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Posts posted by CousinSal

  1. 56 minutes ago, Knight-Sevy said:


    The price will really be decided by the players only when the outer planets become PvP.



    Last I heard they were going to release with safe zones still intact.  Anything past release is a crap shoot as no guarantee the game survives long. And how are they gonna make outer planets pvp without atmo pvp? Or do you mean the just reduce the safe zone down to the atmo of the planet. It all sounds bad anyway. The whole game needs to be in pvp zone or this "concept" will never work. EvE ans Star Citizen have all their content in pvp zones, and both have more money and eyes on them than DU.  Coincidence?

  2. 2 hours ago, blundertwink said:

    So....It's been 3 months now. 


    NQ's CEO had time to post on LinkedIn 16 times since this thread started, mostly about the metaverse and how great user-created content is...and how revolutionary web3 is (lol). 


    How many times has NQ commented on this topic since it started? Like 2-3 times? 


    It seems like he's more interested in cultivating his LinkedIn persona and going to "metaverse conferences" then engaging with customers, understanding his own product, or trying to fix NQ's cosmically bad PR (among other things). 


    I get that he's likely trying to position NQ for sale or another investment round...which again underscores how little the leadership believes in DU working as a product on release. 


    Some of the claims he's posted are borderline lies...if the leadership is that willing to "stretch" the truth in a public post, why should we trust them with anything...? 


    NQ likes to complain about not having enough time, but the new CEO has made it clear that there's more than one project going on.


    Adding everything up, I wouldn't be shocked if DU dev was glacial in part because it only has a skeleton crew working on it, with everyone else working on these other projects that NQ won't discuss. 


    This all feels disingenuous and scammy...which I guess makes NQ a true "metaverse company" after all. 


    Talking about lies....we all should of known how shady NQ was calling their public release "beta".  Hindsight is 20/20 I guess but the reality is when you look back NQ has always shown their true colors. Nothing but lies and stretching truths as thin as they can. 

  3. Everything constantly moving to aphelia and things NQ controlled (asteroids and alien cores) just proves the game is going as far away from player driven as can be.  And it all just leads to BORING. Imagine back in 2020 when beta released, no schematics, a decent starting player base. Now Imagine only Sanctuary safe zone and elements died at a good rate in pvp and pve. Game would of been alive and super player driven.  DU is not redeemable in my eyes and whatever bastardized version that limps to release you can bet I won't be paying for it, I will also tell any friend that asks about it to stay away too.

  4. 11 minutes ago, BiGEdge said:

    You know,
    i try to put me into NQ. Has something to do with being empathic.
    If i was NQ, i see the active players i would cry and lose ambition to work for those whining, ungrateful but paying customers.
    Even if you listen to suggestions, deviate from the plan and the initial vision to fulfill stupid suggestions that were never planned,

    work your ass of to implement many of those things into a game where the players were intend to create the content.
    Dosnt it feel like a waste of time, when the community is whining even louder after you devided from the plan to just implement the tools for the players and not the content?
    Well if i were NQ i would think about ever listening to this ungrateful community again and try to finish the project as soon as possible without breaking too many promisses.
    I would tell the community to not being that negative and tell NQ not just where they failed, but also where they have done something good.
    But hey i allways try to be empathic, im not a fanboy...
    Well... i lied, im a Fanboy after all 😜


    Jokes aside, let us remind NQ why we wanted this game, why they wanted to fulfill this vision and let them DU theyre job...
    And lets DU our job.
    Both sides are the reason if DU will be unsuccessful. Not just NQ, but also the Comunity.
    We in Germany have a saying
    Sweep in front of your own door
    Grab your own nose
    Means befor critizising others, check if you cannot do it better, or
    If you rely on others, then you are abandoned. So you have to do your job first


    I'm empathic but guess what, if I fail at my job I get FIRED. It's the way the world works. Just because a company exists doesn't free it from criticism or responsibility.  NQ has failed and that's the reality so yes some people will lose their jobs after the servers shut down when "launch" fails to generate a sustainable player base. That's life we live then we die and companies form then they die.

  5. 16 minutes ago, blundertwink said:


    I don't disagree, but what is the point of "reminding" them...?


    They've showed over and over and over in the past 6 years that they aren't interested in player feedback or communication. I mean, it's been like about 3 months now and they can't even explain what level of persistence the game will have, haha! 


    Even if they did read and agree with you, this ship has sailed a long time ago.


    They're steaming forward to release and there's no time to make sweeping changes to the design. Certainly not enough time to fix these fundamental flaws. 


