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Everything posted by GrimReaper

  1. What, am I not supposed to post my award winning Big Benny's recipe here? This really is an announcement though. It just has a click baity title which definitely baited a click out of me.
  2. Perhaps there should be a sticky on this topic. An official post as to why they chose the subscription model, why it's the correct decision, and how a player could potentially play the game entirely for free. I know NQ has made official statements over and over, but perhaps a sticky that transcends all boards would be beneficial. What I mean by this, is I know that other forums I have visited have the ability to make a "global" sticky, where it shows up in every section of the forums. Although it's annoying to have to answer the same gripes over and over, there is no need to belittle them. Best to just let someone else with more patience answer the question. As an aside, if you haven't figured it out yet... as Tumeden put it keeps the servers running. Now, depending on how many lifetime subs they sell... they may lose a large margin of that dedicated cash flow which is disappointing. Furthermore, having a subscription model helps with keeping the integrity of the game as well. If we were to delve into a b2p with micro transactions, it would most likely negatively impact the integrity of the game. This could happen through multiple avenues, depending on which microtransaction pathway was taken. If it were purely cosmetics, then people could potentially be flying around as unicorns. On the same line, if they added pets there would be unnecessary clutter. (Now, you're probably thinking they already added pets... however, this was in a limited fashion and it looks like they won't be selling pets later). On a different pathway, if they followed a system similar to Star Citizen and sold blueprints... obviously the game would be completely different. It is no doubt that Star Citizen would be a completely different game if they didn't sell ships, and that is disregarding the hit in funding they would take if they didn't. Granted, the argument there is SC is "supposed" to be 90% NPCs. But does that really matter? I'm not saying CIG has done anything wrong, just that it would be a different game with a different atmosphere otherwise. tldr; the atmosphere of the game could take negative hits depending on the funding model. One of the major reasons I backed DU is because it has subscription models. *sorry for any typos or grammatical errors, typed this up in a jiffy.
  3. I do actually, it would allow testers to make creations and test builds void of the multiplayer aspect and integration. It would be a lot like the Camelot Unchained building mode that they had before multiplayer. This allowed the community to shape how the creative portion of the game works, before it was thrown into multiplayer. The creation aspect is arguably the most important aspect of the game, literally everything relies on it. Getting this system correct is paramount to the success of the game, and as such... making sure it's done right off the bat could be a good thing. You could also argue this could happen in alpha, but wouldn't you want the alpha to be dedicated to fixing multiplayer and server integration? As well as building aspects that weren't cranked out during the building test phase. In the end, the creator of a system may not be able to fine tune the building system without the help from the community. Depending on how it's all built on each other (if at all) this could cause lost time, or not, come alpha release. Why re-invent the wheel, if you can get the wheel right the first time? Just my opinion I guess
  4. I know this isn't entirely related to the topic, but I didn't think it warranted a new thread either. I imagine many of the top organizations may have employed similar tactics, making it relevant to this thread Is there any way to block the organization spam that occurs in private messages?
  5. Sorry to disappoint buddy, but the plan is to have the game reach alpha in 2017 and launch in 2018.
  6. On a slightly unrelated note... Any of you guys see the Star Citizen Citizencon thingy with the worm? Granted, it definitely seemed scripted... but perhaps NQ can look at similar beasts post release.
  7. Unfortunately, in order for VR to be done well the game seems to have to be designed around such a system. NQ stated that they will be adding it post release, if at all. Granted, this is for it to be done well. A game designed around VR vs a game with tacked on VR feel completely different. However, I can say that tacked on VR is better than no VR!
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