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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Hades

  1. As for your last point, that seems to be the case with every last feature in dual universe. The sheer amount of care that goes into this game tells me it cannot fail.
  2. Hades


    There are many tools for turning "any" game into vr. However, I quote any because it doesn't always work. Some games need just the right tool/fix. Unless you just want to play it on a screen in VR haha. I'm not 100% sure but I think it has something to do with the virtual models/scaling used idk. Take star citizen for example, yes it's possible to get it working in VR, but the different methods give you varying degrees of success. The one that worked best for me was that steam virtual desktop or something or other... will find it when I get back home
  3. Have wanted the ability to purchase DACs separately since the ending of the Kickstarter campaign. +1
  4. Strange, I have a pretty dated rig (i7 4770k and r9 290x) but runs things well. Enjoy the emerald though! Also another fine purchase ^^
  5. I'd honestly say go for the Oculus. Unless you really want the conference call and other physical rewards. Most of the people who say it's "too early for VR" haven't actually sat down and used the Oculus or Vive. Of course, there are some... but very few and far between in my experience. Everyone I have showed the Oculus are completely blown away, and I've only had it a couple of weeks! Someone I know actually went out and purchased one after giving it a try. Sure, the headsets could be lighter and the screens could have a higher resolution... (I don't find either of these a problem in the games I play though) However, if they did up the resolution... could luck being able to power it! As I've stated before, the only thing holding VR back is the lack of meaningful content. Edit: Oh yeah, if you just want VR for Dual Universe... go with the Emerald pack, as VR support in DU is way down the road...
  6. Hades