    I get that people are disappointed at how far DU has diverged from what was promised, but they won't engage with suggestions about bringing it back on track even if they did have the time to actually do so. 


    It's hard to root for NQ when they don't really want to discuss the game with their customers. They present an attitude of them knowing what's best for DU and everyone else is just a complainer or a know-it-all. 


    It's shouting into the void. Even back in alpha we gave them good ideas on how to do asteroids, that incorporated real exploration, that was in a way able to be coded and developed (no crazy grand plans) and what did we get, the dumbest lowest effort with dsat and the T1-T5 theme.  Either they don't care to occasionally take some inspiration from the community or they incapable of making good gameplay loops on their own. Both bad. Game is boring as [filtered].

  6. I'd say it doesn't have potential and never did. But here is the thing. Potential means literally nothing. NOTHING. potential doesn't pay salaries. Potential doesn't write code. Potential doesn't come up with proper management styles.  Potential doesn't keep a playerbase to pay subs for years.  I can't wait til after DU dies and then we can here about potential in all the past tense form. 


    "Man DU had such potential such a shame the servers shut down". 

  7. 4 minutes ago, blundertwink said:


    Unfortunately, I'd say that NQ's current leadership doesn't share that vision....they more interested in blockchain, web3, and NFTs. They don't even seem to view DU as a game, insisting it is actually a metaverse -- a platform to create content, not a provider of content. 


    NQ's current plan is to shill the hell out of the web3/NFT/metaverse trend and hope someone will buy them even as these concepts implode. Hopefully I'm wrong...but I'm basing this on posts the CEO has made on LinkedIn. 


    Otherwise, you're right. They have no plan. If they did, they wouldn't share it. 


    NQ has gone beyond "having a bad rep" for not communicating or engaging with players. It's not just a bad rep anymore, it's a fact of how they operate. 


    As I'm sure some will agree, the most likely way for NQ to interact with you is via temporary bans when they rarely decide to moderate the forum. 


    I remember talking to a friend who worked in development. Worked for company that did something with making apps and software.  He said ideas are a dime a dozen. Everyone has them. Many good. Only very few know how to actually execute. That's what matters.  He talked about someone having an idea and went to developers and to make his idea come to life and he wanted half profits or stake, and they basically laughed at him.  That's not the hard part.


    People keep saying DU has potential but does it? Did it ever? Or was it just some half baked idea. Then combine that with a company unable to execute and seemingly makes the wrong decision at every turn. DU really never had a chance. 



    43 minutes ago, Jake Arver said:



  8. 2 minutes ago, blundertwink said:


    Yes, the more I think about it...the more I believe that DU's lack of customization fits perfectly with the new lore of the game. Your job is not to explore. It is not to build civilization. It is not to build orgs. 


    Your job is to monitor machines, pay taxes, and serve Aphelia. Did humanity really survive the neutron star? Or are we now little more than meat puppets working for the benefit of an omnipotent AI...? 🤷‍♂️


    I think aphelia is just skynet.  Skynet is smart and is able to learn. It first tried to kill all humans, and tried to kill John Connor but that failed, but in the end learned instead of killing humans they were easily manipulated. Give them the illusion on "freedom". Make the humans run the machines.  Aphelia is just the next evolution of skynet.  

  9. 10 minutes ago, blundertwink said:

    I hope that this was a fun event for those that were there. I don't mind the idea of the exchange; I agree that it would be better to have player-run markets, but I get that this was a compromise done so that NQ wouldn't have to spend time on engineering. 


    The thing that stands out to me is that there's like 40 people...all of them just colorized versions of the same model. So IMHO pictures of crowds in DU don't really connect as marketing material because it tends to emphasize how players aren't individuals.


    They are faceless clones.


    Faceless clones expected to pay taxes and feed schematics to machines between checking in on auto-miners. The RP in this game has become full-on dystopia very quickly. Aphelia is pure evil. 


    Oh God reminding me of my days in SWG. The customization was amazing.  Some were dancers, some jedi in robes, so regular people, some decked out in crazy armor.  They even had a cool appearance tab so that if you looted that rare pink chest plate you could still equip it for the bonus but then wear a regular shirt if you wanted to look a certain way.  Walking into the cantina on mos Eisley there would be 20+ people in their all unique looking yet still fitting the star wars style. Just amazing. 20 years later we all wearin a uniform to work for aphelia who just seems to be a decendant of Jeff bezo or Elon musk. Faceless nameless drones to grind out a sorry existence. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, Tordan said:

    You are not alone.

    I too still hope for the realization of the vision.


