although I would expect to see some skills needed to make the more advanced things, but they shouldn't be setup so it forces you to train for months on end. I hope the limiting factor is setup to be infrastructure more than anything. We know the nanoformer is limited, but with it they mention making things to create more advanced structures. So maybe it requires an advanced factory to put together everything involved in an FTL drive, and for that you have to make a basic, then an improved factory. Each able to make a few more components, that in tern are used in crafting more advanced components. As far as packing and unpacking, I fully expect to be able to setup any factories or equipment on a ship as well as in a building, so you could have a mobile factory that goes out and refines material at a mining site. All the while your base could either be mobile or just a city somewhere, and have resources imported. As I stated, I expect resources to be vast, but depletable. Lets say theres a star system not far from Alioth that an empire settles in and becomes a major trade hub. When the local resources are depleted (something i expect to be on the order of a year to do) they could be shipped in from neighboring system, and slowly spread out, all the while the city can remain. Afterall once you establish a trade hub people will bring in things from further out just to sell their goods quicker. Eventually groups will place stargates leading to the system so they can get there quicker from their pace. Now massive alliances will run into this scenario, but I believe smaller groups will begin to spread out and claim a system of their own. Afterall in an infinite universe why fight over the resources, not at first. Not until closeness to an empire becomes an issue, I want your system because I dont want to move my city and we are out of resources. The mall groups not settled much can move on. I think the battles will be driven for the fun of it rather than resources. Or just to piss off another group you dont like. Look at games like starmade, theres plenty of room compared to the few players on a given server. They can completly avoid eachother and still have resources but fights still happen.
  24. As I have said, I hope they impliment resources close to realistic scales since they arent able to be refreshed. The startng planet is the only issue I see, as players will naturally venture away to be away from others to collect in peace. Remember that it will be PVP virtually everywhere. Well we dont know what they will do yet, but I would expect multiple arkships as the population grows. I fully expect a wipe after alpha and beta, my comment was that Alpha will surely be only one system. You cant be certain of the time, so I will wait to see what they put in game. Regardless of what it is, as soon as possible players will leave. And remember, i mean bare minimum to get away, barely flyable is enough. One of my guys will be training straight for that, even if he can do nothing else until then. If it really is 6 months, Im sure things will get a bit violent having players on one planet confined. Definatly a chance to make enemies or friends. But the quicker we can get away, the quicker more room can be cleared for new players.
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