    Not until after release. They have stated they'd like to add it after release. However, there's always the possibility it becomes too much of a beast to implement. If that ends up being the case, I'd truly like a very rough implementation with a very in your face warning about how rough it is. Or, I imagine someone will find an unofficial way to get DU up and running in VR ^^ Either way, long time down the road. Edit: Baha "in your face", aren't I funny?
  7. If it doesn't work in real life, why implement it in a game. And those points are most definitely not beside the point. Anywho, done arguing with you. But I wouldn't get your hopes up for the system you want.
  8. What the crickey did I just read. Are you telling me that the Jewish community rules the court system? Hate to break it to you, but many of the morals that correlate with the Judaic and Christian religions and the US court system are also found in the Quran, and even the Zoroastrian texts. The avevla? Might be spelling it wrong. And countless others of course
  9. Didn't mean to make it sound like you did, was just trying to expand on it
  10. And I can tell you now, players being the judge, jury, and executioner on all matters DU... is asinine and more flawed than any punishment system I have ever come across in a game. And I've played games where the devs showed clear favoritism to different factions.
  11. Yeah, except this is a game. And many games have had near flawless punishment systems for decades. Also, your analogy is not on par. One of the main reasons our court system can fail is that we aren't omniscient when it comes to everyone's actions. Everything has to be proven, which can unfortunately lead to errors or just the plain inability to prosecute. In dual universe, I imagine placing multimedia platforms will be linked to a specific player.
  12. Yeah, that's where you're wrong. A system dealing with out of game punishment needs to be flawless. I didn't even read the rest, I'll be honest.
  13. So true, but the integrity of the devs tells me there will be things they are not okay with... and will punish
  14. Just because the world is "sad" and vile, doesn't mean you shouldn't prepare for it and or handle it when the time comes. (if it comes) If someone plasters beastiality or some other inane junk on a screen... I can imagine there will be consequences. Yes, extreme case. But your call for no censorship states that the screen should stay up. To me, censorship is only important when we are talking about free speech and the ability to voice concerns in the real world. Censorship is a problem in places like Venezuela, does it matter in a game? No way. Just enjoy the game, let NQ handle things how they see fit. Matter of fact, NQ has clearly shown the ability to allow discussion on all aspects of the game without censorship... the most important component of free speech. You can voice concerns about different aspects of the game, without retribution. Just like you can't go outside with a sign plastered with adult material (at least in the US), you shouldn't be able to post a sign with such content in DU. NQ isn't infringing on any of your rights if they decide to deal out disciplinary actions for inane or malicious content. End of story.
  15. Agree to disagree I suppose. I think you need to read the rest of the thread though. It doesn't matter what I find offensive, it matters what NQ will tolerate. I can guarantee some things won't fly if you post them on the multimedia platform as per the last dev blog. Just as it doesn't matter what I find offensive, it doesn't matter what you think you have the right to do
  16. Bah, I've bungled things up. But I would like to say that it isn't only the rules of France. Countries are able to deny access to certain games. Take a look at the ban list of Australia, China and the US, it's actually pretty lengthy. Having no censorship whatsoever means illegal material could be put into the game. No thanks, I'll move on from this game. Granted like I said before, I don't think it will be much an issue. But for the rare cases, a report and handle by NQ seems adequate
  17. Because I believe that would be violating laws, at least in the US. With their planned screen/multimedia implementation... I could just post a hardcore collection on a screen placed right outside the spawn area. Which would be seen as providing adult content to minors. That's how games get banned from countries... especially in Australia. Not to mention, I don't think this is NQs intent. i believe a report system is the best implementation. I don't think these things will be much of an issue, but when it is handle it case by case as per NQs standards.
  18. Not for me, I'm able to use it for quite a long time. As long as my normal play sessions anyways, although they are normally pretty short (1-2 hours) I have done longer 4-5 hour sessions. All heads are different though, I suppose I can understand people not being able to handle the weight. There's also the possibility you had it configured wrong when you tried it out. The main problem for me is there isn't a game worth playing in VR for 4-5 hours at the moment. For me, that's mainly due to the fact standard single player games aren't emergent enough for me to stick with it hours on end. It's why I like MMORPGs so much. Granted, I'm pretty sure VR support will be a long ways out for MMOs... Although I can handle trackpad movement in VR, I know the majority cannot. Just need one to break the mold and implement it anyways. Put it in for those who can handle, with some major disclaimer drilled into everyone's skull. if anyone has recommendations let me know! I've played robo recall, EVE/ED, Arizona sunshine (another favorite of mine), and Raw Data.
  19. Fantastic post. I loved the part about pvp servers and pve servers, and I've found the same thing you have. Very few people have this opinion though! In PvP there can be consequences, in PvE you can troll someone and block another player from some content without repercussion. Another thing to mention is that DU has no incentive for mindlessly killing new spawn. You don't gain exp, you don't gain some type of reputation style system, you don't gain anything. You do risk a negative community reputation and perhaps there will be an organization that will "hunt" down these players. Why would an organization do this? Because it would be profitable, and they might get a good tingly feeling idk, but I'd do it for the profit. In order to be a skilled griefer you will need a good ship and good personal combat gear. Alternatively, if we get the bounty system... that's another profit maker. I know this is a little bit off topic, as it isn't about destruction of terrain but the more traditional sense of briefing... but, long story short: Can you be a griefer in DU? Yes. Will it be a problem? I don't think so. edit: Briefing should be griefing. I am not talking about the exchange of information to an audience unfortunately.
  20. Honestly, kick them and start anew. They may have earned your trust, but these actions clearly show it wasn't deserved. I would honestly recommend founding an alliance with people you know in real life, or have been with in other gaming communities. If you can form an alliance with people you have a strong bond with, you will ENJOY the game... and others will soon flock to your alliance. As at the end of the day, we are all here to enjoy the game.
  21. Idk about you, but the beautiful environment isn't what brought me to this game. Not sure why a serious player has to be for beautiful terrain. As in the real world, I will strip the land for all it's worth and take to the skies!
  22. Although there is nothing stopping you from sharing your account (technically I don't think it's allowed, but just like every other game... they can't really enforce it) I imagine you will not be able to be logged in at the same time, and the actions someone else takes with your account is as if you did the action itself. As the account is treated as one, no matter what.
  23. Fun and enjoyment. That's all the reason I need
  24. Cool thing about DU is you can just play with a few buds, who needs an organization? The game is going to be fun, whether you play with a small group or some power play organization. Not sure why you'd have to leave, just because you didn't make it big. Hope you come back when things cool down/release I guess. The fewer the players, the less the drama usually ^^
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