    Wish In one hand shit in the other and see which fills up faster. Good games are not built on hope's and wishes. Good games are built from people with experience, and hard work.  There is a reason DU is at where it is now, and that is because NQ isn't capable of building the game you wish for. Instead they have filled your hands with shit.

  11. 1 hour ago, Tekhamon said:

    Hello everyone, I join you to express the feelings on the next test on the schematics.


    1) We never have the choice, I have the impression, so yes repay us for the schematics at the time of the changeover, the investment in time and quantas is colossal for those who stick to it.


    2) It was already horrible all the back and forth for the missing schematic, because only 1 item produced by schematic/machine from the atypical, it hurt. So multiply that even if it will only be the assemblers, that totally scares me.


    3) I honestly hope that you will take the time to see the effects in pts to forget this absurd idea of a quantum sponge.

    Each novelty brings only that alas, to decrease the quantas gained by the players.

    Hence my total rejection of a wipe under the pretext of helping newcomers, it only looks like a magic quantum sponge, when you are already in this principle of players caught at fault, you erase all of their earnings.


    Thank you for taking the time to read my negative sentiment.


    What would have been best would have been to put schematics in DURING THE FVCKING ALPHA PHASE OF THE GAME. This is what you get when make people play during an alpha and make them pay. It doesn't matter if schematics were right or wrong, people made emotional decisions and that is to leave.  If you put schematics in during alpha when 5% of population was playing knowing full well a wipe comes, then when game is released your playerbase is none the wiser and would have grinder for them and built up factories over years and some would do collabs to get their faster.


    Maybe one day developers will learn this. Doubtful tho NQ has always been strapped for cash and they needed to release asap. Same with Starbase. Now both communities are paying the price. 

  12. 51 minutes ago, Jinxed said:

    At this point I see absolutely no .. ahem… point in making any new suggestions or wish lists. 

    it’s just imaginary what ifs and pie in the sky. 


    they’ve been given years worth of suggestions in every aspect of the game but are so, so far behind their original vision that it would take a decade just to implement the basics. 


    It's crazy how DU doesn't even really have the basics that MMOs had 20 years ago for social interaction.  Yes we have discord which is great for people you already know. But tools that help meet people ingame helps so so much.  

  13. 8 hours ago, Knight-Sevy said:

    Ahhhh Dayz of good memories.

    Too bad they had a weak productive/competent dev team.
    I saw that they soon finished reimplementing quarterly update everything they had removed during their change of graphics engine x)

    Dayz personally I dropped it when they spread the players too much on the map and the BRs arrived. I imagine that I will have to turn more to tarkov.

    Finally, just to say that the interaction between players is essential in a game. If you never see anyone active and producing value in an MMO, it's problematic.


    DayZ is actually damn good right now.  They have multiple maps. And many mods. You can find a server that fits your playstyle.  Some are lightly modded no bases on smaller maps, others heavy modded with bases. Some are rp servers. Even top streamers are playing it again.  DayZ has never been better. 

  14. 8 hours ago, Knight-Sevy said:

    Industrial gameplay does not exist.
    The industrialist who spends time in his industry once it is finished is a bad industrialist.

    - Take ore from mining units
    - sell half to the bot
    - lay the other half in the industry
    - take craft items from industry

    end of gameplay loop

     I agree.  And it's like we have sacrificed everything for this "single shard metaverse" but what has it given us back? No real gameplay loops, and boring mechanics that are just for time sinks. I've had more fun on a 80 man DayZ server than I ever had in DU. You still need to make a GAME first. DU has just become boring universe.  

  15. 1 hour ago, kulkija said:

    How they get that ore?

    Don't they sell their stuff at all?

    How they earn quanta? Indy units do not create quanta...



    Their industry game play. That's what I'm talking about.  And they still have millions left over from the mega node days. Once you build your mega factory then majority of your indy gameplay is over. Drag and drop ore. 

  16. 1 hour ago, kulkija said:


    Not true. 


    When automated factory is ready, it does not produce nothing.


    You have to supply constant flow of ore to make your factory run.

    You also need to cover costs for acquiring raw materials.


    At this point you are only creating losses, and yes your game will be soon over because you run out of Quanta.


    To at least cover costs running your factory you need to sell stuff, with profit. 




    Tell that to the people I know who have multiple billions, and all they do Is dump ore in.  It literally happens. 

  17. 52 minutes ago, RugesV said:

    Schematics added industrialist to the game.  Before .23 if you wanted 2 gates for your base you would just spin up your machines and make them yourself. Now you look at the cost of schematics and say hmm I only want 2 gates. OK I will buy those on the market instead of buying the schematics. 


    This creates situations where people actually buy and sell things.


