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Everything posted by Pang_Dread

  1. Well if one is more active and better run doesn't it stand to reason that that one will rise above the others and be the "main" one? I don't have a stake or honestly a care in either of the sites specifically just saying that in any games community there will be many sites both good and bad and like the poster said above if one site is enough to sink the game then there are bigger problems that existed.
  2. Honestly I don't care in the slightest about any of that. The little drama spat, he said/she said, not running it properly etc, between the mods and fans of the sites was never what I was talking about or addressing. My only point has been I don't see anything wrong with the actual CONTENT related to DU that would be so bad as to scare people away from the game. No one has shown me anything to prove the contrary, only "well the mods did this shady thing I don't like, they deleted a post wah".
  3. Yep this /thread. and @yamamushi I think you're perhaps taking this all way too personally. Above post says it all, perhaps taking a step back and getting some perspective might help.
  4. LOTS of assumptions based on little to no information we have. In a sandbox game people create their own content and go to where others have created content. You keep using the "4 hours flying doing nothing" what? How does that even make sense. If you're looking for content for gameplay you're going to go where the action is not fly around at random doing nothing. Sandbox games are about creating content and meeting up to participate in that content. If you're just flying around for hours not finding anything, then yeah sorry you're not doing it right. There will be all kinds of ships of different sizes and capabilities as there are different types of players and playstyles. Having played many MMOs over the years I can say with 100% accuracy that your "low percentage wants to play support secondary roles" is bs. or rather it wont be so low as you think it will be. I highly doubt support and crew roles will come down to "waiting 4 hours to click a button". Have only known about NQ for a short time but they don't at all appear to be as stupid as to think that is fun gameplay either, perhaps give then more credit and benefit of the doubt until at least we get more info on all how these systems will work.
  5. As said in an earlier post I went to this supposed travesty of a website and besides background pictures and colors there is no major difference between the two reddit sites in question. The dualuniverse one has active posts, links to dev vids, link to the MAIN sites and the official social media pages as well. So sorry just not seeing all this alleged bad or misinformation. Only thing real as far as I can see is the little drama between mods of the sites. From an outside perspective, as like I already said I don't use reddit at all besides the occasional AMA for a game I might be following at the time, theres nothing wrong with the actual information on the site that would drive people away like some of you are claiming. So yeah if some happened to chose that one website to base 100% of their opinion on (very unlikely though it may be as the MAIN sites are what show up first when you do google search's) theres nothing that could possibly do enough damage to drive them away. So if you just don't like how or who's running it that's fine but lets at least be honest about it.
  6. THIS is the main community hub though... These forums... New players will 99% likely to get directed here rather then some off site pages first. Then later when they find other sites and fansites they will always come back HERE to the foundation of the games community. Why do you insist on thinking that some reddit page will be the one and only place were most of the community gathers? Its not and won't be. If one site is dead/abandoned, they'll use other sites, not just give up that's silly. Also its not isolated that other site, there are links back to here the Main sites... Again why would someone who is interested in the game only use or visit one (off)site and base 100% of their judgment on the game from it? Sorry but they just wouldn't, hence not seeing what the actual problem is.
  7. Don't care how many reddit pages there are that wasn't my point. It was that this forum and the main site are the official Main places to get info about the game and join the community. The foundation is HERE with this site. Its the very first things that show up on a google search. If people are really interested in the game they are not just going to go to a single site or page and make their decision to follow the game further or not. Also the community doesn't get split the community is the community whether there is 1 site or 1 million sites with all varying degrees of competency at being managed. But yes I agree 100% the community is very important in games like this I was never disputing that. Was simply trying to figure out what was so scary about that reddit page that some think its some kind of disaster that will ruin the game. Yeah its not as active or w/e as others but there is still info and links to other sites with info namely the MAIN sites if they haven't already been there. There's nothing there that is damaging to the game that will run people away from the game.
  8. I understand gaming community's and specifically MMO game community's. There are usually lots of sites with info on that game. Some good some bad. Besides I went to both of the reddit sites and besides background and colors they look pretty much the same. Didn't see anything on the one you don't like that would scare anyone away. There is recent posts and links to various dev videos. Also has links to the main sites for the game as well. So yeah no idea whats so scary about the page beyond the fact that its just not run the way you want it to be. The way you make it sound its like the page is actively trying to ruin the game. Promote the one you like and move on. All I'm saying is I just don't see the point for the drama and scare tactics because of one single website out of many.
