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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Lights

  1. Im not sayign right on top im saying maybe later on hostiel planets have some giant creatures that are a nuisance and need to be taken care of
  2. elevators would be dope lol
  3. Guys, they are an independent security for hire. (Security) when they contacted solar empire the solar empire wanted to hire them. So for now they are the ((EMPIRE) Security) but to make it more catchy they named it solar(solar empire) secure (security). Is that right or wrong solar secure?
  4. Glad to have you back hope you make another awesome organization to compete against these large organizations like TU
  5. It should display simple info such as an antenna in space engineers but it should also allow you to request additional Information if needed threat it doesn't clog up theHUD
  6. Exactly this dude gets what's up ^^^^
  7. Yeah this would definitely be beneficial for corporations
  8. There should be a troll option for those degenerates
  9. I destroy the monument . The hill is a strong independent hill that is it's own king. #equalrights
  10. I'm sure this will be included in the rights and management. Portion of the game
  11. I know some of you guys would love an all powerful death star that destroys planets in (even an hour) but let's face it, the debs won't allow that BECAUSE the "Alliance of Wonderful Troll Masters" could just make one and destroy every known planet and ship and leave us floating in space unable to do anything the game has to offer :/
  12. Would be cool to see a moving lab that places itself firm by drilling a few holes down and then placing supports down those holes
  13. oh im not saying start it on release no no, that would screw with new players who cant even fight yet and what not, this is just an idea for planets outside of the starting solar system
  14. its not like a quest where you do it for extra resources or what not, its more like cutting a mountain to make space for a building, in this case its killing a monster make the zone safe for the residents of that zone. They are already making cattle like npc's this is just a hazardous npc such as a wolf just harder to kill. its basicly providing another small mountain for players to get rid of.
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