    You want creative and open play? Why not go a step further and just give everyone God mode so they can just spawn stuff at will without having to make it. Then it would be creative mode.


    I'm not disagreeing with you but putting in schematics by bots and nothing else shows their lack of imagination. They could have added a power number to industry units too, and limit the power on a core that can run them.  Now that industrialst that wants to grow has to really plan their industry, and it also has to Manually move parts from one core to another. A dedicated industrialst then can still produce almost everything but it also takes work, many cores, planning, maintenance.  Thus extending gameplay. Schematic is just a money time sink. I know people who have factory that make 95%+ the stuff In game, and just drop ore in and it automatically maintains. Thus meaning their gameplay is largely over.

  18. 1 hour ago, Bachiir said:

    Sad part is that the community has 2 very different vues on what they would like this game to become. Sadly if you read the NQ channel it is very obvious that the wipe situation has become very toxic and made that most players that are against it do not post anymore since it does not seem to Mather anyway. I would simply say keep in mind it’s not all players that want pvp to be the center of this game, a lot of players were attracted by the building freedom this game provided 


    Keep in mind it was sold as being heavily pvp centric. All their videos in alpha talked about "only sanctuary will be a safe zone". That's something NQ as a company literally said to get people to buy this game along with the building part. You can't then get mad at those people for being upset NQ basically lied to their faces to get their money.  Pvp Sells. NQ said whatever they could to cast as big a net as possible and you can't blame the pvp crowd on that, that squarely rest on NQ shoulders. 


    Go ahead, youtube NQs old videos during alpha if you are new to see how they sold this game as being heavily pvp. 

  19. 6 minutes ago, blundertwink said:


    I get what you mean, but my point is that it isn't an apples-to-apples comparison because there's always more than one design element at play. 


    Eve has NPC police and highsec...so yes it's "full open world PvP", but not remotely in the same context as DU. It also has ship insurance.


    Which again emphasizes the point that you can't compare just one concept in isolation because every design element works together -- Eve's version of PvP works because of these other concepts. 


    Yes, and DUs doesn't because they have no concept or consistency.  The two worlds are miles apart in DU. So they should just remove PvP altogether, or work on making their unique concepts that allow pvp in the whole game world. As it stands now DU is dreadfully boring.  Everyone I use to play with had quit. And this was long before wipe talks. When you prioritize building as your main gameplay, you of course gonna have a dead game because that's niche as fvck. Look at SC it's got its host of problems but it is still wildly popular for a space game. Space engineers did It right, make the players pay for individual servers and mod it. That's what DU should of done because NQ doesn't have the slightest clue how to make an mmo.  


    "jUsT lEt tHe pLaYeRs pRoViDe tHe cOnTeNt"


    Then give us no tools to do so. GG

  20. 1 hour ago, blundertwink said:


    Stop it with the Eve BS. This isn't Eve; it's nothing like Eve.


    You're drawing one point of comparison like that is the only difference.


    Eve also has actual PvE, insurance, and no ship building or atmospheric entry. 


    I don't find pointing at differences between Eve and DU to be at all convincing, because they're very different products and one mechanical difference in isolation means very, very little.


    Further, that Eve is still alive after this long doesn't mean that a product that clones Eve's features in part or whole will be equally successful. 

    Not comparing the games I'm comparing one concept, and that is if you do open world pvp in a single shard, EvE has shown to work where everyone lives in the pvp zone, thus not splitting its playerbase and is more seemless in its gameplay. DU separates it's community by its design choices and it shows.

  21. 1 hour ago, Zarcata said:

    You should abolish the safezones of the outer "PvP planets" and their moons as planned. But as a compensation you should give the PvP players the same chances as the PvE players and make all ores T1-T5 available on all moons and planets, no matter if in the PvP zone or in the protected area. That PvP players have advantages here should be avoided. You don't need T4/T5 to do PvP, but we need clear and fair conditions in the game, no matter which area you choose as a player.


    Like eve online where the whole game world is a pvp zone.  That's the only way for DU to survive. Sanc only for noobs learning the game and limit ores and how many machines they can have. 

  22. The whole point of creating anything but no purpose shows NQs lack of understanding of games and MMOs. Ohhhhh you built a cabin by the woods. Why do I wanna visit? What can I do there. Does it protect me from the elements? Can I buy something there? 


    And now with this exchange its like the aphelia markets taking the small reason to even go to someone's places physically (buy a BP or token) is slowly being taken away.  NQ might be able to turn a profit if this was like space engineers and they has the players rent and pay for servers and tweak rules to their liking.  As it stands now they keep removing as much player driven content as they can.

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