  9. Unless going to that reddit site blocks ones internet from using other websites your analogy doesn't work.
  10. I mean... isn't this (the forums and the main page) the main site for the game? If someone only uses google once goes to one website and bases everything off of that, is that really a loss? They weren't really interested if they are turned off that quickly. Wouldn't logic dictate that if someone who found the game through a google search they would click on multiple links to get info? Besides I just tested this and when you google dual universe the main site is the first on the list, followed by youtube videos of the game. Don't think I've ever seen a game community that only has one or two sources of info, usually there is many and yes some will be antiquated and poorly run compared to others. When I tell people about the game I don't tell them to use google or reddit which I don't even use I tell them to come here to the actual main websites of the game. Not trying to sound negative or rude but just don't see what the actual issue or problem is. If you want to promote your favorite sites for the game then great but not sure that we really need Monthly posts about this and how someone isn't managing a website properly. Word of mouth is a great tool for these type of indie KS games and I very much doubt one webpage out of likely hundreds will have any real effect.
  11. Its not nothing though, that was the point. You're paying for everything that comes with the package, not just the ability to play the game. As well as supporting the making of the game.
  12. Yeah had an eye on this for a bit but that's all I'll be doing for now. Too many concerns about it like the biggest being with the Node system seems to favor large zerg guilds because your node grows and becomes stronger based on contributions done while in the node. So basically the more players you have questing, gathering, PvPing, etc in the node the faster it'll grow.
  13. Well if its like the other Kickstarter game I follow called Crowfall, the Alpha will be a very limited version of the game, will be testing just a handful of mechanics or systems at a time but eventually more and more will be added as it gets closer to what the live game will be. Limited, short playtimes, lots of bugs, glitches and crashes. So yeah like others have said unless you're really into that kind of testing or you just want a Steam like early access then you might want to wait a bit. Although I mean buying into Alpha access will give NQ more $ to make the game for sure so not trying to say don't support the game, just know what you are getting into first before you do so.
  14. Yes.. A giant space whale...that we can build a city on top of.
  15. Honestly it'll be pretty hard to prove your design was stolen. Pretty much every player will be designing and building their own ships. Orgs will likely adopt a guild standard design kind of like wearing same colors and tabards in a fantasy MMO. So ship designs that look familiar and even exactly the same will happen naturally with no malice intended. Plus I mean there's no actual way to stop someone from simply looking at the shape and design of your ship and build it the same way, they don't even need to touch your ship to do that. Besides any kind of extra system to track designs and shapes sounds like a huge resource drain they really can't afford. Would be wasteful to spend time and money on something that will largely be self policing I think in the game.
  16. Like ATM pointed out above who would use public transit in this game? I'm going to build my own transports ,and ships to move about. If I only have say 2-4 hours to play a night I'm not going to spend half or most of that time waiting for busses in a video game. While city planning will be important it'll be based on the needs within this video game not based on real world.
  17. That what I just said. You can build pretty much whatever or how ever you want but yeah it'll take lots of effort and resource's. This isn't going to be just a sci-fi Minecraft, constructs will take resources to build and resources to maintain. So "limitless" is a bit of poetic license IMO, and not really meant to be taken 100% literal.
  18. Don't recall that exact line ever being said or advertised. Thinks it more that while yes we can build great and large things it comes at great cost and expense in time and resources.
  19. Its just a forum rank... You know not every little thing has to be a direct translation or link into the game.
  20. I think the UI should be VERY customizable to suit the player. While you might want a minimal/realistic based UI I personally like the numbers and healthbars. Honestly besides a little UI clutter and poor placement of icons and such I don't see much wrong with that WoW screen shot. Giving options is generally the best route to go and should avoid pushing ones preferences on others.
  21. Looks like theres a typo on the world map screen. Where it says "Discovered by: Arkship Novak" it should be Novark, just missing the r there.
  22. Yep pretty much. Bad leadership, drama, and adversity or rather the inability to deal with and overcome adversity and the combo of those three aspects is usually the most common way guilds especially large and long standing ones go down in flames.
  23. Cool, yeah would love to play some kind of short to close range pistoleer/shotgun/melee takedown class. Hopefully the dev allows for a pretty wide range of play styles through various means.
  24. Yeah I see melee in this game being more situational and last resort type play. For it to be a main role or way to play they'd also need stealth and various other distance closing mechanics. By the way have the talked about stealth? But yeah just seems like with the type of game DU will be weapon combat will be the main focus. Different ranges on different types of weapons should fill that short/close range niche. Perhaps more of a mix of like handguns and the melee moves OP suggest above.
  25. There will probably be a scale whereby the bigger the ship the less guns you can have due to its size and needing that power for engines and such, or if you do put on a bunch of guns it'll be really slow and you sacrifice other elements, etc. Otherwise yeah it will be rather unbalanced if CvC just came down to an arms race to build the biggest ships.
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